Luminar Neo: Live Editing Demo with 3 New Tools!

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hey guys welcome back i've got a special treat for you today for those of you interested in luminar neo this is a preview of three key new awesome tools that are coming in luminar neo now i want to point out this is a tech demo version meaning it is not feature complete it's not performance optimized it doesn't have everything in it it literally has three tools in it so it's like a an abridged it's it's a sliver of luminar neo but i've got it i'm going to share it with you and we're going to walk through using these three different tools so i can demonstrate to you how they work on your images because this is cool stuff this is some of the stuff that we've been waiting for i'm going to show it to you right now let's get going here's the interface now i also want to be clear this is because it's not final that means the interface is not final this is going to look familiar to you if you use luminar ai which i've talked about in other videos that knowledge is going to transfer it's going to have a familiar look and feel so if you're taking advantage of the black friday offers which are down below which allows you to get luminar ai today with luminar neo when it's ready you're not going to lose out by learning luminar ai first you're going to take that knowledge with you when you come over to neo so keep that in mind so the interface is familiar things are on the left for the catalog again not feature complete not final it may change i don't know but what i want to talk about is three basic things the first one is going to be power line removal the second one is going to be dust spot removal and the third one is going to be relight ai cool stuff i've got a photo here i'm going to go ahead and click edit and take me over there and as you can see in the tool well there's literally a race and relight and just as i suspected in my last video power line removal and dust spot removal are components within the erase tools so they work quite well i would say that in my experience so far power line removal is really good most of the time dust spot removal is fantastic i'm going to continue to provide feedback to them and again it's not ready for prime time so just keep that in mind but they will continue to optimize things but here's an iphone shot that i took in oregon a while back and as simple as it is if you want to remove power lines you just click that button one time give it a second power lines are removed and in fact over here in the filter it tells you it says power lines are removed now if you look at the before and after you can see that some things look really good it's nice and clean over here but the top of this sign a little bit of that disappeared and so here's a cool thing about this tool is there's this restore button so all you got to do by the way if you hold down the backslash key you can see the before and after so if you look across the sky i mean those power lines are gone i think it looks nice and clean if you look at the one over uh the two on the right and as it comes across the building right over here over this street sign if you look at that i mean that looks nice and clean so i'm really impressed with that but like i said one more time if you look at the top of this sign it cuts some of that off so here's what you do you already have the mouse you just come over here and you just paint over what has been removed that you want to bring back and you just kind of highlight that a little bit and then you click this handy restore button and it brings it back now take a look at it some of the power lines have crossed over that sign so this is an example of where you need to do a couple of things number one zoom in uh number two get the erase button again and erase carefully and number three take your time zooming in is super important because these are small minor things that you got to be zoomed in to see but if you look overall at the before and after you can see the power line removal and look at all the mess on the left it's cleaned up nicely now if i zoom in i would say this is where i notice sometimes you know it's not ideally perfect there's a little bit of artifact in there but hey guess what i can also use the erase tool so i could come in here and do things like that and then hit erase and see what happens to it and it's cleaned up a little bit right so keep that in mind you have the ability to further refine or adjust if you want to like you would need to go do that some around here but i wanted to point out restore and you can continue to customize it and also just to point out that honestly i mean it's not perfect no but i mean if you started with that and i met that already and all i did is click one button that has saved me that's a minimum of 10 minutes probably to even get that good of a result so i think that's a major time saver i'm pretty excited about this and i'm sure they'll continue to refine the algorithms around this tool so i'm gonna go ahead and reset that and now we're gonna go look at dust spot removal okay here we go this photo has got a lot of spots on it as i've told you in previous videos i got countless photos that look like this but the good news is i i just click once on a race and i click once on remove dust spots and then they're going to look like that which is without all the dust spots now this is a particularly dusty image and if i zoom in you will see that up here in the right hand corner there's still a little bit of remnants that need to be removed i can also by the way with structure ai negative structure you can brush that in to smooth out the sky that helps remove spots i don't know if you've ever noticed that but i've noticed that i've done that plenty of times but notice it didn't get that tree branch but all these other spots that were in the sky look at all these on the left hand side and in the sky and if i uh you know after before and after i mean you're seeing a massive difference i see a little artifact there again i could come in and just like with the power lines i can further refine with the erase tool itself by brushing over the other thing i wanted to point out in this one is there's actually dust spots in the water and it's captured those quite well also so i'm pretty excited about that i feel like this tool is really doing a great job and frankly that that amount of work that many dust spots on a photo like this that has so many of them it could easily be 10 or 15 minutes of just taking those out and instead it's too click i click to open the erase tool and i click on dust spot removal and you know they're mostly gone right so i'm really excited about this i i would say this one is particularly spotty like especially in that upper right hand corner and it didn't get them all again not a finished product but i think it did a great job and a lot of other photos that i've tested it with where it only had a few spots it's gotten them quite you know basically perfectly so i'm using this one in the video because i consider it a particularly challenging image but i wanted to point out the tools not perfect 100 of the time but it's pretty darn close in my experience so far so i'm excited about that and now i want to show you relight ai which i can actually just do on this tool or excuse me on this photo so here's the base photo as is typical with shots like this when you're shooting at sunset because this the light is in the sky right the sun it's brighter the foreground is darker well here is relight ai so you got brightness near and far this is how you adjust the amount of light increase you're doing in either the near portion of the photo or the far portion and depth as the name implies is how far are you um where is the boundary between the two right how far are you dragging the brightness near up into the photo let me show you it'll make more sense when i drag the slider so i'm going to drag this to 100 just to do that and as you can see it doesn't look like it's made a massive difference except in the water and that's because i haven't done any depth so the depth defaults to 50 but when i start dragging the depth you will see that that light increase is creeping up onto the buildings be and i'm going to 100 it's basically now crept up all the way and so now i've brightened that entire foreground considerably so if i do the before and after you can see there's the before and there's the current state now the brightness far i could adjust as well so that was mostly going to be the sky i don't think i really want to do that in this photo maybe just a tiny bit but that's how that's working the cool thing is if you have any subjects that need de-haloing like a portrait you can use that that will help sort of shape and wrap the light around your subject and then warmth near or far is basically a temperature control for the section that's classified as near based on what you did up here or the section classified as far also based on what you did up there so warm near let's say i want to warm it up i'm just going to warm up the part of the photo that i added light to with the brightness near and the depth and then same with warm far i'm going to do that those are not the colors i would go with i actually might go a little bluer here i think i think i'll do that and frankly i would use a number of other color tools that are awesome in luminar like golden hour color balance obviously the develop tab uh develop module that sort of thing so that's how relight ai works let me show you on another photo example okay like i said i'm really excited about this tool i've got a lot of shots like this where you know you've got some kind of foreground element and it's not very well lit and of course the sky is lit so this was a sunset in copenhagen this couple was walking toward me and what i want to do is brighten it up so i'm going to again i'm going to go to 100 to show you what it's doing um i'm not saying 100 is the way to go i'm using an extreme example here but if you look at that at 100 you can see what it's done it is human aware it's recognized the humans and said oh they're part of the foreground let me include them in this brightening that's probably what jim is up to here and then with depth i can take that and i can just drag that and you can see it's picking out that building as well and i'm not seeing any real brightening in the sky there's the before and there's the after it's done an amazing job of doing the foreground the people the buildings and the dome right even the steeple or the top part of the dome there it is before and there it is now so again 100 may be a bit much but i wanted to point it out as an example because i think it's done a fantastic job of allowing me to really shape the light and then once again i can do the warmth near or far if i need to or if there's some dehailing you can see how that's kind of adjusting let me zoom in a little bit i don't actually think they're yeah they're not that much in focus but if i drag the d halo left and right you can see that the light is kind of adjusting around the subject a little bit so this is i think it defaults to 30. this is something that you just play with and experiment with but it will help you shape and kind of wrap the light around what appears to be foreground elements in my experience so far so as you can imagine this is taking advantage of their 3d depth mapping technology so in other words it works best in a scene where there is already some depth that would allow it to recognize the near and far components and allow you to adjust the depth as well i wanted to show you one more example also an iphone shot i'm gonna go ahead and click remove power lines that's a mess of power lines and yet i think it did a really good job now again there's a little bit of artifacts i see a little bit of artifact here on this line but if you look at the before and after i mean look how many lines there were all the way down to the left side and yet it's taken them out there's a couple of spots where i think it needs to be refined over here and it took out the top of this street light thing the other thing is this uh big section here that's like a transformer you would need to come in and kind of paint over that and erase that yourself and then just hit erase to take it out and it's gone and i think it did a great job of removing that so there could be some refinements depending on what is classifying as a power line but if you look at the before and after again just a massive mess of wires and after much cleaner much better a little bit of artifacts like i said it's not perfect but i think honestly out of the gate this is a pretty amazing tool and i'm excited to be using it that's really it for this preview my friends i hope it's giving you some insights into what's coming in luminar neo as soon as i'm able to and have more stuff to share i'll be back here so if you haven't yet be sure and subscribe and i'll see you soon my friends thanks for watching i appreciate it you guys take care of yourselves and until then adios
Channel: Jim Nix
Views: 9,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jim Nix, travel, photography, post processing, editing, training, tutorial, photo editor, photo editing, Luminar Neo, Skylum
Id: LXpiM9vK24A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2021
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