Luminar AI TOP 5 Tools

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in today's video i'm going to be a little bit selfish i decided i'm going to talk about my top five favorite tools inside of luminar ai some of these you may know some of them perhaps you haven't tried before we'll give you a look at all of them and let you decide for yourself if this is something you need to get better results inside of luminar ai hi my name is william beam i'm a photographer just like you thank you so much for being here let's go ahead and start taking a look at some photographs and the tools that i like to use okay this one is a raw photo out of epcot in orlando and i had a really lovely evening here and you wouldn't know it to look at this photo so we're going to start off with i think almost everybody's favorite and that is enhance ai and the reason i'm starting off with this is because it just does such a great job i'm going to take accent ai up to about 50 and i'm going to do the same thing with sky enhancer and with just two strokes look at this before and after that's where i was and that's where i am now it's just hard to beat that kind of beautiful color beautiful contrast and a highly impactful result just from moving a slider or two so that enhanced ai really is one of my top five i try this on every photo i'll tell you that enhanced ai doesn't always make it into every photo that i go with sometimes i look at the results and i think all right that's not exactly doing what i want to but the majority of the time it really works it is so good that i always try it and i almost always try it first sometimes i'll go to composition ai and get my crop first because i like to work in a workflow of like texture tone and color and to me cropping is part of the texture why enhance something that you're going to cut out later but i am always going to look at enhance ai and the tools inside to see if that makes a good result for me and the majority of the time it really does so number one enhance ai my second favorite or at least second on the list this is not necessarily in any particular order is gonna be super contrast and you're going to come down here you're going to see that there are highlights contrast mid-tone contrast and shadows contrast i kind of like to start towards the middle and maybe to one side or the other so for this photo i'm going to go a little bit on high contrast a little beneath the center point on mid and then i'm going to go on shadows contrast kind of about the same thing so i've it came up with a result of like 60 40 and 60. and again look at the difference i'm going to toggle this on and off that's where we were just after the accent ai and this is where we are now the reds have really come out you see the lighting in the tonal contrast range it's really good if you want to you can play with the balance on each of these different little elements so if i pull the shadows balance on to the left it lightens it up if i pull it over here i get a little bit darker i kind of like it where it was but i also like to play with this balance just to see what kind of result i get and does it help me out with what i really want to achieve sometimes i like the results sometimes i don't but all you've got to do is click a slider and see what happens and 9 out of 10 times you get a better result using this tool and i think i actually get better results more often with super contrast than i do with the first one when we were looking over here with the enhance ai both wonderful tools i will always look at enhanced ai and i will always look at super contrast particularly for landscape or travel photo i think the results that you get at a super contrast can have another dramatic impact so long as we're looking at a travel or landscape type of photo this is another one it's not going to go in every photo but i like sun rays so let me go ahead and click on this and you can see there's an option here to place the sun's center so i'm looking at the lighting that's over here and you can tell the sun is kind of back over here i'm going to bring this little white dot down here to this horizon line because the sun should be just kind of out of um view but also i like the idea of having this kind of inside of the tory gate and i'll start off with a little bit of an amount i might even go 50 just to see where everything is and then i can tone the overall look based upon how how it affects the photo so if i made things a little bit dark there i didn't want to do that i don't really need that much of an amount what i want on this photo is probably just a little bit of a glow i want some warmth i want the sun rays to be warm because this is a sunset and you would expect that and then i just kind of toggle like you know as far as penetration do i want these rays just really bursting out of here in this case it don't suppose it's supposed to be kind of a mild sunset i don't want the rays going that long as far as what we had kind of overextending over here i might even pull this back a little bit more and i can look at the sun radius it doesn't need to be that much it's just a little bit of an enhancement and but i want a little bit more glow i think so you can tell it's just something right over the horizon so in other words it's almost like if you're not looking for it maybe you don't know what's there i probably toned down these rays a little bit so let me pull that back and randomize this i'll pull back the number of sun rays and you can get this down to i think one but the idea is just have a little bit of presence back here and i'm going to turn this off and turn it on and you can see that it just makes a little bit of a difference it's another element of your photograph that adds some interest now you can put the sun up in the sky if it makes sense for that kind of photograph that you have this one it needs to be a little bit below the horizon line but that is probably going to be my third favorite tool four photos where it works obviously for a portrait photograph it may not be the right thing because you're not gonna have sun rays coming up maybe in a studio environment it depends where you are but if you've got an outdoor scene i think the sun rays can be very interesting all right if you know me you know i had to get a portrait in here and look this is a really nice portrait it doesn't need much but i think there's always something that we can do so face ai is going to be one of my tools that i really like to go for and look at the face light you can see that the light on her face is nice we've got a very white background i kind of want to brighten up her face just a little bit not a whole lot if we bring it all the way over here it's like too much but right here it's just a little bit sometimes i'll go with slim face i don't think she needs it i mean if we can try it out it slims her a little bit but i don't think that's really necessary here but what i really love about the face tool is working with the eyes we don't really need to whiten her teeth we could maybe do uh some settings on her lips that's really to taste it's not that it's correction of anything it's an enhancement based on what you want but the eyes i really love this one iris flare and i kind of like to bring this over take a look right in here matter of fact let me zoom in a little bit and we'll take a look at the iris flare and you see that little bit of highlight that just came up here at the bottom of her iris i love that and likewise i also like to enlarge the eyes a little bit so we'll click that and her eye just gets a little bit larger we engage with portraits through people's eyes i mean i love a good smile i love a nice face but it's really the eyes that draw me in and enlarging the eyes is just a way of adding a little bit more presence and a little bit of eye whitening she's her there's nothing wrong with her eye whites but one click and they can be just a little bit better now as much as i love the iris flare this eye enhancer is another one that just kind of adds contrast and sparkle in someone's eyes and you can take it too far we might be getting a little bit gritty in there but i can just pull that right back now correction tools are like red eye removal and dark circles remover and even the improved eyebrows we don't need them in this photograph it's nice that they're there but what i really love about this in the face ai is face light i want the iris flare i want to enlarge the eyes i want eye whitening and i want the eye enhancer there are times i'll play with changing the iris color so she's got a blue eye we can make it even more blue we can change her eyes to green but honestly i i never really work with an owl or a cat i'm not trying to change somebody into something that she's not those are kind of gimmicks in my mind but if someone's got a good photograph i think the original eye color works well and these little tools down here can really help bring them out and just give you the best results all right on our last photo i just want to show you one more thing we're going to start off actually with our number one we're going to go up here to enhance the eye again i'm going to bring this up it's kind of in the middle for both of them and look what a presence that really gives them but the thing that i really like and this works on portraits it works on landscapes is to come down here to glow and it'll default to soft focus but i really like the glow effect i like adding just a little bit and you see how it really brightens and flattens everything out but you can control that you can add a little bit of contrast you can take away some of the brightness you can add a little bit of warmth and you still get some softness from the glow and look at what a change we've made so i'm going to turn this off that's where we were and then with the glow it kind of brightens up the clouds it brightens up everything if you're looking for you don't want to go high key with your photo but you want a bright lively maybe a lifestyle kind of photograph i would say glow is really good for portraits to add a lifestyle kind of look i also use it with landscapes and there's just something about some places where maybe around sunset sunrise you give it a little bit of glow and you've already got that soft lighting that's coming in from one side or the other of your subject you add a little bit of a glow you bring in some of these changes and you can really shape your photograph and just make it look appealing okay so those are my top five filters or tools inside of luminar ai we went over enhanced ai we went down and looked at super contrast we looked at face ai we looked at glow and also sun rays i really like the sun rays i don't use sun rays on every photo but they really can enhance your photographs and and just really give you something a little bit special it can be subtle it can be outrageous whatever you want it to be but those are my favorite tools that i try to look at on my photographs if this was helpful to you thanks so much for being here please click the like button that lets youtube know that we've done something right they'll recommend it to more people and i can keep on making more videos out of these five tools which ones would be your favorite do you use these or do you have others that you like better let me know in the comments below thank you so much we'll see you in the next video you
Channel: William Beem Photography
Views: 5,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Luminar AI Top 5 Tools, luminar ai, best photo tools, photo editing, skylum software, william beem photography, how to edit photos, luminar ai enhance ai, luminar ai face ai
Id: o0__d0IL-2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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