What Are You Expecting? // Shiloh Fellowship // Patricia King

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the title um of my message um today is what are you expecting but before we get into the meat of that i have praise reports god is doing such amazing things in this hour absolutely amazing things and there's so many people going out and reaching those that are in fear or who are acting aggressively we just got a text from darren stott from the seattle revival center this morning and they'd gone into portland where all the riots were and there was real heavy duty stuff there but they were praying for the sick they were seeing miracles people healed they were preaching the gospel reaching out to people with light invading the darkness and it was pretty wild i mean it was like there was a lot of wild stuff going on there a lot of dangerous stuff but they just took their light into the darkness and we know that in huntington beach there's been a great outpouring of the spirit there in different places all around the nation there have been a big harvest coming in people getting baptized in the ocean and god it's it's like god is sending his people out and i just want to encourage you that you might want to go find a dark place you know your light belongs in the darkness where are people struggling where are they hurting where are they in need of a word and sometimes we just need to walk the streets until we find that one person even that just needs the light and uh share with them so don't get so inside as we're in you know still being quarantined some let's not get so quarantined that we're not out there bringing our light into the darkness we don't want a quarantined mentality where we're thinking just about the church we want to think about the loss and those that don't know jesus yet as their savior and lord so let's move into the message now is what are you expecting and your expectation is important because what you expect you will draw into yourself in 3rd john chapter 1 verse 2 it says beloved i pray that in every respect you will prosper and be in health as your soul prospers or as your soul has an expectation as your soul is full of jesus as it is aligned with him and that you start attracting to yourself the things that you you are expecting and that expectation is cultivated by what you hear or what you are listening to and in mark 4 verse 24 jesus said to his disciples take care what you are listening to take care what you are listening to because by your standard of measure it will be measured to you and more will be given to you besides so let's say for example that you're listening non-stop to secular media and all this going out over secular media and you're listening listening listening to the degree that you're listening to it for for the measure that's going in that is what's going to get established and it will it will be given even more than that because it's like seed going in and uh producing increase so we need to be very careful in this hour in particular what we're listening to who we're listening to we need to have our ear close to the lord because he wants to build our faith he wants to establish us in his purpose and we don't want to get it all mixed up with everything else that is out there in romans 10 17 it says faith comes by hearing and we know that as believers our faith is built on how we hear god speaking faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of christ in this hour we need to discern as we're listening and as we're hearing different things we need to discern between fact and truth facts are temporal but truth is eternal so there might be a crisis that you're in right now and you see all kinds of facts around you but god has an eternal truth that he wants to introduce you to so if you only listen to the fact it could be a fact that you've been diagnosed with cancer for example but is that the truth the truth is by the stripes of jesus you are healed and so we need to to listen to the word to the eternal word and to the voice of the spirit facts are temporal they're subject to change but truth is eternal and it's unchangeable secondly we need to discern the lord's voice and the enemy's voice we need to discern between faith and fear because they're both faith in a way one is faith in god and fear is the devil's faith number four we need to discern between god's redemptive love and the devil's devouring hate number five we need to discern between god's intended victory and the devil's intended destruction so all those things are happening all at once right now and so we need to zero in we need to have our ears tuned in to what the spirit is saying and we need to be very careful regarding what we are listening to what are we hearing there's lots of word out there secular media has lots to say and the prophetic voice of god through his church has lots to say there's many people getting prophetic dreams visions words and there's a variety of them and some of them seem to contradict each other we know that um you know even in the body there can be opposing uh words coming out one saying everything's going to be great one's saying you know there's going to be devastation and probably both both have truth in it but you have to listen with the lord and i just want to say when you hear words don't just take it because someone said it go to the lord and make inquiry of him and search the scriptures to see if these things be so don't believe something just because someone said it or because it appears like it's happening because the truth is found in the lord and it's extremely important right now that we hear god's voice in the midst of it i know that there's a lot of things being said for example some of the things that are are being spoken right now the pandemic is going to get worse before it gets better another wave of disaster is coming in the fall there's economic unsettling that is going to increase the usa is going to lose its place as a lead nation china is going to merge through military control crime and violence are going to get worse anarchy is raising his head trump will surely get elected versus he might not uh church will suffer persecution the greatest move of god in history is at hand the greatest harvest is at hand the fulfillment of isaiah 60 is at hand and there will be great glory so there's many things being said right now and we need to tune our hearing in to what is god speaking because even in some of the most heaviest weightiest things we need to discern what is god's purpose inside of it because maybe he's doing some things to destroy the enemy maybe he's doing things to rescue people from the hand of evil maybe he has to do some things in order to bring clarity and maybe at the same time he's bringing destruction on the enemy and his works that at the same time he is going to birth the greatest revival awakening harvest reformation that has ever taken place in church history so we need to go beyond what we're hearing through a single voice or or a voice hearing a voice here we need to take everything to the lord and say lord what is your purpose in all this what is the greatness what is your redemptive end to it all and so everything's a possibility but it depends on our expectation and our positioning as far as what we're going to receive for our lives if you expect bad things to happen to you i know i've observed this my whole adult life you know even before i became a christian i observed that if you have a negativity factor at work within you and you're always expecting the worst guess what happens you get the worst because you expected it at the same time i've noticed and again even before i became a christian i observed that those who have great expectation for good things guess what they get they get good things because their expectation has produced it even people that aren't christians i know a couple who were married for like over 60 years and they uh both lived the same life in that sense because they were a married couple and the one one of the married couples was negative about everything and the other one of the married couple was positive about everything so when i sat down and talked to them when they were in their 80s the one said i've had the worst life ever everything's been hard everything's been bitter everything has been gross you know and and the spouse of that person said well my life's been absolutely great it couldn't be better it's just been wonderful and i thought wow you are a married couple you've been living together for all these years and yet you both have had different experiences the one one spouse was always negative their whole adult life always negative always expecting the worst but the other spouse always expected the best and so i was listening to them talk and the one spouse said to the other spouse well you're just in denial you're so positive but it's just denial and and i was observing this and i thought well out of the two of you i think denial works pretty good for as far as the outcome if i'm in my 80s and i can say i've had the best life ever because i denied some negativity maybe that's not a bad thing all right so we're living we're living in very great times right now great times because god is doing great things but also they're very difficult and challenging times and sometimes in the midst of difficult and challenging times you have to look through them to see the great things that god is doing because you know you said there well where's god in all this where is he well go find him go look for him have an expectation to see what god is doing because he is doing great things but that being said i know and i don't want to be insensitive here because i know that many have lost loved ones it's been hard for them many have been sick many have have lost employment we've never had this kind of unemployment issue for for decades i think back in the um uh um uh 2008 even i think it surpassed it um businesses have been lost uh chaos rebellion hate murderous spirits all that stuff it's very uh factual it is actually happening but we cannot let our expectation be formed by the things that are going on around us or by what we're hearing through secular media or what's being reported or even what might be spoken to the church we need to stir an expectation for god to move and for his redemptive power to be brought into the earth to bring full alignment to his purposes and kingdom advancement when jesus comes back for his church and honestly you know i'm still weighing up what i feel about you know the end what it's going to look like and that but i do know this that god's not coming back for a church that is hiding out in caves and eating tribulation food he is coming back for a triumphant church a glorious church that he's not going to be embarrassed to say this is my bride okay he is coming back for a glorious church so i do know that for sure when and how and everything is going to be happening in the meantime i'm not sure but i know that god's not going to come and say i've got to rescue my poor people who are suffering so bad the devil's got them so bad down in the dust and in the dirt and he's conquered them so bad i better come and bring them out of it it's not going to be like that and so we're going to serve jesus all of our days with all of our heart no matter what your eschatology is it's a hundred percent jesus all the way fired up for him all the way every day to the very last breath amen all right so we want to hear god's voice and we need to test the word that we hear and always look for the scarlet thread the redemptive thread through everything because in this hour it is going to be different than what we have lived through in the last 70 years it is going to be different there are going to be some heavy things happen that might shock you when they do but if you're looking for jesus you will always see the redemptive thread in it and that's why we need to to have an expectation right now that is based on his redemptive love and purposes he is a good god and he is good in the hard times and he's good in the in the easy times he's good all the time and his goodness sometimes will have some very very strong tones to it his goodness sometimes will have disciplinary action to it but if you look for the redemptive thread it will be there if you look for it you'll find it and that will give you an expectation because that redemption says i came to set you free i came to purchase you out of the darkness i came to set you free from anything that would harass you i came to dissolve the power of sin and its grip on your life i came so that you would have life and when you look for that thread that is the hope that you will live in not only for yourself but for the world around you and the world right now needs that hope and they're going to need it more in the days to come and shiloh i'm just preparing you for what is coming so we're going to lay hold of that thread we're going to look for it we're going to speak speak forth that thread and god's redemptive purposes god is raising up people of insight daniel is really highlighted and let me say this is that in the book of daniel it actually um says that it's sealed up for for the end times and so daniel only in this last maybe 40 years plus a bit only in this last number of decades has been highlighted greatly in the body of christ never before in church history was highlighted in the same way if you go trying to find commentaries on daniel you'll find very few of them in the past but you'll find many now because the seal is being opened and the book of daniel is being opened up and so there's a lot of revelatory insights inside of that but in daniel 12 3 it says those who have insight will shine brightly and of course this is following daniel 12 1 and 2 that talks about one of the the worst the the worst time that has ever happened since nations have become nations is coming but god will protect his people so he's warning about a very ferocious time but god's people will be rescued um will be kept safe in it it says those who have insight and that's pertaining to this hour will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven and those who lead many to righteousness will be like the stars forever and ever and in daniel 12 10 it says many in this season will be purged and purified and refined but the wicked will act wickedly and none of the wicked will understand but those who have insight will understand and one of the things that i've been um praying into recently is this a separation that god is calling for right now he has been i mean we've been prophesying this for over a year in fact in preparation for rosh hashanah last year we had very strong messages calling an alignment to god's purposes and to really deal with anything that was in our way because god was going to shake everything that could be shaken and he would expose everything that was hidden and it would be shouted from the rooftops even so that was like over a year ago we started speaking that forth prophetically but in this season the lord told me he said some in the body are going to embrace the purging process they will embrace it they will say do whatever you need to do to me lord to make me more pure before you now we know that as far as the work of righteousness goes that that is a gift and we can't produce that ourself but what we can do is align with him so when he speaks the word we give him our yes and we walk in the reality of that grace and so as we are being convicted by the holy spirit in this hour those that are his his his elect are going to say yes yes i want that i want to be more pure i want to deal with the stuff i've been you know really convicted of things in my own life you know um what what are you being convicted of you know maybe it's pride maybe it's gossip maybe it's um negativity offense fear these are all things that we we have to bring before the lord and say yes lord i want to be purged i want to be cleansed i want to be free from these things because i want your nature to shine i want your nature to come forth and so the heart of the righteous will have that kind of attitude but if there is a a root of wickedness a bent towards wickedness you're gonna see it raise its head in this hour and he said that none of the wicked um uh will will understand the wicked will act wickedly they're just going to continue to act wickedly so there's going to be a separation then between those who serve god and those who don't and even in the church you'll notice those who want to serve him and those who just want to go on in wickedness and this is a very important time but he says but those who have insight will understand so god is giving us a heart to understand so what can we expect then if we're to stir our expectation what should we expect and you've heard and i'll just keep preaching it until or keep um releasing this revelation until you know we tip in the right direction but ever since uh june the 27th i have had a recurring vision of two baskets and one of them was being filled with sin and rebellion and the other one was being filled with prayers and repentance and the holy spirit said one will produce a tipping point and that is very critical so we need to have our expectation released right now to create a tipping point of the right basket now some of you might wonder what is a tipping point so i'll just define it quickly for you these are dictionary definitions it says the tipping point is the critical point in an evolving situation that leads to a new and irreversible development a tipping point is often considered to be a turning point it is a critical moment in a complex situation in which a small influence or development produces a sudden large or irreversible change and so it could be your prayer your prayer that you might think well it's just a small prayer but it could be the very thing that tips the scales in favor of a great outpouring of the spirit of god or it could be your sin that tips it to bring nations into bondage and so let's make sure we're filling the right basket natural exam examples of a tipping point would be for example a video that goes viral you put the video out and some people watch it and all of a sudden there's a point where it flips over and before you know tens of thousands hundreds of thousands of people watch it another one is the the dynamic of snow the difference between 31 degrees and 34 degrees is just a three degree difference in in the fahrenheit thermometer but it doesn't feel much colder when you have those three degrees it doesn't feel much colder than the difference between 37 degrees and 34 degrees but when that same three degree drop happens at the tipping point which is 32 degrees the rain becomes snow see it it it changes it changes form and it's very very important we understand this word of the lord right now about the tipping point and there's three factors that can actually uh adjust be adjusted to tip an idea to a social epidemic it's the messenger the message itself and the context of that message so there are three things that are involved as far as the dynamics of of the tipping point and one of them is the law of the few and certain types of people are especially effective at spreading an infectious idea product or behavior and one example i want to give you is the homosexual agenda there was a very low percentage of people that agreed with homosexual agenda and gay marriage hardly anyone i mean the percentage was so low and yet many said it will never happen not in america but a very few very few key people in key places shouted loud and they would not be silenced and they actually produced a tipping point that changed the laws that changed the mindset in society another example on a more more godly type of tipping point was the early church do you know that there was only 120 people in that upper room that were anointed with the holy spirit and power and as a result of their focus as a result of their prayers as a result of their turning to god 3000 were added to the church in that in that one day and as a result of that we all have the gospel today and has been growing growing growing the second factor is called the stickiness factor you can change the presentation of a message to make it more contagious and stickier having a more lasting impact so again using homosexual agenda as a as an example they they highlighted the human rights um the human rights focus rather than a sexual moral issue they their their message was appealing to people because it was all about human rights and they downplayed the sexual immorality they pushed it out of the way and when the church tried to raise its voice they just pushed it out of the way and kept this this um uh human rights issue on the forefront that's how they they did it they found the right need of the people they knew what was going to hook into the people and went for it um also the example that we can see within the church and even in jesus ministry in the early church was miracles signs and wonders were used and that's what caught the people's attention in that day was the miracles signs and wonders the demonstration of the power of the spirit and that's why paul said don't just go out and and preach an empty gospel there needs to be an accompany of the power of god that will manifest his glory as the word goes forth and the third factor is the power of context factor and that is the environment in which the message or idea is delivered can have a huge impact on whether enough people adopt and spread it to create an epidemic so again using the homosexual agenda there was a generation that was not parented they were lock key kids they were um they wanted to be loved and so media the the homosexual community and those leading it use media to hook into that that emotion and that need and so you saw it on in the movies you saw it in tv programs um you saw taught displayed lived out acted out it was promoted in books and so we must by the way possess and occupy that media mountain because the homosexual agenda actually reached the masses through media that was their biggest way of changing the mindset of society because they could model their good picture to those that would be looking at saying yeah that might be really good and that fits my need they hooked right into the needs of the people now the church um when when the church was birthed what what the people were being oppressed by in that day was religious disillusionment political oppression and so they they spoke the freedom of jesus christ and the and the kingdom of god right into that place right into the the needs of the people who were tremendously oppressed and of course has become an unstoppable movement the kingdom is unstoppable um and it's in the earth to this very day and the bible by the way became the best-selling book year after year decade after decade century after century so let's look at the two possible tipping points today that i mentioned the first basket was sin and rebellion and if if that tips if we if if we fill that basket and it tips over before the prayer and the uh repentance we are we are going to see the enemy have power because we give the enemy power it's his only power is what we give him and that comes through through choosing sin in our life and especially the church because the church has the most authority because jesus gave us his authority so when we choose to sin and do not repent and we're deliberately sinning and it's not cleansed or washed clean we are actually saying devil here you go you have my authority and when he gets the masses authority and especially in the church when he can turn the church into sin he says okay i've got a landing strip now the prince of this world is coming church and you know i've got something in you so i get to control and it's a very very dangerous thing and i can't preach that enough sin is not okay and if you're in it you need to leave it please because your future and the future of the nation is determined by your choices right now and in the church especially i'm addressing the church right now because we have to take responsibility there is pride there is gossip there is immorality there is pornography there are people having abortions there are people getting drunk there are you know people smoking marijuana and getting high on it i had a dream about someone just the other night who was a christian doing that and and it's like that is not okay it is not okay to just say oh well jesus loves me and my name's written in the book of life yeah your name is written in the book of life but what you do your choices do make a difference not only for your life but for the the nation that you're living for your children for your grandchildren and it says very clearly in in romans 6 16 that whoever you submit yourself to that's whose slave you become if you submit yourself to sin you become sin's slave and so we need to preach this because there hasn't been enough preaching you might say i don't like hearing that about sin well hear it it's just good for you it's like i remember my kids didn't like spinach either but we just made them eat it okay it's good for you also sin has consequences in galatians 6 7 and 8 um you know it says that that if you sow to the flesh you're going to reap corruption it's a given this is new testament written by the apostle of grace the apostle of grace said whatever you sow to that's what you're going to reap if you sword of the flesh you will reap corruption so we don't want to reap corruption i don't want to reap corruption in my life i only want good things in my life don't you want good things in your life don't you want your life to be beautiful with all the blessings that god promised you well sin isn't going to get you there and also again that corruption it it tips the tips the basket and it affects the nations it affects the generations and you know um in israel and judah were both held in babylonian captivity because they didn't heed the warnings there are so many warnings right now people who never have issued warnings in their whole christian ministry are issuing them now they're having dreams i had someone just contact me this week just a few days ago with a a terrifying dream that they had on july 22nd the same night that i got woken up in the night with a with a real eerie thing going on i was just compelled to pray because it was a dangerous thing going on in the spirit and the lord told me he said you need to pray for the united states of america right now because china is doing something in behind the scenes as it's it's involving technology and they're going to try to break into the security system of the united states so i prayed into it within 48 hours the chinese embassy was shut down in houston because they were caught hacking into security system i tell you we cannot be lazy right now we cannot be and people who who just don't get these warnings this this woman of god her and her husband are in full-time ministry and and their message is not you know giving warnings but she was compelled to because of what the lord was bringing in the dream so don't take this lightly because jeremiah as one of the prophets warned israel and judah repentance because they were in sin and listen to this in jeremiah 25 3-7 it says from the 13th year of josiah the son of ammon king of judah even to this day these 23 years 23 years the word of the lord has come to me and i have spoken to you again and again but you have not listened and the lord has sent to you all his servants the prophets again and again but you have not listened nor inclined your ear to hear saying turn now everyone from his evil way and from the evil of your deeds and dwell in the land which the lord has given to you and your forefathers forever and ever and do not go after other gods to serve them and to worship them and do not provoke me to anger with the work of your hands and i will do you no harm yet you have not listened to me declares the lord in order that you might provoke me to anger with the work of your hands to your own harm whoa so israel and judah actually had the words of the prophets 23 years god was speaking to them that's patience 23 years god is lovingly telling them to turn away from their evil ways so that they would live in his goodness and they refused they just kept doing their thing sound familiar they just kept doing their thing so what happened you know what happened babylon conquered them and they lived in captivity for 70 years they had children born into captivity for one reason only they did not repent if they had repented and taken the warning of god seriously they would not have been held captive in babylon in fact they probably would have overcome babylon and seized it god is well able to do that no matter how brutal or powerful the nation is but the factor that was in their way was a lack of repentance and because of that they sold themselves into bondage god made appeal he's a loving god he's a good god all the time he's a redeemer can you hear his redemptive voice for 23 years say please turn away turn away turn away but it got to a point where there was no more grace left because they sowed so much the basket tipped and the babylonians took the power and they had every right to do so because god's people gave them the power and i'm telling you this is a serious hour and god wants us to have an expectation for good and so we've got to make sure that we're aligning properly i was in a few situations over this last week just over a week a few situations have come to mind of people in ministry who are blatantly they know better they're blatantly in sin and not coming out of it choosing not to choosing to love the sin they're going to damage their marriages damage their family damage the church and all they care about is themself and their pleasures and god is saying 23 years he addressed this issue repent repent from your idols is your sexuality your idol is your money your idol is your is is your is your well-being your idol what is your idol because god's saying turn away from it because i want to bless you but if you don't turn away you're going to be given over to your enemies and for the usa right now has a very dangerous thing is lurking i'm telling you it is lurking we see other examples in the new testament and i'll just go right to the book of revelation because jesus himself dictated these letters jesus himself after he went to the cross after he was resurrected after he was seated at the right hand of the father he said that there's consequences if you don't repent look at revelation chapter 2 the church at ephesus in verse 5 he said therefore remember from where you have fallen and repent and do the deeds you did at first or else i'm coming to you and will remove your lampstand out of its place unless you repent this is new testament church of pergamum therefore repent or else i'm coming to you quickly and we'll make war with them with the sword of my mouth the church of thyatira they were tolerating jezebel and he says in revelation 2 21-23 i gave her time to repent i gave her time maybe 23 years maybe 23 months the time to repent for us to repent when the lord convicts you the time to repent is now right now and anything that delays beyond that the consequence is the mercy of god the great mercy of god i gave her time to repent and she does not want to repent of her immorality behold i will throw her on a bed of sickness and those who commit adultery with her into great tribulation unless they repent of her deeds come on are we listening are we listening are we tolerating jezebel within the church are we tolerating immorality are we tolerating idolatry in the church and he said and i will kill her children i will kill her children with pestilence this is jesus speaking and all the churches will know that i am he who searches the mind and hearts and i will give to each one according to your deeds sin and rebellion will produce an unwanted tipping point not only for today but for coming generations and it's just we just don't want to go there right now we need to fear the lord and if you do continue to love your fleshy pleasures and you sell your birthright for a single meal there's eternal consequences for that i know i know some of you watching don't like that kind of preaching because you you've been studying some of the word but not all of the word prayer and repentance is the other basket this is where we're going to put our expectation i love this the prayer and repentance basket releases forgiveness and a clean slate in first john 1 9 it says if we confess our sin he is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness so the devil loses his power because of the lord's goodness to us that when we've done wrong and deserving of great consequence when we come before him and say god i am so sorry forgive me he forgives and he cleanses and the devil loses his power and we should live our life like that constantly whenever you have a conviction say oh thank you for that blood lord i i receive your forgiveness i'm turning away from this this attitude or word or deed that i'm doing and it also releases open heavens and releases favor and glory i would rather have that than destruction and judgment matthew 3 16 17 after being baptized and jesus was baptized here the baptism in water with water and it says that is for repentance but jesus didn't need to repent because he hadn't sinned so why was he getting baptized so that all righteousness would be fulfilled he was repenting for you and i the reason why you have the ability to repent the reason why you have the grace to repent is jesus did it for you and he did it as you so get inside of that with your faith and lay hold of it because what happened when jesus came up out of the water immediately the heavens were opened and he saw the spirit of god descending as a dove and lighting on him and behold a voice out of the heavens said this is my beloved son in whom i'm well pleased if we want glory if we want glory and if we want the manifest presence of god and if we want the favor connection with god there's no shortcut it's alignment we have to enter inside the repentance that jesus purchased for us we need to manifest that repentance partner with it and thirdly um repentance and prayer empowers and refreshes in acts 3 19 therefore repent and return so that your sins will be wiped away in order that times of refreshment may come from the presence of the lord again this is new testament and looking again at the example of jonah and and nineveh i just want to look at some scripture here because it's so brilliant god's heart is so brilliant it says in verse 3 of chapter 3. so jonah arose and went to nineveh according to the word of the lord and nineveh by the way was a very brutal place um uh they tortured their captives and it was a capital of assyria which was israel's enemy and uh but the greatest spiritual awakening written up in the bible took place here but it was a a brutal like horrible nation and it would be hard to be a prophet going into into a city like nineveh and saying you know you're going to be judged that you know no wonder he tried to run from it okay then jonah began to go through the city one day's walk and he cried out and said yet forty days and nineveh will be overthrown do you see any possible negotiation there no it's just a done deal god said 40 days and nineveh will be overthrown and then immediately i love this then the people of nineveh believed in god and they called a fast and put on sackcloth from the greatest to the least of them and when the word reached the king of nineveh he arose from his throne laid aside his robe from him that's his his kingly garment and covered himself with sackcloth and sat on the ashes and he issued a proclamation and said in nineveh by the decree of the king and his nobles do not let man beasts hurt or flock taste a thing do not let them eat or drink water but both men and beasts must be covered with sackcloth and let the men call on god earnestly that each may turn from his wicked way and from the violence which is in his hands who knows god may turn and relent and withdraw his burning anger so that we will not perish and when god saw their deeds that they turned away from their wicked way then god relented concerning the calamity which he had declared that he would bring upon them and he did not do it now jonah's word was very simple i mean when jonah went out you know he's walking it's a three-day takes three days to walk nineveh there was about a million people in nineveh at the time it took him three days to walk and he declared you're going to be overthrown 40 days you're going to be overthrown that was a simple word hard one simple but they believed it they actually believed it and as a result of that they turned to god and start crying out to god and they're repenting the whole nation is repenting they were smart oh if we would be so smart right now it was just one little word and they turned and god saw that they turned and here's this this i mean they would do they would do horrible things horrible things myself you could bring me some water some cough syrup things thank you they would do horrible things they were brutal but with one move of god turning their heart toward god and receiving receiving his grace it changed everything so what's our expectation in this critical hour are we going to have judgment are we expecting judgment are we expecting calamity are we expecting oppression economic collapse increased sickness national takeover many are prophesying that china through military might is going to come in and conquer and the usa will no longer be a lead nation and i said to some people i was processing that with this last week i said if that is a true word from the lord we need to really pray and get things right because you do not want that to happen and if it happens to the us there's many people around the world that would love to see the us lose its place but i'm telling you if the us gets conquered by communism you're coming next the free world will the free world will go down like dominos i tell you this is a extremely serious hour for those nations who are founded on the bible principles on christ it's really sad also that they're not even called christian nations anymore they're called multicultural nations they took the christian nation out of the equation muslim nations they still call themselves muslim nations just saying so we can have judgment we can have calamity oppression and honestly i don't think that we should be expecting that because if our expectation is there it means that we are all failing and that we're not going to repent and that we're not going to make things right with god so if we have an exp expectation even if you feel it's something god has shown you that is a possibility out there that the nation's going to crumble this is going to die you know communism is going to take over even if you feel that god has shown you that your expectation should be to look for the scarlet thread because if it's not there that means that there's no repentance there's no turning to god and that's that's what will cause those things to happen we have to create the tipping point we have to have an expectation in us to create that tipping point we can't just sit back and say yeah i'm just waiting for the fall to come because i heard that terrible things are going to happen and we'll just see make sure that happens we can't do that we've got to cry out we've got to go into the presence of god and cry and say no god i put expectation on your mercy and i believe that you can bring a move of conviction upon us and the move of the fear of the lord on us that is so holy and so powerful that everyone will turn just like they did in nineveh everyone turned that's where our expectation has to be because if we will turn what do we get instead we get an awakening we get an outpouring of revival the greatest harvest that has ever come in we get reformation and i know that some are saying yeah yeah yeah but it is the end and they're you know it's just inevitable look at the end's gonna come when people don't turn to god that's when the end comes is when the gospel has been offered everyone but people don't turn they refuse to turn and that's what brings some of the horrific events we're gonna see but does that have to be our generation do you have to be a person who doesn't turn and say yup i was in that last days generation who is just rebellious and i refuse to turn and sort of the people of my day and so all hell literally broke loose no that cannot be our expectation that's not my expectation for you it's not my expectation for my generation it is not my expectation for my children or my grandchildren my expectation is that we will rise up and serve the lord with all of our hearts with all of our minds with all of our strength and if we can produce a tipping point this is why the tipping point is important if you love the lord personally with all your heart mind and strength if you love him like that personally you're gonna be just fine no matter what's going on i'm gonna be fine if even if communism took over i will be just fine because the glory of god is in me i'm aligned to him i love him with all my heart i don't have anything else i want more than him i will be just fine but what about others what about the others around me i can't live selfishly like that i can't say yeah let's just let the nation go to pot they deserve it anyways are you kidding that's not the scarlet thread that's not the redemptive heart of god he's saying pray pray he gave he just spoke over and over and over and over and over again year after year after year to israel to judah so that they wouldn't go into captivity he had everything it was the last resort of what happened when he had to turn them over but it is not too late yet to turn this around it is not too late we can have an expectation to turn it all around what if the mighty powerful conviction of the holy spirit filled the air of our city today or the nation or the white house what if people are screaming and crying out for the mercy of god because his sovereign power was released by those who had expectation for it if you have oh yeah i'm just going to wait for those doom and gloom prophecies to come to pass and then i'll just have another feather in my bonnet no that is not the heart of jesus jesus didn't die for that jesus died that we would all be saved jesus died that we would turn and we've got a battle yes we have a battle we have a battle in the church today there is sin in the church that we should not even have to speak about it is so perverse it is so horrible but god is great in the midst of it and if people do want to go on no matter what happens in their evil ways they have to go on outside the church because jesus is going to help us come into alignment and he will do if we don't choose it ourself he will have to do it if we don't choose it ourself he will have to do but i have an expectation that we're smarter we're smarter than giving ourselves over to sin do we have such a spirit of stupid on us that we choose what will destroy us and our family are you kidding i'm talking strong right now because i'm desperate i'm really desperate i was on the phone with barbara yoder yesterday and she was having a lot of visitations in that too and she says what can we do what can we do to to get people praying more what can we do to get them get them positioned more i said i don't know what to do more i'm blowing the trumpet as loud as i can i'm calling a nation to prayer i'm calling i'm calling forth righteousness i don't know what else to do i'm starting to feel like jeremiah the weeping prophet we have to get there we cannot be complacent i'm telling you destruction could come today destruction could come today destruction could come in a month if we do not turn if we do not turn it can come but that's not my expectation my expectation is in the goodness of god my expectation is in in the the the wisdom that i believe is in most christians that they wouldn't be working against god but that they would be working for him we can have either are depending on our expectations we can have either of those things mentioned we can have great awakening or we can have great destruction how are we positioning ourselves before god because he's shaking everything that can be shaken my messages have been so long lately and i'm sorry but i just feel i just feel like we need to hear the coronavirus i believe shook down a lot of idols i don't believe personally i do not believe that god created a virus to kill people and make them sick but i do believe that it is a consequence of sin and that god is definitely using it and i believe that he has revealed idols in the church's life through this and he is actually calling the church to judge our own hearts in this even and one of the idols i think you know there's a lot of controversy right now whether we should be obeying the government uh the government's guidelines or if we should just be blatant and go out there and keep worshiping and keep keep having meetings and stuff like that and i just feel like you have to do what god's telling you to do and as long as it's in peace and not in rebellion but if god's leading you to keep your church doors open or leading you to host a conference leading you to attend one than you should but if he's leading you to not then you should obey that too and i don't think one is right or one is wrong it depends on what god is saying now if you do contrary to what god's speaking to you that's different but just do what he's telling you to do and i feel like just a blatant statement to say that we have to be in church and we have to gather and we have to do this or we're just not protecting our faith is not true i don't believe that might be in some cases but not overall and i also noticed this is that when when coveted hit overnight churches were shut down they couldn't meet but neither could they meet in dance halls neither could they meet in the bars it all got shut down it wasn't just the churches it got shut down because they were trying to protect the people from the spread of the virus whether that was legitimate uh legitimate wisdom or not it's what they thought was wisdom at the time so it is what it is but i think god really did something in it because in john 2 we see jesus um going into the temple and this was at the first passover that is the the sub title in my bible first passover cleanse cleansing the temple and the covet virus came and the churches were shut down just before passover this year jesus in john 2 went into the temple and he drove out the money changers their animals and turned over their tables they said my father's house is a house of prayer but you have made it a den of thieves and he addressed it first passover cleansing the temple and then he said um later he said if if you tear down this temple i'll rebuild it in three days and they said what it took us over 40 years to build this building and he said i'm not talking about the building i'm talking about the body my body and i feel that there's been an idolatry in ministry i've been sharing this out a little bit i remember when we first went into ministry we were called of god to leave our places of secular employment to serve them full-time in speaking and missions work evangelism and that it was an honor to give up we sacrificed everything we sacrificed our homes our careers it was a joy to lay it all down to go and serve him that was the expectation that was the language back in that day take up your cross and follow him do whatever it takes to obey him and so we did and oftentimes we would you know travel by vehicle we'd believe god for all of our expenses to get there we'd be you know in a way isolated place for three three days or more and we would work day and night day and night sometimes not getting to bed until two or three in the morning because of praying for all the people that needed prayer and god would move so beautifully and it was so awesome and there was no name written in lights believe me there was not even a i mean back then we didn't have social media so he couldn't blast it over anywhere it was just between you and god you felt the pleasure of his heart seeing the people people met and that's what we were as ministers we were hidden vessels of the lord ministering his goodness and somehow over the years over the decades especially in the 1990s there became this this this this stigma of the celebrity mindset and and money and you know it got to a point where people well i just want to see my next gig i i just want to get my next meeting i just want to you know get connected with some people so i can grow my ministry i'm hiring a branding company so i can get my ministry and lights i'm paying so and so so that they can put me on their program and i can get more exposure i'm thinking what happened when we were hosting events back back in the day a lot of events we would sometimes get from the ministers that we invited saying yes i can come but i need so many thousand dollars per session i need two first class tickets i need this i need that i thought where did this come from and churches started being formed and it was like the language of how big is your church how many people do you have not how precious it is to god it's just like how big are you growing at how how fantastic is it are you known in the city as the pastor who's got the largest church or whatever and it's just like no care for the the sheep per se it was all about growing the corporation and it just got out of hand and you know what when covert hit it all came down overnight nobody could meet so you know what they had to do you know what happened the very first week of the shutdown you know what happened prayer meetings jesus said my father's house shall be called a house of prayer but you've made it a den of thieves you know what the first thing that happened when they shut down prayer meetings on online prayer meetings where where masses of people were praying around the world where leaders were coming together on prayer zoom calls that went out over social media i did five prayer meetings in one day and two conferences in one day one of the prayer meetings was five hours long i didn't stay on it that long because i had other other things to do but it was five hours long and when i checked the numbers the views it was over a quarter of a million people in prayer meetings in that 24-hour period unprecedented so even though you might say oh this is the devil shutting down the church it could be god it could be god wants us to reset because of the great thing that he's about to do he's going to do something so big but it doesn't take us attending a church service or attending a conference it takes us bringing our heart before him and going into prayer and reestablishing the things that are needed to bring about this next move and so often we can get comfortable in just attending a church service believe me i love the local church and i love attending church even when you're not in church i'm in church okay i love church i love the local house we all should but god is doing something so powerful in this hour that if we will go before him and get our own lives aligned before him and reestablish and reset our personal devotion you know ministers were so busy doing the ministry and i can attest to this myself you get so busy doing the stuff that you neglect the important things and instead of doing three hours of prayer you're doing 10 minutes instead of reading your bible for an hour you're you're on the run listening to podcasts along the way that's not what god's calling for why is he shutting things down so that we can reset so that the great thing that he's about to do and we should have expectation for it because i believe i believe that we can give birth to the greatest move that history has ever known but it's not going to come by just showing up in a church service or showing up in a conference and say oh i got my jollies again i got another blast of the spirit i got prophesied over god's saying as much of a blessing that is that's not what i'm looking for right now i'm looking for your heart i'm looking for your focus i'm looking for your attention no more money changes no more this no more of that no more people not caring for one another you know what the money changers were doing in that day when people came from afar they didn't have to carry their sacrifice they didn't have to carry their sheep or their goats with them for the sacrifice god made it so that they could just purchase it there they could purchase their doves or their sheep or whatever and the money changers and and and the merchants that were in in the temple they were ripping the people off and they were they were selling them maimed creatures like lambs with broken legs or doves with broken limbs so that the people couldn't even give a right offering to god because they were they were taken advantage of by the leaders maybe that's why maybe that's why most churches and i'm not saying that if you're not functioning in a church you know if you're not having church service that you are doing something wrong i'm not saying that what i'm saying is that god wants to give some some birthing to something so big and he wants us to cleanse the church the church the the body of christ globally and go into prayer and reset things and get it in its right perspective because of what he's doing now if in the meantime there's some churches open some conferences open fantastic go and enjoy and imbibe and really do it but don't neglect what he's really looking for in this hour and that's bringing your heart before him we also know that media is extremely important right now media media is doing so much damage secular media is doing so much damage we have to overtake it media itself isn't evil it's what is communicated in it and we have to possess and occupy that mountain and so by shutting down media isn't going to do it and as a ministry we don't intend to shut it down in fact we're doing more than we've ever done before and we intend to escalate even more and i want to encourage you to do it you've got social media anyone can do it for free we happen to have it for free you don't even have to pay for it like we used to have to pay for you know all the television production the air time all of that now you can do social media for free the sports but what about the idol of the sports you know that it got so insane that the the salaries and the the uh the the celebrity mindset and the idolatry of sports was so crazy people weren't even showing up at church on sundays because it was a sports game or they had to take their children to their sports game to sports invaded invaded the lord's place in many people's lives but you know what when coveted hit overnight sports was shut down everywhere they couldn't even practice education education got so out of hand that parents couldn't even parent their children they were being told that if you if you address sexual orientation issues with your your child we could take your child away that's what it says i know in one place in canada for sure and i know things were leaning that way in some places in the usa so overnight the schools were shut down overnight and children are at home again with their families hollywood got shut down overnight the movie theaters were closed and all those movies that they made they had nowhere to distribute them because the movie theaters were closed the love of money what happened is that money got cut off investors fell the stock market fell all of that overnight that all happened people were losing their jobs their employment what they trusted in for their money that that came down overnight beauty people were spending so much even in the church so much money on outward appearance that it was like an idol they would even say well what brand do you have of this what brand do you have of that have you had your 40 000 plastic surgery done yet or whatever it got so crazy so when covett came you couldn't even get a haircut let alone plastic surgery and you couldn't get a manicure a pedicure it was all shut down and what about food the idol of food and our restaurants were shut down there are certain foods you couldn't even get you couldn't even get on the shelf so god's getting our our attention and again i want to say i don't think he created a virus but i think he's using it i think our sin created the open door for the enemy to bring forth the consequence that we've given over to so we have two expectations and options option number one is jeremiah 29 11-13 for i know the plans that i have for you declares the lord plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you an expected end or a future and a hope then you will call upon me and come and pray to me and i will listen to you you will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart expectation option number two is hebrews 10 26 and 27 but if you go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth there no longer remains a sacrifice for sin but a terrifying expectation of judgment the only time when you should have an expectation of judgment is if you're in this state if you're willfully sinning otherwise we we need to cry out for uh mercy for those that are set up that way and the fury of a fire which will concern the adversaries so what would you like to expect where do you want your expectation to lie do you want all the consequences of sin or do you want a great move of the spirit and the advancement of the kingdom where's your expectation because you can create a tipping point we can together we can for righteousness for glory for the lord's power and again the key scripture by almost every prophet i know right now is second chronicles 7 14 and we can't take it lightly just because it said over and over and over again that the the reason why it's being said over and over and over again is because we don't have it yet but there's four criteria we have to humble ourselves we have to pray and we must pray by the way if you are not on the firewall yet usa firewallusa.com go there right now and sign up for it pray an hour a day or an hour a week pledge your time and let's storm we can we can create a tipping point we need your prayers thirdly we seek the lord's face that's intimate connection with the lord that's coming before him not just attending a service but coming before him and then finally turn away from your wicked ways your wicked ways not looking at everyone else's wicked ways we're looking at our our heart and saying god if there's anything create a clean heart in me conviction and repentance are vital god can turn everything around he can turn everything around in romans 5 20 i have such great hope because it says where sin has increased grace abounded all the more in isaiah 59 19 and 20 it says when the enemy comes in like a flood the the spirit of the lord will lift up a standard against him and the redeemer will come to zion hallelujah so let's be those who listen to god because it's going to be measured back to us according to what we listen are you listening to a god that's saying i'm doing everything i can everything i can to to get the attention of the hearts of my people because i want to turn things around i want to do something so big and so glorious that it'll boggle your mind that you won't even be able to stand it you won't be able to comprehend it because it's going to be that big and i'm telling you church shiloh is going to be involved in that and we have a very neat phenomena happening there's all kinds of people moving in here from from all over getting the nudge from the spirit saying move to maricopa you're supposed to leave where you are and move to maricopa and these are these are also ministry leaders with their own ministries they're saying i need to go to maricopa i need to get connected with shiloh they've got their own ministries but we're we're creating a hub here it's like a hub for ministries and i feel that the fire of god's going to come on us and we're going to be carriers of that fire and there's going to be something great happen right here god's setting us up for it that's why there's all these real sober words coming out right now words that are demanding and alignment because of what god wants to give us and i think that we should get so expectant because of what god is doing you know in june we had a heather and dustin williams move in july we had the powells move here in august we're having elizabeth time fook moving here uh later in the fall we're having um uh um uh rob and millie rodosti i mean it's just all the time and i was you know visiting people today saying yeah we're called to move to maricopa it's like okay what are you doing here maricopa means the people drawn to the water come on we want revival we want harvest we want the outpouring of the spirit of god amen is that what your expectation can you dream big about how god is going to be using you in these days and power will flow and fire will flow and blessing will flow because he is so amazing in you and because you have an expectation for that i tell you god is going to do great things put your expectation high every promise you can say yes and amen to when you're in christ jesus and there's so many good things he wants to give you and when you're aligned to him like that everything's works out well everything everything works out well but we don't want it just for ourselves we can't live just for ourselves we have to pray and lay our lives down for those who aren't in the same place as we are right now and god can turn their heart if he could turn nineveh if he could turn nineveh every single person in that city oh my gosh they turned to god they turned to god and they had revival it's just amazing we can do that so i'm gonna pray for you right now and i just want you to to just you know lift your heart before the lord commit it to him and say lord i want to love you with all my heart with all my mind with all my strength with all that is within me and lord i just pray for exceeding great grace to come upon each one that has that desire and let the burning fire of your passionate love blaze on the inside of their being in every every part of their being let them be a spokesperson for your redemptive purposes lord god let there be the strong warning that you're giving because you love us so much but also a view to redemptive purposes thank you lord for the scarlet thread thank you jesus for the blood that was shed on calvary thank you lord for your commitment to us in this hour and so now lord we cry out for you and i pray for an intercessory prayer anointing a fresh outpouring of the spirit to come upon you now in jesus name let it burn in you let it burn in you oh lord that we might be releasing that sweet fragrance in jesus name before your throne day and night day and night day and night amen
Channel: Patricia King
Views: 8,930
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Id: y33NQkZ4r-8
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Length: 73min 8sec (4388 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2020
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