Amazon Shelf Pull Pallet From | Liquidation Pallet Unboxing

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I'm pretty freakin nervous this could be the good or bad hi there my name is Joe and I'm Jessica we are homeschooling natural living entrepreneurs this is a story of how we balance it all for the freedom to live our lives devoted to our family and faith thanks for stopping by subscribe and come on in what's on everybody so we've got another unboxing video coming for you today and this palette is another Amazon shelf pool palette I know it's a lot of those we love those they've been doing it very well for us so we've bought another one and this one's kind of special though it's different it kind of stretched our area of comfort which is a good thing we paid five hundred and twenty six dollars and then $150 shipping so we're all-in for six hundred and seventy six dollars and for those of you who have never watched our unboxings before our big goal is to double that so if we can get conservatively about 1352 from these items we are in good shape and we will call that a successful pallet so it's a little bit different so doubling our money is what we call success just as Jessica said and just tell you a little bit more about shelf poles what they are is they're items that have not been in the hands of customers they are items that were on the shelf at Amazon and for whatever reason they were pulled off the shelf they were sold to a liquidator and now they are in our hands so without further ado let's do it all right so jumping right in the first thing I noticed is that the boxes are a lot like what we saw in the pictures which one of the things that we saw when we looked at this was that the boxes were perfect pristine condition we don't know if they're damaged in places the pictures didn't take but also one thing that I found really interesting and it was actually kind of outside our comfort zone was that we have what looks to be what three you see three boxes wait for because they're some over there that they all look the same and they're all marked zuru toys so that tells me that either we've got a whole bunch of different items or we may have a lot of the same product which Joe and I we're not used to having more than one off items we may have like one or two or maybe a small lot of some things but to have a palette that is majority the same item is gonna be a really interesting thing for us and honestly I'm kind of excited to have something like that so looking at these boxes Joe I think what we should do is we should pull all the ones that look the same out and see how many we've got before we go all right help me do that [Applause] [Music] so they are all there twenty-one boxes and looking at the pallet that was almost the whole pallet we got a few more boxes there and that's it what are you thinking well this is outside our comfort zone for sure yeah and you know I really liked the idea that maybe you know the one-off items are really good because you know some items could be bad some items could be good yeah and so yeah it can kind of balance each other out what makes me really really anxious about this is that whatever is in these boxes has to be really good because if they're not I mean we're 601 670 76 dollars in this yeah and I'm not really quite sure if what's in those boxes can leak can we at least pay for the pallet I'm pretty freaking nervous this could be there good or bad oh so this is the nerve-wracking part because either we can check it this one price and we're gonna do very well and be excited or we could check the price and we're gonna be pretty upset because we just spent a lot of money and we're not really gonna get it back because normally when you get a bad item or two you've got the whole pilot to unbox to make up for it but that's it so if these are bad and they're not a high-dollar item then we just spent six hundred and seventy-six dollars for a bunch of we don't know what is it ah it's like a little bunch of balloons lencho this is one of the things that we saw this could be good I don't know babe okay so okay so it's a so it's a launcher it's like shelter that fills balloon yeah see got a balloons you can shoot them it does this right there and it's the perfect time for this because of its summer time let me get a little backdrop when when we bought this palette we bought it because of the name zuru so when we were looking up zuru we know his toys we knew we were hoping that it was these little eggs that you open up I don't know if their eggs but their little toys that kids open up and it's got all these little surprises in it that they can open up that was what we were hoping for but we also know they made other kids toys and a lot of those toys sold well they sold for a good dollar amount so at a hundred and twenty five of them I'm feeling good about the same time I'm pretty nervous because I don't know how we're gonna move 125 of these all right oh hey okay oh geez so there twenty two dollars and 63 cents apiece on Amazon we can't sell an Amazon it's a bad thing but they're $22 a piece so that's good twenty-two just doing the math $22 a piece times a hundred is twenty two hundred dollars so it's yeah so Jessica distant math did the math for $22 a piece at 125 of them is two thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars in revenue that's amazing alright so this has a sales rank of sixteen hundred which is awesome right why am I talking about sales rank on Amazon because sells ranks usually people with toys they look for things under a hundred thousand sells rank so that's good now I'm just trying to think how we're gonna sell this and how much we can sell it for I mean our two options are eBay no I'm telling you bag and find out how much you're selling on eBay right now let's do that in the second option if I pay I I would like to sell them on eBay that's what I want to do if that's not an option we still have the flea market booth we won't be able to sell them for what they're worth at the flea market booths but that's living light but shipping could be somewhat of a problem with it being I mean cuz big it's big but it's it's under a pound so it could be shipped first-class mail so they've got some listed on eBay lookit Souls and see what they're selling for what they're trending for nothing has been still that's not good so these are on eBay but not a single one has sold on eBay in the last 60 days so that's not good so that reduces and the ones that were even listed on eBay there's like one for let's say we've got it here for $20 free shipping free shipping this one is $12.99 with about $10 shipping so I mean we're about $20 you know a piece so this is scary this is this is the part that's like this is a part of liquidation where you have to have as many outlets to sell items as you can the more outlets you have the better opportunity you have to move items quickly because we were hoping that these were the eggs and that we could put them on eBay and sell them quick because they were selling for a lot now we have a hundred and twenty-five of these letters balloon guns that are selling for almost 23 dollars a piece on Amazon have a sales rank of 1500 but none have sold on eBay so that's all ready to sell systems that we can't use because we can't sell an Amazon and they're not selling on eBay so our labs are the last couple of options our Facebook marketplace or any other local outlet or it's a flea market and I don't know that I want to meet people individually on Facebook marketplace one thing we could do is we could sell them on Facebook marketplace and have the pickup at our flea market booth we can take them and we gave me try and self as a case we can even sell for a box of six for 85 bucks that's $15 a piece and if we did 85 bucks times 21 that way you know I mean because all we have to do is if we get 10 bucks if we get $10 for these that's a 12 1250 dollars that's almost double our money at $10 a piece so if we were to get 15 bucks a piece 85 dollars for a box of 6 a case which maybe especially you know if it's summertime kids parties those types of things that it's cheaper than what you can buy to Amazon you save a lot of money and that would be 1785 dollars which would be more than doubling our money it's just can we actually do that I mean the only way for us to know that is if we try it yeah I say we start we start off trying to sell them in Lots all right sell them on Facebook I'll meet somebody for eighty five fifty or five dollars sale yeah so we'll sell them on Facebook marketplace we can even put one or two at the flea market booth for a pickup at the flea market as well for two viable options and see if that works I mean I can imagine we'd unload a few and then we'll keep them available during the summer and summer starts going down we'll have to sweat well I don't want to get these till next season and this may be one of those items where we don't get our money back as fast as we would like but that's that's our number one thing is we like to get rid of we like to make our money back on the pallet within the first week so we're gonna list them locally Facebook market place four boxes of 6 for 85 bucks a piece that's $15 per and I'm also gonna reach out to a couple of Amazon sellers that I know to see if they can sell them because not everybody is unguided in toys and if that's the case if somebody would buy all of them for 10 bucks a piece I would I would sell them all and fells one fell swoop for $10 apiece all right so Joe is putting those away right now this is actually kind of exciting because if we sell I mean we have the one box that's open so it doesn't count so we've got 20 boxes of our 20 cases of these balloon guns and if we're gonna sell them for $85 a piece for per case that's $1,700 remember in order for us to double our money we needed to have I think 1352 so we've doubled and that is very very exciting it kind of it's not as exciting because the amount of time it's gonna take to resell these means that we're not gonna get our money back right away so we're not going to see that profit probably for at least a few months maybe even longer so I'm excited I'm very very excited I'm just a little disappointed in how long it's gonna take me to see my initial investment come back to me but with liquidation sometimes that's the case sometimes it's that quick money sometimes you got to sit on it for a while and make that money but we're in the money which is good I grab these two it looks like they're the same okay this box is familiar some thinking I know it this is but I don't know exactly what it is I have no idea what it is so it's a painting and it looks a lot like the painting box we got a couple weeks ago off another unboxing you can see here it's a by Yale Gurney's 16 by 24 inch canvas wall art oh I love wall art if we like it we have a hard time selling yeah but our walls are full of art yeah that's true do we even really need anymore harm though whoo and it looks like untouched like it's not even unpackaged at all oh I'm so excited to see it I hope it's pretty - Oh bummer it's different than when we got a couple weeks ago so that's nice it's kind of like I know what it is Bonjour just sweet is he I don't know I know just enough to know that means hello I am also that looks like some kind of verb thinking yeah maybe our thinking or thoughts but it's not I have no idea I'm what I do what a translator though I am a painter oh here goes the hello I have a painter but I don't love pastel that's what it is merci voila so awesome well how much is this is gonna be worth I wonder if the other one is just like it cuz I don't wanna have to open up both of them you go horse it's a different painting so we will have to open it up oh well hey I just think it more exciting for us politically we love it let's see if there is a I don't see that there is a usable [Music] there it is oh wow so but this is a sarong size let's see if there's a sixteen by twenty there we go that's 16 by 24 inch for fifty two dollars and seventy four cents that's not bad this would sell in a flea market very well yeah I could probably put it in I don't know I don't know I'm trying to think I mean I would be able to get fifty for it that's for sure but maybe that's what I was thinking yeah 30 $30 is safe let's say so 30 bucks cool if you don't sound a flea market booth obviously we're saying flea market booth it would also sell in facebook marketplace I feel like it would sell for this same price on Facebook but you may also check to see on eBay to see what it's selling for there or to list it on there because you could definitely ship this for less than $20 so you could make about 30 bucks on it also fine arts fine art Hell's Gate and RFK NYC bye David aya Sh oh I love that that's pretty sweet here it is alright it's like another 50 to 79 so another 30 bucks yeah very cool another 30 bucks we'll try and sell in the flea market booth just so we'd have to meet anybody and be good that's nice and I think these would actually sell pretty well they were I don't think that they're gonna be there for to to know one of the best things about living in this town is that there is always people moving in and out here we have three college towns people have apartments people have all sorts of stuff and they're always looking for stuff to decorate their dorms and their apartments and things like that so the house decorating stuff goes really well around here yeah that's a side tip to really know where the area that you are living in so that when you're buying liquidation that you know which items will sell in the area that you live because if you live in a very rural area where there's like a thousand people well selling locally may not be the thing for you but where we are in a town of 80,000 people it's very profitable for us to do so also keep in mind that the things that you're selling it's great to sell things that you love but also look for what your community needs if you're selling locally for us for example we're not huge farmers but we love any kind of farming equipment gardening equipment because everywhere around here people love their agriculture so you know maybe you're not totally into furniture or anything like that but if you are living in a community where there is a lot of people moving and they want to replace their furniture often might be something worth doing just to make sure that you can make your sales that's a great tip and reselling is not always about selling what you love it's about filling a need that people have and it's really helpful when you can fill that need in your community jill jill fragile a so we always like to inspect it grade it in the in price it it okay this is a okay here's a UPC right here thread standard and you're gonna I'm scared to open it but I don't know I'm just looking like the box is here that corners a little bit damaged whatever's in there it's hard that corner looks good that's looking good over here it's been resealed so there's no telling what uh see this is fragile and anytime you're cutting something open you don't know exactly what's inside do everything you can to pull that box up I can't tell you how many times you know we've gotten like we've gotten a return pallet and it's been returned because when they cut the Box open they were not careful and they actually cut the product so every time I cut something open I'm trying to pull that as far away from the box as possible because I do not want to damage whatever might be inside oh it's a yeah shell yeah wonder if it's like a replacement piece that goes to furniture I don't even see that Corner's broken yeah so that first corner that I showed it was damaged we just flipped it over right there that corner that was there it was damaged and it completely busted that and there so this is zero I don't think I mean somebody may be able to do something with it I mean you could even if it's not a replacement part I don't think there's any practical reselling purposes to it but somebody could use it just cut it off here and it could be used as a shelf somewhere if somebody wanted I'm gonna go ahead and conservatively call this zero because you're gonna make a forward - fine yeah okay yeah so moldings online looks like that this 53 bucks so could be sold as a 36 inch 48 inch so 0 bucks somebody grab just one since it's right here and don't say that this is for me just for men light brown not my color it's two boxes of three so it's got a little bit of stuff here so this is definitely something we can probably put on eBay someone get my phone and check the price it's got me thinking because I've seen some people selling in packs of three for like twenty four dollars or a pack of one for 1215 this is first-class smell either way it goes we ship one box it's probably only gonna cost maybe three dollars and fifty cents to ship so I'm like would you make more money and by selling it individually individually or selling them a packs of three I think I will just sell it as a pack of three and after shipping and fees will say fifteen bucks for each one so uh 30 bucks okay there's a why agree to organizer all right it kind of caught my eye because Holmes it's so really well here I mean the box looks okay yeah it's really nice I almost want to keep it for myself but open and it goes where does it go it's a it so it goes on the wall it can go hurry well it could be hunting arms with them you can hang it on the door we're probably no open it just to inspect for damage because it's got a little bit of damage here in the box we're gonna sell it locally the fact that we open it to inspect it it will do more will be beneficial than harmful I me it would be different I think if we were trying to mail this but I don't think people going to be looking for signs of tampering if we're selling it locally anyway I just want to make sure that it is in good condition and it is it looks like it's got all the pieces that I'm not even gonna bother doing any more inspecting because it's all the pieces there's no damage to the corners no this is in it's perfect it's great it's got everything that you need so sweet let me see one two three I'm looking on the picture to see what it all entails and I'm counting the pieces and it has all the pieces so oh nice 40 bucks mm-hmm I say we can make 25 to 25 bucks on this I think yeah I'd say it nice very 30 yeah for 30 bucks but if we get 25 I'm good with yeah yeah I agree cool that's neat we've almost unboxed the whole the whole thing but numbers wise as far as the amount of items we've got about five items left and we're at $1,800 already and that's awesome so we knew that tripling our money are we knew that doubling our money we had to do one thousand three hundred and fifty dollars but to triple our money and because we've already doubled that we're at $1,800 so far to triple our money we needed to do like one thousand nine hundred and seventy-five dollars roughly in order to triple our money which is crazy so all we need is a hundred and seventy-five dollars from the last I don't know there's like five or six boxes left 175 bucks five boxes triple our money can we do it these are for sale I think they are they've got a UPC code they do have it yeah I'll pull those and grab something else sorry so we could check them both you never know grab the one that's got three of them all right all the same they look like air filters yeah it's an air filter and it's got a pH number so these are for car yeah Medina they're I guess they're really long look so this is gotta be like for truckers so I've never seen that air filter I mean it's so it looks like a cabin air filter or something but I got the boxes damages beat up but the air filter itself no it's good that's weird that's a weird air filter I've never seen one like that never never it one that big so let's uh I'm interested I'm no I know car stuff it sells really well in the eBay it's probably not something that you want to sell locally because we would have to find just the right buyer in our little bitty town so let's see what it's going for an eBay that's not where so there's none that actually have been sold okay which is a bummer but it's a cabin air filter it's like that one there is only price for 24:29 that one's 36 bucks $90 now free shipping $38 24 bucks 29 bucks 38 bucks so I don't even know what car that's for it could be that the way that you've got these listings they're not very descriptive they don't say what kind of car it's for or anything so maybe that's why that none of those have sold but none have sold in 90 days and maybe something that we have to hang on to for a while so I think conservatives and conservative things if we can get 15 bucks each for him because they were like 30 to 50 90 bucks apiece so 15 bucks each so 45 bucks for the three of them maybe something we have to self a little while or and maybe something that we have to sit on for a little while but I feel good at 15 bucks each I almost just want to pull these out we can both open them together there's only a few left just like that is really like I know that weighs 2 ounces crazy mm-hmm replacement part whatever it is well it's mine now replacement part doesn't say what's there replacement part for for see our twins and run mmm Oh a jelly so it's a car or it could be the commotion yeah that's true bumper insert oh so maybe for a motorcycle after all yeah cuz it's real small no but I can't even you should I open it now let's look at the picture says because it looks to be intact it's pretty well padded there's nothing wrong with the box so I highly doubt there's anything wrong with it Chrysler Town Chrysler Town and Country okay what it is is uh you know in cars on the wheel well a lot of times there's like a chrome piece that goes just above the wheel along the body of the car that's what that is that is a replacement part for it and on Amazon they're selling first forty-seven dollars in one cent on Amazon so eBay car parts run a little bit lower on that so I'm thinking after shipping everything twenty-five bucks and maybe it's an odd one-off item it may take a little while to sell it's okay the box isn't real big it's a light item so 25 bucks hanger bar thirty-six bucks for I bet it's for a closet maybe yeah could be looking at the box a little dingdong loop damaged so this dude's already open like like have been smashed open so that doesn't bode well but well know if you've got some bubble wrap bubble wrap saves the day I'm leaving Madhavi careful there's these staples so mmm-hmm it doesn't look like very wide when the world is this thing I don't know we're need pictures because I don't see any damage and there's no sense in unwrapping it all the way yeah but if we don't have to I gotta find that I don't even know how I see so we've got that which that's the ASI in number it's an amazon serial something number some of you lovely subscribers had told me what it is several times but I can never remember yeah that's what that is yep that's it so it's a valley craft hangar bar what's it for mmm also I don't see the part that comes out you know so it could be missing pieces it's missing these little things right here those little bar things looks like it is supposed to come with those but they are not in here they didn't they kind of fallen out of the box whenever it came open which is a bummer what was it selling for with all the pieces with all the pieces it was 38 no 38 bucks with all the stuff so we'll be lucky if we can get I mean if I'm Leslie find the other part so now I think right now we're gonna count it as zero if we can get anything out of it it's gonna be an added bonus and added bonus not an added bonus and that way when you don't count on it and it brings something in the end then we'll feel good about it but right now we're gonna count it as a zero which is a bummer because we are O so close to tripling our money so the last box and if this dude will bring a 60 bucks then we tripled our money which is sweet and I'm pretty excited about it either way but it'll be super cool if we get on paper triple so let's open it because I see nothing on the outside of the box that shows what it is you'd be really great this is worth 60 but I know considering this is gonna be such a slow slow earning pallet what is that it's a bar and there's no way that that's gonna be worth 60 bar for what I don't know but the weird thing is this wrapper should be on the barn as if it's been open before which is scary cuz is it all gonna be in the box is it all in here so I saw is it opened if it's not a return I don't know it's a show pool it could have opened up somehow I have no idea not $60 Oh setting and I don't even know how we're gonna sell this it's a Toyota piece $17.95 it's gonna cost us if we ship it it's gonna cost us 17 dollars just to ship this so it's a bar I don't even know what to do with this we're not even gonna try and sell it online and trying to sell this locally on Facebook to get 15 bucks it's not worth my time so unfortunately if I can't find a use for it then it's unfortunately gonna have to end up in the landfill which we hate doing to begin with [Music] so they have that my friends pretty quick and easy for the most part palette unboxing today really really enjoyed it it was definitely outside our comfort zone remember we paid six hundred and seventy five dollars all in for this and our goal was to double now we did do that we did double just with the zuru balloon blasters which is great and very very exciting on the other hand it is a little disappointing because it is gonna take a long time for us to move all this product so the profit is there but the profit is there in a whole bunch of long-term items which is really not the best for us since we just don't have a lot of storage space to begin with but I think it was worth it to learn for us and it was worth it you know in the long run because we will be doubling our money and then with everything else we had a couple of really nice paintings some wall art we had an organizational system some air filters just some other things in there that really kind of topped it off and was the icing on a really really great palette because that brought us just sixty dollars shy of tripling our money so I would say it's been a good palette it's a successful palette definitely gonna take longer to sell then I previously thought it would happen but hey you know it's all of its all of that's the part of liquidation so we my beautiful wonderful husband over there and me we appreciate you joining us we appreciate you guys unboxing with us and yeah until next time [Music] you [Music]
Channel: The Family Flips
Views: 17,012
Rating: 4.9514732 out of 5
Keywords: Customer Returns, Liquidation Unboxing, Pallet Flipping, Amazon Returns, Amazon Shelf Pulls, return pallets, Buying Liquidation, returns pallet unboxing,, liquidation review, extreme unboxing tv show, amazon returns pallet how to buy, amazon pallet flipping, ebay mystery box unboxing, flipping pallets, liquidation unboxing, pallet unboxing, pallet flipping, amazon return pallets, amazon pallet unboxing, amazon liquidation pallets, liquidation pallets
Id: WFZZmoH2-ts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 52sec (2212 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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