I Got My Blackhawk License... The Most INCREDIBLE Machine I've EVER Operated!!!

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hell yeah brother you're on the please P FR YouTube channel ladies and gentlemen reporting live from Salt Lake City Utah Dave what are we doing this week uh I think we're getting our driver's licenses we're getting our driver's license not for this we're already licensed for this Dave and I are getting our licenses for the Blackhawk also known as a type rating so any helicopter over 12,500 lb you have to have a specific type rating on your license for Blackhawk well over 12,500 it can actually fly at 22,000 lb this particular model which is a A+ model Blackhawk a and we're getting that A+ it's got the big dog engines the 701 DS you can actually put 8,000 lb on the hook of this thing which is insane that's uh as much as that helicopter out there so technically you could pick up the dolphine with the Blackhawk if you wanted to so I don't know Dave how long was it four or five months ago when we had the conversation about this honestly you're my you're my uh training coordinator I don't remember I just remember text it's like hey January blank we're doing training and I was like all right father you tell me where to be when to be there and I'll there yeah there you go yeah basically I hit up Dave I was like hey you're the only guy I know with the Blackhawk I mean I don't know if I'm ever going to have another friend with the Blackhawk what do you say we both get trained together and I'll pay for it you supply the helicopter doesn't have a Blackhawk and really doesn't have any plans to get one he just wants to be the most well seasoned pilot out there just getting his typew rating and everything even though he can't fly it yeah exactly well can fly it the beauty is I have a friend with a Blackhawk so I mean as long as I have a license I'm good right just I mean honestly this is like a dream come true because now he and I can go out and rip this thing yeah all by ourselves which I don't know if that's good or bad thing I don't know that's good or bad thing going to happen it's going to be interesting so this week we're doing training all week long it's about 7 Days in training and then a check ride with the FAA to make sure we actually meet these standards and today we're going for fing we're just walking her out how's that look good I mean guys I don't want to brag but I'm pretty sure I have the coolest friends ever Dave Sparks has been so generous in uh letting me fly his helicopters and be a part of his program I just feel really lucky and especially when you see a view like this feel really lucky actually when I first got into helicopters about 4 years ago I remember messaging Dave on the day of my first lesson and being like dude I I took a lesson and I remember remember when I told him I got my solo and the whole nine and he was always super excited and supportive along the way this is uh probably the biggest deal of them all though I mean come on guys this thing makes just shy of 4,000 horsepower what's not the love about a freaking Blackhawk one thing that's different about the Blackhawk I mean there's a lot of things that's different about the normal helicopters but this is a crew helicopter so no matter what there always has to be two pilots in the helicopter and one of them has to have the Blackhawk typ ring the other one can be just a helicopter pilot without the type rating but they do have to have some second in command training there's a lot of emergency procedures things that can go wrong and the primary pilot the pilot in command you know is the one that's controlling the whole ship they're the one that's in charge they have to have that Blackhawk type raing in order to take this thing out and Rib it so we're getting some fuel right now some jet a and we're on our way so guys as I edit this video I realize it's pretty hard to understand this stuff if you're not familiar with a helicopter so in today's video I'm going show you my flight from my first lesson in the helicopter this is when I knew nothing about the Blackhawk as well because you literally get in it and just start training on day one so as we go I'll try to explain the little things but just watch and watch me learn at the same time battery switch on all right and that is on power row power row so it's weird because the writing is so close but that's external power for this switch and then there you go all right APU boost switch on Apu control switch on all right I'm going to get the headset all right okay Apu stands for auxiliary power unit and it's literally a little turbine engine in the back of the Blackhawk that not only supplies power for the electronics but it also supplies air for starting those gigantic 2,000 horsepower engines and now you know you got it cuz Prime boost pumps on yeah all right accumulator goes low it should yeah y Apu on so now I do the generator so AP generator on there we go fire detection test switch position one so I think I saw that right here right yep position one now we got t- handle and both all three te- handles and you also get the fire light got the fire light okay you got the start light NG spooling up 23 go idle all right now we'll wait for light off starter light still on so we're good there it goes there she go sometimes during the startup the trim and FPS fail because the Hydraulics are spooling up I just power on reset it peaked at 603 start light did go away between the 52 65 we've got transmission oil pressure coming on BL we got pressure press and the star lights out all so we got a good start yes sir starter number two I got the light and's Rising waiting for 23% there it is title all right start the clock there we go she's lit coming up we got oil pressure all right about to lose the start light there it goes now the peak on the TGT was 628 power the pcl's to fly yep group stops check out ready yeah so you have to pull them out now right yep okay pulling down you want to keep the torque under a certain number on run up no it doesn't really matter I just kind of restrict it so it doesn't go too fast but I also don't go too slow but it's not like a 206 where you got to keep it below 40 yeah groups are out I'm going full down on the collective and then when I get to the top I do them individually one by one to make sure they lock into fly locked lock number one and two engine cautions are out the generators dis yeah generators uh percent one and two torque match within 5% they do yeah I'll probably actually peel off to the left here and then go join on the downwind okay good with that yeah you're on checklist Duty I'm on checklist I like it so before takeoff remember this is the scripted part before we take off two to fly systems are good avionics are set yes we are crew no passengers that'll be on Landing so before landing check which is best done on the downwind tail Wheels locked Park brakes released do we want to release the park bre now we do okay yeah so go ahead bre there you go I might be a little more timid I don't have as much time in this bad girl all good man that's what I'm here [Music] for I got a couple hours yeah that's do a left turn that Tails clear wow this thing has a lot of some heat CU heat nice all right down went so before landing check tail Wheels locked released bre off through and pastures left remember to clear left clear right all that good stuff all right clear left left and we just do a normal approach to the ground Sky bark Blackhawk One Whiskey tangle turn base 1 7 Sky Bar okay so we're just doing a normal approach to a landing yep all right I'm going to use the very FR of the runway just cuz there's the least amount of sounds good stuff around there to blow away all right so really you can make this whole approach with your feet off the pedals cuz it'll Auto yaw for you right pretty much that's a cheat code huh yeah that's what I'm talking about is this thing does so many things for you that it just takes the load off fly on a school bus right now man it's crazy pretty wied this thing's so smooth dude yeah this pretty good run of bird too I've some that were kind of crappy but this one's this one does real well all right so how about we shoot for the numbers sounds good is sounds good black Hawking and just put it on right no goofing around with trying to set it down perfectly well you know within reason oh my tail wheel's already on the ground yeah there you go I am realizing that's pretty good yeah the tail is always going to hit first all right back up four takeoff two to fly oh two to fly systems systems check avionics avionics crew secure at Sky Park Blackhawk One Whiskey Tango is on the go Runway 1 7 left traffic Sky Park well dang that felt pretty good through there like that huh do a roll on this time okay I didn't even know the tail was on the ground that means it's a pretty good Landing all well I just that thing's got that suspension back there I'm like wait a second yeah the tails on the ground yeah you definitely like that more skitted aircraft I know I did Sky Park One Whiskey Tango Blackhawk is on the down with 17 simulated number two engine failure oh brother well ah here we go the number two is out that I really didn't have to do anything it's still applying so what do you do get the checklist out brother you got it s says uh single engine air speed yep already there pretty much there stores if we had them jettison we don't have any if continu FL throw the passengers out yeah throw the passengers out if continued flight is possible we'll land as soon as practicable if it was not possible obviously we got to land as soon as possible where we can but we're going to do a roll on for this one okay so downwind before landing check and this one's extremely important tail Wheels locked Park brakes confirmed release we're going to roll and crew PS yeah if we landed with the park brake on the tires and everything else would yeah the brakes come apart you know it's a bad day I've seen guys do it it sucks what's the max ground speed we can roll on 60 all right we're going to as a teque we're going to shoot for 40 I'll call you below 60 by the GPS got you we're below 60 knots okay 45 knots look good 40 and then you just nose over a little bit cuzz Blackhawk always comes in and a D ative attitude now we just land like an airplane like a true prodigy number two engines coming back to fly and if you lower the collective too fast the rotor disc tilts cuz the mechanical mixing unit it punches us off to the right so you just control it with pedals you have a little pedal Authority even when the tail wheel's locked okay you know what I mean yeah cuz it kind of slides in a little bit yeah all right good stuff it kind of slows down our own you really don't have to apply a lot of brakes yeah not too much you know it's not horrible okay all right two to fly system check am clear Cru is good you have the controls my controls all right doing auto rotation auto rotation coming up so we're going to want 1,000 ft on the radar altimeter at 300 ft if you're in all the right conditions I'll say 300 ft continue at 150 ft we're going to Del Cel I'll call Del Cel and we're not going to go below 50 ft on the radar timer we got a long Runway anyway and our goal is to be at 80 knots on that descent no no slower than 80 okay so where you're at is good we just don't want to go slower you're probably good there we're clear below auto rotate Auto rotating no half cyclic there you go that's it with that forward cyclic it keeps the rotor a little lower so now as it goes down Collective full down again trim looking good doing your thing look good 300 ft continue 150 d I pull in that Collective 46 ft not bad all right not bad that was good I was happy with that uh I think you controlled it well that's actually good when I don't have to do 40 Autos with guys some guys don't get it uh it takes them longer just depending on what they've flown yeah I've got a simulated number two NP fails low decreasing rpmrc engine I know my first steps to single engine air speed it and he wasted no time and I'm going to tell you why I like that when we're done with this most guys when I'm trying to they don't typically react very quickly or they're unsure and before I you get the words out of my mouth you're going into lock out so lockout is one of those things that is such a big deal yeah you to react immediately so the fact that you're thinking that far ahead of it I've actually come out of Afghanistan from a hot refuel fully loaded with Munitions and had an NP lowside failure and if we had not reacted quickly we would have ended up coming down and crashing into the ground so it's nice to see that you're that far ahead of the aircraft or in understanding that you're ready to do that trying to keep his bird flying you know that was good man of all the students I've ever trained I've never seen anybody react that quickly like I'm I'm serious that was actually that makes my heart Happy oh well I'm good I'm glad that I could uh be on top of it and I always try to tell them hey man I understand get to the checklist but that's why you need to have that step memorized because it's a right now action when it really happens yeah yeah if you droop that rotor I mean you're in trouble yep I have to bear with me with this stunt I want to do I think I told you yesterday with the wheel thing and then I'm going to send Dave video later and say hey bro I wheelie your B huh absolutely all right um I can take the controls I have the controls and the wheelie there's good practicality to it too some guys train when you're on a roll on Landing doing that where you're holding it on the tail and doing a deceleration that way there it is nailed it that'll be good [Music] shot we did it that was sick all right guys just got done with my first lesson I got to say it is just like the most insane thing in the world flying this thing I have done a lot of cool things I've been very lucky to do a lot of cool things I haven't been this excited about something in a while like this thing is abs absolutely incredible I don't know how to even put it into words this helicopter it's got to be the coolest thing I've ever operated I don't think there's anything else that's really even that close either so guys our next week consisted of a lot of Ground School flying more Ground School more flying more Ground School and more flying until we had to head to Idaho Falls to take our check ride in a restricted helicopter all right so guys this is the helicopter that we're taking our check ride in because Dave's helicopter is experimental you have to use a restricted category Blackhawk so check this unit out Dave this paint job dude it looks good it's got me thinking about color on mine I know I know you might have to so kit helicopters up here in Idaho Falls that's where we're at M like all right dude it's exam day exam you're up first good luck all right so this is the moment I took off with the FAA DPE or designated pilot examiner on this flight I have to do all the Maneuvers I did in my training show them I can handle the emergency procedures and fly the Blackhawk proficiently what just happened we just pass our we both passed woo pass yeah and Joe our budd's doing it with us there really even no hiccups yeah I mean we killed it let's be honest we killed it we crushed it all right so guys we just passed Blackhawk exam flying went good we did our oral exams we did our flying today passive flying colors we're dialed 100% so hey thanks for letting us use your helicopter all week setting it up D yeah dude worked out good finally got it done finally dude just a year and a half late yeah just a year and a half late and also a big thank you to Kit helicopters for letting us use this big black hog it's a nice honestly helicopters Kaden Dane the whole team up here like world class operation they really hooked it up so and what a cool looking helicopter all right guys I am uh super excited about this I don't really know why I needed this but you know you didn't no you need this but I hit up Dave to make it happen because what other opportunity would present itself such a cool thing to do so we made it happen we studied we did the class a whole week we've been doing this so been going har it's been awesome but it's been really cool stud this yeah we had to really make it happen it was a little stressful this morning when we were all getting here to get set up so and while like Dave was out flying we're all just sitting there like hope he does good and the whole nine lot of fun but that's for now thanks for watching do for wol freaking see you [Music] later
Channel: Cleetus McFarland
Views: 1,582,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: leroy, 1320video, drag racing, boosted, cleetus McFarland, cleetus, McFarland, Leroy, bald eagles, bald eagle machine, 1320, modified, boost, turbo, twin turbo, precision turbo, Texas speed, Texas speed and performance, Fasterproms, tuning, tuned, burnout, stick shift, six speed, corvette, Leroy Vette, c5 corvette, Chevrolet, unicorn, c5, supercharging Leroy, turbocharging Leroy, freedom factory, ruby, auction corvette
Id: BqaOtMOnBgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 21sec (1221 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2024
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