Luminar Neo Sneak Peek

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Are you curious about the new Luminar Neo that's coming soon do you want to know how the tools work and does it do what it promises well in this video I'm going to show you three of the exciting new tools that will be Inside Luminar Neo and tell you what I think of it so far hI I'm Darlene with Digital Photo Mentor and I teach beginning and intermediate photographers like you how to Improve your work right from capture in camera all the way through to the photo editing process and the finished Image please give this video a thumbs up if you enjoy it and remember to subscribe to the channel so without further ado let's get started on this sneak peek of Luminar Neo before I get started and show you the tools I want to remind you that this is what's called a technical build so It's not even the beta version yet It's just been given to Luminar and Skylum partners to be able to demonstrate a few of the tools so this is not what the final Interface is going to look like It's just a sample so that we could show you a couple of new things so I want to start with this image here which you can see is covered in dust which is on the sensor this was shot several years ago with my Canon 5D and the Canon was notoriously bad for collecting dust on the sensor and I was also notoriously bad for not cleaning it so I ended up with a lot of Images like this and I actually sent many of them to Skylum to actually help them develop this tool so inside of this particular build I can show you that there are three new tools I'll show you relight in a minute but under the erase tool now there are object removal buttons so you can see that there are remove power lines and remove dust spots so I'm just going to literally click this button and see how well it works so this was real time and you can see that not only did it remove most of the spots it did a really good job and it did it pretty fast It's left a little bit of debris down in this bottom left corner here but what I would call that is more of a smudge on my sensor so I actually don't fault Luminar Neo In this case because it could have been interpreted as a cloud but you'll also notice that it didn't remove the bird and it didn't remove this palm tree over here so if I do want to clean this up a little bit I can just use the erase tool like normal and get rid of some of these marks in the bottom corner and maybe these ones over here too so if it misses anything that you want erased you can take it out but let's say it erased something you didn't want to be removed you can actually put it back as well so if I do before and after let's just say that this spot right here was actually a bird okay so I'm going to hold down the backslash key paint over it and then I'm just going to hit restore and you could see that it brought back the spot that I just painted over okay so if that was another bird now the bird would be visible let's look at another example this one was pretty straightforward because all the spots were against a blue sky and pretty easy to see and to find let's see how it does on something like this that is more complicated in terms of the background so I'm going to hit remove dust spots and voila so again it sort of missed the stuff down in the bottom but it looks more like a smudge I can do some work to remove that and over here as well so I can just click and erase those real quick I usually do erase one spot at a time especially if I'm doing something major because then it has a chance to run the algorithm and do a better job okay it also didn't remove this spot on the background and if I want this spot removed I can sort of do this in little bits and stages and remove it as well but what I want to show you is that it didn't do as good a job let me zoom out a little bit on this bottom right hand corner here you can see that the green lines in the background don't quite match up so I have a little trick for that if you literally just paint over both edges and click erase again it does a pretty good job of filling in the straight line you might have to try it a couple of times there you see you said it got it there but I find that it does a really good job of filling it in and correcting It so before and after so previously I would have had to do a lot of work with the erase tool or the clone tool to get rid of all those spots you notice that it also didn't remove any spots on her like mole or freckles that were on the person so it's a pretty smart technology to know where the spots are the next one I want to show you is the remove power lines okay so same thing I've got an image here where there's some lines going through and I'd rather not have them so I'm just going to click remove power lines if you've ever tried to do something like this you'll know how hard it is and how much work you have to do cloning okay so look at that now it did a really good job in most places once again it might have missed a couple of places up here I can see there's a little bit of a line there so I can just erase that and I could see a couple of lines that it missed here but overall I would say that I'm really impressed with the fact that it removed all of these power lines even the ones intersecting through different objects so you could see now with a few clicks rather than a lot of cloning I've got an Image that is usable right it did miss the part in between her and the chickens per se um and that one I'd have to go and do manually I anticipate that this tool is only going to get better with each Iteration of Luminar neo because this is just the beginning and the first stage and I anticipate that these will get more powerful all of these tools will get more powerful as we progress with Luminar neo let's try it on this Image so I've clicked the remove power lines button and once again you can see that It's done a pretty good job except for a couple of spots here in the sky so I'm just going to paint over them and see if I can get rid of those but lemon or neo has literally done about 90 percent of the heavy lifting for me and all I have to do is go in and clean it up a little bit okay so a few brush strokes later and I've got this so before and after with this one I chose this Image because I also want to show you the new relight tool so with the relight tool you can add brightness to objects which are closer to the camera In darkness to things which are further away right you can also do the opposite right not sure when you would want to do that but you can do the opposite and darken the foreground and lighten the background but for this image I want to lighten the man up and darken the background just a tiny little bit you'll notice that I've pulled this depth slider up a little bit and that controls how far the lighting is adjusted in your scene so I want to adjust only the stuff in the far background behind him and maybe not quite so much there's also a detail slider so halo would be if there's a white outline around the subject I can try and adjust it you can see that the light on the edges of him as I pull it to the right there's less of that sort of fringe light around him so playing with these sliders a little bit bring the depth down you could see that I can get rid of the highlight that's around him making It look more fake I can also warm him up a little bit while simultaneously cooling down the background let's look at the before and after so you can see that with a few clicks and a few sliders I've removed the power lines and brought more attention and more light to the subject here's another before and after example there's the before he's very backlit and almost a silhouette in this Image and using the relight tool and the sliders that I just demonstrated a moment ago I was able to brighten him up while simultaneously darkening the background now if you're not a portrait or people photographer this applies to just about anything that you can photograph including architectural street photography macro anything you can Imagine so I'm going to try it on this Image of the notre dame church in paris sadly taken prior to the fire or happily I guess so you can see how the brightness near as I adjust it higher It's affecting just the cathedral just the church and the steeple and adjusting the depth I can get more or less of the sky affected and then play with the halo a little bit to tuck that in again I think this is this tool is In its early stages and It's only going to get better right I think with three or four sliders to go from this to this is pretty exceptional without having to do any masking and I can see the potential for this tool to do some amazing things the more It's developed here's another quick before and after example the original Image is really dark because the sky behind it is really bright so It's a very high contrast scene by using the relighting sliders and adjustments I am able to brighten the arch while simultaneously darkening the sky one more before and after I think this tool is pretty amazing already and It's only going to get better I have one final example for you or I'm going to use all three tools and put it all together so we're going to remove the dust spots bingo we're going to remove the power lines bingo and you can see that it did a really good job there and then finally I'm just going to bring a little bit of brightness to the foreground and like I do with most other things and sliders I take it all the way just so that I can see where It's applying so I want it to apply sort of halfway through the pond here and then I bring the amount slider back down it just makes it easier for me to see where It's going then I'm going to warm up the foreground a little bit and if I want to I could darken the background or in this case the sky let's take a look at the before with the dust spots the power lines and the relight applied there's the after so less than one minute and I've got basically a finish damage well after having played around with Luminar Neo trial version a little bit and testing it on a few Images my first impressions are very good of course there's room for improvement on all three tools but this is a really early version just designed to give us a taste of what It's going to include in the beta and the final version so if you're wondering when you'll be able to get your hands on Luminar Neo It's available for pre-order now Skylum is saying it will ship this winter and will Include layers the relay AI that I just demonstrated Luminar share which I'll tell you a little bit more about in another video the dust removal and the power line removal as well as a few other exciting tools when it first releases portrait background removal and mask AI are planned for a future update in early spring 2022. If you haven't already ordered Luminar Neo the pre-order pricing is available until it is released it also comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee which means you have 30 days to check it out and put it through Its paces and decide whether it's for you or not if you decide that Luminar Neo is not for you you can just ask for a full refund so it really is risk-free so let me ask you have you already ordered Luminar Neo if not what is your hesitation and what questions do you have please put them in the comment area below and I'll try to answer the best I can If you're still unsure about whether or not to get Luminar Neo watch this video now and I'll give you some tips and pointers on who I think Luminario is for and who I think It's not for I'll give you the download straight up see you next time
Channel: Digital Photo Mentor
Views: 2,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: artificial intelligence, digital photo mentor, dust removal ai, editing, luminar ai, luminar neo, luminar neo ai, luminar neo demo, luminar neo release date, luminar neo relight ai, luminar neo review, luminar neo trailer, neo, photo editing, photo editor, photography editing, relight ai, skylum, skylum luminar neo, skylum neo, skylum neo review, skylum software
Id: 6EQMVuwh35Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 22 2021
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