What Does The 'Kingdom' Of God Mean? - Zac Poonen

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and here in mark 9:1 jesus said some amazing words to people who are standing there in front of him he said truly I say to you why does he say truly because he knew some people wouldn't believe it some of those who are standing here right now will not taste death that means they will not die until they see the kingdom of God coming with power now many Christians have tried to interpret that verse and say well the kingdom of God is still to come Jesus hasn't come so what does that verse mean maybe he's talking about spiritual death you think all those people standing there we're doing all that analysis no there were simple Jewish people and they heard Jesus say some of you standing here will not die till the kingdom of God comes with power if you were standing there what would you believe it's a great I'm not gonna die maybe some here will die some of the older people will I won't die till I see the kingdom of God come that's exactly the meaning that's how I would understand it and Jesus wasn't talking in riddles and parables some of you will not die until you see the kingdom of God come with power I believe it I believe a number of people who were listening to Jesus at that time did not die till they saw the kingdom of God come with power and we know that none of them are living today they all died long ago so what did this kingdom of God coming with power mean it does not refer to that day when Jesus comes and sets up his kingdom on earth and the whole earth will be filled with the glory of the Lord in the kingdom of God who covered the whole earth it's not referring to that day it must be something else see kingdom is word which is in the first century every country was a kingdom because every country had a king today the kingdoms in the world are just a few most countries in the world don't have a king so the word today is government we don't say the kingdom of India the Government of India so it is the government of God when the Bible says seek the king of God first I used to think for years that that meant missionary work or preaching the gospel but when I understood that Kingdom today means government that means I must have the government of God in my life that means I must let God govern my life kingdom of God and His righteousness that means when I work whether I am at home I must let the principles of God's laia God's kingdom the kingdom of heaven run everything in my life if you go to work in the midst of so many unbelievers in your office or factory you are under the government of God you do things in a different way you don't fight or quarrel and stand on people's shoulders push them down to get a promotion and no no no no you don't do all that you live by the principles of God's kingdom you're upright you won't tell lies you won't cheat you won't try to make money in wrong ways you don't have any black money everything is white you're upright you're clear about everything in your life because God is ruling and controlling you and not only outwardly but even in your thoughts this is the government of God when it says the government of God coming with power and when I hear that word power I'm reminded of acts 1 power in acts one jesus said acts one and verse eight he shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come and earlier than that after the resurrection acts 1 verse 3 he presented himself alive after his suffering on the cross by many convincing proofs and appeared to his disciples for 40 days and what did he spend speaking those 40 days the government of God that was his subject 40 days telling them about the kingdom of the government of God and then he said now that I've told you for 40 days about the government of God don't leave Jerusalem wait for what the father has promised what is that the power were saved that will come upon you the kingdom of God coming with power so you see the connection so the kingdom of God came with power onto this earth on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit filled those 120 waiting people and the external manifestations of wind and fire were only a little indication of something that was happening in the hearts of these 120 the government of God came upon them all their differences and fighting with each other disappeared they were like hundred and twenty pieces of iron all separate separate pieces of iron the put in the furnace and came out as one solid piece of iron that is the church and the fire of God melts our individual ambitions and desires and aims and makes us one and Christ is the head
Channel: Bombay Christian Fellowship - CFC Mumbai
Views: 9,634
Rating: 4.9245281 out of 5
Keywords: Bombay Christian Fellowship, CFC Mumbai, BCF Church, Sermons, Bible Messages, Hindi Messages
Id: cMtFobj9LEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 0sec (360 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 07 2019
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