Luminar Neo review and have we a problem???

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hello everyone welcome to my luminor neo technical build video as you can see we're in the different corner of my office today and we're actually at my editing desk this is where all the cursing happens basically as such and going jesus carol what were you thinking what were you doing why did you use that setting anyway talking about luminous neo and this is my review of the technical build i am the last person out there to post a video on this and the reason being is i wanted to spend a lot of time playing with this because as soon as i got to software i downloaded immediately thank you very much skylum and i was actually really disappointed when i got the technical build um i was hoping for the beta version first and that didn't arrive we've got the technical build and i was left very underwhelmed i suppose this is the word i'd used and i had a few problems i was presuming this was going to work like luminar ai and luminar 4 and just straight out of the box i was going to say oh my god wow now i've read good view reviews i have seen a good few videos and everyone is raving about it that i've seen so far about the possibilities and how well it works and that wasn't my experience so that's the reason why i didn't post anything but i'm going to show you know exactly the issues and the problems i had and why i was wrong um well i was i was kind of wrong i suppose for a few different reasons firstly this is not the finished product this is going to get better this is just a technical ability to show you roughly how it works um so that's the first thing the second thing faster speed they're talking about doubling the speed of the processing and this and comparison luminaire which is going to be brilliant too as well and um yeah let's just get into it i'll show you exactly the problems ahead so we're going to start with the photographs that just didn't work for one reason or another so let me show you my problem with luminar neo and when i say i have a problem with luminor neo i genuinely do mean i had a problem with lumen on eo i got the technical build downloaded it popped it on fired on a few photographs and was left totally disappointed the other thing is you know this has not been performance enhanced this is not the final build this is just a technical build just to show you how the software is going to work the layout of the software is going to be completely different to user interface and everything else is probably going to change so don't take any of this as being the finished article so let's just start with where where i started from so i was thinking power line removal cool that's gonna be really handy feature so i thought look this photograph power lines perfect went up here to edit and over here you want a few different options click on erase and go down here to remove power lines and as i say there's only different options because this is not the finished article it's only to show you three different features remove power lines remove dust spots and reload ai so if i click on remove power lines and i was thinking oh my god this is going to be amazing this is going to be what that's where the beep kicked in there now i was thinking like what like nah that can't be right no i'm going to try another photograph so i went back and i thought right no the next one i could try ah picture here model and what you call it the lines and everything in the background there now this is going to be really cool so i'm going to go up here going gonna click on erase remove power lines and this is going to do an absolutely right what's going on here it the last two photographs it didn't work it clearly didn't work right it's as simple as that so okay bear with me don't anyone go anywhere as of yet because we're not finished so i thought right farther ahead of it look at this okay do your do your worst lubiner neo i'm going to push this got to push this one out now and see what happens so we're going to go up here and remove power lines and it's probably going to do nothing right that's what i was thinking now again let me emphasize this is not a finished product there are going to be improvements on the software and there are going to it's going to be faster too as well so this is quite slow this is a technical build this is not the finalized product but dear god look at what happened here if i got a little eyedropper here now and click on that so that's the b4 that's the after before and after before and after before and after before and after now is it perfect dear god no it's not but that shall save me like 15 20 minutes removing a wagon no you still need to clean all these up and you can do it but quite easily just going over here and then clicking on erase and that's going to erase that section or it should anyway there you go and then you can do something here and here and here now should you have to do it no you shouldn't but did you see how the photograph looked before we started you couldn't you know that's like ah god that's just knots but you're kind of going well so that does work okay so remove power lines does work we're coming back to this because i just want to show you how this started for me i saw don't anyone go anywhere as of yet this is not my final version so the next thing i did is and i actually don't have the photograph here so i'm just going to look for it so give me one second okay so the next photograph i had was this one oh this is a demo image sent out by skylum out to me so it's kind of going right they showed the before and after image so it's kind of going okay i'm going to bring this in i'm going to edit it i'm going to click on edit i'm going to click on erase and i'm going to click on remove dot spots and it's going to do an amazing job and i was left with that and i was going of going oh my god look at all these other dust spots around the place it removes someone but jesus like there's a lot of work left in that that's not right so i thought what the hell happens here now that's not good enough so i thought okay all right okay that's that's a slight bit of a disaster so we're we're going to go back here now and we're going to try relight ai so i went in here clicked on this image went to edit i went over here to a light ai and i was thinking okay what's going to happen here now is the brightness near and far are here your dip slider is here so i'm going to increase the brightness nearby slid this up and it's going that's basically like someone just put in a great do you know it just i'm going like what just brighten the bottom portion the image that's not that's that's that's not working why why why would you you don't you like you you adjust the brightness far away and this is also adjusting but that's not far away that's the same depth as our feet which is also adjusting here what what the hell is going on here skyline that just doesn't make sense and i was thinking i i can't pause something about this because i wouldn't buy it i just wouldn't buy it everything i've tried so far just didn't work so i've tried to remove dustbots i've tried to remove power lines and i've tried really light ai and they all didn't work so i was kind of going okay thought god you know i better do a bit of research in this and have a look at the internet and everyone else is raving about it i was thinking what the hell what what am i doing wrong what what is the software faulty so i tried another computer download it again try another computer still the same problem try another computer still the same problem so i thought jesus it must be me it must be the way i'm using it so i thought okay screw this real world conditions i'm going to go back and i'm going to try this all over again so i thought right the first thing i do is dust spot removal i'm going to try this thing here now so so i went to this image if it'll open for me there now so you can quite see there's some stubborn dust and dirt on this that was actually in the lens we shot at f-16 so it really showed up it was an all-lens i was trying to see how well it still worked and you can quite clearly see there was quite a bit of dust inside and so i had a look perfect image for that absolutely perfect image for it so i clicked that edit went over here to a race and i went down to remove dust spots and i was thinking this is going to be the same stupid thing as the last time and jesus christ what just happened there that just that just removed all the dust spots barrel one there's one still there so i clicked on that click down erase done and i was thinking okay okay this this hold off we can we can work with this so i went to this one another one again and i said dot spots does spots and there's another one all there and there and here try it out right let's try it edit erase remove those spots and is it going to work jesus they're gone all right karen um so the real world examples are working so this one here now again those parts here here here um here there's one down below here and one here so hit it again erase remove those spots and they're gone and you're kind of going so remove those spots works real world examples work that's cool so i thought to myself okay i need to go back and check the power line removal so again you look look for a real world example which is this one so i got right lovely view pity about the power lines so edit go down here to erase and then remove power lines and i was thinking this probably isn't going to work click the button waited and boom they're gone are they completely gone no they're not you still have these little bits here so just click on that and click on erase now bear in mind this is the technical build this is not the finalized version of luminar neo so i thought okay that looks good now then i was thinking you know i noticed i'm just going to try this i'm going to get rid of the pole here and i'm going to get rid of this pole and i'm gonna get rid of this ball and i'm gonna get rid of this ball and for the crack i'm just gonna see how well that works and dear god that is absolutely brilliant that really really did work incredibly well so if i go into the ice and balloon blow here you can see before and after before and after so five stars guys you know not perfect not perfect it didn't remove all the power lines but again this is not the finished version back to catalog then again i said okay real light ai i'm going to pick this photograph try this here now and see and this is going to be a good example so i go to edit go to relight and i'm going to adjust the brightness near boom look at that i'm going to adjust the dipped you can see it coming forward and then going back brightness far wow then you can go down adjust the warmth nearby so i can warm up the images a little bit and cool down the background this moment if i want to balance it over a small bit more going wow so before after before after i'm thinking okay that that works try another one so again edit go to relight and go brightness near that's working and then adjust the depth yeah there now let's set and then adjust brightness far i can bring that up or i can bring that down and you're thinking wow and again i can balance out my lightest marble tours that's right up the warm small bit nearby and bring down a far small little bit and go before after before after so yeah um lumina neo i was wrong i was wrong and i was dead right that i didn't actually post a video on this saying it just doesn't work and it's i have a massive amount of faith in the skylim team and even when talking to them they're saying there's going to be more improvements and and just knowing what they try and do because i know i know they're really trying incredibly hard at the software i just know it like and you're just kind of going that that works that really does work now the power line is that is it ever going to edit power lines over this image um if i can open the image like say that shot or this shot i don't know i genuinely don't know i can only presume it's going to get better with the likes of this shot it's always going to be difficult with that shot i thought it would be straightforward just go up to edit erase and you go down to remove power lines and give it a second and bang their gun but it doesn't get rid of them so i'm looking for the beta version that's going to be coming out super super soon so i can't say any more about that as soon as i get the the beta version the actual proper working version i'm going to be releasing another video on it so sorry for delay and for everyone who's reached out and asked me about it my thoughts on it has been emailing me for the last week or two apologies for not um for not doing a video and for not doing a small but better research into it but look the reality being is if i don't thoroughly believe in something i won't promote it and that that really and truly used the way and that's why i didn't pause the video in this i was going to post the video and i had one written out scripted and everything else and i was going to slay it being completely honest i was going to slay it but i was thinking right this this aspect doesn't work right obviously the power lines in this image doesn't work and the power lines in the shallow depth of field image didn't work but in a lot of the other images it did and as i say it's not the finished version so it's going to get faster it's going to get better there's going to be numerous improvements so i can see this being really good just being being straight up and running i can see this being really really good it's off to a great start and as i say i'm delighted i didn't post anything negative about it and um i'll always be honest and as i said there a while ago i'll only ever promote products i believe in so if you hear me saying i really like this or i would buy it myself then i genuinely do mean it so i'm just want to say thanks for watching and if you film this video helpful please share it like comment subscribe do all that fancy jazz and um i'll be posting the new one fairly soon on the beta version or the media pack version so um see you out there and thanks again for watching you
Channel: Kieran Hayes Photography
Views: 2,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: luminar neo review, luminar neo, skylum luminar neo, what is luminar neo, what does luminar neo do that luminar ai doesnt, is luminar neo better than luminar ai, luminar neo vs luminar ai, remove power lines from a picture, post production, photo editing, is luminar neo replacing luminar ai, dust removal ai, powerline removal ai, luminar neo technical build review, luminar neo sneek peek, relight ai, luminar neo tutorial, photography editing, post processing, Photo editor
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 11 2021
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