What Does Luminar NEO Do That Luminar AI DOESNT

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what does luminario do that luminar ao doesn't so you're either watching this video because you owned luminar ai and you've heard of luminar neo maybe you don't own luminaire ai and you've heard of both or perhaps you've got luminar 4 and you've heard about luminar and leo's release here's the truth and i'm going to give it to you straight luminar neo is getting released in the next few months there are some big differences between luminar neo and luminar ai we are going to get into that in just a minute but first here's the sad news luminar 4 owners should know that skylum are going to start making and updating luminar 4 and that means that luminar neo has been designed to replace luminar 4. now this is not good news for luminar 4 users i understand but on the other hand this does mean that luminar ai will not be getting replaced by luminar neo and here's why luminar ai is closer to lightroom in terms of usability with more focus on ao powered tools now this suits people with little to no experience because you can make impressive changes to your photos very quickly it also has a photo catalog feature just like lightroom which enables you to store sort and batch edit your photos luminonio on the other hand does not do this it doesn't have a catalog feature and it's not designed to batch edit photos so why the how should we even be interested in luminaria then well luminar neo has been designed to be a powerful alternative to photoshop which means it will have a lot of horsepower under the hood luminar neo actually has some incredible features that you will not find in luminar ai it also has a completely different engine running it now this is called a module engine which i won't get into all the specifics but luminar neo will be able to carry out huge edits with your photos a lot quicker and smoother than luminar ai skylum have actually said this is one of the reasons that luminar ai couldn't just be updated to include the extra features inside luminar neo so what are these new powerful tools we're going to find inside luminar neo that are not found in luminar ai here's the rundown using relight ai luminar neo analyzes each image to recognize the depth of a scene and its subject this allows precise control over exposure and tone mask ai is able to see into your scene and effortlessly pick out people cars roads trees skies water mountains and so much more this results in fast and incredible selections in your images portrait background removal ai takes full control of the background for portrait photos by instantly placing it with an all new image or background overlays graphics and photographic elements with a transparency channel are provided inside luminar neo this is another way for artists to break out of that photographic box and then jump into the world of creation and compositing luminar neo also has layers this means it will be perfect for creatives looking to have complete control over the photo editing process just like you get in photoshop if you use layers you'll know that this can be a big deal artifacts can be introduced from dust on the surface of a lens or dust that finds its way onto the sensor dust removal ai removes them and provides a spotless result lines removal ai is a new tool which automatically removes unwanted power lines and phone lines from the sky this is perfect for landscape or outdoor photos if you want to know more about these features offered in luminar neo just check out this video which i made showing up right here this goes into more detail about them the bottom line is who is luminar neo actually for well let's answer it this way luminar ai is for people who want to make fast edits to their photos with little to no experience and also have a catalog feature to store their photos and batch edit them this is similar to lightroom luminar neo on the other hand is perfect for people with more experience when editing photos who want to have freedom to create whatever they can imagine if it's photo editing compositing or graphic design luminar neo is going to provide you with the power and the tools to make it happen just like photoshop if you're interested in luminar neo or luminar ai there's actually a huge 40 off link in the description of the video so you can check this out if you want to save yourself some money thanks for joining me today for the video guys please be kind enough to hit that like button if you enjoyed it and subscribe if you like photography video or editing whatever you do for the rest of the day make sure it's a good one and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Bensguide
Views: 6,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: luminar neo, luminar ai, post processing, photo editing, what does luminar neo do that luminar ai doesnt, is luminar neo replacing luminar ai, is luminar neo better than luminar ai, is luminar neo better than lightroom, does luminar have layers, photography editing, what is luminar neo, photo editor, replace a sky in luminar, luminar sky replacement, remove power lines from a picture, bokeh ai, portrait bokeh ai, luminar neo review, skylum luminar neo, bensguide
Id: GReGofzHSa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 9sec (309 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 21 2021
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