Hope For The Heavy Heart Pt 1

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[Music] open your Bibles with me to the book of Exodus chapter number 6 Exodus chapter 6 verses one through verse number eight if you still looking for Exodus you need to go sit in the sunday-school class right now then the Lord said unto Moses now shalt thou see what I will do to Pharaoh for with a strong hand shall he let them go and with a strong hand shall he drive them out of his land and God speak on the Moses and said unto him I am the Lord and I appeared unto Abraham unto Isaac and unto Jacob by the name of God Almighty but by my name Jehovah was I not known to them and I have also established my covenant with them to give them the land of Canaan the land of their pilgrimage wherein they were strangers and I have also heard the groaning of the children of Israel whom the Egyptians keep in bondage and I have remembered my covenant wherefore say unto the children of Israel I am the Lord and I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians and I will read you out of their bondage and I will redeem you with a stretched out arm and with great judgments and I will take you to me for a people and I will be to you O God and you shall know that I am the Lord your God which brings you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians verse eight reads and I will bring you in unto the land concerning to which I did swear to give it to Abraham to Isaac and the Jacob and I will give it you for an foreign heritage I am the Lord thank you you may be seated the grass withers and the flower fades with the word of our God shall stand forever I want to talk a moment about hope for heavy hearts have you ever just had one of those days I mean it's just it's just one of those days when when when your parachute doesn't open the race has started but your gate won't unlock you can't keep it in the fairway you just can't keep up you can't keep your head above water it's just it's just one of those days can't find nothing can't get it together can't find the remote you can't find your keys don't know what you want to cook don't know what you want to eat everything and everybody gets on your nerves [Applause] it's just it's just one of those days that's where Israel is in this text for over 400 years they've been in Egypt became there as the honored and privileged guests of Egypt's Pharaoh at the behest of Joseph but now there's a pharaoh in power who does not know Joseph or Joseph's God and for 400 years they've been in slavery brutal taskmasters hard days difficult nights and they go to bed every day on tear stained pillows crying moaning that God would send a deliverer God lets Moses be born the son of Yosha beard and Amram who's born at a time when pharaoh has decreed that all Egyptian boys should be drowned in the Nile but when Moses is born the midwives see that God's hand is upon him and rather than drown him in the Nile his mother fashions a basket of bulrush and pitch and floats him daily in the nile waters God arranges for pharaoh's daughter to come to the Nile to take a bath while as running water hot and cold in Pharaoh's house God moves on Pharaoh's daughter to go to the Nile to take a bath and at the right moment God moves that Ark and the baby starts crying Pharaoh's daughter is moved by the cries of that baby and God stations Moses sister Miriam at some distance and Miriam says the Pharaoh's daughter would you like me to go and find a nurse to nurse this baby Pharaoh's daughter sends Miriam to get a nurse and Miriam comes back with Moses own mother she raises him in the courts of Egypt in the splendor of Pharaoh's house he is schooled in Egyptian knowledge but she gets it over to him that even though you are up there with them you are not one of them you are one of us brothers and sisters we ought to tell our children especially with this fool who's in the White House now that you are not one of them you are one of us I wish I had time to stay right there but Moses is groomed in the splendor of Egypt and one day his purpose catches up with him his destiny finds him but Moses tries like many of us do to run ahead of God he does not wait on God and worse than not waiting on God is wishing you had waited later on he sees a fellow Hebrew being abused and he takes matters into his own hands and he kills an Egyptian soldier and buries his body in the sand some days later there some Hebrews fighting and he tries to separate them and they say are you going to kill us like you killed that soldier the other day and Moses who is the adopted grandson of Egypt's Pharaoh is now a fugitive from Egyptian justice he winds up on the back side of the median desert and while there God finally has him right where he wants you and brothers and sisters it may seem to you this morning that you are wandering in a solitary place it may look like the trouble or the situation or the circumstance that you are in is going to be endless and you will never come out of it whole and better but God has you there not to destroy you but to develop you and God cannot develop you until he brings you in the wilderness meet somebody here who's had some wilderness experience to help me testify that it was all man when it was dark could I see God's hand in my life only when I didn't know which way to turn that I recognize that if the Lord didn't come true that was the end of my situation [Applause] stop stop getting us excited about this syrupy cotton candy kind of Christianity this this kind of preaching that that tells you what you want to hear that builds up your self-esteem talk back to me if you can this kind of gospel that that is that is really sweet but if you keep eating it it'll rot your teeth so that when Sutton ha comes you can't chew on it God is not trying to destroy you he's trying to develop you and he can't develop you until he brings you through something I need somebody here who's been through something to help me testify I'm stronger because of what I've been through I can take a lot now because of what I've been through my enemies can't get the best of me now cuz you don't know what I've been through [Applause] grandma is He that is in me than he that is in this world we are more than conquerors wish you had a witness it God will fight your battle but you gotta let him take it through something Moses sees a bush on fire but it's not being consumed and he draws near to this unusual sight and God speaks to him through a burning bush he says Moses I've heard the cries of my people by reason of their taskmasters that I am now come down to deliver them but I need you to go to Pharaoh and tell Pharaoh to let my people go and Moses is diffident and and and and recalcitrant because Moses has a speech impediment and he argues with God and says Who am I to go to mighty Pharaoh God says just open your mouth and I will speak for you Moses said send my brother Aaron Aaron is more eloquent of speech God says I said for you to go down to Egypt and tell Pharaoh to let my people go and Moses finally relents he finally acquiesced and says to God if I should go the people will want to know who you are and what is your name I wish I had a Bible reader God said just tell them I am that I am in other words whatever you need [Applause] but when you get in trouble I am when you get confused I am when you get tired I am when you get bewildered I Joe Houma because listen in the text he says Abraham Isaac and Jacob knew me as Almighty God but they never knew me as Jehovah someone ought to help me preacher Jehovah in all of his aspects Jehovah Jireh Jehovah sitka new jehova shamma jehova sholom jehova rohi whatever situation you get in that's what I will become you walk with the Lord I said when you walk with the Lord whatever situation you encounter he becomes rescue in that situation because he shows himself to be Jehovah God you order you ought not just have a textbook knowledge you're not just be talking about somebody else's experience you ought to know God's name in your own situation somebody has been sick God brought you out and when he reveals himself to you in that situation that becomes his name for you you go help me preach this won't you somebody has been out the god brought your hand you've been down but God picked you up you and lost and God came and found you and every time God reveals himself that's another layer another dimension of his personality [Applause] scripture says if you faint in the day of adversity it's because your strength is small if you run with the footmen I wish I had a Bible reader and then have we read you how shall you contend with horses if you can't make it in the land where peace and prosperity abide what are you gonna do at the swelling of the Jordan God since Moses the Pharaoh and you know the story nine times Pharaoh hardened his heart but on the tenth time God hardened it for him and he finally decides to let the people go but but God is getting ready to do something right here in France number one he says then the Lord said to Moses I will show you what I'm gonna do to your enemy you don't do anything I will show you who I am I've given you my name I am that I am now I'm about to show you who I am [Applause] listen you you you don't have to fight your enemy you don't have to hate them because they hate you I'll be ugly to them cuz they ugly to you just just stand back just step aside and see the salvation of the Lord and God will take care of your individual watch when I'm getting ready to do to Pharaoh he says with a strong hand he'll let him go and God says when I get through it Pharaoh he will drive y'all out of Egypt I wish I had time to stay right there but but to you who come to church every once in a while and and feel that you ain't got to come to church every Sunday you can serve God at home you you know that's that's that's like saying to god I'm gonna get here yes just wait on but God knows how to sin enough stuff you win to drive you to church I'm just not emotional I just don't make a lot of noise I'm a I'm quiet that's just who I am God knows how to send enough stuff in your life to drive you to open your mouth somebody ought to help me here I used to be quiet I used to be reserved and laid-back but I've been through so much that I don't even have to come to church to get happy I need one or two more witnesses here I don't even have to be on my shoe to get help when I think about the doors God has opened the prayers God has answered the ways God has made I just hover in the car I shout in the car cuz I remember when I didn't have one so anybody here I said is there anybody here just man how to thank God for the little stuff you had he says our text is in verse number six I'm I'm shouting before I get to the end of this thing I [Applause] want to get down to verse six seven and eight y'all help me get down the verse six seven in breast number in verse six the text says wherefore say unto the children of Israel I am is the Lord and I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptian and I will rid you of their bondage God cares about your frustrations God cares about your frustration because in this in one verse he talks about both burdens and bondage that's a difference between a burden a bondage but both of them cause frustration burdens are those things that that trouble us our worries our concerns we're concerned over our children we're concerned over our aging parents we're concerned about our job we are concerned about our health and those concerns burden us but as a difference between a burden and a bondage bondage are those things that control us that oftentimes we get ourselves in [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we let people control us we let substances control us we let sin control we let attitudes control us bondage we are in bondage to stuff that we have no business being bound by but both burdens and bondage frustrate but the word says cast your cares upon him for he cares for you that word cast your cares me just just throw it all on him just keep on throwing it on him every time they come up throw it on him what a friend I wish I had help to preach it we have in Jesus all our sins and griefs to bear what a privilege it is to carry everything to God in prayer all what peace we often forfeit Oh what needless pain we bear all because we do not carry everything [Applause] everybody every circumstance every situation every condition every stress every struggle every sickness to God in prayer [Applause] God cares about your frustration don't don't hide anything from God as if you ever could in the first place but we hide stuff from one another when you're going through you don't want nobody to know you're going through you're sick and you don't want nobody to know you're sick you're struggling you're depressed and you don't want anybody to know that you're struggling with whatever it is you're struggling with when I'm sick I don't care who know I don't care who is praying Hindu Muslim some kind of prayer I'll get through that some kind of way I would rather my church folk be praying for me but they can't pray for me if they don't know my struggle you can't get mad if I don't go see you and I didn't know you were sick that's why you're in a family you have brothers and sisters in Christ but if you can't share it with them I know somebody I said I know somebody that you can cast all your cares on him and he won't discuss it with anybody he cares about our frustration but in that same verse he cares about your freedom it's right here it's right here it's right here in verse number 6 and I will read you out of their bondage and I will redeem you with a stretched out arm and great judgment God not only cares about our frustration but God cares about our freedom that word redeemed is the same word for freedom God redeemed Israel through the blood of a lamb I need some help to preach right here when God finally got Pharaoh to move and hardened Pharaoh's heart the last plague that God used was Pharaoh called it himself he said every firstborn male of the Jews is going to be put to death and he sealed his own fate and God spoke to Moses and said tell the children of Israel that tonight the death angel will fly over Egypt I wish I had a witness but tell every house to get a lamb without spot or blemish and sprinkle the blood of the lamb on the doorposts and on the lintels and tonight when the Death Angel flies over every house that has the blood sprinkled on it the Death Angel were flying I was a head of witnesses and you are here this morning because the blood of Jesus kept the Death Angel from flying over your house where he flew over but he didn't go in because you were covered by the blood [Applause] you're not here because you've been so holy [Applause] you're not here because you kept the Lord's commandments so closer nothing but the blood of Jesus has redeemed you everybody here who is saved was not saved by any good words you were not saved by your righteous conduct you were saved because God redeemed at you by his blood and the scripture says whom the son has set free he is free indeed God cares about our frustration God cares about our freedom but in verse 7 God cares about our fellowship and I will take you to me for our people I want you to get that we did not choose him he chose us somebody shouldn't shout anything I didn't have sense enough to choose him I was too happy doing what I wanted to do every sinner in here was satisfied in your sin see how quiet she got right there I wish I had my 7:30 trial with you here because the real honest 7:30 folk will help me testify that every sin I ever committed I enjoy because it doesn't make sense to sin if you're not gonna enjoy so I was content outside Christ but he just decided to come and find me and I did not choose him he chose me I was a head of witnesses that's something they shout about in my foolishness he chose me in my sinfulness he chose me in my waywardness he chose me hear me brothers and sisters I will take you to me for people and I will be to you O God and ye shall know that I am the Lord your God which brings you out from under the burdens of the Egyptian he cares about your frustration he cares about your freedom but God also cares about your fellowship he wants you to be with him and to show you how much he wants you he comes to get you he the scripture says adopts you we were not born in the family because we are not Jews by bloodline but we were adopted and grafted into the family and a baby that's born to you you got to take him home but when you are doctor child you go get him and bring it home somehow Lord help me preach him God came and got me and brought me to be with him let me see if I can make this mix name God used the afflictions of Israel to bring them closer to himself God made sure that they would see his power experience his peace and know his presence when the trials of life come I said to the earlier God is not trying to destroy you he's trying to develop you great faith is shaped on the anvil of affliction great faith if shaped it's developed it's formed on the anvil of affliction David said it was good for me that I had been afflicted somehow help me here here my brothers and sisters how will you know that God can fight if he never has to let me run that by you one more time how will you ever know that God can fight if he never has to fight I shared this with the brothers in the back and he shouted because several of them know what I'm talking about I've never been in a club I've never been drunk I'll never smoke weed that's on my bucket list so so so when you hear about it you say he said he was gonna do that but if I'm in a club and the fight gets started I don't need you talking about I'm going to the car and I'm a pray for you [Applause] no I need you to go behind that bar and get a bottle or pick up a chair and get in this fight with me cuz I don't want nobody around me when the fight starts talking about you prayer that's a time to pray and as a time the fight and when I need somebody to fight for me I need a god but I know can fly and the reason I know you can fight because he's already fought some of my back anybody here ever have to have God fight your battle for you he'll prepare a table before you and the presence of your enemies and all we can do is watch you eat Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he makes me to lie down in green pastures he leads me beside still waters he restores my soul he leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for god is with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies our notice my head with oil and my cup it's just running over surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever the Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear the Lord is a strength of my life of whom shall I be afraid when the wicked even my enemies and my foes came upon me to eat up my flesh just before they got to me they stumble and they failed I waited patiently I wish I had a witness upon the Lord and he inclined his ear unto me he took my feet out of the miry clay and established them upon a rock how will you know God can fight unless he has two brothers and sisters he cares about your frustration he cares about your freedom he cares about your fellowship but as I heard of the clothes in verse number eight he cares about your future look at verse number eight and I will bring you in unto the land concerning the which I did swear to give it to Abraham to Isaac and to Jacob and I will give it to you for an inheritance I am the Lord you cares about your future if you don't shout on anything else you ought to shout on this in Deuteronomy chapter 6 and verse number 23 there's a shouting word right there the same promise God made to Israel is the promise God made to Terry Anderson same promise God made to Israel in Deuteronomy God made to every one of you seated in this sanctuary this morning and you ought to shout on this promise because God is no sure then his word he is not slack concerning his promise God will do just what he said he will do the promise he made in Deuteronomy in chapter 6 is the same promise he makes to us this morning he says I brought you out so that I could bring you in that's the promise God made to Israel he said Israel I brought you out so I could bring you in I brought you out of Egypt so I could bring you in to Canaan he said to you and me this morning I brought you out of darkness so I could bring you into the marvelous light and you ought to be glad about that promise because every time the devil tries to get on your trail and remind you that you're not all that you profess to be you ought to repeat God's promise to the devil he brought me out so he could bring me in is there anybody here know he brought you out and he brought you in you ought to help me testify this morning I will lift up my eyes unto the hills where does my help come from my app comes from the Lord who made the heavens and the earth he will not suffer even my foot to be moved behold he that keepeth thee will not slumber behold he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep the Lord is my keeper he the shade upon my right hand the Sun will not smite me by day nor the moon by night but the Lord shall preserve me from all the evil he shall preserve my going-out am i coming in from this time forth and even forevermore is there anybody here no he brought you out so he could bring you in he brought you out of trouble to bring you in the joy he brought you out of depression to bring you in the satisfaction he brought you out of misery to bring you in the message he brought you out of sinfulness to bring you in the salvation he brought you out of the darkness and the doldrums of your situation to place your feet on a solid rock he's put a new song in your mouth he put clapping in your hand he put running in your feet and even in nothing's bothering you you just start shedding tears thanking God for all his goodness if the Lord made a way for you and you don't care looking at you thank him for bringing you out and bringing you back in if the Lord puts food on your table thank him for bringing you out and for bringing you back in if you got a job in the morning he brought you out to bring you back in if you got your help and strength he brought you out so he could bring you in if you know you're going to heaven he brought you right so he could bring you in why don't you go somebody shake somebody's hand why don't you encourage somebody telling me brought me out to bring me he brought me out so he could bring me how did he do it revin one father on the hill called Calvary he died didn't he done but right on Sunday mornings he got up from the grave he brought me out to bring me in why don't you hurt somebody why don't you encourage somebody tell him if you're out come on preach them like I'm preaching if you're out he'll bring you in if you're down he'll pick you up if you're lost he'll save you I know you'll do it cuz he did it for me what are you doing won't he do it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he cares about everything that frustrates you you burdens and your bondage and then he cares about your freedom he wants to set you free from other people's descriptions of you from other people's designations of you because as long as you allow people to define you you're in bondage to them and then he cares about your fellowship he he wants to be around you and he wants you to be around him and to prove how much he wants your fellowship he came looking for you sent Jesus on the cross to die for you but then he cares about your future because he brought you out only to bring you in [Music]
Channel: lillygrovembc
Views: 62,425
Rating: 4.6919785 out of 5
Id: rQ4FYjtehNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 51sec (2751 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 05 2018
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