Reformers Arise // Patricia King

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well hello there and welcome um to this live stream i'm very excited about the topic that we are going to be discussing today and having conversation um into and it's the the the subject of reformation and i know that there are many of you out there that are being called by the lord in this hour to arise as reformers god's reformers to make a difference why because you can with his power with his wisdom with his glory you can make a difference and with me today i have very special uh guests and good friends of mine actually i have pastor becky hennessey her and her husband pastor jim hennessy pastor at trinity in dallas area and i have elizabeth time fook with us as well who is the founder of international young prophets and both of you are very dear people in my life and very special to my heart so welcome pastor becky i'm going to start with you first because um and i just want to tell my audience here too is that pastor becky is one of my heroes when i first met her through elizabeth elizabeth introduced us and it's just been such a gift knowing you uh becky um but you became a hero right away because i heard all that you were doing in your community for the disenfranchised for the poor uh for the uneducated uh people with issues and you would just go out in your quiet humble way and just go and literally make a difference transforming lives transforming systems as you were doing it and my jaw would drop i thought wow who is this woman and we we realize right away this is this is a reformer we have a reformer in our midst so um i'd love to have you share a little bit of your story becky well i didn't i know i was a reformer but um elizabeth kind of helped me find that name and try but um you know i guess it's it's always been in my heart to um reach out to hurting people and not just to help them find jesus even though that's what we do right as evangelists and as pastors and that's the main thing is that they find jesus but like just that they would have better housing you know how is a little girl i i when i was in seventh grade i had this encounter with jesus uh it was pretty traumatic dramatic and i started from that i started a bus ministry and we lived in the suburbs of cleveland and we would actually someone would take me down every saturday to these projects housing projects and i'd knock on the doors and ask if they would let their kids come with me to sunday school the next day and of course they said yes you know three or four hours of free child care and breakfast and stuff but it really was um after we would drop them off and we would go take the bus back to the church and then i would walk home about a mile and a half to two miles home and the burden of the lord for their living conditions you know the generations of poverty and no fathers and um it just it troubled my heart and i just wept that god would give um me some kind of solutions i i was glad to be able to bring them to sunday school but you know it was even bigger than that and i i didn't know what to do with that burden you know and so then i get married and we go into ministry and we're you know pastoring and um you know i just was frustrated inside the church and my role as a pastor's wife and and poor jim you know he didn't know what to do with me because you know he was trying so hard to build systems in the church of discipleship and the local church and we know the local church is powerful but um i would always have this message that you know we're supposed to be like the good samaritan going out finding people on the side of the road and and you know pouring in the wine and bandaging them up and and and so it was kind of like we i felt like we were in this conflict of what was going on inside the church and what was going on outside the church but one day the lord gave me an understanding of that story even to where the good samaritan after he picked up the man who was on the side of the road and put him on his donkey he actually took him to the innkeeper and the lord said that innkeeper represents the church you know that is so important that we have really good children's ministries powerful effective discipleship programs in our youth ministries because when the single mom who we're reaching comes to look for help to raise their sons we need a men's ministry we wouldn't need a youth ministry that is equipped to handle that when we began to have many many families in our church become foster parents and even adopt through the foster program you know we had to have a powerful effect of children's ministry and parenting classes so that when they were struggling with their their children or when they had issues that they had help in a community and the church really needs to be that community within a community the helps community the ones who come alongside and so then that made it all oh i get it now jim and i are like this awesome you know batman and robin team you know like i kind of my heart is for outside the walls and in the schools and going into the prisons or the families whose has a family member in in prison um you know homeless women who choose to keep their baby the maternity homes and yet it works so closely to the local church because our loca listen to this this is what i found out this is what changed everything for me our local church is full of reformers our local church is full of people who want to make a difference in their community it's full of business people and teachers and nurses and you know accountants and you know successful business people who want to use their skills and their passions and their giftings to literally change the communities that they live in and that's what a reformer is right i i just i just had a definition from the from the webster and it's just anyone who wants to make a change for the better you know and so our churches are full come on who are reformers so yes we want the revival we want the fire we want the intimacy and and the meeting with god because it's in that fire it's in that intimacy right that we get this calling and we get the download and we get the holy spirit but then we have to do something with that fire we have to go absolutely the light into into the dark places so you know that's kind of my story and there's a lot more to it but you know i just really got connected to my heart's passion and that is to bring uh make the world a better place for you know the people who are disenfranchised and disheartened and and hurting really yeah it's so good so good becky and and you're not just a voice for it you actually do it and you have an actual event coming up um that is calling reformers together and even if you don't know that you're a reformer yet by the way if you're watching this i'm sure that if you go you'll you'll receive the reformers mandate and anointing i'm positive of that but can you tell us a little bit of information about um the event what can people expect if they were to attend and uh how can they register for that okay it's called reformers collective and you can go to reformersco dot com reformer and all the information is on there including the schedule and it's a monday and a tuesday during the day and then we are going to have an encounter holy spirit uh time monday night but um what god has been doing through this um it's just been kind of like been exp reveal i nev i didn't have the whole download you know i just kind of took the first step okay we're going to do this gathering and see if we could gather people to teach them what a reformer is and what what real reformers are doing i mean we have right here just a couple miles from our church in south dallas people who are who are truly reforming and transforming their community the worst of the worst neighborhood in dallas with the most homicides and the are now is now being transformed there's such a vision there so i want to gather these people for them to share what they're doing so if they come to the conference on this monday monday night and tuesday they're going to hear stories real life stories of men and women who have been drawn by the holy spirit into different realms of community you know into the food desert and bringing gardens and organic gardens and starting restaurants into the inner city schools and uh going in and bringing mentorship programs to where they're reaching thousands of people you know thousands of students or the foster care mrs universe tori peterson was a foster kid herself and now she's a foster parent and she's so passionate about the broken system of the foster care and so we're bringing it together about three or four different communities of people who just are passionate about the family and foster care to talk about that and so we'll have main speakers and panels on the main stage but then the really cool thing about this conference is that we're going to have three different uh series of breakouts to where they're going to be 90 minutes of of actually talking about the problems that face foster care talking about the problems that face fixing criminal justice in the united states and then finding solutions getting downloads from the holy spirit working around a table with other people to literally come up with solutions and so to learn how to not just see the problem but to find the solutions and drew neal is like my hero with solutionaries that's what his his um business his ministry is called solutionaries and he literally has a gift from the holy spirit wisdom to teach people how to find solutions to problems and so we all see the problems and god is calling us by our passions and by our heart to specific areas you know and and yet we need to know how the holy spirit downloads solutions and so come to the conference oh god oh you're gonna it's gonna be so amazing becky i know it and it's and it's historical what is going on right now so if you're watching you might be a business person you might be in the education field maybe you're in a media field um maybe you you are at home uh raising uh children or caring for grandchildren maybe you're an intercessor a worshiper it doesn't matter what area you're serving in life or what your giftings are god is recruiting reformers in every area in every area of life every area of gifting i want you to maybe contact some friends share this message with some friends and say hey let's go to dallas together and be together and attend this event because god's looking for world changers and history makers and you might be really surprised at how he can use you to turn the world around because he lives inside of you so just want to encourage you to go to find out more about the event sign up for it bring your friends and let's see reformers arise now elizabeth i want to um i'm so thankful that you're on the program and you've been actually seeing in the spirit as a prophet you've been seeing in the spirit um reformers arising in fact uh you were very influential in not only defining um what becky was operating in but also calling her up to take a lead in this because of what you saw in the spirit so tell us from a prophetic point of view um what you see god doing as far as reformers in this hour and why do we need them yeah thank you so much patricia um you know what i love i love that i started studying reformation because i grew up in revival and um the lord started to speak to me and say you know because my whole life was like the world needs revival and the lord has said you know i'm going to teach you about reformation because revival is only one part of it but when you can get reformers in their place they can actually help transform society long-term right and so we pass that on generationally the enemy's really good at reformation he is he has raised up reformers to to come in the world and make it look like what he wants it to look like and i think god is just saying you know when when i've studied about reformers reformers come on the scene whenever um things need to be reformed right that's pretty simple when things need to be reformed and so our whole world needs answers and so we're the ones we're we have the only creator living on the inside of us to bring these solutions and i think the the maturity of the church god is maturing the church to walk in that kind of revelation you know on the prophetic side you hear the the ecclesias rising and all that here here's another way to say it the reformers are rising um the church is actually getting into their full authority and say hey i have authority to change my city god actually put me in a city because he wants me to actually change it i have authority to help and it may not be um it may not be like preaching from a pulpit but i actually when i go to bible schools and i speak at bible schools i tell people please do not dream about being in a pulpit dream about being a judge bring dream about being the superintendent of schools you want to see real transformation in the world it's not if god's called you to the pulpit do it run and do all you can for him but if you could dream of that business idea that you have to go in and build a business in your city and actually um actually you know hire people and start training them and you can teach them kingdom ways so i feel like because our nation look just at america let's not even look at the other nations look at america we need the church to rise up and take our place and actually actually go and influence the world and i've been studying um you know i i've been i put out on facebook one day i said does anybody know of one city in the usa that's transformed by god and no one can give me a city there's not one city and i'm like but there's so many christians in america like why can't we transform the world like why can't we transform our own cities and so i'm dreaming of a dane patricia you know this you're my pastor i'm dreaming of a day that we could model cities being transformed for people but i i think what has happened previously in the church is we've had people get saved that are very gifted and we taught them maybe in the generation above me we've taught them like if you get saved give up your amazing governmental position or give up your amazing business and get in the pulpit and like something in me when i was younger and i would hear i would see people do that it cringed i was like no it's not right that's not what you're anointed for go and rocket your business you know go do that in influence and let the anointing flow from you from that and so when we started to do that with becky the lord actually because my my lane is our prophets right and um the lord spoke to me uh and and said hey go gather the reformers and so i was like well okay i know how to gather um so i called my friends that i knew that were reformers and i said hey would you meet me in santa rosa beach we'll go and sit around the table and i just want you guys to meet each other so we went and did that and i called becky and i was like becky you're a former you got to come she goes okay so she comes and it was kind of funny i actually sent her a picture yesterday that just popped up on my phone and um when we got down there she started listening to some of the people we did a broadcast before we actually had the round table and she was like i found my tribe i found my tribe like and it was so really neat because it wasn't necessarily the people even though it was the people because drew was one of those people that she connected with but it was about the people all saying hey i'm doing like this something to change the world like their their thing is to partner with god and get an idea that would do it and some of it was business some of it was governmental some of it was you know you know whatever i mean drew is amazing what he's he's done for the poor in uh detroit to really help them um and so in in that you know i think it changed and when we left the meeting i was like people said to me well what do we do from here and i was just like i i came and talked to you patricia and i said i just don't feel like i'm supposed to lead this i said i i'm to lead our prophets but i said i feel like becky hennessey's anointed to do this and so that's when we called becky and like she's exploded with it because i i said i said becky you've been doing this your whole life and you didn't even know it and so you've been doing this and i said what you're gonna do is start finding people that have been doing it and you're just gonna pull them together so i think this is where this is going and god's really equipping because we do get stronger being with each other we do when you come in there i've seen the schedule it's gonna be some of the most amazing people that she's bringing in and this is not about a celebrity mentality this is all about people that are actually changing their worlds and you get to be part of it and so that's why i'm excited to come and be part and i'll be sharing that during the conference about the heart of the reformer like how do you take care of your heart and your soul during when you're growing as a reformer that's so good too because there's such a big tension and i know um becky you will relate to this for sure that you see all the needs out there and the injustice of what is going on and so you've got this indignation at work over the situation but a passion to do something about it and they don't always come together right away and so there's a lot of heart issues that that um have to be settled in the lord when you are a reformer but one of the things i love about just god's working in amos um we know of course that you know god said i'm not gonna do anything in the earth except i reveal it first prophetically i'm gonna reveal my secrets to my servants the prophets first so um i know that with a company of prophets like what you are raising up elizabeth um that you've gone out and you've been carrying this burden for reformation and what you've seen and calling it in and even as a a a strong prophetic voice being able to mark and see the reformers that are rising up such as such as becky and bringing them to to the table and so we're going to continue to prophesy it but we're already seeing you know when ezekiel prophesied to the dry bones they started coming together and that's what we're seeing now we're seeing the reformers coming together and i want to thank you elizabeth for your faithfulness in prophesying it and carrying that vision of the lord for it and in the old testament the prophets anointed the kings and so even as you went to becky and said hey this is who you are and declared over her who she was she was then able to rise up to a whole new level and becky what i see over you is i see that you are going to be leading um many and for those of you that don't yet know jim and becky hennessy and you're in ministry you might be you know a pastor of a church or a ministry um you will want to connect with them on a ministry level actually because they have such a spirit of excellence they have uh pastored a mega church you know it's not easy to pastor a mega church with such intimacy with your people such connection to your people and you have somehow done that but i think that you alluded to it earlier becky when you said that your husband he is so um so focused on building the church and everything that people need for their spiritual lives to be strong and to be stable and to be healthy and then you are outside the church looking at the needs there so that you can mobilize what's inside you and your husband together are making a a phenomenal team together for for advancing the kingdom and what i see in my spirit right now is you and your husband are going to be in a very uh strategic leadership uh role or pioneer role modeling role for the body of christ as we come into this because there's so much to do to transform our society and it's very easy to get all introverted inside the church if we don't have that pull to look outward and to really make things happen so i i so want to thank you and i so cheer you on for everything that you're doing and for of course the support of your husband uh jim and he's just amazing on how he's um you know one of your biggest cheerleaders in this and just going for it but if you're watching right now and you are a pastor or a leader of a ministry um or you feel called into ministry this is so important this this whole heartbeat of god is to see the things that are of a demonic structure torn down and reformed into kingdom structure and we're gonna go for it church we are so going to go for it and you're going to be a part of it um you're being invited to the party you you have a special invitation from the king of kings himself to uh walk with him in this season so as we wrap up here uh back in again we want to encourage our our people to go to the website reformers uh reformersco dot com it's on your screen right now go to that website find out more about it invite your friends let's let's start a revolution here get as many reformers out there as you possibly can and uh see them equipped and empowered because when you're in situations like that when you're in an event like that it's not only the information which is very valuable but it's the impartation the very atmosphere is impregnated with the lord's passion for um reformers and so you're going to get it all over you so just want to make sure that that you are aware of that and have opportunity to go and becky um what is the date on it again it's monday and tuesday tuesday october 18th and 19th so we're just um three weeks away from it and it's going to be like you say i think that that's what it is it's you know some things you can be taught and some things get caught right i think i heard that at one time but just being around other reformers it's going to just ignite something in you and downloads of uh you know just god wisdom and holy spirit downloads is gonna come as god pinpoints specific areas of reformation for people who come i'm just i'm so excited i just appreciate this opportunity to share patricia thank you for coming to our life and into this ministry and into this calling you you um you energized me so thank you so much oh thank you well i'm very excited about what's going to happen there's going to be a rallying of the reformers god's going to bring them together networks are going to form people are going to connect and it's going to be powerful we just decree and declare that in jesus name elizabeth do you have anything that you'd like to share as we're wrapping up right now um you know i wanted to share the story i know patricia wanted me to share a little bit of it that i heard this morning and this is the type of people we're looking for i was watching a show this morning and um the young man that was talking he was sharing he's just a young guy he had heard about um he went and heard a whole bunch of foster kids that were aging out of the system and they uh they didn't they just didn't have life they didn't look you know just you know the you know how it is when you don't have a father or mother really caring for your heart and he said he was so burdened by that so he has his place he has some in dallas and i think in los angeles also and all of a sudden he started hiring these kids that were aging out of the foster system and so now he's changing their lives forever like he's changing their life he took something that he the business part of him and he he brought in something that he could help in his part of reforming and i he does he probably doesn't even know he's a reformer he just probably is trying to fulfill something in his heart so if you're like i don't know if i'm a reformer you can say you know what is it like is there something that burdens your heart is there something that you're like i i'm so passionate about i want to fix it this is the people we're looking for to come to this or that you're saying like hey i want to meet other people because here is here's the thing and becky probably can tell you it's sometimes lonely being a reformer it's sometimes lonely and what's what she's providing is a community she's saying hey you're gonna meet like her and drew met and they've been friends and he's trinity and he's helping you know their lives and so what if you met that one other person at the meeting you know and you come in and it's like man you're connect like you get me like you understand and so that's what that's what she's building she just doesn't want to have a conference she wants to have really a place for community of other reformers and so that's what i'm excited about patricia so good well i'm very excited thank you becky for all that you're doing to advance the kingdom and to raise up an army of reformers i am so thrilled at what god is doing in this hour there's so much going on out in the world out there that is like so negative but we get the um opportunity to turn it all around why because we can right jesus is in us and we can and so um we continue to cheer you on uh becky and the mandate that god's given you and uh thank you so much for your willingness to serve the body in this hour to to help them come into their place of effectiveness for kingdom advancement and elizabeth thank you so much for joining us on today's program as well and uh just for sharing your heart and the wisdom uh the observations that you've seen you always carry such a a powerful word i love you both very much so for those of you that are watching again we want you to go to find out more about this event and also just bring yourself before the lord and say here i am lord send me and if you do that you will be so amazed at what he can do for you you might think well i don't seem to have any real talents or abilities oh you'll be amazed at what god will draw out of you if you just give him your yes and so we just want to encourage you to give him your yes so thank you so much for joining us today and you can find out more about our ministry on i would like to highlight of course our web church our online church where we can serve you by giving you pastors to care for you in a community of other believers who are passionate for the lord that you can connect to and grow with and receive covering in so just look on the tab on for the web church and also if you are a woman in ministry and you are thinking i would love some covering some celebration some even training or whatever that you need to be effective in ministry we have a women in ministry network and we have hundreds of ministries women in ministry from all over the world who who partake of that network and who bless each other and you can find more about that network and how you can join it also um on so thank you have a great day and uh just start drinking out of that well um of of jesus that is calling reformers because because you'll be surprised what he's going to do in this hour through your life in your life and for you god bless you have a great
Channel: Patricia King
Views: 2,191
Rating: 4.9615383 out of 5
Id: oiybDYUpoJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 3sec (1743 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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