Cessna Experts Inspect My Abandoned 310 Airplane....

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how life changes so quickly after saving all of these airplanes it was bound to happen sooner or later and now it's happened to the 310 they told me that this airplane 20 years ago suffers the same ailment that the Silver Bullet has and this one was not able to be saved I knew when they called me and told me I had to fly all the way back up here from Florida to come see what they found in person that's never a good thing before I show you what they found and what I'm going to do about it I need to tell you what happened I got this airplane from Clint who found it in the barn after sitting for a lot of years in pieces he spent about a year getting it back together he flew it a few times until his life got busy and then it sat for another year after that when he gave me a call asking if I wanted it of course I said yes then Silas Clinton and I spent a few days finishing it up getting it flying again flew it 3,000 mes across the country and I knew that it wasn't perfect these engines they like a CT of oil every couple of hours and it has a couple of dents and dings on it but it's a 70-year-old airplane but what I didn't know is what they found and and I didn't realize just how dangerous this airplane actually was and only 2 weeks ago I listed this thing for sale on airspace auctions because I I bought this that's sitting behind it go up and see if you can take a look at that yeah it it needs a couple of things but we'll get to that in a minute but before I sold it I wanted to make sure we had T the number one twin cess shop on the planet through it to make sure whoever the new owner is gets a very good airplane that was looked at by the best of the best also just a quick shout out to Twin Cessna flyer it's twin cna.org that is a fantastic organization they helped me before I even bought this airplane and about all of the stuff that we ran into fixing it up getting it going if you don't know them check them out go to Twin ssa.org it's a great group of people also on a side note there's been four very good very experienced airplane mechanics that have been through and over this airplane and they are finding stuff that all four of them missed that's why they are the number one shop of twin Cessnas in the world because they know exactly what to look for because this is all they work on while we're waiting on him to get over here to tell us and show us what they found we're going to check in on this thing and I see they had to do a repair up here they found some corrosion up here here and what a little bit I can see it is looking very nice they also had to take this exhaust part off from the turbocharger here if you ever wanted to see the inside of a turbo this is what it looks like this is the hot side the exhaust comes out of here goes in here makes it spin makes that spin which sucks in more air that then pushes it in this was a very dangerous part of the exhaust that caused a lot of issues so we have that sent out to the shop and we're going to get to go check it out so we can see how they inspect it and how they make that part right there and why it cost $30,000 not making that up it it's insane the other really expensive part is uh this over here let's see oh look they've got a they got a motor on the uh the Hydraulics to test the gear it's up on Jacks right now so they can swing the gears cuz we don't want to have the same thing that actually happened to me on that airplane on the way up here I should have inside here oh they got it ready to come out okay so this this is the heater right here we're going to be taking this out and going to the shop and watching them how they actually rebuild one of these things so that it lasts another 10 years and also why it cost 10 to 12,000 to do it that's going to be a pretty cool video Yeah man they got this thing torn all apart oh here's the corroded piece that was on the back see the corrosion just ate it away wow yeah look at that right here just gone but I'm glad they found it and they're taking care of it now before it caused any real serious issues when I go out to look at all these old airplanes the first thing I look at is corrosion cuz that's the one thing that will kill an airplane can it be fixed sometimes no sometimes yes but always a huge amount of work way more work than anything else and uh you can see just how destructive it is and it it just it's cancer it's literally just a cancer that eats it away and sometimes there is no repairing it you're man I really hope that that's not the issue with that cuz they they did say they found some and I knew I knew that it has some corrosion up there because in the nose and under the seat area but um man I just hope it's not that anything with that tell me the engine is blown up or something like that I mean that's all any of it would be bad oh man all right let's let's go find somebody that can show us what they found I'm here with Daniel one of the uh lead inspectors here at T and he was the guy that looked this thing over and said uh Hey Mara hey Tony you need to call Jimmy and have him come down here so without further Ado walk us around show me some of the stuff you found yeah absolutely um so we can just start out with yeah we'll start here and then work our way around I guess yeah okay um one of the biggest things you notice starting out on this one was uh some of the motor mounts on this thing I I'm sure you saw they're new yeah well whoever installed them I don't think put the lock tabs in quite properly no we couldn't because they this one kept snapping off and that's why we put the torque stripe on there well that one's got it on there yep that one does there was one there was a couple of them yeah we had to put a torque stripe on there because the stupid things kept twisting when we would get it to torque okay gotcha yeah so the little lock tabs I think we noticed those weren't bent over unfortunately with this model because the side coll is like this typically these will unscrew and just come off of here but with this one it's riveted on for some reason these older 310 models yeah so it makes it a lot more difficult to do that pain in the butt absolutely yeah we don't like it either from a mechanic standpoint so um there's just a few cracks cosmetically around here we can take care of and things of that sort um see what else on the engine I think there was an exhaust Riser on the inboard side that we suspect a crack um likely what we'd end up doing is pulling the exhaust off so one of so one of these right here right stus here come over here and go ahead suspect a crack cuz we had one the other side one of these we did have a crack all the way around it okay yeah oh right here because you see the white is it that because you see the exhaust coming through likely yeah I don't remember which one off hand without looking at it again but um yeah I was up around one of those spangas that's typically where they end up cracking so okay like I say we take it off and uh pressurize it to make sure and then uh repair replace is needed I'm sure these aren't could be this one right here this style I'm sure is not easy to find nowadays you know Bas had a full set out there and then the other one we actually just had to have it repaired had to send out to a welding thing and they were able to repair it so gotcha okay um other than a few minor oil leaks I don't think there was anything else crazy with this engine thankfully um no crack cylinders or anything like that as far as I can remember well that's good yeah so otherwise good bones all in all not too bad up here okay one interesting thing we noticed is this uh prop seal back here there's typically two metal retaining rings that hold this crankshaft seal into place uh and uh this case does not have it so um the other engine does have the screws it just doesn't have the retainers or the screw receptacles um in this case they're not even present so we're not going to add them really but that is oh yeah is it just because this is a block that's so old that it was before they did that it's possible yeah um Tony would probably know more background on that than I do but uh yeah it it's not one that I've seen like that before for sure well there you go first time for everything I'm sure this airplane's got mini first for you yeah absolutely okay um like I say I think on the engine without I think it was the other side that had The Spar issue who Spar issue there's one spot where uh somebody put a screw basically a little bit too far in through one of the panels and it's just been chafing on uh the upper Spar so it's not like a spar replacement is necessary okay yeah my heart I'm like a stomach drop Spar issue I was like no for sure yeah it's cleanable fixable no problem actually one other thing I think it was on this engine um yeah you can see it right down in there is the engine beam something has been setting right there and chafing on the engine beam are you right under the motor mount yep just about oh I see so if you see boy that's hard yeah it's a hard one to look at there's a good spot here yeah you see that little divot right there yeah I think it was actually I know it was and that's what we moved was the oil line okay came around and there was a clamp or something like that when we replaced it we noticed the same thing stuff was rubbing so we rerouted it moved it over yeah so yeah that's common we'll find them laying on there thankfully because this isn't a turbo um when there's damage to the top strap like that a lot of times they can be repaired thep tolerance is very small on a turbo aircraft because of uh 20016 that ad oh yeah the exhaust ad which is the whole $30,000 exhaust on the other airplane right cuz yeah now my understanding is what would happen is it would rub through that hot exhaust the fuel lines are right there they would burn into that catch fire melt this Wing off literally and the wing would fall off and then everybody would crash and die yeah want that was a bad day absolutely bad day absolutely yep all right boss man okay um he had his whole list like this is that's a monster list and that's very small type double sided and he's got a few highlighted in Orange that I'm yep minorly majorly concerned about um there's some very minor fuel leaks on the bottom of this tip tank here um nothing that we can't fix of course um underneath here some coming through I think you said uh was it you that wrote up that uh it was overflowing a little bit from the top cap on the bladder well it's it only happened once okay and it was when all four tanks were completely full and it was in The Hanger overnight okay so I don't know if it the Heat and expansion pressurized it up and it leaked around the bladder but then we did notice that there was some leaking out of here and and onto the floor it wasn't a huge amount but sure definitely and it's only ever happened that once okay now in full disclosure I don't leave it parked with full gas tanks ever okay yeah well like I say nothing there that we can't can't fix by any means so um on this Wing I think the first thing we noticed when we were doing a walk around is this yeah upper Wing skin patch right here or crack so on this side probably what we'd end up doing I don't remember exactly how we wrote it up either you could splice this whole piece of skin here or just lay an over a patch over top of it um of course this being an airplane that's as beautifully polished as this is it take a little bit more time to get it to get the patch po up uh to match sure um yeah but because this exhaust is a little more forward it makes it easy to get access to that so okay um let's see do you want to touch on the tail yeah cuz I I still don't know what he was what you guys found back here that you can see cuz I did not for sure yeah so on the Leading Edge this is some filler something like that okay um walking up here you can start to see this stuff flaking through here so oh oh right there is the crack oh we oh that's the actual layer of the aluminum yep yes oh wow beginning to cor through all in there okay so this so okay the all clad or I forget the name of there's a layer on top and then you have the pure aluminum underneath yeah and that's what this is so this is the hardened or whatever the what do you call it the the mix of metals it's like an alloy or something alloy yeah that's the word so there's an alloy on the outside and then you have pure aluminum on the inside but this is actually corroded through and cracked right here that's what you were talking about yes and what's funny I mean you got a dent right here here Sy come down this is this has been here for a real long time there couple of dents but that and that right there you can see oh yeah can you see that oh yeah there you go oh wow so what we' like to do is end up going in there and basically reskinning this entire Leading Edge um so this hole from this line all the way to that line yep just the the entire thing and checking the condition of the ribs and everything underneath it too so yeah wow yeah huh we peeled a little bit off of there too we could see it bubbling through so it probably didn't look exactly like that when you were doing your walk around but cuz I was Wonder I was like I don't remember I mean I remember a couple of spots like this that were patched over and things like that sure yeah no that makes sense and that as easy as that peeled off yeah that okay yep so that's the big thing that's that's kind of a big deal now it doesn't mean replacing the entire tail section right it's just a skin like thish right we may depending on because you have rivet you have to re- rivet all this in here so I'm pretty sure we may have to take the entire stab off of there to get it sent out for reskin I think is how we wrode it up um so it'll end up doing the whole thing repolishing it and stuff like that just because um you got to be able to get your arm in here to to rivet that right so that's what that's looking like um finding a replacement of this style tail I'm sure would not be uh easy anymore and an entire piece um so reskin we figured would probably be your uh cheapest option okay yeah that definitely needs that's the estimate that they're working on right now of getting that okay well that's a bummer to yeah find that okay all right um one teachable moment uh just for this is one thing that Tony always talks about in his uh seminars and stuff are these trim horn screws right here you may have heard of these um so a lot of times we recommend that if they haven't been changed in a while or especially if they're painted over they're not painted over in this case of of course but um we like to see these replaced just about every annual um the reason for that is this hard with these four screws here yes yep the four screws and the nuts underneath the reason for that is water gets down into them and they rust and they'll eventually break off sometimes we pull them out of there and there's threads missing and they're completely rusted through so oh okay yeah cuz these clearly have not been changed in a minute for sure yeah okay so doesn't take a whole lot of time it's not a huge deal but it is something safety related that we like to take care of every time okay minor safy okay good to know good to know okay any like tail going to fall off or anything like that no thankfully structur I'm just standing here yeah the glare I know I as I was inspecting I'm walking around with my flashlight and blinding myself constantly so yep um and we're not going to show uh sparrow hawk all of the fingerprints that are on this right now cuz they they would just have a heart attack yeah they did a good job and we yeah we did our best to try to keep that off there but um we'll polish it up to when it leaves but okay all right okay so so far nothing I mean this could be a really major deal yes uh so our options with this are basically finding an entire another tail section or pulling it off having them change out the whole front of this thing and then have to put it all back on yes not a small insignificant thing to do unfortunately not no that's quite a bit of work yeah so Nikes okay all right okay and that that's that's not the worst thing though is it um probably not one of the bigger items but no I think uh the nose probably um I know I've been I've been waiting to to go up there uh okay any anything inside here that was found of uh significance um one thing that might be interesting to look at let craw in here see if I can see it I don't know how camera um healthy it'll be exactly one of these cables um was C chaping through this RB here so these cables of course run your flight controls and they they have pass throughs through some of these bulkheads and stuff like that so this one is um it's not as though the cables misaligned but over time as they run they'll start chafing through the metal and so um on that other side you can kind of see where the ca's chafing through the bulkhead so we'd just like to go in and uh clearance that a little bit you might have to get to the other side to to see it real well but yeah that's fine and that's kind of important cuz if that cable uh breaks then that that's also a a bad day absolutely okay all right okay so far so far I'm pretty optimistic so far this sounds like a good airplane minus you know the tail thing okay um I don't think there's anything else crazy within the I had a question for you up in here though absolutely the Black Scat tube right there yes on both sides there and there mhm that was my concern with getting that replaced because well I guess you can't see it from there but um oh yeah I'm back here the corrosion that those things cause mhm yeah it's not really right there I think there's a little bit underneath that one up in the nose I remember seeing if you're looking for corrosion there yeah okay but that you saw that and it's not not too bad or it's just need something we'd like to address yeah for sure okay so we may have written it up as um taking that entire nose out so that that environmental hose runs up into the nose of course and connects to the heater or the the the air that comes in um so a lot of times we'd like to replace those hoses because as they um deteriorate and stuff like that it's starting to let air through and yeah they'll cause moisture and have them corrode like that so okay definitely something we'd like to address all right okay okay but otherwise in here everything seems to be fairly in order yeah there may have been some minor things but I don't um I don't recall anything major okay all right H that's good so far one more uh Wing skin crack right there similar to the other side this one's a little bit smaller yeah so same deal there's a rivet that's corroded off right here so yeah now did you you didn't pull the augmenter tubes out did you um we did not no okay cuz I do know that on this side right here and that was on my notes there was a rivet that was corroded through okay and so there would be a small repair needed right there for sure and I I wrote that up okay um yeah we'll get that taken care of for sure yeah thankfully the the tubes w't cracked or anything like that as far as you can see looking in there I know you've had those off before a couple of times unfortunately yeah okay okay but yeah just there right there and kind of the same story as the other side just a patch there Andor I mean this would be going to repace so we patch quicker just to yeah put a little overlay on it so okay yep all right and then of course uh auxiliary tank sending unit gasket has a little leak there and yep yeah there's number of minor little things nothing that's uh can't be fixed okay well I mean this so so far it's pretty positive I'm I'm waiting for the for the brick for sure we can go there if you'd like I don't want to all right let's go but any anything different than the other engine I don't think so there were story similar stuff yeah some wiring like like to see tied up and things of that sort I think there may have been a little bit of oh actually what was on this engine um and we sent you some pictures I believe there's a little bit of rust within the cylinders that we noticed during our boroscopes I didn't know okay so I don't think it's something that we um I don't know Tony is that something we were going to do anything about yeah oh yeah cuz are all these these are not all chromed cylinders some of them are oh only okay two of them on this engine are yeah so we'll get you those pictures you can see in inside of them a little bit better but um there's something we noticed otherwise I don't think there was anything major um I'm trying to remember on the other engine there's a little bit of corrosion on um some of these primer rails and things like that we'll just change those out really quick um but over here you can kind of see what I was talking about as far as the uh the retainers same deal on this engine but this one as I say does have the the screw receptical so rebuilt one of the engines was 1976 okay and the other one I think was 1979 gotcha this one has about 1,700 hours on it or 1,800 it's a real High Time engine and then that one I think is about 600 hours or something like that okay but it's been a long time yeah considering the age it's in relatively good shape so okay all right okay well okay um so so I know that there was up here somewhere yes so so on these older style 310 especially uh the nose being open um they have a few different places of things that we like to look at so corrosion is a big deal there's a few spots within there that we'd like to get touched up and clean we can show you um the major thing on the nose unfortunately is um two pieces basically on the the center spars that run out on the nose and right on the top of them they tend to crack around the edges we call those the Keels and um both of these ones have been cracked in the past have a homemade repair point on top of those and then the repairs themselves are cracked gosh so we'd like to do a little bit more of a comprehensive repair on that for sure okay so does that mean like the nose is going to fall off of it or it's just going to get bent or buckled is that why I've seen some of them that are buckled a little bit is cuz it cracks right there um I imagine it can't be good for it I'm not sure exactly how does that okay all righty can explain that more in depth he's got the crash history so the basically the main supports that hold the whole front of the airplane have cracks on them yes okay and they've been repaired but those repairs are also those have also failed yes okay y oh I was just to say I don't know we can get down there and take a look at it yeah let's see and uh you have to be kind of skinny and you got to go in like this in order to get up in there yes the big thing with these the older 310s that I'm not a fan of is they do not have the access panels that would normally be right here so yeah for inspecting and repairing uh anything like that you're basically shimmying up in here like this yeah okay so these are the Keels right here right they would be a little bit more forward right about there oh holy crap that is cracked big time right there oh wow that looks like kind of a terrible weak point right there yes I believe on the newer ones they ended up putting a bit of a beef up that wasn't on the earlier models wow so it's I'm assuming the same on that side over there oh yeah oh oh man yeah that's oh and that patch that's over it like really that's like just little thin piece of sheet metal I'd want to put a something thick for sure yeah we hey there's a data plate right there so okay that's not good we'll end up going in there and putting something a little bit more robust but you can imagine as uh the port sheet metal guy probably end up being me that is going to have to shimmy into that nose to rivet that off and then U or uh drill that apart you know and then put a repair kit in there so so what is the patch for it is it just another piece of metal that goes over a strap that goes over the top of it to hold it basically yeah um some overlays like that uh and they kind of wrap around the side and hold it okay that's why yep I believe they had kits for that at one point that you could get but I don't know how readily available those are now you know 70 years later right yeah huh okay so and my understanding is that's not the the real hard pill to swallow oh within here yeah um I think that was the bigger thing we've got side braces the bulkhead corrosion oh there was some of that yes yep um those are related to the environmental hoses you're talking about within the cabin um since they run from your your heaters right under here within the nose um so those environmental hoses run back in there you kind of sort of see him from down here yeah let me see let me shim me right now watch here come over here and watch this guy get in this thing all right now I will try to shim me up in here all right okay yeah so you can see a lot of corrosion back here um by the it's basically up in this area I'll let you get in there um by the parking brake pulley and there is an environmental hose that runs back in here into the cabin so um fairly common spot for there to be corrosion but again because of the limited access it's a bit of a pain to get to um and likely on this other side as well um behind the heater Plum so where that black hose goes right there quite a bit of corrosion yeah especially right behind it as the uh the hose is touching the sidewall of the nose skin okay so that is the corrosion where that hose goes in there and it's the same on the other side and this is what I was talking about in my notes in the camera kind of hard to see but the discoloration behind that black hose right there yeah so oh yeah and it runs all the way up along that hose look at that man a little bit of external evidence of uh some of corrosion that's starting in there too is a few rivets that are the heads are cored off right here along this rib okay so oh yeah right here look at that look at look oh they're totally gone yep and over here okay and so then the fix for that is what what's the fix for that uh the fix is going to be someone like me having to shim me up in there will end up um pulling the hoses out basically basally those are I mean those may be original hoses as far as we know so they're very old yeah um we'll take those hoses out we'll make new ones uh wall the hoses out we will clean up that corrosion as best as we possibly can um put corrosion treatment on it and then replace the hoses with something new do you think that this all this bulkhead metal is going to have to be replaced um I don't think so like I said when we get in there we can get a better idea once we get it cleaned up of how deep it is and the extent of the corrosion um but at the moment no I I I'm not suspecting that that's the case um okay we may have to take out the heater depending on how far it goes um forward uh just again for Access and making sure we get it thoroughly cleaned up cuz if you do a sort of a half job it'll just come back you know yeah so okay well that's not as that's not as bad as what I was thinking cuz what I was told is that worst case scenario mhm that entire bulkhead has to be replaced and up to 700 hours of sheet metal work essentially is what what it would take well 700 total for the airplane and probably 600 just for this okay is that worst case scenario sure absolutely yeah worst case scenario if you get in there and find that it's worse you start cleaning the corrosion off and realize it's deeper than you anticipated or it covers a wider area um then yes I mean that that is the the probably the worst case scenario you could imagine yeah and my understanding is that old 320 that's riding away on the side suffered from the exact same issues yes yeah these these older style 310 320s um that's a a very common common area for that to happen and has has doomed more than one airplane unfortunately so yeah never what we want to see um but it is it is common unfortunately so okay okay well we'll I guess yeah see what that thing is going to be and then the gear yes what did you find anything was is the gear rigged correctly does it seem like everything is good to go there um a few things that we noticed was two big things one on each side um in the nose while we're right here we notice that the the drive tube basically that runs from the the Bell crank back here all the way forward to run your gear is installed backwards wait what they have these what something was installed backwards it's still functional this thing right here yes okay so typically we like to see the the long end of that faing uh in board basically I see so this rivet right here if you can see that and then there's a a bigger a longer part on that side of it you just they should be on this side yep oh yeah cuz you can see this top piece has the same thing for sure okay the reason we like to see that and it doesn't appear as though it's been a problem on this aircraft specifically um but sometimes it will start to rub on that Sid skin especially on our models um and so we just like to see those switched around for for safety so okay um that's that there all right fair enough okay any main gear or anything yes so the biggest thing on the main gear are the side braces on both sides um so we can take a look in here I I'll show in a little bit more detail all right cuz now I did know and because of the um the group you know that you the t is a part of the twin Cessna yes that is a apparently a really common thing on pretty much all three tins is having that side brace there's a kit and a doubler type of thing that I I this is just my understanding yes and about half of of them have already had it done and the other half not maybe that's what my research was but yes go ahead yep that's true yeah so I'm I'm in in the middle of a side base repair right now actually yeah I've probably done five or six in the past year very common on these um it's actually this rib right up in here so this is your support rib this this piece right here is made out of aluminum originally they tend to crack um either up around this rib in here okay right on this side this one is cracked by this forging bracket bolt so right up here and it's kind of how the heck it's a bit of a subtle crack oh yeah look at that here you can barely see it's only because that's all these guys deal with that they you could even notice that little tiny crack up on the top okay so I can show you a kitten in a little bit as well if you'd like but what we do to repair these basically is um we'll go in here and you know take all your gear components down so you can get some access we'll take this old style torque tube out um we'll probably send that out for U non-destructive testing to make sure those aren't cracked cuz that's common as well um while we have it out of the air plane old style that's it it's very possible it is original this airplane only has about 3,500 hours on the whole thing oh really okay wow impressive for its age so we'll go in here and basically un ribit this this entire um piece will come out of here and the the kit that we install is basically a really P thick piece of Steel um and we'll put that in there oh it's actually steel it is oh interesting so it will never crack again or it would take a lot to get it to crack again so um that's what we replace that with okay is the other side good to go or is it got a crack in it too the other side unfortunately is cracked as well so in the same spot um oh weird and because of the placement of the crack I'm I'm more concerned about the the angle behind the side Braes which is this right here that angle runs all the way up forward um there so a lot of times when they Crack by this fory bracket it's flexing back and forth and the angle itself underneath there will crack as well oh but you can't tell until you start pulling that stuff off there so so what does that mean if that angle is cracked you have to it's a little bit more work um we'll have to replace that entire angle so um that's doable um but it is a little bit more time with with enough time and money I guess holy cow for sure okay all right otherwise thankfully though the the spars are in good condition back here um a lot of times we look for corrosion up inside of these um the exhaust fumes especially when the exhaust is running under the airplane will you know collect in there and corrode um but they all appear to be in good shape well that's good okay we went to look at The Spar up here on the engine too I think um where that screw was going through yeah what did you find on that okay so it's um this right back here that panel there there we go oh I know exactly which one you're talking about cuz I had to replace it because I noticed I'm like why did somebody stick a long screw in here right okay yeah so you can go ahead and get up in there I'll point it out I'll just show him the spot real quick oh yeah um our other inspector inspected this engine so he saw the spot it's right it's right behind this one uh damage enough that we think we need to replace a spar or anything like that but we'll try to smooth that out so it doesn't crack or do any anything crazy like that so did you want to look at the other side brace I think those are the main the main issues the the largest ones and we can look at anything else you'd like but I mean no if the other one looks the same as this one okay no that's fine so now I'm going to switch the camera over there thank you for uh for showing me all of this stuff and looking through that so the walk me through the biggest what we were finding here yeah this this is this environmental ducting that we saw up in here it's a common problem in a lot of airplanes but twin ssts in particular this is out of another aircraft a different aircraft and you can see what the ducting looks like is it's like a steed steel wire that supports it on the inside it's got like a fiberglass cloth type cover over it with a string assembly that keeps the the shape on the outside of it some bailing twine yeah it it bailing twine and duct tape man it should look like this uh when it started out new but it gets here and the problem with the corrosion with it is that it it has this steel wire that will start wearing through in spots so the steel will lay directly against so if you see a spot like this the loop will set out and then the wire will lay directly against the aluminum and you have just similar corrosion you have some level of corrosion with water retention yeah so you have in fact when it breaks and it sticks out like this if it lays against something critical aluminum it'll wear right through it um you can see in this case that this area laid against something right in here and it lays damp all the time uh up in the nose it's really uh it really happens a lot because uh this ducting comes from the heater so it's warm and the Skins may be flying in the winter time like your last video where you were freezing that was terrible 19° if it was if the heater was running you know you would have like a 19° aluminum with like a 60 or 70° uh in 80° cuz yeah it's just out in the open where all that wind it get it goes in there and it never dries out it just lays in will corrode so you know at some point you have got to replace this stuff and go in and treat the skins and uh aluminum skin so that it doesn't do that maybe isolate it a little bit if you can in certain places they didn't spend any time doing that cessa didn't when they build it they just jammed it underneath of the floor so we find a lot of ducting underneath of the floor and up in the nose section that's bad like that um the other thing that'll happen up in the inside once we start pulling it apart is there's a luminum tubing running around in there brake lines uh with hydraulic fluid in it you'll have uh fuel lines that goes up to the fuel pressure gauge if it's still there you'll have oil lines that goes to the oil pressure gauge and those will corrode really rapidly if they lay against that and the next thing you know you'll say hey I've got low oil pressure in my engine you look you don't have any oil it's all run out of a pinhole in the aluminum tubing in the cabin so once we get in there and start looking at it that's only a 35,000 wall thickness the aluminum tubing it doesn't take very much corrosion for it to get a pinhole in it or you don't have any brakes uh went on Landing because the hydraulic fluids just run out of it up underneath the floor section of it wow so what is your opinion on this because we've got the tail section that has that Leading Edge where the it's worn through there needs repair right uh which makes it not you know there's several options that could go and give it enough time and effort if you wanted to look at it you know you may be able to find a used one that was in better shape okay I had a salvage yard or something the unfortunate part about salvage yards at this point is that the airplanes are in the salvage yard for some other re some reason and a lot of times it's for the same reason your airplane needs to be repaired so the parts are all about the same quality when you get in there uh we could repair this we could repair the leading edges uh we probably wouldn't do that in house there's a couple uh specialty places that repair them uh and but the level of repair with an airplane that's polished like this is really high a lot ratchets up a lot compared to one that we would have you just throw some paint over it can't throw some paint over it to have a few little uh Miss matches and stuff and fill it and things that would happen it has to look pretty good to match the rest of it now you know we you could elect to go in and paint sections of it and cover it like you did on the tips where there fiberglass and stuff like that that it's not polished uh but uh you know it all takes extra time when you start doing that thing um the Keel sections is real common in these early airplanes if you start looking at the early uh three tons a whole bunch of reasons it was just too weak to begin with yeah we can see it was just this piece of metal right there right can see that they probably have worked on this well obviously there was a a patch on the top of it but you can see things like Cherry rivets or cherry Max rivets in here you can see some missing ones in here Fasteners and stuff around where it was working before oh yeah all this whole other side is all just Cherry Max rivets right here so they were working on it in here at some other point uh in time um so it was a little bit weak to begin with with the geometry of the nose gear makes it so that it puts a lot of force on it because with it out like this when you touch down on the nose gear the force down here's AF this piece is supposed to stay over Center so it transmits all the force back to about right in right into this section into here so it twists it and um they also new pilots are training if they're doing flight training at all in it it takes them a while to learn how to land because nose is so short well in your profile with you got flaps you go in like this you have to pull way back and have your nose way higher it has a big propensity to have nose gear first Landings as the pilot starts until they figure out that hey I have to start flaring early and I've got to get the nose up a lot more from that sight picture than especially if they're moving from a single engine airplane that has a big engine and stuff out in front so it it is a little bit uh sensitive to have a nose gear more likely have nose gear hit first on it as opposed to other types of airplanes with a longer nose so the big the big one on this is the tail is a big big thing this the side braces Are Not Unusual not a huge issue and the same with this up here they're fairly common not is it's the bulkhead corrosion on this that is the the the yes the Russian Roulette right yeah it's hard and all all the things that are there are the hard things to get to which is probably why they haven't been done in the past 70 years because everybody said H we'll just do that next year yeah or they haven't looked haven't been able to see it now obviously they saw this up in here because somebody tried to put a patch on but the patch is sort of an undocumented kind of like thing it just shows up you know and and it wasn't really adequate uh they did beef this up over the years uh like Daniel said that they as each year went along they're a little bit heavier and heavier they made the Keels out of bigger for the different pie model models of the three time uh eventually they started putting a doubler in there that was a steel doubler in it and made the steel doubler kind of short then they made in later years they made the steel doubler even longer uh so they were continually having trouble in that so they kept re rebuilding that as they went along I had a uh a u FBO president call me uh from down south somewhere where and said can you damage a 310 by Towing it and I said well yeah uh you know and he said well our customer had an an old he called it an old 310 which I found out later was a like this one in 54 and they uh 55 and the he set the parking brake and got out they hooked onto it they was trying to push it and literally I saw pictures of it in this Junction right here it broke completely off a with the tug and so this this nose gear this nose assembly is not very uh not very strong and not strong enough to make it through the years that it's been gone through without having it pretty much perfect as it goes along yeah now have you guys ever had uh issu similar to this on another airplane yes lots of them and what happened with those airplanes uh We've repaired most of them okay is this one repairable or not or we're at on theable Jimmy anything's repairable okay the the issue kind of becomes is if this were the only problem and everything else was fine if the tail was the problem and everything else was fine if the side braces were the problem and everything else is fine if the interior was okay and everything else is fine it would be no hurdle or if they would have repaired those things as they went along it's a matter of having like six things bad yeah it's like it's like trying to fix your house you know the basement's flooded uh the the RO the roof isn't any good you know uh it's all uh the wiring is now all shorting out and the Plumbing's leaking in the house it's like such a big big undertaking that it is not a matter could you fix it but is it viable to fix it and viability is different from person to person yeah on it uh if a guy had a mechanic certificate it was very very had a lot of time was uh you know people build airplanes every every year uh thousands of air people in the United States are building airplanes so if they would buy an airplane or get an airplane like this and they would say okay I'm going to just restore this airplane and they put it in their hanger they work on it every day is because they're retired or that's what they want to do uh it it'd be an easy start as a good repairable airplane uh but uh you know if you're going to pay somebody shop labor rate to do that kind of thing that is a puts it into a completely different kind of monetary frame yeah so how many hours do you think of just just the metal work on this this is sheet metal work with the tail with the here with the bracing well the side bra the side brace is going to run around 60 to uh 70 manh hours to do the side brace we'll takes we'll look at another airplane we have one you've been hearing all the riveting in the background they're putting the side Braes in another airplane we'll look at what it takes to kind of do that uh so we can look at that thing uh I would say basically speaking that you're probably looking at a couple guys uh uh three full weeks two people three full weeks or so to do the sheet metal work and and we would we would probably Farm out the horizontal stabilizer unless we could run across a real good one someplace a nice one uh that doesn't have a lot of damage and stuff on it some place and just change it out yeah uh and it's not the horizontal stabilizer fortunately I guess in this case would be uh is not a something that gets damaged a lot because these airplanes go to salvage quite frequently because of a nose gear collapse so the horizontal doesn't get damaged so you may find a horizontal stabilizer you're all over the place looking at airplanes you know you may run across the horizontal stabilizer that's in good condition all you'd have to do is swap it strip the paint polish yeah maybe or or decide to make the make the change and and paint the horizontal stabilizer some no we wouldn't do that we can't do that let me ask you this question so we know it's it's not going to it's not going to be making the auction May uh May 10th not even as is yeah as is maybe but not as a an annual flying airworthy airplane is that is that correct that's correct yeah okay that's that's a bum that's correct I know then my next question becomes how dangerous was this airplane that I was flying in probably your biggest possible concerns is is the would it be the nose gear in it it it's collapsing if had a bad you had kind of a rough Landing or you went over a rough spot in it or whatever the nose gear collapsed it going to be the high would have been your highest risk I believe in it uh the other corrosion and stuff in it and maybe a a main gear uh collapsing on like a to make a high-speed turn off or it's cross windy day and you and you're holding it up and you drop it down and it kind of makes a zigzag it'll they'll fail on the side brace like that as well um so that those would be your highest kind of like Risk things um but the corrosion people ask me a lot of times well you know how dangerous is that well I don't really know Cessna obviously did not design it like that and you know so let me let me take a tuba six and hang it out over the edge of the Grand Canyon and you walk out on the end of it and take a saw and saw a little bit on it so what what your is your capacity for when you're going to stop sawing on it and say okay enough's enough yeah and um so it's it's a call from what you've seen before it's definitely not going to get any better and unfortunately with corrosion it gets worse exponentially quicker so every year that you let it go being in double yeah being in Florida doesn't help uh so it it doesn't go away and the causes of it is still there until you clean it up and fix it and or replace some parts in it or so on so um it that's the qu the that's the question you need to ask yourself is okay you know at what point do we pull the plug on this yeah and different people have different levels of risk when different mechanics will have different levels of risk so is that why the years and years of all the different mechanics and everything that look this thing over and doing the inspections said yeah it's air worthy for another year St worthy for another year yeah they you know you they will make or we will make the determination that we look at the airplane and you know you look in the log books and the airplane's flown 30 hours last year and it you know and you know the owner a little bit and you know how they fly the airplane you say well it's probably not in a big risk factor but you know maybe one Sunday afternoon nice Sunday afternoon like it was this weekend here in Northern Ohio they go out and take a their whole family and all the grandkids and stuff rides in it and how would you feel to have all your grandkids in the airplane and have the nose gear main gear collapse or have the horizontal stabilizer you know uh not break off but just something's play a part or you know we really don't even know what The Spar of the horizontal stabilizer looks like because you can't see that at all so you know when you got something that's beside it that's heavily corroded you always think about well the main structural part behind that could be just as corroded but we don't know we can't see it yeah you know so that's you know you got a big bump on your arm and you say well it's just on the muscle on my arm but maybe the maybe the bones broke underneath of it you don't know that yeah okay and I know that Marlo was working up the estimate and getting all this stuff put together M uh man and what kills me is on a good day this airplane value-wise in the market is 75,000 bucks 100,000 with the avionics update and because it's polished and looks pretty and stuff like that but oh man that that the pricing is all on her I just yeah yeah yeah so we got to go in there and she said that she had to put more paper in the printer yeah it hurts my heart on these old airplanes that you'll say we need to spend 8 or 10 hours cleaning up very series of little small corrosion on the airplane and the owner would say well is it on air worthy now well no it's not on air worthy now uh well I I don't want to do that okay I want to just skip that so then you see the air line again with a different owner five or six years later now you've got structural corrosion in it in the same areas that you would have asked them to clean it up and now you're talking 809 100 man hours worth of work to replace the structural part well that's exact story is that airplane and now this airplane that airplane you guys caught it fairly early in the thing you're able to do kind of a minor just repair of that and if that would have went on for longer we'd be in this situation right here absolutely interesting wow yeah never gets better don't ever think that something by ignoring it is going to get better oh man okay so it's this airplane is definitely not going to be up for auction and then all of the cost of all of the other stuff that we have to go into and some of it we don't know we don't know how much the tail is going to be we don't know what the bulkhead nose corrosion is going to be till we dig into that M the um and and it clearly if I understand you correctly is not going to be an annual because of the what what is found there right um so even if we did the things like the heel repair and just the side braces and didn't and and did the horizontal you know it's it's going to be more it would take more calendar time than than that date okay by a long shot yeah yeah yeah take a look at a side brace in in process so you can kind of get an idea what it would take to have a side brace on another aircraft sure yeah okay yeah yeah let's do that all right so I got mixed emotions right now on the one hand it sounds like we've been flying a safe airplane you know good airplane on the other side like he said there's a few not a few there's multiple major things that need to happen for this to stay flying and I have a fear that when I see the repair bill it's financially it's just not going to make any sense whatsoever so but let's he's got a flashlight let's go check it out so first of all this is this is the this is the kind of the parts that are out of the airplane this is like one side there's the other side uh that come out uh to be able to do the repair in it uh you'll see that what we're adding is some shim pieces some other additional angles in it we come in and add a plate in here and this support plate that goes in to that bulkhead then is steel and a way to be able to tell whether you got a side brace kit in it or not is it's magnetic cuz the original one was aluminum so people ask me all the time how do I know if I have this side brace kit put in and you say well just go up into that bulkhead where they show you just put a magnet beside this long cutout here if it sticks on it on the inboard side it's got the kit in it uhy pretty simple to do so uh we'll go over to the other side and take and is this is this the size of the torque tube that would be in mine that should be in mine cuz mine is way smaller than no the earlier ones were a lot smaller than and they they updated a as they went along kind of until they got to 1967 then they changed design this is uh this airplane is a 72 okay much later yeah much later on it I'm sorry it's a 76 and it's much later here uh in fact this is the newest style one because it has the supports here and it's got 5/8 in Fork mold in it so the fork bolt uh is right here what Fork bolt and this is the 5/8 inch one and is that a common place where they would crack yeah without this doubler in here without this gusset in here the torque is like this rotates back and forth so this piece then twists in there and it will crack along this weld in here and down this tube and then separate cuz this is the piece that moves the entire gear and all of the torque for the whole main gear is on this one right section oh yeah so the drive tube is driving it here yeah and then it comes over here and this part goes out to the Gear so this kind of twist it's got a twisting force on it so when it fails what it'll do is it makes kind of a spiraling f who crazy all right so be careful of your head oh wow so this has got the doubler that existed out of it let you come in here yeah out of it the doubler used to be here and it went to here and it was aluminum and you and it cracks up in here and as uh Daniel on yours until we get that piece off we don't know if this angle up here is cracked or not until we get it taken apart and look at it so it it there's pieces up in here that are removed there's like a uh angle doubler here I don't want to pull it down cuz it's got it jammed up into here but it goes in here it's a close out piece that goes in this gear well and what you do then is come in and fit this uh doubler in there's the angles in here you put this steel piece in here Beef It Up and uh put new angles in and that makes this a lot stronger because this gear then what that does is this landing gear piece here goes up and on the far side it goes up into this far side of this and that's where it's boled up and that's what holds the gear down a lot makes sense makes sense and yeah that's a lot of torque on that if you do land sideways all that gets trans this would be a lot stronger if we had a wing skin across this opening but we've got this big hole here for the gear so this piece now has a lot more uh is a lot thicker and has a lot more uh structure to it than the ones that would be in the wing on farther out uh because it has to carry that load across this open hole so instead of being a box it's a c-shaped piece mhm wow if you look at the top of the airplane the riveting comes down on that angle comes down through it and what we have to do is come in and remove part of this theel and then you actually cut the the cell sidewall to get into the riveting that goes down through the wing as it goes and then we have to go back in and and reattach that we put an angle the other way go in and put another doubler piece in there then reinstall the and when it's done from the outside here we can't you can't really tell that it's been done from the top inside the uh baggage compartment or the uh Wing Locker you could now on your airplane it doesn't have this doesn't come out quite as far so most of it we can take loose and we don't have to cut that he it those are out in the open enough on the 310 earlier 310 that you you don't have to do that cutout so with the damage that we've seen does it look like this airplane was ever crashed I don't believe so no I we thought maybe it might had a nose gear collapse and it's possible years ago that it might have but I don't the this area in here is either from that or it has been reworked because of the kills because these rivets are you know you can see along the line of rivets some places that they're a lot larger than they were originally so something went on it is possible that it had a nose gear collapse on it at some point uh but I don't I don't know uh does and like I I have not been substantially through the log books to F it out every s little thing that happens one of the things that we do with a uh uh with an airplane like this is we'll come back and we'll look and see what year did they put props on it or what year did they overhaul the engine and then we'll start looking around at the kind of entries before and after that you'll find that okay during the time they put the engine on it's been down for two years and hasn't had an annual for a couple years you're pretty sure that it just wasn't the engine it was like other stuff going on during that time and they may or may not uh you know log it I've seen them put it in a separate little log book and somebody comes in and you know that log book gets lost quote and then goes that never happens yeah and so it there's lots of things that can happen so uh but it's not it's not substantially and if it did have a nose gear collapse it has been uh repaired pretty well considering uh this these skins in here a lot of times are really just gruesomely bad and when a nose gear collapses in it uh but the the gear doors and stuff look pretty good um the okay the nose cone and stuff looks reasonably uh and a lot of times it'll uh it'll chew off this uh nose section here when it slides down the runway and when it does that they'll put a used nose cone in it because there isn't any new ones and they won't they won't match it like gaps like this will not match this well oh that makes sense yeah because they're not they these were handbuilt so there's not machine parts that bolt together like a engine bolt together in it so uh and they did a reasonable job of matching it but you can see there's like a rivet missing here and there's a bolt here where there shouldn't be a bolt so something was in this has been off at least at one time it's it's been off of there but I'm thinking it's the same one went back on okay it's possible let's put it that way all right okay nothing else the one thing that impresses me is that the tip tanks if anybody is looking for some parts if this goes to salvage don't speak like that the tip tanks are worth a bunch because they get damaged CU they stick out there all the time and these are really good shape don't speak like that I don't even like that you're talking that way when they take this off the the 12year ad what what do they check what are they looking for and why was that ad created the ad note was there because uh that during the there's been service bolons ad notes before uh there was an ad note come out in 1975 75238 was the ad number and it applied to some of the airplanes but not all the models that were turbocharged uh and then in the late mid90s I'd say mid90s uh up until the later 90s they started having inflight fires exhaust failures had inflight fires they said something like 23 or 24 fatalities in like five accidents because of inlight fires in in like 3 years wow um and uh FAA told sesna that hey we need to do something here about this uh iasa which is a European Aviation Safety Authority uh they said if you un us and sust is not going to do something they're going to ground all their airplanes and make them take all the exhaust off inspect it and put it back on every 100 hours of fly uh and so they got together and made the ad 20116 what they have found is what they would really like to have said was that each time you do an engine overhaul you put newer overhauled exhaust on but the problem was how do you start that 12 years that's why it's 12 Years cuz that's for for for those out there that um it's for part it's the charter where you can make money yeah you have to have new engines every 12 years or TBO that's why they put those right and 2500 hours was a time frame on the 402c that a lot of operators had as time extensions on their airplanes so it was tied to the overhaul times of the engine that makes sense the problems become is is that we how do we start this if we said in 20 thou in March of 2000 that we want to start this program you'd have thousands of airplanes that would be grounded because there would be no parts left so they had to phasee it in over a period of time uh but the paragraph G then says that the next engine overhaul is when you started this and then after it's 2500 hours or 12 years whichever occurs first um so you take these pieces off and they didn't even allow it to be an inspection by an A&P or an IIA or even a Repair Station you had to send it out to a repair Authority place that had exhaust repair or manufacture so I think that there's maybe around 10 of them or so in the United States that can do that and they evaluate it it's not really everybody calls it an overhaul but it really isn't the ad note says an evaluation so if we send these parts out sometimes they'll look at them and say hey these look pretty good it hasn't flown very much in the 12 years one part may say okay you can just continue on so you got another 2500 12 years uh other places they'll say no we're just going to straight up get rid of it um and uh start new some of them they'll they will repair so a lot of these parts in the 421 it's not very many parts it does not incorporate these pieces here so the actual exhaust stack that comes off of the cylinder is not part of not part of it it's the ones from the slip joints Act is what they call it so the here's the slip here's the slip joints and what we know from the slip joints is that these slip joints oh yeah are at that you know it should it should slip pretty easily but they don't but these are so uh cheap new that you just buy new ones because the overhaul it's going to cost more than the new production ones so they're round cheap all over the place uh overboard Stacks are real important on it and you're going to come in and have the overboard Stacks uh now this is the exhaust pipe you see hanging out from under the wing this hooks up to the turbocharger up here at the top uh and this goes over to the waste gate on it and it's got like a a flexible section in here in the 421 that lets this move because obviously this moves different when it heats up than this pipe over here if you had this solid it snap right off mhm all uh so that part is in it as well this is the really important part this is the turbo Y what we try to do in a turbocharge airplane is get all the exhaust to go to the turbocharger so the left hand side comes into this one the right hand side comes into this one uh this hooks up to the other side of the wastegate this goes to the turbocharger and what you'll find up inside of those is that you'll find that there's like a divider in here and that divider started out being straight it was straight across oh so when this exhaust was new That was supposed to be nice and straight across mhm oh wow so you can see what it is is it's this plate here oh so that's just the plate that goes across and these are two halves and there are two halves welded down to it oh whoa okay okay so what those will crack like a lot in those areas and they'll actually block the input to the turbo or a big piece of this will come off you can actually see a piece there where it started the welds start to separate oh right here you can see where it's kind of the weld is cracking here get over here on this side and see the back side of the so the that'll this this front is cracked right here too yeah the edges of it are cracked this thing after being in there you can see down inside of here too that the pieces cracked down into into there as well oh wow yeah I see that almost looks like it's just torn it's starting to come loose uh wear off in there and just break loose oh you can see oh here on this side is real obvious look at that yeah now people say there's a lot of AR camera you see that down in there that tear that is supposed to be solid and flat mhm a lot of people will argue the fact that well you don't have to be done except for every 2500 hours 12 years doesn't really mean anything this pipe right here is nowhere near 2500 hours it's only maybe a third of that M and it's off because of the 12 years but you can obviously see we can't inspect this with it installed until something really drastic happens on the inside so the 12 years is important on it uh to to uh do it these These are pretty thin and they will go from having just some slight kind of like areas of corrosion you can see where they've got like pin holes of corrosion out to burn throughs like in as little as one one or two flights wow so you can't really tell you can tell where they where they are overheated is at the curves it's like water running down a stream it cuts out the bank on the opposite side and that's where this will get impingement and be hotter in here in the straight areas you can see it's not so hot mhm it doesn't get quite as hot as it does in other places so wow they call out for that and like I said it's an evaluation um this is the wastegate so it's not part of it it's just laying here this is one side down underneath is the other side on it oh yeah H now I'm kind of curious to see what this other wi looks like oh and see this one's almost straight y it's a lot better shape oh wow look at that it may be it may have been replaced at a uh they may have could time continued this one at the last one or uh or not but yeah oh that is crazy this is significantly better shaped than the other one right who they don't really these these wi's and the 421s they don't uh repair very much because they're so complicated that by the time you'd rip it all apart and try to repair it it's just easier for them to build a new one yeah and it from scratch CU you don't you know the As It Gets it'll get carbon inclusion in it so it's very hard to weld and do good welds in it where new fresh material it welds easier uh these are a product called incel which is a high nickel that's the metal I was trying to think of yeah yes yep they again they're high uh really high nickel so they're hard to these are hard to form uh they're also would be hard to harder to weld um it takes a pretty special weld guy to do that you you wouldn't do that in your garage with a with a Lincoln stick welder that your grandpa give you you know that's right yeah so okay well wonderful thank you uh for helping me understand what we're looking at and it I mean it's kind of neat and this is why they have those cuz this exhaust right here was definitely on the downward slide of the dangerous side of it right so this is Mara with t and she has brought out uh 19 pages of 310 n now what is not in here is some of the parts because we don't know and my understanding is the elevator were you able to get a rough estim able to get an estimate on the elevat it's some it's some fuel line and things like that that are kind of unique that we don't have okay so they're not significant but there is a in the grand scheme of this right just how many numbers are is is it five five digigit or or six digigit it's a six-digit number yeah in that six-digit number you Jimmy brought some customer discrepancies to us that are not included in that six digit number so we got to talk about whether those are ons you still want to do or whether those are those are got my throat all of a sudden all right my eyes literally are watering right now okay all right so just hit me with it what is what's the initial estimate number the initial estimate number I have to get to the back page is so Parts outside labor and Shop labor is 1068 1204 initially wait 106 $16,814.23 point2 pretty hefty a pollen or something do I need to do the Heim lick wow yeah okay hold on give me give me a second here 106,000 and change I mean we're not even we're just going to round to the nearest thousand we're in Airplane World okay so uh and that is not including a handful of parts and some other discrepancies call it an even 110 yeah okay okay hold on a second the total what's crazy so what's going through my head right now is the total value of the airplane on a good day is about that I mean that's a really good day 110 would be a fantastic day value wise for this I don't know CPR ah no this is more hyperventilation I think happening I need a bag paper bag for you yeah okay rain's trying to okay slow down Jimmy ask smart logical questions what was the I'm curious what was the estimate for the elevator what's just that one section right there cuz that had to be a pretty big chunk give me a minute I need to look yeah I do think I know the number but I'm unsure uh this is not the easiest place to look at a 19 page work order because I don't want to drop it all over the ground here we we have a work 10 well let's be very careful with our precious workspace yeah yeah that is not the one I was thinking of that is this torque tubes um it uh let me just do rough numbers yeah yeah yeah it the outside repair to reskin the elevators around $20,000 okay and they're going to be plus 6 weeks to make it happen Okay and then it will have to be repolish this lovely polish that you've brought to us and that that's going to take us another chunk of change the the the big numbers are the the main gear U thingies um structure the side brace side brace that roughly I don't I have not memorized all of the well you haven't memorized this memorized it I I've not I I should have knowing that I was going to be in this position but I I did nothing like doing this on she didn't know she was going to be on camera either I'm like oh no you can't give me that news without it being uh site braces the site brace is roughly $1,521 and7 and7 sents that is going to be the kit plus the parts however that's missing parts because there are parts for that side brace kit that are not available of course so a little bit of Education okay side brace me 762 affects all the electromechanical landed geared airplanes here except they would be before serial number two of the 340 so after that time frame all the three T but not all the 340s in any case SK 41480 is the wing mod kit that Kit's the basic kit for every airplane and every model has different parts that they have to add this has singularly the most parts to change out and the up hooks have to be updated to the new style uplock hooks after the 310l they all had that Up Style Style uplock hooks so that's the hook that holds the the gear itself H that holds the gear itself those hooks are not available perfect of course not so uh conquering that problem would have to be something we would do and that those prices are not there because we haven't conquered the problem plus there's a few other angles that are no longer available some can be built some cannot so and some can be used used and some canot so that that's not a complete number for the side brace kit nor is it a complete solution because we can't get the up so 15ish plus correct 15ish plus okay so we got 20 back there 15 there there's still a huge number missing what's the what what's the great big gigantic number there's a little bit of number here and some nose well corrosion and that's a cleaning process where the where the brake lines and the nose well that's all the tubing yep and I think they probably showed that to you the nose Keel problem that's significant the big brace thing that they got that's cracked right now that's correct and there's there's no parts for that we're going to have to make all of those uh make all of those things to get that correct um there's a kit that was likely needed and we're going to have to search for that not added in here but between those two discrepancies you're talking in additional 35 hours of time so it's roughly $5500 for just those two discrepancies so those two little nose things about $5500 5500 mhm just in labor no parts that's only 5,500 that's only 5,500 15 hours for the corrosion at $2,500 and then 20 hours at about 3,200 so we're missing like $60,000 somewhere let just keep on looking there's more to go there is more go so lots of what I call death by a million beasting ah a lot of little things when you're talking about a total number of discrepancies that are 127 discrepancies if you had one hour on each of those that would be 127 Hours and we know some of those are much more so there's a lot of death by a million beas stings there but down here at the end the rightwing skin crack is another eight hours again oh from behind the uh the the engines there's those couple of cracks and there's one on each side right so that's going to be eight on each side gotcha the flap and the control cables are very out of rig so you're going to have a full flap rigging okay so full flap rigging in in this airplane could be done in eight hours in the higher level airplanes the RS and so forth it takes as much as 12 to do a full flap rigging just to rig the flaps just to rig the flaps you don't want to get caught in flap bruhaha yeah where you make a mistake and you got to start all over everything is inter tied it's a very it's not an easy process so there's eight hours in flap rigging and true and then the gear itself is what 12 or something and the gear itself is 12 yeah so you you've got some stuff just a huge amount of hours plus then the bigger hours in the repolish which which would come back that's about uh $9,700 that we quoted to stand there and repolish because we're just not we're not polishers so you've got polishers that you can bring to the table BR them on over hey Brandon we need you over here come on over to Defiance and we will welcome you with they might have a location somewhere around here I'll have to look into that you would have to look into that cuz there's another fingerprint right there now the internet just okay I can't yeah sorry I just wipe I couldn't bear to do that myself that was WIP that off yeah but our big items landing gear and all the landing gear issues side brace cracks all of those things elevator elevator issues and then our nose kill problems and the associated nose damage so all the way through the airplane those are the big deals plus then you add that the other normals and I mean all of that is I would never in a million years want to sell this to a new owner knowing that that stuff is there because how unfair well yeah how unfair and you know it has to get done it's not a right well in that the elevator back there that's kind of an important thing on an airplane landing gear is kind of important I think we learned that in one of your previous videos that land but that's a nice motor in there though isn't it yeah that's shiny beautiful shiny motor might be able to sell that on eBay yes oh man okay so 100 and that's what realistically after all the smoke has settled and everything 125,000 bucks is realistically realistically if I was to put a budget to say let's make sure this thing is just absolutely dialed in 125 Grand right and you can trade out that 60 hours of polishing with somebody else but you're going to pay for it somewhere so there's a tradeoff in money maybe slightly less maybe you can save but you know that that's that's $10,000 that you can take away that's that's still $96,000 yeah it does bring it down to a five five character number though you know every I love your optimism I do that's that's what I love most about you it does bring it down Eternal optimism that's why we get along so well there you go okay so let me and I I asked Tony cuz he nobody told me that number this is first time I've heard heard the number um but I did ask them if this was going to be safe to fly on a ferry permit to some like maybe it goes back to Florida with me right while I curl up in the corner and cry for a long time or something I don't know or there's some alternate some other world thing happens here or I mean the options we part it out mhm we I mean even in Parts this thing isn't even worth that much in Parts I've got some thinking I've got a lot of thinking to do um and remember if you decide to go ahead with what we've presented you we have some challenges to to we even find stuff how we're going to how we're going to answer um I think we have options and I think everything is surmountable that's my optimism enough money time that's right yep but but we do have challenges that aren't reflected in that six-digit number yeah yeah that's fair okay well honestly I'm I'm glad you guys found it I'm glad that it was brought I mean yeah we've had how many years and how many different very experienced mechanics everything else didn't C catch a lot of this stuff that's right boy I've got some heavy thinking to do I don't know what I'm going to to do wow well if there's anything we can answer don't don't hesitate to ask and we'll dig up the answer that you need fantastic Mara thank you so much thank you appreciate you can keep that you can just use that to start a fire later or something I no fires in the shop yeah no at home in a fireplace somewhere yeah yeah roast some weenies that's right right yeah there you go awesome thank you so much byebye byebye this could be the final chapter of save the 310 the whole reason I was selling it is so I could pay for that airplane and and all the repairs needed for that and I man I just can't bring myself to part this out chop it up like the Elvis jet or something like that I don't I don't know man what a story it's been though the adventures that sist behind the camera and I we had from California all the way out here fixing and modifying the airplane the engines the avionics taking it to Oshkosh and having it on the cover the opening right when you open the magazine that was pretty special had lots of good experiences and couple of bad ones sometimes it's not about the airplane it's about the memories it's about how the world gets smaller and the adventures places and things you can only do because of an airplane it makes no sense and uh I guess that's why Pilots are as crazy as we are and they're might kind of crazy yeah don't know what I'm going to do and you know what I uh I saw your videos and uh they really touched my heart and these things like they deserve to fly did you really think I was going to part out and chop up this beautiful airplane I've got a different shirt for that when I posted the video about buying this airplane a guy named Jason got a hold of me he used to fly this airplane and he said that it was used for medical transport with an organization he belonged to also I learned that in Australia it was also used for medical transport so how cool is that
Channel: Jimmys World
Views: 441,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jimmys world, cessna 310, save the 310, top gear, abandoned airplane
Id: zyK8jP7cKwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 55sec (5395 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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