Discerning Between Temptation & Sin - Zac Poonen

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a lot of people get condemned because they confuse temptation with sin and James chapter one is a very great chapter on that James in Chapter one I say this so that you can be delivered from condemnation temptation is different from sin just like to use a medical example a common example which is the example James uses that is different like every woman has in her body the human eggs that can become a baby but it cannot become a baby without conception all even conception takes place that egg becomes a embryo and becomes a baby so James says here verse james 1:15 lust when it has conceived gives birth to sin otherwise it's not sin that means if I have I'm tempted to something that's like there's something within me that has got the potential to become a sin like a woman's egg is a potential to become a baby but if there's no conception there's no baby and so for conception to take place there must be a union of something with direct to produce a baby and in this case is the union of my will the temptation is there yeah there's a potential for sin there and my will agrees with it yes I want it my sin in my mind but if a temptation comes into my mind I say it's just like an egg no baby there I reject it I don't want it there's no sin I throw it out I heard of a sailor in the British Navy who was given a very high-ranking medal in one of the world wars because when he was traveling near a German ship the German ship threw a grenade you know grenade is something that you pull out a pin it's a bomb but it explodes only after say 30 seconds or so in which time you throw it by time it reaches the other ship it explodes over there so this German guy threw the grenade and this brave British sailor he knew takes 30 seconds he picked it up and threw it back into the German ship and it explosions over there and they gave him a medal for it for being so smart it didn't explode so if the devil throws a a grenade into my move which has the potential of exploding and I throw it right back I say I don't want that I'm okay he threw it in me there was a possibility of it exploding but I was smart enough to quickly throw it back but if I look at it and examined it a bit before then you're finished you've got to be pretty quick to throw it right back so that's I said that's then it doesn't explode then I'm you did the grenade land here of course it did well I threw it right back and didn't explode it did not become sin so just because a thought came into your mind you can be sitting in this church and right now have the filthiest possible thought come into your mind see that's not a sin you're rejected see I don't want it I don't want it it's not me you rejected it in your mind immediately you've thrown the grenade right back there's no conception there's no sin because many people get condemned on the two brothers act such a horrible thought came into I well when do you throw it right back let me know sin that you didn't even if you will didn't yield to it you didn't conceive see however much a girl may be attracted to a handsome young man was keeping you on calling or calling you're calling her calling you're calling her and keeps she keeps saying no she keeps saying no there's no conception she never gets a baby but you ask that girl did you feel attracted to him did you feel attractive yeah boy he was really smart and attractive he really I was drawn to him but there's no baby so the fact that you're drawn to some sin doesn't mean you have sinned there's an attraction if there's no attraction there's no temptation you know that if the tree of knowledge of good and evil was filthy smelly full of thorns and stinking like a toilet dirty toilet and the Lord told more Adam don't go near that he said thank you I don't want to go anyway why did God make it so attractive probably the most beautiful tree in the garden to ask him am I more important to you than this attractive thing I created was he attracted yes he was attracted but she did not sin when she took it that's when she sinned remember this you attracted to something you haven't sinned for example if God had made every woman in the world old and Haggard and white-haired and with drooping face and ugly and and said don't lust after women it's a no problem Lord absolutely every woman's like that but God has made some of them so attractive and he's saying to you do you love me the Creator more than what I created same question that came to Eve do you love the creator or the created in almost every temptation that is the question say no God I choose you that's what you need to say there's no concern are you attracted of course you don't want to pretend that you are she's so ugly that's a lie how can you say a pretty woman is ugly or the sunset is so ugly it's really beautiful oh what's wrong in saying that but don't admire it don't look at it because you'll be tempted so the fact that you're attracted doesn't mean it's sin but don't yield to it in your mind it's very important for this when the day I understood this you delivered me from unnecessary condemnation but if you're in doubt whether maybe I did yield and ask the Lord to forgive you but don't live in condemnation that you're tempted or you feel attracted to something money money is very attractive just like the tree of knowledge of good and evil it's one of the most attractive things on earth and the fact that you're drawn towards it there's nothing wrong in it don't do anything wrong to get it don't put money above God's kingdom keep it in its proper place under your feet just like gold is on the streets of heaven I often say if you can learn to put gold under your feet you're ready to go to heaven as far as money is concerned keep it under your feet so there's a difference between temptation and sin keep a good conscience
Channel: Bombay Christian Fellowship - CFC Mumbai
Views: 1,596
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Bombay Christian Fellowship, CFC Mumbai, BCF Church, Sermons, Bible Messages, Hindi Messages
Id: fQ5zY26-ctg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 7sec (427 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 21 2019
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