Can I Break Par With A Walmart Starter Set Of Clubs?

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today we will be trying to break par with a $100 set of Walmart starter clubs this is so brutal do it do it oh I might put this freaking driver in play this is so good all right so we got we got a little bit of a surprise for you we told you we were doing one challenge but we're actually doing a different challenge oh gosh a junior golf this is kind of payback for what you said about me in the last video what did I say all Chase's fault everybody it's Chase's fault blame him in the comments look rule number one is Chase's fault number two rule number two if he's not Chase his full rule number one to play what do you think you're going to shoot previously I guessed seven or eight over on six holes no I I think I I think I shoot even I don't know maybe what do you think Chase 6 seven over still you still think think you're going one on every hole at least wait till wait till you see first off you got to open it the correct way I don't have nails these look shiny and bright and new oh my gosh oh boy this is going back to my old Junior days when I was 5 years old got my first bag of clubs albe I can pick it up with one finger now it's a little different okay let's see what we got okay we we have a driver that's big time there that's clean look at the back a G1 it's called a G1 seven iron oh they' got got an alignment on the grip too it's off it's to the left that'll help for uh delofting the club a little bit I'm seriously thinking I might break the break the shaft okay that's seven iron there we go okay we've got the pitching wedge pitching wedge SL Sand Wedge I think you might be surprised the only thing that's going to be difficult is the putting okay I'm arm locking this baby it's going to roll perfect dang a little bit off offset I like it a little lower shaftline and we got it going down the middle of the Fairway look at this thing you can actually just whip it oh today is going to be something else let's get started this is so weird how you doing trying out a new set of clubs you know what I'm just I didn't win so I got to try something new we're going to warm up with the pitching wedge here I didn't realize how short this actually was just a little blade I think that's it you know what I just don't want to break it I'm scared of legitimately breaking this that was pretty good now on to the next Club seven iron well that's a good good warmup now on to the driver the big stick we got the big stick coming what do you got to swing this like 30% literally literally 25 to 30% that's the speed I've got ahead here's 50% that was pretty good quick shout out to GM Golf and Grant they tried this a while ago and they shot three over and a scramble they did nine holes though but I'm going to do six holes by myself um how do you guys think I'm going to fair I think personally I'm going to shoot couple over but we'll see it's my first time playing with this set and it's not going to be easy what do you think I should go with Chase right off the bat I think drivers to play you only got three choices I don't thinking wed I got I got a putter this is Ho One Glenn Eagles Queen's course with a junior golf set Par Four dog leg right 379 dog leg right green speed or 10 today that'll be huge for my putter today knowing that nice little draw here little thin that is right down the middle folks I will take that any day of the week I can't believe I'm actually doing this video I just should to drive like 250 yards the real difficult part I truly believe is going to be either the wedges or the but I don't know how I'm going to Faire but I'm going to give it my all and I'm going to continue saying that I'm going to try and break par if I do break par that would be quite the miracle considering I don't even know how far my clubs go 122 I'm going to go with pitching wedge Sand Wedge here make sure I clean the grooves look at that look at those tow strikes because of the deflection in the shaft so that's legitimately what I'm having to deal with today because it droops so much let me give you an example of that guys it droops so much that this head literally goes down and I hit the toe so when I'm swinging the head drops and I hit the toe so I've got to count for that today when I go back I'm probably going to shank a couple I've got to run this up so I'm going to play this like 15 116 downwind 110 okay I have no idea I pushed it that'll work though that actually spun pretty good with that left Dash I'll take that got a 20-footer for birdie could go one under on the first hole lucky L looks like your number is going to be a little off today chase this is the first time I've been back on this golf course since they renovated it and it looks really nice they did a good job here at the Queens at Glenn Eagles so shout out to Glenn Eagles for allowing us to be out here and filming always appreciate their support uh first green looks nice hit on the green got about 35 ft I have no idea how far that pitching wedge is going I'll figure it out over the course of time but as of right now I've got a good look for birdie [Music] oh tip the edge that would have been a great [Music] birdie all right I feel super awkward doing this I don't know what's going on but I made par on the first hole we're looking good full swing now I know I probably hit the pitching wedge around 140 yards if I really get after it that's good to know seven iron is probably going to be I'd say probably about like 175 something like that maybe a little bit more I don't know especially with the roll out number two we've got a par three downwind 197 so okay so not hitting driver I'm going to use the good old 10 cup method the seven iron 7even iron 190 I have to smoke this actually that went a little high in the air oh my gosh it got there no way that was going to be cool but I don't have the counterweighted feeling for this club yet I got to work on that so this is actually a bit of an opportunity right here it's wild four yep four watch out guys're R ball golf ball you know I would putt this but there's a couple seams I don't know what's going to happen so I think I'm going to chip this a little bit nice little chip cutter wow my knee got in the way there I've never had my knee get in the way wow all right it's just so short this might be too much roll too I don't know got to Loft it up but I'm going to play this with a little bit of right to left brake at the end I'm going to cut it though so it's going to kind of counteract it so I'm going to aim this right Edge land it just on the front edge see if I can get this Flex [Music] correct oh that was going right in the hole if I just hit it a little bit dang that was a good try nerves are flying they are flying I don't know how that rolled in don't be a doubter come on got to believe got to believe that's even parur to there's water left there's water right I'm just trying to to drive 250 yards down the middle of this Fairway it's a par five dog leg left and dog leg right this is a really good hole I have a chance to make birdie here though let's get it oh that's a beautiful tight draw there folks I'll take that right down the middle I'm actually impressed that I have the control it really it really takes you just focusing on the timing and Rhythm of the shaft okay Chase do I go for it 212 over the water why would you lay up 244 to the hole little into the breeze I got to turn this down a bit soft shaft I don't know what I'm going to do here super short soft got to turn this over a little bit I got to smoke this no oh we're perfect good lay up see told you we should lay up well I hit the tree and I am in play but I got a little bit of I got some limbs to to deal with unfortunately but it's not in full bloom so I can go through the tree actually I got a shot I got a good shot here it's 127 this is perfect what am I talking about laid up perfectly 126 pitching wedge into the wind I don't know if I can get there with this I seriously don't think I can get there with this okay so I'm going to go seven iron take a little bit off of it I actually like this ah this is perfect let tap it in get on the green okay that's on the green not anywhere close to where I was aiming look at that lle a little toe deep folks I got to get my hands lower but we got a chance for birdie I'll be it from 70 million feet one two three 4 five 6 7 18 19 21 21 22 67 ft all right I'm going to the edge of that cart so if you look behind you line it up I'm trying to go at the edge of the cart and just barely get it trickling over the edge 15 ft to the top we're 67 feet so 52 footer down the hill it's going like 50 feet I got to hit this first part 50 feet I have no clue how hard to hit this but I'm going to give it my I'm going to give it my best 50 ft come on sit sit sit sit sit sit sit oh that's perfect what a putt what a putt what a putt that's a par five not a birdie but we're even through three I'll take that considering I've never played with these clubs 175 I got hit this thing 165 this is going to be like a 1037 iron go that's just short dude this is this is so brutal that's okay though we still got a chance to get up and down and you know what these are the toughest holes the par 3es if I can par this hole we're well on our way to Breaking three over I want to break par though all right I got a wedge here pitching wedge and putter I'm off to the right short of the green it is very difficult to gauge how far that club goes that's why it's a great challenge okay this is actually a pretty simple chip up the hill it should go just a little bit left let's see if we can knock this one in landed about four yards on the green you got to have really delicate hands with these clubs do it do it oh oh no son of a gun I legitimately thought I made that what the heck Chase why'd you spook it all right well that's a par whoa don't speak it into existence yet I could miss this especially not lining the dimples up oh we're good I went on the righted edge got to be careful with that right there all right good up and down solid up and down even through four we're on a roll I'd like to make a birdie though let's get after it's a par four dog leg right 425 yards or something like that uh I'm going to try and play this okay you guys see this look look right at that corner Block Stone just left of the bunker that's kind of where I'm aiming I think that's a perfect play Let's go for it I might put this freaking driver in play this is so good [Laughter] 55 actually 55 do you think I can get a pitching wedge there what do you think there's no way you get pitching wedge there you don't think so no way okay going be like 20 yards [Music] short don't you ever put those words in my mouth don't you ever okay that's enough Chase thank you good night I don't like it when Chase questions my ability get your words out of my mouth I can do it I did it see proved it just right there that was pretty lucky I smoked it well what do we have here seems to me like a great shot well maybe if I started trash talking you at all the majors you you just went [Music] okay all right this is big this is 11 ft 10 and 1/2 ft down the hill breaking right I did live myself on the wrong side of the hill but still a great chance for birdie to go one under here ah oh that looks right it's 11 ft Chase what do you see two cups left two I actually like that read I actually like that read surprisingly Chase good read this goes in I give all the credit to you on this hole okay oh a little down the hill it's going to require some soft hands soft hands where we on that one Chase well if you just listened to my read you might have made it I aimed two cups left gosh dang it Chase that's a par must have just pulled it gosh dang it even five pretty even through five's solid let's see what we can do on the six hole if I can bury this hole and go one under told you all right we have 467 this is the longest hole relatively speaking par five was obviously pretty long on three but this is the longest par four I have it is downwind it's 230 over the water can I reach the green and two I think I can I got to make birdie here to get one under this might be where you fall AP part you know I should have had you at Augusta being really positive on the bag as a caddy part three contest I'm going to give it a little extra here got to time it up though wisely is that over 230 that thing went 263 yards that was 263 I'll take any day of the week that's like a 4 in for me actually so quite impressed with the performance of the driver today we have 100 or 200 yards in here I don't know if I'm going to be able to get there I'm going to try my best 184 what would 184 be in your bag a pitching wedge this is 205 Chase I got hit one another one of those smooth bombers out there with the seven iron this time not the pitching wedge the seven iron make sure the grooves are clean this is actually going to be the most difficult shot of the day cuz I've not hit the seven iron well at all and I don't know if I can control the shaft because it's too flat it's a super flat Golf Club cuz my goal is to get just a little left of the flag of the wind Aid it and getting there hopefully I can spin it a little bit but I got to smoke this and get it over the water there's water short of this screen a little bit of rough short too but I'm I'm trying to make birdie here so give myself about a 15f footer and knock it in for birdie what a challenge folks what could I do in 18 holes with it what do you guys think I think I'm might be able to break par actually if I put just a little bit of effort into it oh no that's left okay that's on the green wow that was perfect distance too I just overcompensated because of the flat Li turned it over dang it I got to make a long bomb let's see what we got landed all the way back here look at the roll out I really had no room to land it landed back here and rolled out 25 30 ft what are you going to give me if I make this Chase if you make this shot right here when you guys break 50 whenever that will be probably what what no no no no no no I didn't add that into the picture I said what if I make this putt what will you do if you make this putt I'll throw them in the water yes okay Chase is going to go in the water 66 ft chase you know what the odds of me making this are with this p less than 1% great guess it's probably 05% 66 ft breaking right oh son of a gun I wanted that how about if you miss this I get a caddy for you in the part three contest next year at austa okay I got to make it damn it that's six holes that's a junior golf set four clubs bends more than a rope I just shot even we'll see you guys next time [Music] a
Channel: Bryson DeChambeau
Views: 1,521,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bryson dechambeau, bryson, golf, walmart clubs, junior clubs, gm golf, grant horvat, good good, walmart club challenge, thrift store club challenge, the masters, golf match, golf challenge, break 50, Can I Break Par With A Walmart Starter Set Of Clubs?, walmart golf clubs, Golfing With a Walmart Starter Set Of Clubs, garrett clark, i played with normal clubs, bryan bros, bob does sports, playing golf with sketch, walmart, walmart golf clubs review, walmart challenge
Id: t8y99euqzdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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