What Are You Afraid Of?

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God gave you a talent God gave you a gift use it to his glory use it to his honor because if you use it right God will take from those who have and put it in your hand I want to talk tonight from this subject what are you afraid of what are you afraid of this Perico pee this portion of this one parable in three movements in the first parable of these three movements of the parables of the kingdom Jesus is talking about some wise and foolish virgins and then in the third parable he's he's talking about some sheep and goats when the master comes he will separate the sheep from the goats and one will be on the left hand and the other on the right hand and he will say certain things to the ones on the left and the ones on the right and then in this second parable he talks about a man travelling into a far country the kingdom of heaven is like a man traveling into a far country who called his own servants his own servants and delivered unto them his goods he did not he did not trust his money to an investment house he did not trust his money to a brokerage firm he called his own servants which means or which meant he trusted them he trusted these servants with an exorbitant amount of money now a talent in Bible times in the scriptures a talent is equivalent to fifteen years wages so for one man to be given five talents is to be given five times fifteen five over 75 I think that is year's wages and and exaggerated amount of money and the man who had two talents had an exorbitant amount of money even the man with one Talent had an extraordinary amount of money now we we we allegorize this text and make the talents to mean gifts and and that's alright if you want to use it that way we can still use it that way but in the scriptures it's talking about weights and measures you're talking it's talking about money an extremely large amount of money and he did not trust it to a brokerage firm he did not trust it to an investment house he didn't give it to Morgan Stanley Dean Witter he didn't give it to JP Morgan Chase he called his own servants because he put his trust in them and the Bible says straightway he took his journey and straightway for the man is also straightway for the service because as soon as he left they left and they got about two of them their industry the one who had five talents went and worked hard and brought back 100% return on his Lords investment when the Lord came back he he had a time to reckon with them he had a season to to get an account of their stewardship because the money was not there the talent did not belong to them it belonged to their master but while it was in their care it was their responsibility to be diligent and industrious in its growth and so when the Lord comes back there's a day of reckoning and brothers and sisters hear me tonight when the Lord Jesus comes again there will be a day of reckoning we are going to have to give an account of our stewardship he called them to account and the one who had five talents came and said master lo you have given me five talents and here I have gained five talents other than what you gave me his master said well done thou good and faithful servant you've been faithful over these few things I will make you ruler over many enter now into your masters joy the one who had two talents came and said master you gave me two and I got to law besides what you gave me and the master says the same thing to the one who had five well done good and faithful servant you've been faithful over a few things I will make you ruler over many things enter into thy masters joy now the one who had to was not envious against the one who had fine because neither one of them deserved to any because all of it belonged to the master I wish I had somebody to help me breathe that's why you're not look out of your eyes with envious with envy and what God is doing in somebody else's life God blesses us according to our ability to handle some focal five talent people some folk are just - talent people but what with what you have thank God for what you have now listen it does not have to be the best just make sure it's your best and when you do your best when the law comes again when the day of reckoning comes you'll hear him say well done now the one who had won Tyler went and hid his Lords money in the ground and when the Lord came to reckon with him he said I knew you I know what kind of man you are you're a hard man you reap where you have not sold you gather where you have not even scattered seed and and I knew you were a difficult person to deal with he said I would have done more but I was afraid I would have given it my best effort but I didn't think you would notice so at least I didn't lose what you gave me I hit it and the master says to him you wicked slothful lazy unand astreus no-good wicked servant you knew who I was before I left and if you are not going to do anything with what I gave you you should have been loose at least giving it to the exchanges so that I could get some simple interest on it is that tell you what I want to do take the one talent from the man who hid it and give it to the one who has ten because to the one who has what I gave him and does not use it i'ma give it to somebody who got sense enough to know what to do with it and then take him and cast him in the outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth I want you to get this before I make my little points he gave one five talents because he had the ability to handle he gave one two talents because that's all he could handle he gave another one talent because he knew he was not a five talent person so he would not put on him any more than he was able to handle that's merciful of the master not to put in his hands but he know he can't handle the check this huh God does not give anything everything but he does give everything something I wish I had my 7:30 cry if my 7:30 gang was here he'd be running all over this place he does not give anything everything but he does give everything something let me see if I can paint this picture for you ever see Mike make this mix in the most beautiful bird God ever created is a peacock when that peacock opens that tail and and spreads those feathers there is no sight more glorious than that of a peacock because it's a beautiful bird but look at its feet it has the ugliest feet of any creature God ever created not only does it have ugly feet but it can fly now an eagle does not look anything like a peacock but from 2 miles in the sky he can spy a rat crawling on the ground and look in direct sunlight and never blink his eyes God does not never give anything everything but he gives everything which means Kalos don't have to preach like Terry bus we don't have to play like Robinson God does not give anything everything but he gives everything some and the something God gives you if nobody appreciates it use it if they like you if you don't like you if they're on your side if they're not on your side if they complement you if they criticize you God gave it to me so since God gave it to me what are you afraid of I wish I had a with some folk brothers and sisters are scared afraid frightened terrified of the past because the night if the truth were known every one of us in here lives in a haunted house there are some ghosts from our past that we are shame to talk about have a got a witness here there are some skeleton some bones in our closets that we try all we know to keep hidden because we got a Sunday face and a Monday face I wish I had somebody to help me we shouted cut up here on Sunday but follow us whole and and and we do everything we can to press our shoulder against that closet door to keep the pass from coming up but if you're afraid of your past the Bible has a word for that the book of Colossians says he took our sins and nailed them to the cross have I got a witness here so whatever surfaces from the past to embarrass us Jesus said I paid for that whatever comes out on us that everybody at the church don't know that's all right Jesus said I took care of it don't let the pass aren't you and then some people are afraid of the present God's got her calling on your life God's got an idea he's put in your spirit God's got a plan that he wants you and only you to work out but you are paralyzed in the prison and you analyze and analyze and analyze and analyze until you're analyzing makes you paralyzed and you can't make a decision a donkey is tied between two bales of hay the Rope is long enough to reach one bale at a time but not both bales at once and so the donkey stands there hopelessly confused frustrated and dies of starvation because he can't make a decision of which Bale to eat first he could eat both of them if he just decide now you ought to have more sense than a donkey I wish the heads of noisy you ought to be smarter than a jackass God has given you ability God has given you resources God has given people in your life to help you with your vision and your paralyzed and can't move forward yesterday is a canceled check tomorrow is a promissory note today is cash in your hand what are you afraid of and then some folk are finally afraid of the future we live in a world now where everything everything is a crisis a healthcare crisis an economic crisis a jobs crisis a crime crisis a stock market crisis a terrorism crisis and we all huddled around the TV and changing channels on the radio to get the news of what the market is doing and what Wall Street is saying and what the president is going to do and what Congress is gonna do black folk ain't never been highly invested on Wall Street we didn't even know it was a depression in 1929 cuz God has always carried us I wish I had some help right here God has always opened doors for us God has always made a way for us that's why I worship is different from that would come on help me if you can that's why I preaching is different from their preaching because we know a God who can pick it up turn you around place your feet on solid ground the stock market the do economy don't bother us we can eat neck bone pigs feet backbone stew come on help me hip black folk and make a meal out of anything and make it taste good because the god of our soul power kept us when we couldn't keep our Singh go on with your dream go on and work out your plans go on and see your vision to its final conclusion God is on your side you don't have to have five talents use the one you have you don't have to have two talents use the one you have I'm getting happy now because you don't have to try to live like somebody else need have I got a witness here it just may be a 2-bedroom apartment but the Lord gave it to a piece of job is better than no job try to make a dollar out of 15 cents thank God that he woke you up and gave you health and strength to go and get it on your own and if you workout with what you have God will multiply it I wish I had some money to help me take your one talent and don't bury it don't don't don't don't put it in the ground don't hide your gift they may not give you a chance to use it at Lily Grove but let it grow in throwing the priest you can use your gift then we're not even appreciated in your church school class but it's not bad dream it's your dream it's not that goal it's your goal it's not bad vision is your vision and you are the only one who can bring it too bad because when it's all over the Lord ain't gonna bless me for being Ralph West I wish I had one or two more witness the law is not going to Pat me on the back for being Marcus Cosby but the law is going to shake my hand for being Terry Anderson because that's something I want to hear him say I wish I had somebody to help me close it I have preached in great pulpits across this country my name has been sung in pulpits across this nation but that's not what I want to hear I wish I had somebody to help me close it oh I've been inducted into the Martin Luther King Board of preachers president of Morehouse College shook my hand and told me congratulations but that's not what I want to hear I wish I had somebody to help me if that's no place I can go in Houston that people don't recognize me from my television broadcast and see how much they enjoy a call to joy but that's not what I want to hear I was on vacation I stopped at a gas station in Baytown and the lady says that's all you want I say yes ma'am that's all she said speak one more time I said ma'am she says speak one more time I said what do you mean she said I recognize that voice anywhere you're Tara Anderson I listen to you on 1360 the call the jar you are a blessing to the body of Christ but that's not what I want to hear one of these days I said that's not what I want to hear my daughter calls me daddy but that's not what I want to hear they all call me pasta but that's not what I want to hear I'm teaching my grandbaby to call me granddaddy and I can't wait to hear that but that's not what I want to hear when the battle is over when I lay my burdens down when I get through it life's fitful fever I want to hear him say seven Wow you've been faithful over a few things I will make you ruler over many things enter now into your masters Joe now you think we're having a good time here tonight I say you think we're having a good time here tonight just as soon as my feet strikes out i'ma lay down my heavy burden and i'ma tell the Lord how you treated me I was up some time laughs that sometime I have to cry sometime but I can't wait to hear him sing gerrant well done well done and in order for you to hear well done you have to have done well we shall has about it help me don't worry about who likes you don't worry about who's not going along with your plan don't worry about who doesn't appreciate your hallelujah God gave you a talent God gave you a gift use it to his glory use it to his honor because if you use it right God will take from those who have and put it in your hand now listen if you don't want to do nothing with what God gave you give it to me if you don't want to do anything with your hallelujah I'll take it from you if you're not appreciative for your blessing give it to me because I know how to praise God I knew how to praise God when I didn't have a car so I show enough know how to praise God with two Mercedes in the garage I knew how to praise God in the shotgun house I show enough know how to praise God with 4,500 square feet if you don't want to praise him then get out of my way cuz I've come here tonight to tell God thank you for the talent you gave me is there anybody here wanna take a minute now to tell God thank you for the gifts you gave me thank you for the wife you gave me thank you for the children you gave me thank you for the jaw the jaw the jaw you gave me this job that I have the world didn't give it the world can't take it away why don't you grab somebody tell him I'm going to use what God gave me I'm gonna sing when the Spirit says sing I'm gonna shout when the Spirit says shout if the Lord opened doors for you help me praise his name if the Lord been good to you help me give him the glory why don't you grab you a praise partner and tell them one good thing just one good thing that God has already done in your life don't keep it a secret thank you for tuning in to a call to Joy it is our prayer that the Word of God has brought joy strength and faith to your life we would love to have you as I guess that little grow of Missionary Baptist Church where we are exalting the Savior equipping the Saints and evangelizing the center for your convenience we have a 7:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. worship service every Sunday morning and 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday nights lily grove is located at seventy thirty forty Westar Street Houston Texas 77021 or feel free to visit our website at Lily grove org until next week God has called us to a life of joy
Channel: lillygrovembc
Views: 192,292
Rating: 4.7955914 out of 5
Keywords: Reverend, Terry, Anderson, Pastor, Lilly, Grove, Missionary, Baptist, Church, Houston, Texas, Call, To, Joy, Religion
Id: sGXHao6qXIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 29sec (1709 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 31 2012
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