LUMINAR NEO and How Much $$$$ Are Skylum Paying Me?!!!!

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if you guys are anything like me you're pretty excited by the announcement of luminar 5. wait sorry luminar neo luna neo of course i'm being a little bit facetious here but in this update video about luminar neo we're going to dive a little bit deeper into the engine that's actually running it i'll address the question why they've actually had to upgrade the software architecture and we'll take a look at whether it's actually worth the hype i've got much more in-depth information about four of the new exciting tools that are going to be shipping with luminar neo as well and in the comments of the last video one of the questions that was raised that i'm going to be answering is how much is skylum paying me michael i'm like yeah i do i write for myself seriously how much money you make i'm gonna share that with you as well in this video [Music] what is luminar neo and why did i kick off the video calling it luminar 5. skyline made it quite clear that it's not an update to luminar ai it's not a replacement for luminar ai it is a separate image editing software with a very different purpose but it has a purpose that i think is more akin to the original luminar 4 and is what that kind of idea has actually evolved into so on one hand you've got luminar ai which is perfect for people who are just starting out with photo editing perhaps people who just want to apply a template and be done or for people who just want a fast and effective workflow it's got raw editing capabilities similar to lightroom but it's also got those added benefits of those ai tools that skyline has brought to us now while luminar ai does contain a complete feature set for editing your photos some more high-end users do find one of the frustrations is there is a limited tool set in the fact that you can't reapply tools you can't use say the curves or the hue and adjustment sliders multiple times on the same image so for photo editors who like to get more creative with their image editing like me enter luminar neo with the appropriate tag line create more so luminar neo built from the ground up yes i know you've heard that before it's going to reintroduce layers in a flexible non-destructive workflow that's built around a new engine which is going to enable them to get around many of those limitations of using multiple processor intensive ai tools so why the new engine now reading the comments in the last video this actually kind of made me laugh a little bit because people are so skeptical and i get it because prior to understanding the actual architecture that was going into driving the software and why they had to do it that way it did seem a little bit of like recreating the wheel just for the sake of generating more revenue but bear with me because there is a legitimate reason why they've had to do it the way they've had to do it so historically photo editors have been built one of two ways the first type of editor is a photoshop style iterative pixel based editor where you're making changes one thing on top of the other it allows for layers and stacking effect and it's very logical way to build a software application for photo editing it's worked photoshop for years the second style of photo editor is what's known as a parametric editor and that's the type of thing like lightroom capture one and luminar ai so for luminar ai that was brilliant because it allowed the developers at skylim to actually really speed up the actual engine behind luminar ai we would get much faster results but luminar ai just like lightroom and capture one it can't work with layers that's just the nature of parametric editors skylum used the parametric editing framework to build luminar ai and their idea around that was to speed up our workflow because they'd listen to the fact that a lot of users were frustrated by luminar 4 is just getting too slow as i add more and more layers and more features and effects so luminar ai is faster but we can't have layers so neither one of these frameworks is really ideal to run a modern photo editing application that's wanting to rely so heavily on artificial intelligence so unfortunately for skyline the problem they have is that more ai features they want to bring to us end users and the more that you utilize them during your editing process the more that's going to push your system resources into a bottleneck and just force your computer into a phrase so unfortunately skyline have paid the price for trying to push the boundaries of ai technology onto hardware and software frameworks that just can't handle it so to move forward with the ai tools that they want to bring forward to us to make our photo editing lives easier more simple the very architecture of the code on which those tools sit has had to be rebuilt so what they've done with luminar neo is actually really clever they've created a hybrid approach where all of the ai tools exist as modular blocks if you will that can just be plugged into the program itself and that actually lends itself for some really positive outcomes basically they're creating a more robust system it's going to be faster and it's going to be able to be more easily updated because those blocks can be just brought into the program worked on separately brought back in so we're going to see more upgrades skyline we've committed to this it's going to be a regular thing and they're going to grow the platform so all the skeptics out there keep saying oh will you just wait and see they're going to have another product released this time next year that's the model that skyline do we had the announcement that luminar ai was a complete rebuild complete engine and they're saying the same thing again but genuinely i believe it's a legitimate reason and skylar have assured me that going forward they are going to be committing to this platform because it's going to be one which is going to allow them to grow allow them to bring new ai tools and put them in as i was saying before luminar ai was limited by the number of tools that could actually be put into its system before it reached that bottleneck and just started to have a complete meltdown the structure of this framework should alleviate that problem in my last video i did say that it's going to be a much faster user experience which is going to be a really great thing but look just how much faster at the moment i don't know until we get hold of a beta that we can actually physically test you know i i can't guarantee how much faster that will be honestly it may just be an incremental increase it may be a large increase like you i really really hope it's a big increase of course we want that i'm sorry if that was a lot to take in i do geek out a little bit on that kind of stuff i've got a degree in 3d computer visualizations so this sort of stuff really gets me interested and very excited so talking of being excited let's take a look at four of the tools that we're going to be seeing inside of luminar neo having recently heard the ceo and co-founder speak on the direction of skyline one of the things that became really apparent is they're really just not interested in doing things the way that other photo editing software companies do them they want to find new innovative and better ways to allow us photographers to reach our creative vision and the tool that we'll talk about first relight ai i think is a really good example of this so inside of luminar ai as you probably know we've got some very clever tools such as atmosphere ai that analyzes the depth of a two-dimensional scene converts it into a three-dimensional space and then we can apply fog based on that distance information 3d depth mapping it's that same technology that they use to create the bokeh ai tool where the further away something is from your subject they can blur it more and the blur recedes as it gets closer to your actual portrait subject so that 3d depth mapping technology exists but i've always thought surely there's better ways to apply this than just adding some fog to our landscape photos right and finally with luminar neo's new program engine they're actually able to bring us more options utilizing that technology and one of them is relight ai so let's take a look at how that works so the ai is very cleverly going to construct a three-dimensional environment based on analyzing our 2d photo which is it's just mind-blowing it really is but that information can then be used to allow us to brighten up different parts of our photo whether that's the foreground or the background and light them independently if for example we want to brighten the foreground darken down the background we can actually change the transition point of where it goes from light to dark and we can also use that d halo amount to actually allow the light to actually wrap around our subject please bear in mind what i'm showing you here are going to be screenshots and while the photos themselves have been edited with luminar neo the actual tool palettes themselves are merely representational they're not necessarily how the final user interface is going to ship but they are indicative they give you an idea right now i actually saw a recording of this particular photo being edited now you can see on the one on the left hand side how the buddha which is obviously in the distance is brighter and the two characters in the foreground are actually darker than on the edited version where you can see that they are much brighter and the buddha the brightness on that has been brought right down the fact that you can actually control with that depth slider just how far back the light falls and pull it forward pull it back and the d halo amount which actually allows you to wrap the light round it was actually really really impressive to see that in action and i'm really excited to actually get hold of this and start playing around with it i think the ability to light the foreground elements more than the background vice versa change the lighting in that kind of way really has a lot of potential and it's something i commonly do inside of lightroom and photoshop those kind of adjustments with regards to relight ai there's something i just feel i need to clear up and clarify because i think some people actually misunderstand how this tool is going to work when we talk about changing the position of the light in three dimensions we're talking about the z-axis the front to back axis not left right up down all of that stuff as well okay so just bear that in mind don't don't set your expectations too high i think it's going to be a really super intelligent really useful tool but um just manage your expectations of it right let's look at the next tool i think the next thing is one of the absolute headline acts of luminar neo and that is mask ai now this is not shipping with the initial launch it's something that's going to come out in update number one a free update so the subsequent updates just like the luminar ai tools that are still being worked on will be added to the program with future updates and mask ai is one of those but i'm so excited by the prospect of this tool you know how good luminar ai is at actually recognizing objects in a scene so for example you might load up a photo of some food and then the next thing you know in the template section on luminar ai it's actually recommending food based templates it's really clever so the ai is able to recognize objects in a scene so once again what else could we do with that information can we not push that further well absolutely we can with luminar neo the cool thing is is going to enable us to select objects is as if you're talking to your computer saying computer select the waterfall computer select the mountains and it actually doing it for you so initially there's going to be 11 classes that are going to be available such as sky mountains water vegetation things like this and you can select them and luminal ai will be able to very intelligently work out where those things are and mask them automatically you've then got access to all of your editing tools your layers and everything to utilize those masks on that particular area and so the creativity of how you actually utilize those masks is entirely up to you but the prospect of the time saving of just getting the computer to do that masking for me uh awesome now while we're on the subject of mask ai i just want to touch on something just for the people who like to whinge out there okay and say oh skylum charge too much or another update well that's expensive right put it into context topaz labs have a mask ai tool on the market it's 99 just for that one ai feature mask ai which is going to be built in along with all the other stuff inside luminar neo and within that tool in topaz labs what you need to do is actually tell the ai where the edge of the object is with a paint brush and then you fill the area that you say this is the area i want to keep and then the computer will then do a computation and select that object for you so it's a several step process you're still doing a lot of the work for it whereas luminar neo is going to do it for you so yeah putting things in context when people win you but i just think that the tools that you get inside of the luminar products are just excellent value okay i know that some of you are going to be like oh you're just saying that and you say biased like genuinely you look at luminar hey i'm off on one now you look at luminar ai and i've shown before how just within the light panel you have access to pretty much all of the same editing features that is inside of lightroom and then on top of that you have all of luminar ai's really clever intelligent ai editing tools as well and it's a fraction of the cost and anyway i'm getting distracted we're going to move on to the next tool which is similar to mask ai but this is portrait mask ai is that right is that what it's called okay the last tool that we'll shed some light on is the portrait background removal ai tool why so specific and there's a good reason for that as well if you remember when bokeh ai tool was released um there was a lot of kind of pushback from people who were really disappointed because it only worked on people it wasn't a generic uh bokeh ai tool oh i've got a parrot and i want to blur the background some more um it didn't do that it only recognized humans and that was a real disappointment for people so again i think in the name of managing expectations skylum are being really specific about this talk so this bit of ai is incredibly complex it's one of those things that you probably don't really give it the credit for but the human brain is trained to look at humans in photos right and as soon as you see someone and they're cut out and they're done badly on a green or blue screen or you know that the hair isn't done very well you spot it a mile off and so to have a technology which is going to be able to mask people and do it believably remove the background and do it with like one click that is going to be an absolute game changer and it's a separate thing to the mask ai because the technology that's driving it is very different it has to be so much more refined when it is working with humans has to be so much more precise we have hair we have fine details around our clothes all of that sort of stuff and so it's a separate tool so it's really cool cause we're gonna be able to use this technology to effortlessly extract our subject from the original background and used the layers inside of luminar neo to introduce a new background and as you can see from these examples if you look carefully luminar neo is actually smart enough to re-light the subject to match the new environment that we've placed them onto so that's pretty clever you can particularly see it here in this example separating a subject from a separate background image does obviously require layers and that's a perfect segue to the final tool we'll look at today i'm really excited that luminar neo is going to be reintroducing layers for a creative image edit layers really do give you so many more options we're going to be able to work with raw images jpeg pngs that include transparency we can utilize blending modes masking different opacity all of the things that you'd expect from layers and much more as well luminar neo is going to include some built-in overlays different objects inside a library which we can call upon and in some of these examples you can see here how they're being added into the photos so it's combining neo's new ai masks with the ability to layer up different elements so this is really exciting if you pre-order luminar neo you are going to save some money and i've got a link in the description below existing customers save even more money as well and really good news is skylum have announced this week that they will be creating a tool to enable us to migrate our existing catalogs from luminar 4 and luminar ai over to luminar neo so if you do like the look of this i've got a link below so you can save yourself some money if you haven't pre-ordered it already i know you've probably been wondering this whole time now how much have skylin paid me for this video it's actually a question that i got from somebody in the comments and i'm guessing it's somebody who doesn't actually watch my content or my videos normally because regular viewers of my channel will know that i do a lot of free training around lumnar 4 more recently luminar ai so of course i'm interested if skyline releasing a new product i want to know about it is it going to make the training that i'm doing redundant what do i need to know about the new software and if i have that information i know that my audience is going to be interested in that information as well so here i am making a video about it have they paid me for this video or the previous video no absolutely not and i know that there'll be some of you skeptics out there yeah right well let me just tell you this youtube have made it very clear that content creators if they're doing a paid promotional piece if they're reviewing something they're getting paid they have to clearly state that in their video to you guys so if you're doing a paid promotion and you don't declare it you're in breach of youtube's terms and conditions and it's within their right and very probable that they will just wipe your account so when people are being paid to produce a video you'll know about it i mean come on photographers right you must have heard this video was brought to you by square something right it's prevalent it's out then people have to tell you that they're being sponsored so just to be clear this is not a paid video from skylum having said that though you can support my channel by using the link in the description it costs you no more i get a very small commission just by sending you in the direction of luminar neo i'm really excited by luminar neo but that's me if you don't think it's the right software for you don't go and buy it don't use the link it's fine but in any case i thank you very much for watching and i hope this video has been informative and got you up to speed with what luminario is all about i thank you very much for your time watching and i'll see in the next video click the one that's on screen right now you might like it cheers guys see you soon
Channel: Anthony Turnham
Views: 14,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Photography, Photo editing, editing, Lightroom, Photoshop, Post Processing, post production, photography editing, Adobe, Photographer, Photo education, Photography education, luminar NEO, luminar AI, Luminar 5, skylum
Id: NiUgfh0yqUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 19sec (1099 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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