Why has God allowed so many Doctrinal Differences? - Zac Poonen

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I once asked the Lord this question I said there are so many areas in which Christians even born-again Christians disagree for example baptism there are people who say you can be baptized as a child yeah there are some born-again people in the Catholic Church and the CSA Church really pouring in people but they take an infant baptism then there are people who say you must be baptized in the name of Jesus be baptized in the name of Father Son and Holy Spirit and then there are disagreements about baptism in the Holy Spirit should we speak in tongues are not speaking tongues there are people like the seventh-day Adventists who say you must keep the Sabbath so many disagreements should we have a pastor or should we have elders see all these things need only one line answers can I send Lord if there was one more chapter in the Bible you know Revelation chapter 23 which has infant baptism is wrong problem solved people are filled with the spirit don't have to speak in tongues problem solved there should be no pastor in a church only elders problem solved and you just need a chapter with about 30 verses so many problems in Christianity would be solved I say why didn't God add such a chapter didn't he know as he looked into the future the amount of conflict there will be will the church go through the tribulation or not go the tribulation verse 6 the church will go through the tribulation from the soul what is the other problem in you have I'll give you the other verses 7 whatever it is just one chapter why didn't all wise God who knew the whole future not put that chapter in the Bible the Lord gave me an answer it blessed me the Lord said when people don't see eye to eye with each other when they don't agree with each other their love is tested and they can show their love in a greater way when they don't agree with each other than when they agree with each other and I've seen that in working with my fellow elders here that my love is tested not because they say yes yes yes I don't say yes yes yes to them and they don't say yes yes to me thank God we love one another when we disagree because not because we hate one another but I view things in a certain way and they view things another way and I see we don't know what's right God has put us together it doesn't matter we love one another our love is tested you know if you have got a wife who's completely the opposite of you you can be absolutely certain god only chose that wife for you yeah my wife is completely different from me completely in many ways she's so friendly with everybody I make enemies everywhere I go I remember one man who knew us very well he was not very happy with me but I used to come to a church now and then he sent a greeting for my birthday and the best thing he could think to say about brother Zack on his birthday was brother Zack has got a good wife I tell you honestly I remember on my 50th birthday somebody read that out I said great I agree with that it's know we are different so when newly married couples of people are engaged to get married come to me I draw a little diagram for them I draw an and a piece of paper I draw an egg and I said now I'm gonna break that egg with my hand now here's the broken egg I draw two halves with all the jagged edges jagged edges are pretty pokey you try and take one of those broken eggs and put it on your cheek it hurts and I say to this boy and girl do you know you're like that you think you're all very nice and you love one another what do you got all these pokey edges that would hurt each other but now I'm going to put them together and see what ever there's a jagged edge here there's a depression there and whatever is a jagged edge here there's a depression here just fits it's a whole egg again see that's how God wants to make you one dissimilar but exact opposites becoming one that is how God builds the body but you must allow for that person to be different from you and work with that person in his differences for example take this a simple movement of an elbow it says in Ephesians 4 it's a great verse they're speaking about building the body of Christ Ephesians in chapter 4 it speaks about verse 16 the whole body Ephesians 4:16 is fitted and held together think of a body we're not fitted with screws and nuts and bolts know we are fitted and held together by that which every joint supplies and according to the proper working of each individual part makes the growth of the body building up of itself in love never joint is the shoulder is one joint you know it's working perfectly when there's no noise here's another joint think of this as one brother this is another brother they work perfectly when this muscle says I want to pull the muscle on the other side says I yield when the muscle on this side says I wanna pull the muscle on this says I'll yield but if both these muscles are stubborn this muscle says I want to pull a muscle says no no this my turn to pull now I'm not gonna make you go around with a hand like this you don't even think about it but the joint is working so wonderfully think of a husband and wife work like this he want to pull I'm ready to yield you want a yield but when there's noise you know whenever there's noise cutta cutta cutta clock means arthritis it's called arthritis the Lord of arthritis in many families they move but it's a pretty painful movement even in a church shouldn't be like that that which every joint supplies think of it you know how many joints there are in the fingers so many all joints with no sound perfect this is why the church is called the body of Christ Israel was never called by that name because they could never be this why because they did not have the Holy Spirit only one prophet had the spirit upon him today we every one of us can have the Holy Spirit which brings the life of Jesus into us and when the life of Jesus flows it connects us to the head Christ we functioned perfectly you know why these things are working together it's not because they are very intelligent they are both obeying the head the head tells this muscle pull and the factor of the other muscle yield and then the head tells this muscle pull and the head tells this muscle yield and they're obeying immediately think of someone playing a keyboard head is saying come on play this they're all working so perfectly it looks so effortless but everything is an order from the head instantaneous obedience that's how if someone plays the keyboard this is why the church is called the body of Christ is your church functioning like this is your home functioning like this you see how the devil is blinded
Channel: Bombay Christian Fellowship - CFC Mumbai
Views: 10,432
Rating: 4.9072165 out of 5
Keywords: Bombay Christian Fellowship, CFC Mumbai, BCF Church, Sermons, Bible Messages, Hindi Messages
Id: HL5ALktHrjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 21 2019
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