The Right Way To Handle More Than You Need Pt 2

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open your Bibles with me to the Gospel of Luke again at chapter number 12 commencing in verse 13 through verse 21 and I want to talk to gain from the same subject as this morning the right way to handle more than you need right way to handle more than you need everybody in this church this morning has more than you need the scripture gives us the right way to handle that someone in the crowd said to him teacher tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me but he said to him man who made me a judge or arbitrator over you and he said to them take care and be on your guard against all covetousness for one's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions and he told them a parable saying the land of a rich man produced plentifully and he thought to himself what shall I do for I have nowhere to store my crops and he said I will do this I will tear down my barns and build larger ones and there I will store all my grain and my goods and I will say to my soul soul you have ample goods laid up for many years relax eat drink and be merry but God said to him fool this night your soul is required of you in the things you have coos will they be so is he who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God thank you you may be seated grass withers and the flower fades but the word of our God shall stand forever the right way to handle more than you need for a long time our problem and I'm talking about African Americans our problem for a long time has not been knowing how to handle a plenty because for a long time many of us did not have a lot and so it was easy to give God $10 out of a hundred it was easy to share with people in the community because nobody had a plenty and so when you don't have a lot it's quite easy to to share because everybody's struggling everybody is trying to make it and so our problem has not been for a long time having plenty but now that we have two cars in the garage now that doors are open for us now that we have opportunities that we've never had before college degrees and money in the bank 401ks now that we have a plenty it has become a peril for us now to have much because the more you acquire it seems the stingy er you become I asked the people who were here this morning as I want to see to you this morning have you ever stood in front of a closet full of clothes trying to find something to wear come on help me preach if you can if you ever stood in the line at Verizon or AT&T talking on a cell phone getting ready to get a newer version of the same cell phone have you ever traded in a perfectly good car on a perfectly good car you got a lock you got a lock you've got a plenty everybody in here almost got a television in every room flat screen cell phone nice car a roof over your head more food than you can cook more shoes than you can wear you have what most of the world calls luxuries we have that every day Bill Gates was in India on a philanthropic visit and he had gone into this village to visit with these poor people and after he left the tour guide from India asked the woman whose house he visited do you know that you have just met the richest man in the world and she said to him without missing a beat anybody who has a bed to me his run of the richest people in the world Bill Gates didn't impress her you and I who live in the West would impress her because we've got somewhere to sleep tonight the poorest person in this country is rich according to world standards because we all have more than we know what to do with now you might be saying I'm not I'm not rich Reverend I'm not rich I'm not rich what you call rich I'm not talking about Oprah rich or Bill Gates rich or or Warren Buffett rich that's that's crazy rich rich that you just start saying stupid things and just start being a fool because you can afford to be crazy when you got that kind of money I'm not talking about generational wealth like the Rockefellers and the Carnegie's and the Kennedy a kind of wealth I'm talking about all of us in here today have more than we need God has blessed you with more than you ever had in your life and if you say he hasn't you're lying this moment everybody in here is blessed beyond what the world standards are because in Haiti the average yearly income is less than $3,000 an earthquake just happened in here a few years ago three or four years ago five years ago and they are still living in tent cities and you and I are throwing away more food than they will eat in an entire year so what is the right way to handle more than you need walk with me around the text this this story is occasion by these two brothers who try to get Jesus into this civil dispute over a property matter the father perhaps has died and the older brother according to the law of Deuteronomy is to receive two-thirds of his father's estate and the younger brother is to receive 1/3 but he wants Jesus to exert his influence and have this boy to divide the inheritance and Jesus said I'm not a judge I'm not an arbitrator I haven't come here to sitter to settle matters of property because this is not essentially a property manner this is not at its core a situation about an inheritance this is a problem over covetousness this is a situation over covetousness and Jesus said I will not give redress to a civil manner that has nothing to do with what's really in your heart what was really in that younger boys heart all the older boys are or both their hearts was the matter of covetousness and Jesus stopped dealing with them and turned and looked at his disciples and said to them you take care you beware of covetousness because a man's realize does not consist in the abundance of the things people's si this man in this story tried to get Jesus to get in a family matter over some property and Jesus was too wise to get in a mess after somebody died because if you want to see a family tour you let somebody die and leave three or four dollars in the bank and then quit speaking to each other over a chest the drawer over a television set I mean fight with each other literally fist fight with each other over some stuff that's called passed away in just a minute you want to see some fools you go to a family after somebody has died who has had some means and they will stop speaking to each other over stuff that does not matter and then Jesus segues into the parable of this rich fool now Jesus does not want I want to get this Jesus is not saying the man is a fool because he's rich because riches will not keep you out of heaven any more than poverty will get you in Jesus is not calling the man in the parable of fool because he's rich he is a fool because his hope is in his money so here is the story the ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully and he said within himself what shall I do I will count down these small barns and build greater because I don't have anywhere to bestow my fruits and my goods and I will say to my soul soul take it easy much girls laid up for many years eat drink and be merry but God has something to say about that God said you fool tonight your soul is required and all this stuff you have accumulated who's gonna get it and Jesus is the parable by saying so is he that lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God that's the story here is the Sermon he mistook his bankbook for the Bible you see wealth makes you arrogant and listen this message is not about Oprah it's not about Bill Gates is not about Warren Buffett it's about us in here with flat-screen TVs cell phones and clothes in the closet and K figure out what to wear it's us with food in the freezer and can't decide what to cook it's us with shoes from the floor to the ceiling and can you have with one pair at a time is those of us sitting here with money not rich towards God see awkward you're getting right there because we try to throw it off on that story Jesus said it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God but what are you doing with what you have don't ever mistake your bankbook for the Bible because when you got money you walk differently when you got money people listen to anything you have to sing remember that commercial when EF Hutton speaks everybody listens some of us got that attitude right now that because of our career choice because of our financial strata because of our educational achievement we are up here and sometimes members of our family are down there but your bankbook is not the Bible because that is a word for you who have a pleasure and don't give it away for unto whomsoever much is given we shall had a witness much is required you don't tithe because you see the Lord knows I got bills the Lord knows the Lord knows no really the Lord really knows no seriously the Lord knows you're lying some pastor friends brag to me about the NFL players who are in their church and NBA players that are in their church and I guess that sounds impressive as a suspect but I want some old people who get a check on the first and the third and some young people who got good sense with their money because those athletes are one injury away from the disabled list and the first expense to go is the church because they got to pay for them babies they made I wish I had somebody to help me talking they are not getting rid of those apartments that they're paying far they're not getting rid of those BMWs like some of us in here will pay our cell phone bill before we pay a light bill you'll get your hair done cuz you don't look good broke but you look good they animation it but you look come on come on black people I wish I had my 7:30 grind your bankbook yo your deposit slips is not the Bible I can tell what you love from the memos on your chair for where your treasure is I was the head of Bible reading there will your heart be also you don't put any money in church cuz it's on your back you're driving it you're living in it you're stylin and profilin buying stuff you don't need with money you don't have to impress folk you don't even like because you're trying to perpetrate that you count it all together and the Bible says is better to be holy with a little than to be rich the proverb says and don't even know God put your bank book right here put the Bible right here and I can tell you what you love because if you love God it'll show up in your bank book I wish I had a witness if you are serious about God it will show up in what you do with your money where your tracker is that's is where that is where your heart will be oh I preach this message this morning in another in another way and after church one of the persons who was visiting with me came up she's not a member here she is visiting the church and she came up and she said oh that was a good sermon Reverend god bless you but how many people could we feed with that suit you Aaron punch it I said not nearly as many as with the Thais RP how do you like them no no no no no no no no no no no no I had to learn that when you put God first in your finances he'll take care of the rest of your situation somebody oughta help me here when you give God his manifest he'll open the windows of heaven blessing that you will not even have room enough to receive the bankbook is not the Bible he mistook his bankbook for the Bible he he he amassed all of this wealth and God was nowhere in the equation secondly he mistook his body for his soul he's right here in the text he says I have no room where to destroy all my fruits and my girls I will tear down these small barns and build greater one and then I will have room enough to put all my stuff then I will say to my soul take it easy wine dine recline and shine eat drink be merry enjoy yourself you've earned it you worked hard nobody gave you nothing you went to work you got up every morning you saved you scrape you scratch you put away for a rainy day is yours enjoy yourself that's body talk but soul talk is when I don't have what I need for my body my soul got arrested please I'm not I'm not trying to preach poverty I'm not saying you got to be poor to go to heaven I'm saying you got to put money in his proper perspective money is a it is a master if you're not careful you will become a slave and the destination will take a backseat to the journey I said the destination will take a backseat to the journey you will enjoy making money so much that you can't join making money so much somebody missed that you'll enjoy making money so much that you will enjoy making money so much you start hiding it from yourself putting plastic on your furniture children can't go in your living room you don't eat on you good China you're saving it for Thanksgiving and Christmas you're nice nightgowns you don't wear till you go in the hospital or got them in the drawer cash you get sick some shoes you don't wear in the rain you don't drive your car when it's muddy talk back to me if you can because it's my stuff what this man says my boy my friend not good Bobby talk that's natural that's that's what you're talking about you're gonna do with no power to even wake yourself up in the morning I can't do anything without God I wish the head of witnesses I can't move I can't tell I can't speed myself I can't even wake up in the morning I can't breathe without God and some of you believe you can because you're tight and stingy and don't give anybody anything and don't pay the law of the tithe and you think you've earned it it's mine I don't care what that preacher says but you don't have to deal with me even let you in on a little secret you ain't got to deal with me cuz in the morning when the books are opening the ledger will be read and if you're rich with stuff and poor with God you on your way to hell I know some football ain't got nothing but there just has happened because the little that they have they share it with those who are less fortunate even than they are and God will give you a peaceful spirit God will give you a gentle attitude if you're always trying to help somebody God will make sure that you have avenues to help somebody he mistook his bankbook for the Bible he mistook his body for soul you spend more time on your body then you worry about your soul you are brows arched your hair is well quaffed you keep your dental appointments you get your nails did you gonna make sure that when you step out of the house we think you got it going on that's Bobby - you look good on the outside but on the inside your soul is bankrupt and brothers and sisters you hear me as a hurry there is no prosthetic for a bankrupt soul there is no prosthetic for a crippled soul you appeared on the outside but Jesus said on the inside you're full of dead men's bones what sense does it make to go to hell in a 20,000 dollar casket five limousines following your hearse I mean people get out the way when you passing by day they drive and slow on the way to Houston Memorial God not Chase Bank Houston Memorial God your travel is on the way to Chase Bank you on the way to the graveyard because their son-in-law you didn't even like to see be driving your truck the darling law you couldn't stand cooking in your nice magnetite pots those grandchildren that you never let run through your living room jumping in your bed whose shall those things be that you provided whoever lives in the house after I get out nothing in there's new nothing ain't been used nothing has not been slept on nothing every and walked on nothing they never been spilled on because there is nothing that I have that I can exchange for my soul it's all material stuff and when you put that ahead of God you are rich in material things but bankrupt with God because you mistake your body for your son his last word and I'm gonna leave you alone he mistook his bankbook for the Bible he mistook his body for his soul and finally he mistook time for eternity he's right here in the text he said I will pull down these small bonds and build greater bond that's that's thinking that he has time thinking that he can regulate how long he's going to live I will pull down while he was saying that God could have took it those of you who old before they can help me preach right here when our grandparents and our parents would visit with one another did see sometimes they call it sitting up at night and they would sit up with each other at night or they come during the day and visit if somebody was sick or they just come just sit down for a visit for some coffee or for a piece of cake they heard you cook the cake and they would come by and get a piece and then my momma would walk her a piece they'd go down the road and they called it walking her a piece or my mama couldn't go with her she would say Terry walk Lillie to the door because they thought it in mannered if somebody came to your house and you didn't walk them to the door that was a sign in my generation that you didn't want them to come back you that's the way I was raised did come to my mama's house and and if she couldn't go to door she'd send one of us to the door because it was ill-mannered to let somebody leave your house without formally sending them off and sometimes you walk a piece with them down the road and come back home but before they left each other they said I'll see you tomorrow if the Lord spare I'll talk with you tomorrow girl if the Lord says the same because they didn't take for granted that they was gonna wake up in the morning they gave God the glory if God woke them up I see you tomorrow but if God didn't wake him up you were still in God's hands I don't control I will say to my soul take it easy eat drink be merry that's that's epicurean philosophy of enjoy yourself do what you want you got all the time in the world and that's the mistake young people make well the fresh young folk your first mistake young folk make is they saying old folk were born old that's the first mistake young people me they think they got all the sins 25 26 years old you know everything I've been paying your bills all these years now all of a sudden you got more sense than me young folk think old folk were born old you don't get to be 80 years old being a fool you know some things by the time you get to be 80 years old and so young people make the mistake of believing that I got time and so they take care of their body they keep their body supine they they take care of their financial needs and they take care of everything they need to survive Abraham Maslow talks about this hierarchy of needs they talk about food and water you got to supply those needs first and then there are the basic needs that goes all the way up to self-actualization and young people believe that after I get off then I got time for God but there's some short griefs there's some young graves there's a middle-aged grieves because you don't have the time you think you have and then the time you do have you need to redeem that time by serving God with good wisdom I wish I had somebody to help me here God used me when I was a young man when I was 18 when I was a teenager God was using me and I made a whole lot of missteps and I made a whole lot of mistakes and there's some things I wish I could go back in my life and undo a whole lot of things I wish I could unsee because I was young and foolish back then but God still had his hands on my life and I thank God for using me in my young days and the older I get the more important it becomes for me to allow God to use me in my senior years I'm a senior pastor now pastors now are younger than me here in Houston I'm in the crowd now with senior pastors have been pastoring 25 30 35 years and I thank God that he used me while I was young that tempered me for what I have to go through now that I'm getting older when you get older some things just don't bother you anymore you don't care what anybody thinks about you you don't care what anybody says about you because you passed that in your twenties and your fingers come on help me preach a minute you realize how good god has been to you in your teen years God could have taken you when you didn't have good sense you could have died when you were not even saved but God let you live to this moment and God has given you all this stuff he has given you all the glory belongs to the Lord now is some silly young people around here some silly people in my family some silly young folk in your family who think you owe them something they expect you to go out of your way to help them they doing nothing they work in their not trying to make you not trying to move follow they're not trying to do anything and get upset with you when you don't open doors for that laziness talk back to me if you can but you've got this thing's figured all wrong God will bless your life if you put him first and when you put him first you don't need nobody to open the door he'll open the door for you come on y'all want it do it he'll make a way for you you got to put his word first you got to put his white French you gotta put his waist first you got to put his worship first and with God is fresh in your eyes he'll bless you with an over upon I said this to the people who were here earlier I was praising God before I was driving the Mercedes I was shouting before I was living in a 2-story house because I learned how to thank God listen for little finish you're gonna help me close this watchin when I wake up in the morning and swing my legs out of the bed and stand up before I'll take a step I tell God thank you because while I slept last night I could have been paralyzed never gonna witness here with my eyes open in the morning and I know where I am I tell God thank you because I could have woke up insane this morning when I wake up in the morning and got an appetite for breakfast out to a dog thank you because I could have food in the house and don't have an appetite never got a witness here cuz some folk got an appetite but don't have the food but God has given me everything I need to make my life miserable and so I'm sure not gonna praise the Lord the older I get because I'm learning that when praises go up come on help me preach if you can when you give God the glory in your youth when you praise God for the little stuff that he saves your way he will bless you in ways that you can't even understand so I gotta help to testify I got something money can't buy I need two or three Bible readers who can help to testify that when you trust in God with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge him he will direct your path have a got a witness here the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord have I got a witness they like yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart trust and do good all the days of your life I waited patiently on the Lord and he declined his ear under me he took my feet out of the miry clay and established them upon a rock so I don't mistake my bankbook for my Bible I don't mistake my body for my soul I don't mistake time for eternity because my life is in God's hands I said my life is in God's hand and so I trust God with my future if he sends sunshine I'm gonna praise him if he sends rain I'm gonna prison if he sends sickness I'm gonna praise Him if he sends death in my family I'm gonna praise Him coz I will bless the Lord and all time y'all need somebody to help me his praise shall continually be in my mouth my soul shall make up boast in the Lord the humble shall hear thereof and be glad or magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt his name together you help me closest watch it Oh taste and see that the Lord is good look at my life look at your life and see that the Lord has been good some people said you'd never be where you are but look at where you are right now they said you never accomplished what you've accomplished but look at what you have in your hands right now they said you never graduate college or you'll never have a nice house they talked about you for where you came from but where you come from you got nothing to do but where God is bringing you cuz if you wait on the Lord and be of good courage he will strengthen your heart is there anybody here know your bankbook is not the Bible your body is not your soul time is not eternity because your life is in God's hands if you trust God this morning and you're not embarrassed to testify if God is your makeup and your sustainer and you don't care who's looking at you if God's been good to you if you got more than your need and God has open doors for you and you don't care what they say about you it's time to give God to pray praising for your job praising for your family praising for your car praising for your house praising for your health praising for your right mind but more than that I can some else you oughta praise and for coz one Friday on a hilltop talked over it he died didn't he Darla but Sunday morning he arose that's why I praise it that's why I live my head that's why I'm magnifying me I'm saved sanctified filled with his press of the Holy Ghost if you know he's saying it why don't you grab somebody tell them my bankbook it's not my Bible telling my body is not my soul telling my time is not my eternity cuz after a while when the walls fell over that's the wild I'm going home I'm not I'm not mixed up I'm not confused my life does not consist in the things that I possess because if this stuff burns up in the morning I'm coming to church Sunday tell God thank you for my selfish thank you that my soul is anchored in Jesus Christ my hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus name because on Christ the solid rock I stand all of the ground all of the ground is sinking
Channel: lillygrovembc
Views: 26,173
Rating: 4.8472552 out of 5
Keywords: Reverend Terry Anderson Pastor Lilly Grove Missionary Baptist Church Houston Texas
Id: 79T1A_rmg3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 8sec (2588 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2015
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