What Did Jesus Say Pt 1

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hey welcome to Zion Church we're so glad that you joined us today we won't love you to stay connected with us and we have a couple of different ways you can do that first is through out sign anywhere act now you can download this to the Google Play or App Store and secondly you see social media so be sure to follow and connect with us at Zion Church so we're going to go ahead and get into our message without senior pastor Keith battle enjoy Matthew chapter 5 beginning at verse 1 starts what is called the Sermon on the Mount this series is taking a portion of the Sermon on the Mount and we won't look at the whole sermon because it covers three chapters he goes to chapters five six and seven we'll only have time in four weeks to look at chapter five but Jesus gives discernment and it's called the Sermon on the mountain because of where he gives the sermon from he goes up the crowd comes to him and verse 1 he goes up on the mountainside he sits down as the disciples gather around him and he starts teaching so that's why it's called the Sermon on the Mount and he gives a list of things beginning at verse 3 let me reverse one now when he saw the crowds he went up on a mountainside and sat down his disciples came to him and he began to teach them saying listen here it is his Jesus is blessed list he gives 8 ways that he describes a blessed person he says blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven is that on your list blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be filled blessed are the merciful for they will be shown mercy blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called the sons of God blessed are those who are persecuted persecuted because of righteousness for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you verse 11 when people insult you persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me rejoice and be glad because great is your reward in heaven for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you wow what a list ain't nothing on Jesus list on our list Jesus says these are blessed people the pure in heart are blessed the merciful a bless the peacemakers are blessed those who are persecuted for righteousness are blessed any one time ain't no one unless you see a car I bet on our list we have I'm grateful from bless he blessed me with a car he blessed me with her family he blessed my blessed me with children blessed me with grant she blessed me with health and strength blessed me to be clothed in my right mind blessed me to make it to church today blessed me to be able to walk around blessed me when I look in the mirror I knew who I was blessed me to have employment blessed me to have house we have shelter blessed we do have clothing and food how many would agree that those are blessings those are blessings but it doesn't necessarily mean you're blessed because there are people who have all the things but don't have the blessing the blessing there do not bless blessedness is a state of being it is greater than things it is a state it is not stuff it is a state that is stronger and deeper than stuff it is greater than adversity it is greater than prosperity there is a level of blessing that prosperity can't distract and adversity can't destroy it is just to be blessed when I have it I'm blessed when I don't have it I bless I am blessed when I have I'm black I've learned whatever state I'm in to be content I've learned to have a lot and I've learned to have a little anybody know what it's like that whatever state you in when I'm happy I'm still blessed when I'm sad I'm still but it's a state see this is a kingdom message kingdom everybody said Kingdom the kingdom is all over this sermon all over this sermon he preaches in chapters 5 6 & 7 for example and three of chapter five he says the poor in spirit theirs is the kingdom of heaven in chapter five verse 10 he says to those who were persecuted for righteousness theirs is the kingdom of heaven in Chapter six and being in chapter five verse 19 he says but anyone who teaches who disobeys the commandments and teaches others to do it they will be called least in the kingdom and he says anybody who follows the commandments and teaches others to follow it they'll be called the greatest in the kingdom and then he says in chapter five verse 20 he says except your righteousness exceeds that of the Pharisees you won't even enter the kingdom then in chapter 6 verse 10 same sermon he's preaching he says in what we call the disciples prayer he says thy kingdom come and that will be done on earth as it is in heaven in Chapter 6 verse 33 he says seek ye first the kingdom and all his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you in Chapter 7 verse 21 he says everybody that calls me Lord Lord now gonna enter into the kingdom everybody say Kingdom this is a kingdom message and whenever you hear a kingdom message it will collide with our kingdom our world our society there's a conflict when you think about being blessed Jesus says to be blessed is to be poor in spirit to be persecuted okay let's do it like this if I were to say everybody listen to me right now wherever you may be wherever you may be listen to whatever you may be watching if I say everybody don't want to be brest blessed raise your hand everybody would go up if I say stand up here stand up here in line and get you and everybody want to be blessed because you see what they just did for grandma - grandma going to a last good number hey come on Rona crude is it yeah hey y'all give it away I better be a line all the way across the room if I say anybody want to be blessed because when we think about being blessed we think about God's gonna open a door God's gonna make a way God's going heal a body God's gonna give me victory in the courtroom God's gonna work it out he's gonna open the door he's gonna work something out he's gonna do something that I've been asking me to do we think of those things as blessings but if I say it how many if you want to be pulling spirit how many wanna mourn how many want to be persecuted and have people talk about you and say evil things about you and who's standing up on that one crickets see this is this is a very difficult passage to look at because well reason why it's important for us to remember what Jesus said is because I think even in the church we can get way away from what Jesus is but the kingdom is all about being different the kingdom is about being different everybody say different everything about the kingdom is different on my podcast to keep battle podcast shameless plug I interviewed this week Jeff green he's a forward for the Utah Jazz and I was talking to him in us and and and he said to me in the interview Jeff Breen almost died and as an amazing story you should check it out he says he says accent mother you charge as I said what's the organization like and he hadn't even started playing a game for them yet and he says it's just different I said is that good or bad he says it's different in a good way he says it's really good because he's played for a number of teams he says but they're just different I said well how do you I said well how how how fast did you figure out they were different he said as soon as I landed in here in Utah and got off the plane I could tell they were different he says when they met me in my family at the airport he says they went out of their way to make my face it was important me they made my family comfortable they made sure wasn't just about me bringing talent to their team they made sure my family he said they were different and and he said it was fast and I thought about when I heard Jeff Green said that I thought about us as Christians whenever we walk into an environment it should be fast that people know something different something's different about us fast and I gotta admit I've been spending so much time in my life trying to blend in with the world trying to be cool gotta say we cool y'all cool Zankou we just cool but somebody should say they're different and different different doesn't make people feel uncomfortable difference you make people feel loved when God gives this kingdom message it's very different because when we think of blessings we think of things if nothing else we think of talent over somebody is super talent somebody is super ass let ik we say oh he's blessed with athleticism or she's blessed with talent or he's blessed with the ability to sing and to create music or when we see somebody who's who's got a nice shape physically we say they blessed now you know we do hit hey blessed Lord bless Lord the Lord blessed you and kept you the Lord made his face shine upon you and the Lord lifted up his countenance upon you y'all trying to act real churchy but you know you be lower that's a blättler oh you go ahead Jesus you see somebody that looks really cute or attractive used to join the lyrics to the song God must have spent a little more time on you but here's the reality everybody can be exceptionally attractive every camp everybody can't be exceptionally athletic everybody can't have so much wealth and boats and cars and planes and all that that people look at them and say oh man you're blessed but the beauty of this blessed list is we can all be on this list because we may not be some of us will never be super attractive some of us are working hard just to be presentable some of us will never be super athletic none of that but every single one of us there's level ground at this list everybody can participate and what I love about but we're gonna walk through this beginning in verse 1 in verse 1 Jesus is talking to two different groups the Bible says there's a crowd that's there but there's also some disciples who are there there's a crowd that's gathered together and he says amongst that crowd are disciples now these are not the twelve disciples that he picked he didn't pick them in chapter 6 in the next chapter there are some people who are already distinguished among this group as being disciples and so I started thinking what's the dream treating a crowd member and a disciple member what improving some what's the difference for you somebody who's just who's in the crowd and somebody that Jesus would identify as a disciple and I used to think because of a series of teaching we heard about years ago that a disciple is a follower and a member of the crowd is a fan within I did more research and in chapter 4 verse 25 I found out that the crowd is following them too so it can't just be about following it says large crowds followed him wherever he went from the ten towns Galilee Jerusalem from all over Judea from the east of the Jordan River the crowd is following them too in fact wherever Jesus went the crowd was behind him like wouldn't even say Amen come Jesus I let's go look everybody like this like they don't even have jobs wherever Jesus is rolling things rolling right with him they even have cars it is walking that's not just a fan that's at least a fanatic I'm a Frankie Beverly fan and if he comes to town and it works in my schedule and I can get great seats for me and my wife I'm mad but I ain't following him all around the country for them saying 10 songs he sings everything he'd been singing enjoying since the 70s but every time he hit it like the first time we heard it but when you follow somebody everywhere they go that's a deeper level so what's the difference meaning of a crowd and a disciple it has to be different deeper than following him see the difference is people in the crowd admired Jesus people who are disciples are submitted to him people in the crowd actually enjoy his teaching people who are disciples actually actually submit to it guess what Jesus was preaching to two crowds and guess what I'm preaching to let me ask you a little question ain't nobody here with us which group are you in are you more of a disciple or you more the crowd are you the kind of person you like Jesus you came to church I love preaching I love music I love the church you love all that stuff but you ain't got no intention of orienting your whole life to Jesus you have strategically compartmentalize your life where Jesus can participate in the parts of your life you want his involvement not his Dominion a disciple says your lord over everything god I need you in every aspect of my life you're you're in charge of everything in life I want to be submissive to everything and by the way let me just go and put it out there right now I'm not in either group all the time some of you think you're a disciple because you disciple wonder you ain't always in the same I'm sometimes I'm a disciple catch me on the wrong day I'm just in the crowd I'm just in the crowd I don't want to say I'm sorry I don't feel like doing any of that yeah y'all trying to act like you always do what the Lord has set us out to do this depending on what day it is so now he's talking to these crowds and the Bible says see in Scripture I ain't gonna get to the in Scripture oftentimes God would take his leader up into a mountain give the leader instruction the leader would take the instruction back to the people that he got from God when Jesus goes up to the mountain he doesn't get instruction from God he gives instruction because he is God while he's given instruction to the crowd and the disciples everybody gets the same information why is that so important because no matter where you are every encounter where God's Word gives you an opportunity to be a disciple yeah everybody's got the same opportunity so he says I grew you eight Beatitudes the word beatitude means the beach supremely blessed eight Beatitudes the first one is blessed are the poor in spirit now with all the preaching we hear about now none of my even want to talk about being poor but Jesus opens up with the first blessing is to be poor not economically but to be poor spiritually what does that mean it means to know how much you need God is a blessing it is to be totally empty without God all that self-sufficient self-made man independent woman stuff doesn't stand up to this verse you gotta say ain't nothing without God I am nothing without you you're the vine I'm just the branches without you I can do nothing in you I live and move and have my very being I need you every day in every hour I can't love without you I can't serve without you I can't be a good spouse without you I can't parent without you be nice without you I can't stop cussing people out without you I can't stop sinning without you I need you to go to work I need you to help me get out of the bed in the morning I can't even get out of this bed if you don't give me up who understands what I'm talking about I can't do anything without you I don't want to rely on my own strength I need you I'm empty fill me God yeah yeah yeah here's an application of it it means he's an apple prior to application come to God every day broke yeah come to God every day broke and ask him to make supernatural deposits of his resources into you now let me say some you ain't go ahead town and write down all these points it's our mood too quick so just screenshot on my permission take the phone out take a picture of the screen so you keep it moving high-tech teach your grandmother how to do that real quick see see see see see the key is is to say god I don't have enough of this I don't have enough wisdom I don't have enough peace I don't have enough love I don't have enough joy but but I come to you because you got it all and then watch this I came to you for love in the morning because God I needed enough love to say good morning to somebody in my house I don't like I'm done y'all can relate to that you ain't got nobody you have to pray to say good morning to and then God I better when I said enough love to say good morning i'ma need you to give me some more love so I can say goodbye because I only want to say batter I just want to leave it you just know I left but lord give me enough love to say have a nice day y'all don't know what it's like to be in a situation where you gotta get prayed up and say have a nice day to somebody who am I talking to in here with my real people that so god I guess what and when I run out of love God I'm on again I'm back at the gas station I'm back broke again give me some more love cuz somebody just says something that make me want to go back in the old Keisha from Southeast would you please give me some love so I'll go back by the way you already notice you ever notice some people getting their flesh they always tell you where they from come to God broke anybody got kids ever went away to college you'd know how to handle call us until they broke we can't find them we all know they're on the campus or mood okay we don't know where they are we don't get report God's not then because it a mom hey Dad can you hit my account they only cause when they broke and the reason why they call us cuz they know we're not broke both of us can't be broke this ain't gonna work so they call the broke person cause the non broke person because they knows the non broke person has resources that can meet the broke person's need is there anybody glad that we have a father who never goes broke god whatever I need you always got it here he's from everlasting to everlasting he's out for an Omega he's the first and the last he's the beginning in the end he's unlimited in his resources he's eternal and whatever I ran out of he's got it let me hurry up I can't get stuck on that the second blessing put this on your list it's a blessing to mourn who in the world thinks sorrow is a blessing Jesus he says it's blessed the more you notice do you notice antithetical is that the right word we're gonna go with it whoa whoa and you want me to be you what you call sadness of let I don't lost somebody or something of value and you say that's a blessing who even thinks like this most of us by the way when we do suffer loss are so busy trying to use so much energy to be strong I gotta be strong and I wanna break down the key is looking got to be strong for mama God be strong for this birth and God said why you using all the energy to be strong if you would mourn I can do watch this watch this watch this watch this watch this the virtue in a part of the verse every verse has an a clause of be clause to a part of verse a closet verses the first part that's the verse you morning the reward is in the B Clause of verse if you're more you're gonna get comfort that tells me if you ain't morning you ain't getting comforted you might be self comforting you know what that looks like that looks like tree that looks like a drink that looks like sex that looks like food we know how to self come for God says if you want I'll comfort you now now watch this why is it a blessing sometimes got an interpreter with scripture so let me give you another scripture that turns more lights on this B attitude in second Corinthians chapter 1 beginning in verse 3 it says there's all praise to God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ God is our merciful Father and the source of all what he's the source of all what comfort he comforts us in all our troubles so that watch this so that we can comfort others don't miss this when they got trouble we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us verse 5 for the more we suffer for Christ the more God will shower us with his comfort through Christ even when we are weighed down with troubles is for your pulse it is for your comfort in salvation but when we ourselves are comforted we will certainly comfort you then you can patiently endure the same things we've suffered let me show you how this works practically if you write down these three words though I said take a picture of it mourning mourn comfort capacity mourn comfort capacity this is what God does he allows us to hurt he comforts us in hurt and that comfort of that pain equips us to help somebody else who's now suffering what we survived who that's better than y'all talking to me let me say it again let me say it again like this see how many see this world is full of pain how many of y'all know that this world is full of pain this world is full of pain and God for the most part protects us from just about all of it you ain't suffered everything most of the pain in this world we will never experience to us too no idea what it's like to experience some of the pain but every now and then God will let us feel what's happening in our world not because he wants to punish us because he wants to use us so he says imma let you go through that and while you're mourning that I'm gonna comfort you so that when you run across somebody who's been through that you'll be equipped and walk them through it because you can say this how the Lord got me through it this who I went to see this is what I did this how I walk through it you understand what I'm saying every time you suffer every struggle you went through every time he compass you it equips you and empowers you and authenticates you and enables you to help somebody else that's how this works he has empowered you he has endorsed you through your suffering see some of y'all you ever walked into a situation that you had no you had no understanding of how to deal with it you're walking a situation you don't know what to do I don't know how to deal with this I don't know what to say and it's because you have no background for it my background prepares me for the moment but if I have no background for it I don't know what to say or do but some of y'all got a background that has prepared you for stuff that others in here ain't even prepared for my background has prepared me I know what it's like to bury my mother you understand what I'm saying so when somebody else bread and mother I can look right in the face say I've been there I know it dancing like this is what I did to get through it you understand what I'm saying but some of you you never can see God has to make you suffer so he can use you in the process of helping to heal other people that's why the Bible says in James chapter 1 count it all joy when you fall into various trials knowing that the trying of your faith is working perseverance God is dripping in you because some of y'all ain't got time to go to Bible College you ain't got time to go to seminary he ain't got time to go to the school of ministry so God's gotta take you through the school of Hell and through storms and through difficulty and when he brings you through it when he brings you out of it when he brings you over it when he brings you by it God has says now you're stamped now you're qualified I use that to somebody give God a praise for everything you survived for everything he brought you through you used to look at it extreme but that's your anointing that's your power that's your ministry oh you oughta praise them cuz you survived it it didn't take you out you're still here and you're praising God holy holy holy i'ma get y'all material stay right here when I was in when I was in California first time I seen a palm tree goes out from PAML Heights ain't no trees and family went to the palm trees in a and I somebody told me about the palm trees it was so powerful about these palm trees in California because they always looked so beautiful and they're always kind of lame it just DePaul's I guess that's why they call them palm trees the things are palms and the palms are moving around and waving and the palms are waving and he said and then I started researching it and I said palm trees don't break they only been in fact it could be a truck of tropical storm and if the palm tree is going through a tropical storm it'll Bend all the way over through the whole storm and when the storm is over it comes back up like this with the palms up I did somebody here who's been bent over by pain to come right back up and let the devil know I'm still here I'm still here God is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all we can answer think and he brought me through it and I can stand and testify I survived it I'm still here I gotta go I gotta go third blessing is those who are meek bless their army is that on your list down on your list gotta thank you for making me meek I bet it ain't on your list and ain't no mine even I wrote the sermon what does it mean to be meek the word meek means one definition is voluntary and anima T it's a version of humility voluntary anonymity means you can walk in the room and don't have to announce yourself you know how to tell anybody who you are and who you know and what you've done and where's my seat you're comfortable being invisible I don't have to take over if somebody's telling about their success I don't have to one-up them and say you're going to poke and I've been in Poconos five times got it I got a I got a condo in the Poconos every time somebody say something you say I went to the cowboy I went the Cowboys Stadium I got season tickets at the Cowboys Stadium and took pictures with Jerry Jones see he's just you can't that's that's not meek meek shut your mouth meekness is not just voluntary anonymity meekness is also not retaliating when mistreated I bet that ain't on a list it means graciously handling a tax when people come at you or come after you let me tell you something meekness is not a personality either some people think you know that's just a meek person I'm telling you people when you saved God can make you meet God can take somebody who's gangster who's thugged-out whose volatile who's angry who's a fighter and by his spirit see some of y'all meant to save version of you people have meant to save version of you but they have no idea what you are capable of who am I talking to here I'll fill you in here with my wild people you you're really Wow that ain't even you that's the Holy Spirit who has check your wildness cuz if you ever get loose good god they had to call the police on you but is there anybody here understands that God can work so deeply in you that you don't even let them out of you we're used to what could come out here's the practical applications practical application is when people come for you you know they come for us instead of fighting back with them going back and forth with them you know some of us on our social media page waiting on somebody to come for us you'd be waiting on somebody company you're gonna look through all the comments all the comments of all I'm so impressive you find one comment that was negative I know you ain't coming for me you're looking for the right one which you'll save yourself you got Jesus all in your bio and this might come for you say oh yeah where did you say it in my face I'm saying instead of doing that how about finding out how about this what if what if your witness for Christ was more important than your reputation in the street you're so busy trying to still shore you by you ain't no Punk what if God wanted you to be more tender than tough is that on the list didn't make it didn't make the list how or the next one I'm really running out of time let's act like the clock is not where it is blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness hunger and thirst for righteousness these are people who won righteousness as much as they want to eat or drink that's another level anybody can be righteous occasionally we all do righteous things occasionally you know I got you some fries cuz I was over the other everybody got one good one at home oh you can you can have that cd-i go ahead there's only one see you later you can have I'll go sit and overflow and you know you ain't doing that but all but it good to do it one time these are people who's who has concern about righteousness as they are about eating whoo he says those people are blessed you know my struggle is a hunger and thirst for happiness I bet you don't but your pastor does in their messed up you know what you hunger thirst I think it's a I think it's an American problem in America we have we have three constitutional rights life liberty and the pursuit there is no pursuit of of righteousness in the Constitution and the problem we're pursuing happiness is happiness is pleasure driven and comfort driven which means I'll do whatever makes me happy righteousness says I'm not gonna settle for pleasure I'm gonna I'm gonna stand on pleasing him so how does this work practically as an application here's one way of doing it every time you eat or drink say God while I'm eating and drinking fill me with righteousness since you let me be the one and only to get this pop out chicken sandwich me may you fill me with righteousness since you pray in any way most of us say lord thank you for this food mother's it why are you saying that saying and fill me righteousness like what if we did that every time we just we've got something to drink sit little fill me we're right here I want to be righteous I want to be righteous you know how would transform our life let me go to the next one because we're all the time blessed are they blessed are the merciful for they shall be shown mercy now this should be Chris this should be the easiest one for us to do because of the benefit on the B side because when you give mercy you get it and every single one of us needs mercy because every one of us has done something say some been son left some undone that just needed the mercy of God and God had mercy on us so here's what God says if you give it to others I'm gonna give it to you now what is mercy by definition mercy by definition is it's when we extend kindness to somebody who's guilty it's like a pardon it's also when we extend kindness to people who are in need who's easily overlooked as mercy he says the merciful because you never know when we'll be the ones with a car bored at a light be surprised the stories of people with cardboards at light who used to be engineers and scientists and professors of universities you never know how that how that could unfold so so he says see see see the reason why I like giving mercy to people because I know I'm gonna need it I'm gonna need a noun and I'm gonna need it later and I really wanted when I died cuz he I believe my salvation is secure but I'm not sure cuz I ain't never died see I'll be acting like you know exactly was God I don't know exactly where my survived that what just with me I know the in Bible said he asks from the body president of Lord but work was work hard that happened well I mean what's that like ain't never been through that you know people say they died when the heavenly came back you like cuz they know where I'm coming back and I went to heaven you're coming back who would even ask ya think I'm gonna go back Lord and just check on folks like I don't know what happens so I pray I got enough mercy Terry now I'm just gonna give you mercy here's a question here's a question let's go to a mercy application tree mercy like I said account because every time you make a mercy you can extend mercy it goes into your account so the question is who could you be merciful to this week it's always somebody you know the person you've been holding hostage posting prayers you got in the invisible jail you got one put you won't return their calls you won't talk to him you shut them down but they owe you money and you know what and you mad because they won't pay you back and I'm just saying I never love them money if I can't give it ain't alone it nobody because the fact that you needed me to see when you come to me said can I borrow a thousand dollars because I'm behind two months behind on my mortgage or whatever my car note if I give you a thousand dollars and that catches you up what's going to change in your life to keep you caught up and how you gonna make so much that you gonna have a thousand to pay me back I already know you're gonna pay me back what we think about now we're engaged in my never loan people money this is a quick financial lesson never loan people money do yourself a favor if you can't give it don't do it some of your loan people money need to call in the day and say sorry sorry never mind never mind just release give them mercy and some of y'all saying well I'm in the crowd on that one that ain't no thing but here's the deal here's a deal I'll guarantee you there is nobody that owes you more than God has already paid for you there is no debt that you could cancel that's bigger than the debt he cancelled over your life I'll bet you that I bet you that mercy who can extend mercy to today is that all you list but I'm blessed to be merciful mmm pure in heart blessed are the pure in heart they will see God it's rare but the scripture would call a heart pure because the scriptures describes the heart as deceptive and deceitful and wicked so the hearts gonna be pure God's got to do it but the promise and the B clause is if you're pure in heart you're gonna see God man says you will see God most promises in these bad the attitudes or what theologians theological er call eschatological promises which means they're coming in the future like you will inherit the earth and you will see God and you will be comforted it's like it's coming in the future but there's a present blessing even though we're gonna see God face to face one day there's a prayer the present blessing of being pure in heart is that you get to see God at work in your life how many have ever seen God working in your life so so here's the application here's the application think of an area of your life where you want to see God work is one see I want to see you work in this area God and then use being use it as motivation to be pure in your heart god I want a pure heart I want my motives to be right I want to do my part and what you do your part coz I want to see you at work so here's an area that hasn't come to pass it hasn't been worked out yet so God maybe if I walk in a pure heart I'll see you work I'll see you in that area well I'll see the sometimes God will you'll see him work in that area or he'll give you his eyes to see it the way he sees it I gotta go peacemakers verse nine blessed are the peacemakers they should be called the children of God peacemakers these are not just peacekeepers peacemakers a peacekeeper is somebody who just stays out of people's business and he's just a peaceful you just try to walk in peace that's good a peacemaker gets involved in conflict and tries to bring peace you know there's tension here's the application you already know there's a situation with some tension but you have personally decided to stay out of it because you got your own problems but your wisdom and insight could actually maybe bring resolution but you stayed out of it and I'm saying what if God wants you to step into that because he says those peacemakers a blessing and you say to them people y'all got kids the world is watching let it come let us reason together what if God wants you to sacrificially give your time and energy they try to bring people or groups of people together God says those people are blessed who do that this ain't on the list is it seen on the list one more blessed are the best verse 10 of those who are persecuted because of righteousness blessed are you when people insult you and say all kinds of stuff falsely that's the keyword they falsely say stuff about you if whatever people saying about you is true that ain't no persecution that's an observation like man but it wasn't sir day was Friday that's theory still was you we try to get down in the detail dicey you think it was seven o'clock God wants us to live in such a way y'all they're so righteous that when people talk about us it can't be true and then he says when they still talk about you and they still talk about you wrong then then that's a blessing because now you're in you're in there with the prophets who sees that as a blessing to be persecuted to be talked about because when you talk about it is the truth then you had to repent and make corrections when you're talking about his the application whenever somebody snaps on you or goes off on you his don't don't react just relax because when somebody just snaps on you for no apparent reason what that means is is that this is spiritual and our problem is we keep reacting the stuff this spiritual naturally so now you even took your earrings out and tie your weave up and now you one scrap in the church parking lot and say what you gonna hit it's spiritual like like when somebody comes with you like that note it is spiritual so just relax this is spiritual this is a spiritual attack and holiness starts with loneliness you're gonna have to fight back now I'm gonna stop this bus right here we gonna pick this up next week in verse 13 but before we go I'm gonna put your list back out put your list back out back to your list now I'll list it and look like Jesus is right so here's what I want to do jesus says he's got eight things on his list which one can you put on yours so now I'm ready I'm ready don't even try to say all eight pass time all day I'm oh no you're not just just this this let's let's move it to pace this really legitimate are you ready to be a peacemaker are you willing to mourn and willing to suffer say God I'm willing to go through suffering if it empowers me to help others you do what are you willing to some of it you're gonna go through anyway it's how you look at it marry your list his so we can honor him with our lives thank you Lord for today thank you for your word thank you for this series and we prayed it we're not just listening but we're learning and we're being changed and strengthened and improved in Jesus name Amen thank you for joining us today we hope you enjoyed the message if you would love to help us reach more people just like you we want to encourage you to click the give button at the top of the website also don't forget that you can watch past sermons and we pray that through our ministry you're able to experience God engage in communities be equipped for ministry and empowered to serve we'll see you next time
Channel: Keith Battle
Views: 5,003
Rating: 4.8843932 out of 5
Keywords: Keith Battle, Pastor Battle, Pastor Keith Battle, Zion Church, What did Jesus Say, Jesus, God, Bible, Sermon, God is Good, FBCG, Zion anywhere, Zion icampus, Zion Church online, How to be blessed, God blessed me, Bishop Jakes
Id: eehPnLIc1qo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 17sec (2537 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 09 2019
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