Moving Out Of Your Comfort Zone Part 1

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the cream always rises to the top they can make your slave but you'll rise to the top I wish somebody would help me here they can call you out of your name but if you got it like that you will always rise to the top of your game today I want to deal with this passage of scripture from this subject moving out of your comfort zone moving out of your comfort zone for all of us there is a place where we are most comfortable we are comfortable if it's a certain temperature we are comfortable if we are seated in a certain Pew we are comfortable if we are with certain people as a matter of fact there are comfort foods we are comfortable in our career choice we are comfortable with our social status and we are most ill-at-ease when we are put in situations or circumstances that move us away from the familiar we don't like mixing with people that we don't know we don't like undertaking tasks with which we are unfamiliar we don't like variables and unknowns we don't like what we can't get our hands around and what we can't get our thoughts around we like what we can see touch taste smell and here we're uncomfortable in the dark we want to know things we want to be able with some degree of certainty to know how this or that thing is going to turn out we are uncomfortable with the unknown and so for all intents and purposes we spend most of our lives in our own comfort zone but the text this morning is tailored to show us that you don't have to stay in your comfort zone because God wants to enlarge your territory I'm going to get to verse 10 in I 11 o'clock worship but I want just just deal with verse number 9 this morning when you read the book of Chronicles it chronicles thus the name Book of Chronicles it chronicles the names from Adam all the way through the tribes of Israel of names of this person begat that person Adam began and Seth began and Noah began and laymen began and Methuselah began it goes to hundreds and hundreds of names of prisons who begat other prisons and if I had the time I would read from first chronicles chapter 1 up to verse 9 of chapter 4 because all it does is chronicles people who were born lived and died there's no tombstone inscription there's no epitaph there's no life story there's no history there's no background there's no color there's no life it's just a chronicling of this person begat that person but like an oasis in the desert verse 9 just rises up to show us that you can live either up - or down - what they named you I wish I had my 7:30 cry the Bible says in verse number nine now jay-bez was more honorable than his brothers and his mother called his name jay-bez because I bore him in pain his place in life in this text his place in life is between some baguettes before jay-bez is mentioned and after jay-bez is mentioned is a chronicling of the names of people who lived and died where are you in life's traffic where are you on the spectrum of life are you just living and died 10 years after you die will it matter that you lived are you just here did somebody just beget you and you begot somebody else and soon you lie down in some nameless grave what are you doing that ten years after you're gone they'll still be talking about you some men worry themselves in the nameless graves while other men forget themselves into eternity what are you doing where's your place in life have you made your mark in life I'm almost convinced but if you're not where you're going to be by time to 35 or 40 years old it's just about over for you if you've been playing you know you you're ten years as the years for you to play and and not make any major decisions in life because somebody else is taking care of you somebody else is paying your bills somebody else is responsible for you but when you get in your 20s and 30s and head towards 40 if you're not settled and on your way to significance it really won't matter that much because you can't hardly go back and recapture your youth talk back to me if you can you can't live your life vicariously through your children trying to turn them into what you didn't become wish I had somebody to walk with me right here the reason this culture of ours is so caught up in celebrity we're always interested in what these celebrities are doing this weekend the all-star weekend here in Houston you couldn't get near the Galleria or downtown because everybody wanted to see and be seen by somebody because many people live their lives vicariously through Beyonce and and jay-z and Snoop lion he don't even know who he is anymore he used to be Snoop Dogg now he salute lion and and these crazy actors on television and and these foolish people in the movies we are trying to dress like and look like and act like and and talk like these ignorant Housewives of Atlanta and these vacuous are empty-headed Housewives of Los Angeles and and we live our lives through The Bachelor and the Bachelorette and Dancing with the Stars and American Idol all of these useless pastimes to lose ourselves in things and people who don't really matter where is your place are you making your mark where do you fit in the traffic of life where is your name in who's who not in Houston society but in the kingdom of God because it doesn't matter if your name is in who's who in Houston if your name is not in the Lamb's Book of Life you will live seventy years and it won't matter jay-bez is singled out from all of the prisons who began and begat and the Bible lets his name rise as an oasis in the desert to make us realize that you can live up to or down to what they call you his mother named him jay-bez because he was born in sorrow he's a child of a sorrow he's the child of a pain it might have been a difficult childbirth or may have been an unwanted pregnancy or it may have been a child of a rape it may have been a child born when she was not looking for a child or didn't want any more children I was just painful to look at him because he reminds her of that fool she's magnitude whatever the situation he finds his place in this passage of Scripture crawled out because of his personality he's more honorable than his brother whatever the circumstance of his birth he's more honorable than his brother brothers and sisters doesn't matter how you got here does not matter the circumstances of your birth you may have been unloved or unwanted you may have been pushed aside you may have been neglected you may not have been paid attention to but you're here now and you're not here by accident no child is born that God does not want to be born everybody born God wants them to be born and since God wants you here find your place define your place you got to get out of your comfort zone you got to get away from folk just like you you've got to get away from situations that make you comfortable because you'll never grow and develop as a Christian if you're always where you've always been God has so much more God has so much more but you may never get your hands on it because all you want is your comfort I suspect brothers and sisters that when we get to heaven there's going to be a giant room with a locked door and we will perhaps go up to God and ask him what that door and that room is all about and God will say that's all the blessings you could have had but you never asked for you have not because you ask not now I want you to see not only his place but jay-bez has a problem his problem is his name his problem is his name his name what his mother felt when he was born the name jay-bez means sorrow sorrow pain sorry you were born wish you hadn't come the very mention of your name brings pain but but brothers and sisters hear me again you don't have to be what they named you you can either live up to your name or live down to your name because if you if your personality is a certain type it won't be long before they call you out of your name here come that liar Oh Lord he's drunk again here come that crackhead hide your pocketbook put your valuables away she's coming he's it Shh here because you can become what they expect when you don't know God when you have no place when you we are not rooted when you're not grounded when you don't know who you are other folk can define you I wish I had a witness in when you're not comfortable in your own skin when you don't really know who you are folk will tell you who they think you are and if you are root less they will name you what you're really not when you read the New Testament Peter was not named Peter at first he was named Simon but Jesus saw something in Peter that made him give him another name I wish I had a witness here what what his mother named him had nothing to do with his potential jesus saw in his in his name more than his mother saw in name in him Jacob was named Jacob I wish I had the Bible reader but after he met the Lord his name was changed and anybody who meets God he changes your name and your name that your parents gave you may remain the same but he changes your personality he changes your outlook on life he changes your disposition because folk who knew you thirty years ago can hardly recognize you now because you in church praising God when you used to just be getting in this time a morning on Sunday not long this time y'all try and act like y'all been saved all you like I need some honest folk here who used to drink and go out and stay out but the Lord chains you you are not the same you got a different personality you have a different disposition and you in church on Sunday morning not because you want to be here but you have to be here to tell God thank you for where you brought me from you brought me out of darkness I wish I had a witness into your marvelous light and I'm not gonna let anybody intimidate me about what I used to be I once was lost and sick I wish I had a witness but Jesus took me in then a little light from heaven filled my soul he bathed my heart in love and he wrote my name i'm not the same i'm not but I thank God I'm not what I used to be I used to hear them say in our church I looked at my hands and my hands look new I started to walk and I had a new walk ever got a witness head If any man be in Christ he's a new creature all things are passing away and behold all things are becoming new many of us have heard of Wilma Rudolph but perhaps you don't know her story Wilma Rudolph was the sixteenth child of 18 children born in a poor black family in rural Tennessee she weighed four pounds and one ounce at birth at the age of four she contracted polio and she lost the use of her left leg because of her polio and her low birth weight she developed chronic pneumonia and she ended up having scarlet fever Wilma Rudolph spent most of her childhood as a low birth weight poor black family rural Tennessee polio left her with the loss of the use of her left leg chronic pneumonia scarlet fever spent most of her childhood as a her mother had only one day off a week from working in white people's houses and in that one day a week she brought her to therapy when she got home late at night what with her because a mother was determined that she would not live the rest of her life a four pounds one ounce polio chronic pneumonia scarlet fever a childhood spent as a but her mother had one day off a week got home late at night after taking care of white people's children had 18 children of her own but she decided that Wilma was not going to be a you are not what you've been born she went on after her mother got her leg straight from therapy after her mother's determination she went on to play high school basketball setting a single-season record for the most points scored she scored 803 points in 25 games in 1960 she represented the United States in the Olympic Games in Rome and she metaled gold medal in every one of her events she set world records in the 100 and 200-meter dash and in both those races her nearest competitor was three feet behind her you can imagine how difficult that is in an Olympic Games in the 100 and the 200 meter dash she won gold medals and then she helped her team come from behind in the 400 meter dash and 400 meter relay run she helped her team come from behind to win the gold medal born 4 pounds 1 ounce polio chronic pneumonia scarlet fever the 16th of 18 children but her mother decided you're not going to stay what you were born and Wilma Rudolph is in the history books because somebody decided because you were born crippled you're not going to stay that way can I help somebody this morning no matter where your station is in life if you put your hand in the Lord's hand you don't have to stay the way you were born have a gotta witness here he can pick you up turn you around place your feet on out have some witnesses in here that God has brought you from a mighty long way that that doesn't mean much the folk who've had it good all your life but those of us who have had to struggle to make it we've learned how to appreciate small stuff I wish I had one or two more witnesses here the scripture says he's more honorable than his brothers and his mother named him a name that reminded her of the painfulness of his being born but jay-bez found his place in life he overcame the problem in his life which leads me finally to his performance in life he was behind his brothers but he outperformed me he was looked down on even by his mother because of what she named him but because she named him according to the circumstance of his birth he overcame that and had more honor than his brother somebody will help me testify but when God has his hand on you and when he's pleased to bless you even members of your own family will misunderstand your favor I wish I had time to preach right here your own brothers and sisters will misunderstand your favor they'll think you're trying to act like you're more than them it's not that you're not more than them you're just different from them you want more out of life you're going somewhere you got goals you got dreams you got vision for your future and because you can see it and they can't see it they look down on you let me try to close Joseph was like that Joseph was a dreamer Joseph was a visionary and folk who have no vision can understand full with vision people who don't dream have no time for dreamers thank you for tuning in to a call to Joy it is our prayer that the Word of God has brought joy strength and faith to your life we would love to have you as I guess that little grow of Missionary Baptist Church where we are exalting the Savior equipping the Saints and evangelizing the center for your convenience we have a 7:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. worship service every Sunday morning and 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday nights Lily Grove is located at seventy thirty forty Westar Street Houston Texas 77021 or feel free to visit our website at you
Channel: Lilly Grove Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 128,205
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Keywords: Reverend Terry Anderson Pastor Lilly Grove Missionary Baptist Church Houston Texas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 23sec (1703 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 12 2013
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