Buying The Cheapest Cessna 210 In The World & Flying It 1,000 Miles Home!

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hello guys welcome back to the channel this will probably be one of the craziest videos we ever post to the channel because just when I thought we couldn't get a crazier deal than our last few plane Acquisitions this deal lands in our lap the deal of a lifetime a $27,000 cessa 210 not just any old 210 this one is a D model with the io 520 285 horsepower a very desirable plane that should probably be worth like $127,000 not $27,000 so buckle up grab your popcorn and a drink this video is going to be long and you're going to want to stick around for the whole thing because this is the craziest deal we've ever negotiated on a plane this is the most interesting flight back that we will ever do we are planning to fly this plane over a thousand miles home after it's been sitting for a very long time and there's a lot more to the story so without further Ado let me just roll a nice cinematic edit of our new cesna 210 [Music] [Music] so there's she is another Cessna 210 to go along with our Cessna 210a this being the D model like I said 285 horse instead of the 260 so iio 520 this is a beast of an airplane six seats the rear two seats are kind of for little kids or like watermelons or something but still six seats big tires we still have the struts they got rid of those in 67 so this is a 64 but it can take a lot more weight than the uh 1961 because of the bigger engine okay Jay you ready we're about to fire it up for the second time we tested it once now this is the first time we're going to really put it through its Paces do some highspeed taxis run it up real good right yep yeah so we're going to test it before we head out I mean we Jeffrey and I started it 2 3 weeks ago um and everything looked good you know we're not opposed to planes that have been sitting for a while our first Bonanza that thing sat for a long time many years it was out of annual by a good bit and then you know we got all sorted out so same thing with this been sitting it's missed some annuals but now it's in anual we're all legal to fly and everything let's see it fire up for the first time okay then I'll jump in I'll get it from the outside cool [Music] C all right here we go all right there we go I went in to grab some Waters cuz it's 100° in humid we're going to now do some highspeed taxi runs and some run-ups [Music] bam come on oh that's hot dang all right there we go there we go all right all right let's keep it going here's the old oil did its job no metal flakes no concerning signs with the oil super easy well not super easy you got to have the right little like drain hose to run up to that right there and then you just stick it in and then it starts pouring out into your bucket that you put right here so now we're just going to refill it I really wish we had cam guard but uh of course the commercial airlines you can't fly with it so I was not able to bring it so we'll just have to go with 10 qus of normal regular oil Phillips 20850 my favorite all-around oil the engine bay is actually really tidy for having sat for a while kind of just not being used for a while is the real issue here it's actually pretty nice I mean take a look obviously it's dirty I need to go to work but uh look at this it was overhauled by Victor engines over in Palo Alto California they are a really really good engine rebuilding shop it's got about like 500 hours on it two Chrome cylinders I'm pretty sure the orange means Chrome we B scoped them earlier they look good as well everything is pointing to this being a nice plane it just hasn't been used in a while that's all like poor thing happens to a lot of planes they just sit around owners get old Life Changes they lose medical you know they lose funds to keep it going uh whatever it may be it happens all the time with planes and this one just hasn't been flown much the previous owner actually owned I think word on the street is like 10 airplanes so with 10 airplanes even if you keep rotating them you're only going to fly each one a small amount of time per year so that's what happened to this one and it just got kind of like uh overshadowed by the cooler planes in the collection like the king air and the queen air and the Barons and the other cooler faster planes so this one wasn't used much that's why we bought it so we will be using it a lot more especially for the price how can you go wrong I still have to explain why it was cheap but uh let me let me let me fill this oil up real quick all right court number three what was that 9 to go this thing likes 10 11 quarts something right in that range it's like about 20 more minutes what we were shocked to find is there's no oil filter man on these early planes they only put an oil screen but every plane we've ever had always has an oil filter so I couldn't believe it we're looking here for an oil filter we don't see anything it's cuz it's a screen so now we have to do oil changes twice as often because the screen doesn't do as good of a job heck yeah can't believe it I found a bottle of camg guard in the stuff that we left from the last 210 over there fantastic all right so we're going to fill this up give this engine some extra protection this stuff is awesome for the health of your engine it's good to put it in at every oil change but wait there's more did you know camguard has an automotive blend yes they got you covered for your cool sports car at home as well check it out all the same good benefits reduces engine wear increases fuel economy stops rust and corrosion prevents varnish deposits and conditions seals sounds good to me especially for a car like this this is my 1995 for r355 and I rarely drive this thing so to have all the corrosion Inhibitors in here that'll really really help because this is a very very expensive engine I would know because we had to replace it we used it in all of our airplanes so when I heard they have an automotive blend I was like heck yes sign me up same idea you just add it to the existing oil and you're done there we go so yeah be sure to check out camard whether it's for your Ferrari or your beachcraft Bonanza I promise you your engine will thank you it's a small amount of money for all that protection so I'm telling you the best setup for the vast majority of plane owners is a common cheaper oil like Phillips 20 we50 just the Bas B oil and then you add that and you have the perfect setup and if you don't believe me then hit the links down below you can see all the data all the pictures the guy who created it is an oil genius thank you camard for supporting the channel and making videos like this possible all right one calling piece on one to go and then we are ready to hit the skies uh so like I said I would explain why this plane was so cheap um H Where Do We Begin it's a long story in quick summary not the best log book situation let's just say previous owner they're gone they're gone they're probably never going to come back but the uh shop that maintained it for the last 10 years printed out the existing annuals and AD compliances so we have that but that's only for like the last 10 years which uh I know it's from 1964 so that's a uh what oh my gosh nearly 60y old airplane and to only have 10 years of the logs not good not good I know but legal yes so resale is going to be severely hurt I understand that we're probably going to keep this thing for a long time we might give it away you guys know we give away cars on J jro garage Channel every big milestone we give away a car so I don't know maybe if we hit a quar million Subs we'll just like give away an airplane not sure so log book situation not great uh squawk situation also not great there's a slight leak uh hydraulic leak from the landing gear rear actuator I hope it's that I really hope it's not any issue with the power pack otherwise this this would be a nightmare I mean the power pack as you guys know if you're into 210 very few people service them or overhaul them they're like $10,000 or something and they control so much the landing gear but I think this leak is just coming from one of the hydraulic actuators not the end of the world about a couple thousand bucks to fix so with that being said we're not going to risk putting up the landing gear that's right we're in fly over 1,000 miles with the gear down I do not want to risk it not coming back down I think it would go up in fact I'm sure it would work perfectly fine but I don't want to risk it so we'll we'll take the 20 knot hit and just fly with it down I'm just going to have it looked at when it's uh back with our mechanic in Arizona so we'll leave that down also you'll most certainly realize that we're not rolling the GoPro to get the inboard audio uh through the headsets and talking on the radios and ATC because something something's wrong with the intercom we cannot speak between each other so this is going to be really interesting I'm pretty sure we're just going to set up Bluetooth on our phones with the a20s and leave a phone call running so that we can communicate because the intercom is messed up I don't know we tried to fix it but it's not the end of the world we can go without it uh also what else is wrong other reasons why this plane was cheap adsb not up yet so we're flying without adsb you don't need it we're avoiding class bravo charlie we are just going like away from all big airports back to Arizona where the mechanic is so we're legal there I mean we're legal in every regard it's just that like you know no intercom no adsb we do have adsb in so situational awareness also the transponder check is due so we have to avoid airspace that requires the transponder I don't think it's that sketchy at the end of the day some log books were lost okay still legal fly yes it's going to lose about I think more like 20 30 40% of its value maybe like 50% of its value so still if it's worth like maybe 125 normally it ought to be worth what do you guys think please comment down below once we get this plane all sorted out all the squawks fixed with missing logs what do you think it's going to be worth I don't know it's really hard to Value these airplanes like that so anyway I figured we couldn't go wrong at 27k obviously it's been a while since it's flown a long leg like this 7 hours in one day uh also the weather's going to be really questionable so we might have to break it up into two days I got about 70 if they won't go through by uh you can uh we can do air well guys time for an update it's probably 3 hours later now we probably should have been near El Paso but uh we're running into some issues shocker we did a couple high-speed taxis everything felt pretty darn good A little nose wheel Shake but that's pretty common for cesas as long as we keep some weight off of it it seems to be all right so we did the highspeed taxis we filled it up with fuel we're about ready to blast on out of here and we noticed that the trim on the elevator although it was set to take off position neutral nothing was pointed up so even though we did not give it any input it was neutral should have been level it was pointed in a different direction not a ton but it's enough where it would really screw up a takeoff so we uh we marked the new neutral which is just slightly up from uh Center also we're screwing out the radios and get this we got the radios fixed we just screwed around with all the buttons and knobs and all this and that and we got the inter common radio fix so that was like one of the biggest parts of why this plane was cheap because that screwed up radios and all that stuff but they work now so we're about to take off uh but it's taken a few hours because the battery died we had to charge it because I forgot to mention it has a generator instead of an alternator so until you hit like 1,500 RPMs it's discharging the battery so now it killed the battery so now here we go we're jumping it through their uh GPU okay [Music] no okay I can't say I'm that surprised but it sure is a bummer to be pulling the plane back in the hanger right as we're ready ready to hit the skies and now it just gets thrown back in our face so I explained how the battery died and they had to come over and hook up the ground power unit to give it a bunch of life but the fuel pump will no long longer Prime the engine it's worked throughout the day all past four or five startups and now all of a sudden the startup where we're ready to go it doesn't Prime the engine the fuel flow just won't even register and you can hear it you can hear it go we we didn't hear it so clearly it's not going it's registering Z volts when he uh checked it with the master on so are you kidding me like did the fuel pump really just go out we did five separate startups throughout the day different temperatures different conditions just to make sure that we were covering our bases and we we felt comfortable with the decision of heading out load up the plane our final start up and boom nothing literally nothing happened I don't know what we're going to do we have we have a small little fuel drip leak that we thought oh maybe it's coming from the fuel pump and that's why it's broken because fuel leaked on the electronics and fried it out uh no it's coming from the breather tube so we were thinking that for a second but now it's probably not that we got to go to Montana in a couple days and we need to be home but it's no big deal we we we have a little bit of buffer time going to a dinner in a hotel and and hitting it at 6: a.m. mccre Aviation over here might have a Cessna fuel pump in stock because they carry some Cessna Parts but like I don't know it's a long shot we're kind of in the middle of nowhere Texas right on the border and if we can't find a fuel pump we're screwed we're commerci in out of here for like 400 bucks a ticket and not flying this thing home what can I say that's the joy of uh buying planes far away from home can't say I didn't ask for that one see you guys in the morning I knew I said I'd catch you guys in the morning but check this out I might have just figured out the issue before leaving I was just poking around up here at the fuel pump cleaning it off just making sure it all looks okay looked all right this is the ground and then this other wire I think is the power and then look it just splits right from the connection so I think that might be our problem and then it leads into here and then all the way back for power I can't believe it did I just solve that might try to fix it and still bounce out of here today let's see okay guys Moment of Truth 20 minutes later now the mechanic just rewired the fuel pump hopefully that's all that was causing it not to run so we should be able to hear it pretty easily okay here we go so master and then fuel pump oh jeez what do you guys think will a little two cent fix solve our problem okay Master here we go ready fuel pump we really hope we hear it 3 2 one oh come on come on yes hear that boom all right that means we solved it because before it wouldn't make the noise and it wouldn't register anything on the fuel flow I've never been more happy about a part making a whining noise than right now okay this kind of changes everything cuz we were parking in the hanger because we didn't have a fuel pump now we do ah shoot but it's too late now sun sets at 8 no it's already 7:13 sunsets in about an hour so the whole point is we we want to fly during the day so we're going to have to push it back till tomorrow that's what we were going to do anyway when we were planning to replace the fuel pump but thank goodness I just went up there to clean it off and look at it who would have thought thank goodness so uh tomorrow morning I guess we'll just hit it bright and early at 700 a.m. and try to make it all the way home 1,50 miles catch you guys tomorrow morning bam and just like that we are back day two baby J it's 8:00 a.m. let's go flying Let's Go Fly walked to the airport we stayed right across the street shout out to that super eight yeah way way down there at the end beyond the overpass so about like a half mile walk yeah here we are uh weather looks so much better today than it did yesterday Jeffrey and I love saying everything happens for a reason so you know you know yes yesterday was stressful yesterday was crazy but you know here we are this morning and way better weather better Tailwinds better better conditions overall so we're feeling good about today yeah everything does happen for a reason and uh now we don't have to battle that hurricane that just went through whatever it was called like a I think a tropical storm or like category 1 hurricane when it was off over the water and then it made landfall and it did it was pretty narly and we would have had to go through that in El Paso AKA we wouldn't have been able to go through that we would have have spent the night last night in pagos Texas it just would have been messy so now we get to do an all in one shot oo the citation pulled out there's a couple Jets here at the field that's kind of cool might see that rip over so without further Ado let's pull out the plane get hit in the skies all righty there she is got the battery charged up overnight come on come on baby okay one two three there stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop wow we went right off the hand I didn't know I would do that Jon you okay yeah you caught that with your hands at the last second [Music] [Music] fuel there it goes that'll be good nice [Music] 1,7 okay ready I'm ready trafficing 3969 Yankee take a Runway 14 uh this will be a left downwind uh departure not touching the gear yep instruments in the green at 60 beautiful feeling good yeah Power are my engine ages everything's looking good all right good temps we're charging good oil pressure okay flaps coming up yep okay 2500 RPMs that's healthy that's fine we're still full mixture cool we're just going to do this I'm we're at 120 nice stable climb we're doing 500 ft per minute that sounds perfect great oil pressure good oil temp good cylinder head temp we're probably very rich but that's okay better be rich than two Wing it's doing great that was a very nice takeoff feeling good we're activating the 430 cool that this plane has a 430 we'll test the autopilot once we're level actually feels really really smooth it is a very smooth airplane yeah I mean the engine you know Jeffrey and I did a lot of a lot of testing yesterday but again you know it's it's a different day you know you never really know what's going to happen how it's going to react and so yeah I'm pleased with that I mean everything looked good and we have inter cops I can't believe it guys I know seriously that would have been crazy yesterday trying to do this whole flight not being able to we were literally pulled up a notes on uh Jeffrey's phone and we were going to type back to one another uh could talk and we weren even sure if the radio were working but now we can transmit everything this is wonderful so guys it's so difficult to you know I love leaning and I love doing mixtures and engine management when you don't have an engine monitor it's really tricky and I don't even know if the EGT gauge works I guess we can test it a little bit we're probably good for a couple turns leaner right by now I mean we're already at 3500 I can warn a couple turns I want to see if this goes down too 25 Square that's still pretty high power I so we got to be careful the red box if you know in you know what the red box is [Music] so okay guys we made it 8500 the Moment of Truth the fuel flow gauge we think is either reading high or it's completely whacka dooodle but all I know is Le a peak it should be around like 12 gallons an hour so we're going to see once we get to that setting what it's going to do all right so first up we're going to get to 2300 RPM there's 24 we're wide open throttle 21 in cuz at this altitude we're not going to be making a whole lot of manle pressure okay that's 2300 feels good now mix your time we'll slowly start turning it back until we feel that slow down and then look if that gets toward the red line there's no red box there's no danger zone because we're well below 65% power so we cannot hurt the engine right now and hopefully it'll run the Leen of peak but we don't have gam injectors there's 17 gallons hour if this is accurate 16 still running smooth I haven't even felt the slow down which it shouldn't yet 15 14 they're at Red Line oh okay okay here we go do you feel that yeah okay that's roughness y so go back in all right so a little more still now we're coming down I don't really care about the red line yeah because we're not in a danger zone that would be that would be bad at a lower altitude it came down a little it did come down now it's a little bit below okay so yeah we are rich of God dang it are we rich of yes we're rich of peak PE just barely about 20° Rich of PE 20° Rich of peak yeah all right I'm trying to do all this in management math in my head okay so not ideal for cool cylinders like you should be like 1020 lean of peak but I think with it being so cold outside and us being so high obviously our rudimentary cylinder head gauge is showing very cool so I don't think we're in the in a worry there I think we need gam injectors yeah cuz it wasn't liking that I'm guessing a couple were running fine but a couple were not getting enough fuel because it doesn't have smooth out fuel flow I mean this is fine for Speed we're we're at optimal power right now I mean we should be ripping what are we doing 144 knots with the gear down over the ground course we have a little tail you tell them why the Gear's down uh yeah I kind of explained I mean it would probably work if we put it up right now it would probably go up but we don't want to take that risk yeah cuz I and I'm sure it would go up my issue is is I want it to come down yeah but that's the thing Jeffrey we got this plane for such an incredible deal that you know obviously we knew that it was going to need work that's why we negotiated down to the deal we got we have room now to put in gam injectors we have room now to put in you know an engine monitor right guys please comment down below with with this big budget we have to throw at it what do you want to see mods wise I mean for really nice engine monitoring is there anything that you guys would suggest I mean this is an awesome airplane we're being very hesitant towards everything you know it's trust but verify type of situation the plane hasn't flown in a long time and we we just it's new to us so we're being very conscientious very cautious with the whole thing so far seems really nice it's smooth it's very responsive you know it's doing what we want it to do which is awesome you know we feel good about it and now we're kind of to that point where what can we do to it obviously all the maintenance I have to get it as safe as possible and then come the mods so comment Down Below guys how about we test the autop so we know if that needs to be a mod we're at 8500 yeah uh worst case we quickly disengage it um should have probably checked that on the ground shoot let's do in P yeah yeah I'd hate for it to have some Servo out of whack yeah so we'll check the autopilot we're going to be on the ground in about 2 and 1/2 hours in posos that's where we stopped last time awesome FBO if you guys haven't been there to be above the clouds yesterday we would have had to be at like 3500 or 3,000 ft literally for cloud coverage my inch management would be a nightmare at 3,000 RP uh uh at 3,000 ft it so tricky to tune this thing in without being in the red box I can just breathe easy now no hurricane in our way like everything happens for reason yeah leaving the next day so you got to go with the flow you never got to be pressured to go in a plane yeah so so ADM according to the pck ADM is the systematic approach to a consistent outcome I like that yeah it's like you guys you and Owen you know in the Cirus one day you guys were going to go down to was a Sedona for lunch it was going to be really hot so you guys made the like people got to be smart you can always go somewhere else you can always go around you can always stay on the ground yeah let's get going okay everyone time to descent we just passed 500t a minute descent rate on four flight so that's when we know time to start heading down for posos we got lucky that the clouds are so scattered it makes finding a hole very easy I mean everywhere is a hole but on the back side is cloud we'll be good to just shoot down VFR we're probably going to land Runway 14 but we still have to pick up at is we're a little too far out so we'll grab that in a second and then land a pgos fill up with fuel grab a burrito and an icy pop and be on our way and of course I'm going to check inside the county for any oil leaks fuel leaks anything temperature 2 ner CSI density altitude 4,600 just over 20° 85 knots 75 5 ft beautiful oh man killed that Pico traffic uh Centon 3969 Yankee is Clearo 14 ghost cross it did great guys same well not same airplane another 210 that was a 61a model we're in the 64d model but yeah same fuel stop P Co Texas there we go let's get out fill it up hope it takes about 50 gallons cuz that'll be just right for my calculations and uh eat go all right bam all right let's go fill it up hello posos Picos whatever the heck Texas we made it such a simple FBO but check it out they got these brisket burritos which they're known for in the fridge here so good just just leave a little tip so I dropped 20 bucks there so we're going to take a few burritos and uh couple cans of pop or water and of course pops they got the freeze pops this is like the cheapest fuel in the area and you get lunch and you're supporting like small business local families local city so can't beat that all right filling up in just a second we want to cool off first you guys have seen us fuel before so no need to show it again all done here okay so I was fairly close I was hoping for under 50 a little off with my calculations but overall we at least know now that the gauge is in correct cuz it was showing like something stupid like 16 gallons per hour in Cruise if that were the case along with the uh takeoff burn we'd be well over 56 gallons use so it's good to know that I was closer than what the gauge was saying so we had plenty left and now the legs about the same distance so we'll use probably 60 going to uh Arizona and we'll have room to spare with reserves okay guys time to hit the skies I'm recording the video because this guy's hand propping is 182 uh I hope he knows what he's doing that's he actually hand propping 182 okay anyway I just wanted to uh take a quick second to appreciate this paint job now it's out in the glowing Sun of course it's still dirty but look at that metallic shine can you guys get that that green metallic shine oh my gosh he actually did it the plane did not move an inch you know I expected it to go [Music] so casual he literally did it and then walked in all right Jay we're up let's go I'll hit the prop no thanks guys we did the math and uh played safe we're going to make one more fuel stop why not no need to risk it we got plenty of time no rush yeah we're going to go to Kasa Grand I think so catch you guys there uh final is clear Runway 14 is verified and no traffic around us y make sure is full rich and we're squa cow flaps is yeah this is open [Applause] full power is set gauges are in the green everything is correct air speed is coming alive there's 60 knots we're Up and Away pull 10° flap still and right turn when you're ready down there okay guys looking good positive rate I'm going to go flaps up okay flaps up all right guys catch you when we're a little higher and a little cooler it's hot hey guys we made it back up to 8,500 ft and and uh I have a revelation this fuel flow gauge might actually be accurate after all as you can see we're running about 14 and 14 gallons hour at 21.5 in of manifold pressure and 2250 uh RPM uh we're about Peak EGT right now maybe like 20 Rich of that again Peak horsepower cylinder head temperature and an internal pressure inside the engine is about like 50ish Rich a peak so we're a little back there so we're we're okay on the engine but like I said there's no red box anyway so we're not really doing any harm just we're back of the peak Peak Peak pressures but we can't go lean of peak unfortunately without the Gams otherwise I'd have this thing back to like uh maybe 12 gallons an hour as good as we can do engine management and uh fuel burn wise 14 Gall per hour okay anyway I wanted to update the Vlog because right over there 3 mil is restricted military operating area right back there but 3 mil that way is a another danger zone we can't enter Jay explain this Six Mile Gap uh yeah so on our right we have the restricted areas military operations to our left we have El Paso International class Charlie uh this airplane has no adsb out so we cannot fly into or above the class Charlie nor can we fly above 10,000 ft so we're at 8500 threading the 6mile gap between the Charlie the restricted area and then we're vertically you know capped at 10,000 so 8,500 believe it or not this isn't even the closest Gap this one is 6 Mi the closest one that we're going to have to thread is 2.2 Mi we're going to have to go between the Mexico border and another kind of area of congested airspace where adsp is required which we can't get into been in [Music] so close it's one way on the other [Music] nice boom we probably could have made it to our destination we were doing the math in our head and we're like ah we could we might be able to push it but again new airplane not worth the rift so we're stopping in heila Ben for some cheap fuel it's the cheapest in like 3 400 miles it's the cheapest station so we're like all right let's just go here this plane has finally to Arizona it's been stuck in a hanger in Texas for long time long time so get this guys I did I did new calculations based on that fuel flow gauge so if it that is correct we will have burned 60 gallons so let's let the numbers do the talking fill it up see if it's 60 gallons gosh my poor credit card working up a serious bill today these fuel stops aren't cheap but again I said after getting this citation I would never complain about 100 lowed Phill up again everything is peanuts compared to the citation okay well the River card is in and it is 53.8 Gall so clearly the gauge is reading a little high but not super high because my other guess was too low and now my guess following the fuel gauge is too much so it reads maybe a gallon per hour High I think that's that's the moral of the story I mean at the end of the day we were thinking it would take 59 so I'm glad it was burning less than we thought it was yeah it's going to be less than more that's for sure so it reads a gallon high whatever good to know we'll triple check this and you know maybe have the fuel flow calibrated but I'm going to check oil and then we'll hit the skies on our last leg she's running great okay there's power lines yep you're you're good now you're at 70 knots cool Beauty nice dang KC 135 [Music] refu I feel the burn who needs the [Music] gym it puts it into perspective how much work is required to move that weight at any sort of speed new appreciation for the io 520 it just moved us a thousand miles at 150 175 mph well we did it we made it plane is here in Arizona finally ready it's a good day no issues it was yeah surprise just minor little squawks yeah it's nothing literally nothing major if you told us right now after the today how it went that we bought this plane for $27,000 would have zero belief in that statement think you're lying so now that we're at the end of the video what do you guys think did we make a good purchase in this 1964 cesa 210d for $27,000 I'm sure this video is going to get hundreds of thousands of views I hope it does please help it get to that by helping out the YouTube algorithm by Smashing the like button and by dropping a comment down below it really helps with the engagement don't forget to subscribe all right today was a ton of fun learned so much thank you guys for watching all the way to the end I hope you enjoy these new kind of Mega Vlogs where I keep them long I hope it's nice just to grab a dinner grab some popcorn grab a drink sit back and relax and watch a bigger Style video instead of shorter 10-minute video so comment down below if you like the longer format videos we'll see you guys in the next one take care [Music]
Channel: JR Aviation
Views: 354,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cessna 210, buying a cessna 210, cessna 210d, cessna centurion, cessna, buying a plane, best piston single, buying an airplane, best airplane under $50000, buying a cheap plane, flying across the country, 1000 mile flight, jr garage, jr aviation
Id: TyEvsrsxYgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 47sec (2147 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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