This Do In Rememberance Of Me

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open your Bibles with me to first Corinthians again at chapter number 11 commencing in verse number 23 who verse 32 first corinthians chapter 11 convincing in verse number 23 well I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you that the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread and when he had given thanks he brake it and said take eat this is my body which is broken for you this do in remembrance of me after the same manner also he took the cup when he had supped saying this cup is the New Testament in my blood this do ye as oft as ye drink it in remembrance of me for as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup he do show the Lord's death till he come wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread and drink this cup of the Lord unworthily shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord but let a man examine himself and so let him eat of that bread and drink of that Cup for he that eateth and drinketh unworthily eateth and drinketh damnation to himself not discerning the Lord's body for this cause many are weak and sickly among you and many sleep for if we would judge ourselves we should not be judged but when we are judged we are chastened of the Lord that we should not be condemned with the world thank you you may be seated the grass withers and the flower fades but the word of our God shall stand forever I want to talk simply from this subject do this do in remembrance of me this do in remembrance of me those of you who are my age and older will remember BTU Baptist training union and we make fun of it and we we scorn it and we laugh at it but I'm going to bring it back this morning in this sermon and this in this worship I will resurrect Baptist training union because we need to hear some things concerning what we do there are only two ordinances which we Baptists recognize only two rituals that we adhere to that are described in the Word of God what we do this morning is not communion we do not take the sacrament there are seven or so sacraments in the Roman Church and we do not observe sacraments and what we do is not called a communion of sorts we observe the Lord's Supper the ordinances that we observe in our church that we adhere to according to the Word of God the first is the ordinance of baptism by immersion and the other is the observance of the Lord's Supper we do not sprinkle in the Baptist faith we are totally immersed go under the water submerged in the water Jesus when he was baptized went completely under the water and the symbolism is that we rise from death to our old life to resurrection in new life in Christ that's what baptism symbolizes and then when we observed the Lord's Supper it is also a symbolic ordinance it does not matter if we take it on the fridge Sunday or the fifth Sunday see how quiet you got right there that's nothing sacred or biblical about the first Sunday some churches observe the Lord's Supper on the third Sunday some do it on the fourth Sunday some do it every Sunday some do it once a month like we do some do it once a quarter some churches do it once a year there is no salvation in taking the Lord's Supper and there's no damnation if you don't take the Lord's Supper I wish I had one or two more with the vision that there is no grace being dispensed when we take the Lord's Supper if you don't take it and you die that don't mean you're going to hell because you can take it and go to hell I would I would run right over that again but I'm running out of time you if taking the Lord's Supper can make you a Christian sitting in your garage can make you a BMW baptism does not save you taking the Lord's Supper does not save you they are symbolic it means something there's a meaning behind it but you've got to grasp what goes on behind the meaning because the act in itself cannot save you I wish I had somebody to help me preach it what does it symbolize what is it saying to us this morning as we come around the Lord's table well first of all it's a time of commemoration the word commemorates the word commemorate means to honor the memory of somebody or something in a ceremony to serve as a memorial of something become to commemorate Christ's suffering for our sins and brothers and sisters if you follow me through the sticks hurriedly Jesus suffered in the Garden of Gethsemane he suffered at the hands of God in the Garden of Gethsemane he said to his father if it be possible let this cup pass from me nevertheless not my will but thine will be done he suffered at God's hands in Gethsemane and then he suffered at the hands of Satan at gabbatha the devil himself tried Jesus he wanted Jesus to circumvent the cross and to go around God's prescribed manner of saving us from our sin and then he suffered at the hands of men at Golgotha they spit on him they pulled out his beard they struck him with their fists they whipped him all night long they scourged him he was beaten with whips that had metal and pieces of rock at the end of it that every time they hit him flesh came from his bones he was scourged he was spit upon he was beat he was whipped all of that the scripture says for me and as you take the bread and as you take the fruit of the divine before you put it in your mouth remember he did it for me he didn't have to do it I was the one guilty but he stood in my place and at the time we come around the Lord's table it ought to remind us of the majesty of His grace and the magnitude of our guilt because brothers and sisters you can shout about grace until you realize how guilty you really are somebody ought to help me preach right here these kinds of services meant something in the old church because they didn't play when it came to baptism I wish I had somebody who could help me here they would put us on what they call the mourners bench yeah I need somebody over 50 to help me shout right here and sometimes you stayed on the mourners bench six nine months because they want to make sure you wasn't playing with baptism because there's no salvation in it but there's a lifestyle that goes along with it before you went in the water they have to see evidence that your baptism was going to symbolize that you had died to your old life many of us go in the pool or a dry devil and come up a wet devil your life ought to be changed because if any man be in Christ he's a new creation you can help me preach this one to all things are passing away and behold all things are become new and they certainly didn't play when it came to the Lord's Supper I can still see those other people in my trench growing up as a boy they wouldn't even let you touch the Lord supper team oh yeah only certain people could handle the linen that went on the Lord's Supper table talk back to me if you can because they were serious about the things of God but we are so cavalier and we joke and we laugh and we play in these services but brothers and sisters if God's death through Jesus Christ means something to you you're not laugh and joke when it comes to what he did for your salvation salvation is free but it's not cheap and since it cost God everything when you come to worship you ought to give God your everything it's about sacrifice whole lotta preacher now is about therapy it's about making you feel good about yourself it's therapeutic deism it's impersonal idealism its secular humanism it's all about the self is the glorifying of a self about what you can have right now I've had some experiences in the past couple of months that I have not had in my pastor in over 30 years people who want to join the church now they want to interview me yeah yeah they call them the church hazel is here she'll tell you they're calling to set up an appointment to interview me to see what my stance is on this or that and and what does the church have to offer and of course I haven't met with any of them yet but but if I if I quit being evil and devilish and meet with them I want to ask them what do you have to offer what do you bring because the church it's not a restaurant the church is not some Fraternal Order the church is not a sorority awesome a nightclub where you come and get your felt needs met the church is the body of Christ and as the body of Christ there's an element of sacrifice that goes into what we do and if you're not willing to die you're not willing to follow Jesus Christ because if you put your hands to the plow and look back you're not fit for the kingdom of God what do you bring to the kingdom see how glad you're getting right now that's I suspect how some of these people want to come to church to see if you got a nursery and see if the pastor's married or or find out do you have a singles ministry or what are y'all doing about this or what are y'all doing about social justice and what are you doing I'm a priest Jesus Sunday morning and then if you come back next Sunday I'm gonna preach Jesus again and if you come back to Sunday after then I'm gonna preach Jesus again because I don't know nothing that will straighten out of marriage but Jesus Christ I don't know nothing that'll straighten out a crazy child like Jesus Christ I don't know nothing that will handle a hellish boss on your job like Jesus Christ I don't know nothing that'll lift up a bow down a head like Jesus Christ because when you start talking about Jesus whatever your trouble is Jesus can handle it I need somebody to help me testify that there's a name that's above every name that at the name of Jesus it's a time of commemoration and then brothers and sisters they're showing off a time of celebration the word celebrate means to make a special occasion it's a it's it's it comes from a Latin word which means to attend a feast and when we come around the Lord's table it's a feast it's a feast that that that celebrates God's compassion towards us God's compassion towards us we were lost and without Christ but he had compassion on us we were like sheep without a shepherd but he had compassion on us think about all the sins you've already committed and God let you live God gave you strength to get out of bed this morning God let you come up to his house with all your low down waves with all the stuff in your pants that God should have cut you off but he's still blessing you with a job you still got a nice place to sleep tonight food on your table everything that you need to be provided for you God has provided not because you're deserving brothers and sisters that's that's that's the difference between folk who knew something about mercy and grace and people who think they got it all together mercy is God holding back from us what we deserve and grace is God giving us what we do not deserve we don't deserve to be in this house this morning but God's been so faithful I said God has just been so faithful imma said one more time God has just been so faithful he's carried our sins he's borne our griefs he's wept with us when we have wept he's rejoiced with us when we have rejoiced and when we come in his presence I don't ever get tired of telling God thank you now I need somebody here like me as I hurry who got a reason to praise God when you think about where you came from you got a reason to praise God born on the wrong side of the track didn't have a good house to live in you could count the passes shoes that you had because it was maybe one or two but here you are right now when you got up this morning you have to decide what to put on you have to make up your mind of what you were going to eat and then if you don't want to eat at home you can decide what's restaurant you're going to drive to in the car that God provided with the money that God gave you the spin with the appetite that God put in your about it how dare you get ready to go enjoy God's blessings and don't take a minute to celebrate he's been good he's been good he's been good and if you don't want to celebrate move out of my way cuz I've come to give God praise not just because of what he's done but because of who he this this this matter of celebration has to do with the god man Jesus Christ who paid for my sin through his death and he guaranteed me eternal life by rising physically from the dead and because he lives because he's alive at the right hand of God with power when I die I won't really be dead Oh as a matter of fact the scripture calls it sleep I need I need a Bible reader here when the believer leaves this world it's not death it's sleep it's sleep in terms of only God can wake you up my name is in the Lamb's Book of Life because I trusted Jesus Christ as my savior and when he comes back I'm going back with him because just like he got up bodily from the grave I will get up as well that's cause for celebration I said that's cause for celebration because I got some people over there I've got some loved ones cool over there let me let me let me pause a minute I was gonna rush through that but the Holy Ghost said hold on just man and let me not rush through that when I go home to Eunice every once in a while when I go home to Eunice I got some family there it's not the same going back there when your parents are not there home will never be home again when your mother and father is not there but but now and then I go down to unions to visit with my brother and my brothers and one of my favorite places to go is Walmart because Walmart is a big deal in units we got the Galleria here and shops town mall and Deerbrook and I'll meet them all you can shop in all of these deals specialty stores here in Houston but but Walmart in Eunice is the Galleria and and I'll stop in there every time I go I don't need I don't need no ice trays I don't need no waste baskets and I just come out of there with waste baskets and and paper towels because I just love going to Walmart when I go to units because I meet everybody I haven't seen in a long time and then I start talking to people I went to high school with you are still in units or people who are away from units but they'll come back and they're at Walmart like myself and so we are standing up talking and people are in the line and I said go around me I'm talking I'll get that in a minute I don't mind go around me thank you they say and they go onto to the checkout counter and they just go on and have a good time and I'm still talking with who I'm talking to and three or four more people have come by and they've gone around me because I'm in the line talking to people I haven't seen for a long time and I just let people cut ahead of me because I'm enjoying myself in the line but sooner or later I got to get up to the checkout counter somebody help me preacher I've been delaying it because I'm having a good time with the people that I've been talking to in the line but sooner or later I've got to get up to the checkout counter because I can't stay in Walmart or now this world is not my home and I've got some family who has cut ahead of me and went on out through the checkout line but one of these days I'm going to get up to the line and I've got to check out and when he calls me I will answer to my name having a good time right now but my name is on the road so I'll celebrate but when this life is over I'm not staying in no graveyard so model help me shout right here no graveyard will be able to hold Terry Andy have I got a witness here I mentioned to the people who were here this morning that all you have all I have all we are in this life our tenants we are tenants with a lease agreement and one day we're gonna get a notice from the landlord that our lease has expired that's all you got that's all you got that's all I got is a lease agreement and I mentioned to the people who were here earlier if you're over 50 you sub lessee because it's not as long as it has been somebody ought to help me here and with lease agreements there's some breakdowns that happen from time to time something I taught help me talk it if it's not your back is your knees if it's not your knees is your shoulder in other words that's a leak in this building and sooner or later your soul is going to have to move but thank God if you are a believer you got a forwarding address when the landlord tells me that my lease has expired I'm going home to be with the Lord that's something to celebrate that will be a reunion that will be a resurrection but before the reunion and the resurrection him as a closed that's going to be a rehearsal some of you have a problem giving God praise shouting and thanking God for His goodness when we didn't have a lot I think we shouted more our praise was more enthusiastic because nobody had anything and so we were just grateful that God let us get to church on Sunday morning but now that we've got two cars in the garage and jobs an opportunity that we've never had before I seem to me we ought to be more thankful but it seems that we are less thankful but let me tell you what you do when you praise God on Sunday morning it's rehearsal it's rehearsal because that's another act when the curtain closes on this side that's another act on the other side and if you happen to rehearse on this side you won't know how to act on the other side somebody somebody go understand what I'm talking about right now my shout is a rehearsal how I praise God is a rehearsal because God's been so good to me that I've got to praise him I said I told you I had a reason to praise him but then I got a right to crazy because he saved me he raised me he brought me out of darkness he made a way out of no way when I was lost he came and found me but I don't even know him he was looking out for me when I was on my way to hell he turned me around I got a right to praise Him and so my praise is just rehearsing I'm just practicing for when I see Jesus I need somebody to help me praise right here I said I'm just rehearsing for when I see Jesus now let me tell some of you quiet people something you think we cutting up right now let me tell you dignified people so let me tell you sophisticated worshipers something y'all looking at those of us right now who are giving God our best hallelujah and you haven't said it out loud but in your mind you might have already said that's too much we've been here too long it don't take all of that you don't have to make that much of noise be still be quiet I can't hear anything Reverend is saying you're making too much noise you you cuttin up too much I don't think you got nothing when you make all that noise well I think I ought to tell you before I quit speak for yourself don't you don't you don't don't you try to tell me how I ought to praise God all God has done for me all the ways God has made for me all the doors God is open for me all the sins God has forgiven for me all the mess God got me out of that I got myself in and then you're gonna tell me it don't take all of that whether you go on speak for yourself but some of us in here are just rehearsing you think we cuttin up right now you are wait until I see Jesus you think I'm making no Ezek right now but when I see Jesus and fall down at his feet and thank him for all he's done for me and since I'm just rehearsing I think I oughta start right now thank you for your message thank you for your grace thank you for your goodness thank you for your loving kindness thank you for your faithfulness thank you for your healing thank you for your delivering thank you for your rescue thank you for your salvation thank you for your Holy Spirit now however you thank him you ought to do it right now however you praise Him you ought to do it right now if you cry when you're praising don't let nobody stop you from crying if you raise your hands when you're praising don't let nobody stop you for raising your hand you might want to tell somebody you might want to move now you might want to go sit somewhere else cuz when I think about the goodness of Jesus and all he's done for me if the Lord open doors for you help me praising me if the Lord been good to you help me magnify a name if the Lord made a way for you help me tell God thank you why don't you grab somebody tell him I'm just rehearsing I'm just rehearsing I'm cutting up right now but you ought to be there when they crown him king of kings and Lord of lords Jesus y'all know him don't you he died kidney he dies but I like Sunday morning he got up from the grave and I'm glad I said I'm glad I'm glad he loved me so that he died in my place why don't you hurt somebody why don't you grab a neighbor shaken by the hand tell him you know when you just did you just touched a miracle you just touched a blessing you just touched a breakthrough I was down and the Lord picked me up I need a shout of here right now I was sick and the Lord healed my body I need a praise I hit right now come on tell him thank you for delivering me from that mess thank you forget me out of that bad relationship thank you for bringing me out of that terrible childhood thank you for bringing me out of that abusive situation thank you thank you Jesus Frank Eugenia he brought me No I come commemorate I come to celebrate but then it's also a time to contemplate because if you eat and drink unworthily you eat and drink damnation some of you are sick and weak and have even fallen asleep because you are playing with what you ain't got no business playing no no if you're not in a right spirit with your brother and sister when the Lord supper trade passes you you pass it on because taking the bread and eating of the bread and drinking of the fruit of the vine and you're not in the right relationship with your brother or your sister you let the plate pass you by because you don't want to eat them nation you don't want to eat and drink unworthily the scripture says leave your gift at the altar and go be reconciled with your brother because how can you love God whom you have never seen and hate your brother who you see every day you
Channel: lillygrovembc
Views: 36,977
Rating: 4.7254901 out of 5
Keywords: Reverend Terry Anderson Pastor Lilly Grove Missionary Baptist Church Houston Texas
Id: a0bBMEnwlJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 13sec (2113 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 25 2016
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