What are some VERY Comforting Facts? - Reddit Podcast

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what are some very comforting facts in Switzerland it's illegal to own just one guinea pig because they're very social animals it's considered animal abuse to only have one oh my heart crows and ravens love to play in the snow one of their favorite activities is rolling down Hills scientists in 20120 made a massive breakthrough in curing blindness like verging on a cure it was masked by the vir headlines though if I'm not mistaken it was with children who had been blind since birth under the age of 10 anyway but still all those embarrassing and cringey moments that come flooding into your mind when you least expect them nobody else remembers them and every last one of us has them it's part of this complicated process called living while you're busy remembering yours everyone else is remembering their own it's in the past nothing you can do right now can make it any better chalk it up as a lesson and reap the experience about 65% of America's aluminum is currently recycled every minute an average of 123,000 197 aluminium cans are recycled on average Americans recycle two out of every three aluminum cans they use the average aluminum can contains more than 50% postc consumer recycled aluminum it's just aluminum but it shows that we can as a society recycle over half the stuff we use and we can just start keeping the world clean that and a push to renewable energy would be nice bees take naps and flowers so yeah it's okay to need a nap even busy bees do I too like to rest on my Laurels I grow pumpkins and the long Vines are covered in big bell-shaped golden flowers every morning I go out and take a peek inside ever since I discovered that they always have two or three sleeping bees in them bees that have spent the night safe and warm inside Little Bee hotel rooms as it were although it's very cold and the vines aren't producing pumpkins right now I'm leaving them in place just for the bees if you make it to the airport without dying you've already passed the deadliest part of plane travel cows have best friends so do horses they work significantly harder when together and they tend to scare less easily now that I think about it most mammal pets and domesticated animals that I've been aware of have often ended up having one friend that they've become closer to and it's always adorable so that's great Swedish blood donors receive a text whenever their blood is used to help someone s Australians and folks from the UK some fish like to be pet clown fish are attracted to people I went snorkeling around some reefs and after wiggling your fingers at them like a worm they come swim up to you and swam between my fingers all of The Cardigans Mr Rogers wore on camera were knit by his mother Mr Rogers fact to the the most wholesome facts his favorite number was 143 because the words I love you have one four and three letters there's a lighthouse in Massachusetts that blinks 143 and is known as the I love you Lighthouse minet ledge and coet your body is home to its own unique ecosystem the human gut it sounds gross but billions of little creatures living inside you are helping you digest things dispose of waste and survive natural toxins in the food you consume if you ever feel like you're useless or that your existence means nothing that's not true you literally mean the world to your gut Flora goldfish can recognize their owners damn he's been watching you this whole time and you didn't even know I used to have a goldfish who would suck up a piece of stone and spit it against the glass to make a noise so I'd know that he wanted to be fed the darn fish trained me there's a volunteer organization called no one dies alone you're at a Sacred Heart Arts Medical Center your terminal and you need a companion from someone to talk to or just someone to hold your hand they'll make sure someone will be there for you other hospitals have this too in dog or Wolf movies where they use real life dog actors the film's editors sometimes have to add CGI Tails because the dogs can't stop wagging their tails because they're so happy I used to have a sweetheart of a dog who loved to Rough House she was big and her play growls sounded scary if you didn't know how gentle she really was ever since her when I see attack dogs on screen I notice they often have the same body language and tone that she had otter hold each other's hands when they sleep so their mate won't Drift Away dogs make cute little sneezing sounds to tell you they're playing and not fighting Jupiter's gravitational mass is so immense modern science believe it's been protecting us from meteors for millions of years thank you Jupiter you're welcome Jupiter 2020 it's highly likely you'll pet dreams of you in their sleep Stan Lee started creating the Fantastic Four Spider-Man Iron Man Etc at around 40 so even if you think that you can't get anything out of your life you can still push yourself creatively and leave a lasting impact on the world at an older age I used to be a caregiver at a retirement home I took care of a lady who started painting when she was 60 and kind of had an accidental career she sold lots of paintings to hotels and in street fairs she had a 20-year run as a painter wow that's wonderful there are many examples when people changed their careers late in their lives Ray Croc spent his career as a milkshake device salesman before buying McDonald's at age 52 in 1954 he grew it into the world's biggest fast food franchise Anna Mary Robertson Moses better known as Grandma Moses began her prolific painting career at 78 in 2006 one of her paintings sold for 1.2 million previously she was a housekeeper and farm laborer Larry David got his start as a writer for Saturday Night Live when he was in his late 30s but he wasn't exactly successful as he told Vanity Fair the Sketchers would get cut I only had one sketch on the entire year then when he turned 42 he co-created Seinfeld and the rest is TV sitcom history Harrison Ford was a carpenter until his late 30s age is no barrier to do what interests you it's never too late to start again pillow fighting is a real recognized sport in Canada it was founded in Toronto in 2004 by the pillow fighting League I want this on ESPN right the freck now it's on ESPN 8 the AO scientists have discovered that rats love playing hide and seek and squeal with joy when finding or being found I've always wanted a pet rat this made me want one even more make sure to get multiple they need rat buddies or they get depressed I have two and they are very Charming fellows smiling is actually contagious when out and about if you think someone's looking at you smile if they smile too they were probably looking at you yeah but then if they weren't looking at you now you're a creep smiling at someone personally as a person in northern Europe I found that smiling and patting the seat next to one on public transport is a great way to make people look anywhere but at you and to guarantee that that seat will remain free my boyfriend has a panic and anxiety disorder whenever he gets a panic attack one of our cats will sit on him and Pur loudly it always Comforts him and calms him down we always joke that she's our little support animal she's very attuned to our emotions and feelings when my grandmother passed away and I was very sad she would not leave me alone she would just sit next to me in silence or occasionally let out a small MW to inform me she was still there so as a conclusion even if you're having a crap day your pet still loves you I heard cat purs are the perfect frequency to encourage healing also cats secrete a hormone which makes humans happy that's a very good cat cat when they're injured they'll also sometimes purr for this reason to heal themselves one a penguin was once nited in Norway two blind people can smile even though they've never seen one it's just human nature three the voice actors of Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse got married in real life a Ned penguin that holds the rank of Brigadier lives in Edinburgh Zoo he was actually promoted in 2016 the French actors of Marge and Homer Simpson also got married admitting you're wrong is not a show of weakness it's a necessary step to become better lonstein wants deployed 80 men for protecting the Border against Austria despite their worries they saw exactly zero combat when they called at to day they returned home with 81 men because an Italian bloke bumped into them and wanted to come and live in lonstein they literally made a friend on the way but the real Homeland defense was the friend they made along the way an ID to down comforter by matuk sells for over $16,000 Ida down is harvested by collecting it from the Ida's Nest making it the only down product that doesn't result in harm to the bird I don't know if I was an Ider bird I'd be pretty teed off if someone kept nicking my bed every time I left it alone for a minute the people who harvest the nest keep a schedule so they only Nick a nest a bird is done with since Birds typically only use the nest during maing egg care and chick Seasons so when a human just leaves their old mattress out on the sidewalk it's trashy but when a bird does it it's $16,000 think of all the worst days in your life you've made it through every single one of them and you're still going strong there's always another day on the other side a group of pugs is called a Grumble if you've lost someone and you feel like they are completely gone from your life think about the impacts they had on you and on your loved ones on others and think about how that impact continues to live on throughout all of life that impact won't die with them either the chain of Life Goes On existing is hard but most things around you are also alive and going through their own Cycles so in this way you're in this together Malala yfai the girl who was shot in the head by the Taliban for insisting on going to school completed her final exams in the University of Oxford several years ago you can submit your own stories to be featured here on the channel the story submission link is in the description below and if you want to listen to some viby music in the background check out easy mode also linked below and subscribe whenever I've experienced heartbreak or something scary or intimidating I remind myself I'm not the first person to have ever gone through and for some reason I always find it comforting I'm not the first person to be scared or sad and thousands of others have gotten through what I'm going through and if they can get through it why can't I I'm stating that this is something I find comforting when I'm needing to cope it doesn't mean it will work for everyone and I don't view it as others have gone through this so my feelings are not valid it's more of thousands of other people have felt this way before and if they can figure out how to cope with it or navigate or heal from it then why can't I this is just one of the many tools I have in my coping toolbox that I use it's me telling myself if other people can figure out how to get through this situation and experience then I can too I'm just drawing inspiration from others Reddit isn't the worst thing you could be doing can you tell my parents thanks you're not as bad or troubled as you paint yourself to be in your head I sure hope so no one remembers all the stupid crap you did as a teenager if you cringe at something you did when you were younger then that's because you've matured far enough to know that you were being stupid back then I find it comforting to know that the very reason I feel bad is that I've stopped being that bad everyone has crapped their pants at least once that's some real crap I know that it's true because you know babies but now now I genuinely wonder if there are people who have never crapped their pants in their entire adult lives I mean there have been a whole bunch of people in the history of this world did anyone hit that Lifetime Achievement what age should we say the competition starts from age six given all the atoms in the universe are recycled in various ways having formed in the first Stars our entire body has already experienced billions of years of each atom's own personal history even more comforting it's plausible those atoms will eventually become part of someone else in the future and will continue to exist in various forms transforming continuously until the end of time itself so in a way we're connected to something absolutely Eternal and our ultimate fate is to be spread across the Stars hell depending how deep you want to get there's also a tiny tiny chance that your pattern of DNA will form entirely by chance again creating someone that is biologically you but with a whole new memory experiences and history basically everyone and everything is connected the best part none of this is based on religion or wishful thinking it's actual established and current scientific fact no matter how anxious you feel you are no matter how ridden by fear you feel you are every single one of us is the genetic Survivor of hundreds of thousands of years of survivors each one of us came from a line of people who made the next correct intuitive move survived incredibly difficult things and were able to pass their genes on so almost to the biological you can relax into a trust that when the moment comes where you will be faced with the biggest challenge you'll be able to draw on a deep reservoir of shared human consciousness that will say now it's time to make the next move and we can do this Elizabeth Gilbert van go didn't start painting until his late 20s Samuel L Jackson didn't even get his first big role until his 40s it's never too late to be who you might have been it should be mentioned that van go sold only one painting in his whole life technically van go sold sold hundreds of paintings in his lifetime just not his own he used to work for an art dealer huh America had a black president for longer than the Confederacy existed I like this I'm comforted hey I'm seeing how you're getting some comments from non-americans about this as an Australian I know most of my fellow Aussies I talked to were really gosh darn impressed that that happened your dog loves you people see you as 20% more attractive than you see yourself as and a lot of people need to hear this like it breaks my heart that people don't believe they're good-look when in reality you are a gorgeous son of a witch I know I know for all of you saying 20% of zero is still zero screw you love yourself and accept yourself if not I'll make you love yourself during the second world war a Muslim man once owned a mosque in Paris after France got captured by the Germans the French Jews were being killed the Muslim man offered every Jew he could find sh delter in his mosque and handed out fake Muslim certificates so they wouldn't be questioned he saved over 400 lives no one's your enemy except the ones you make yourself believe are cats will slow blink at you to give you kisses the desert rain frog is a thing and if you don't know what it is go and look at it it's amazing if you're ever feeling lonely remember there are billions of cells in your body and all they care about is you most of them are bacteria well they're still essential no one is judging you they're too busy worrying if they themselves are being judged I'm judging you I set aside a short period every afternoon and judge everyone for 45 minutes my country is pushing for a series of laws that would make ecos side the destruction of the ecosystem a punishable crime since animals have evolved next to humans for thousands of years they've learned to show their feelings towards us dogs will wag their tails lick you step on your feet and press their body against your legs and lie on you all in an effort to show affection and be as close as physically possible to you cats make eye contact and slowly blink at you to say I am comfortable I am pleased they headbutt you as their form of a hug and they groom you as they would a kitten to care for you they rub their scent on you to say this is my human all mine and it reassures them of your bond cows will also groom you and enjoy being pet as it's relaxing and they truly trust you also elephants get excited and happy looking at humans because we are to them as dogs are to us they think we're cute and want to play and pet us you will always have a second chance as long as you still want to get better rats are ticklish you can tell whether a newborn baby is sick or not by looking at the color of the mother's milk when a newborn baby is sick or has an infection of some kind the mother's milk composition is altered so that it produces enough immune cells to fight off the infection this occurs when cells are transmitted from the baby saliva during breastfeeding a mother's body is freaking amazing conversely when a mother is sick or injured while pregnant the fetus will send white blood cells and stem cells via the umbilical cord to help the mother fight off an infection and get better truly amazing this is true I was bitten by a deadly spider and my body was giving up I was about to get the antivenom and transferred to major city hospital then they discovered I was pregnant and opted not to give me the antivenom due to risk factors after about 2 weeks I was fine our sun is now two everything for him was themed Spider-Man because of what happened when the gas gauge first reads empty you usually have 50 to 60 Mi of fuel left autot Tech here I do want to note that fuel is what lubricates and cools the fuel pump consistently running it below around a quarter tank will result in degradation of the fuel pump in the long term if it's an emergency it's okay but for the sake of the pump and its Bill to replace in the long term I'd fill up around a quarter tank if you can I've tried to hold off on the comments of naysayers in these facts but it also feels like my job here is partially to educate as well as entertain take comfort in the fact that by topping off your gas in good time you're staving off a maintenance job it is estimated every 10 years the cells in your body will have been replaced with new ones therefore you get a new body every 10 years making it so you get a fresh start there is another person in the world whose heartbeat is synced with yours it helps me sleep at night despite the fact that the universe is roughly 13.8 billion years old you managed to exist around the same time as Bob Ross and Mr Rogers it's in our innate nature to love and be connected if only 1% of the world's population likes you that would still mean 70 million people liked you the whole of Italy wants me spiders can't fly let's all take a moment and appreciate this fact I uh hate to break it to you but they can make parent parag gliders with their webs they can what toads can eat bread and toast nothing is permanent so even if you have no hope everything sucks or if you've messed up nothing is permanent food can be really yummy when you sleep your mind goes into peaceful rest for you to chill after A Hard Day's Work kittens exist no matter how bad things are someone is going to come along on ask Reddit and ask the opposite questions to a hugely popular question within a day or so don't feel bad next time you mess something up every single living thing is an accident Evolution was just a series of some cell messing up it's literally nature to make mistakes even the hottest people have smelly butt blasts many have even sharted the vast majority of people are actually decent all also we don't need to find meaning we literally created ourselves everything that matters matters to someone everything that is beautiful is beautiful in the eyes of someone the universe does care we're the part doing the caring almost everything on the internet stays meaning hundreds of years in the future we can look back on tweets from old celebrities and world leaders just imagine if we had social media 500 years ago we could just look back at history happening we have been born into arguable the best point in human history it's true that we have a whole slew of troubles these issues are only minor examples compared to the plagues social Darwinism and overall pretty crap quality of life that you'd live in say a 100 years back we still have those plagues and racial biases and hatred but we are lucky that we're alive in a time where over the past Century so many strives towards equality have been made except for black licorice we're unfortunately still in that era an average person living in the developed world today lives better than a Roman Emperor think about it we have the entirety of human knowledge in our pockets at all times we can take hot baths whenever we want have fresh drinking water literally on tap in several rooms of our home toilets TV kitchen appliances we can travel the globe in a day or two we can order anything we want on our phones and have someone literally bring it to our door even just the level of access we have to things if an emperor loves strawberries but strawberries aren't in season tough crap no strawberries for Emperor pouty I can buy strawberries whenever I want Julius Caesar would envy us also you shut your filthy mouth licorice is delicious when you subscribe make sure to hit the Bell to turn on notifications put the playlist on in the background to finish listening to all the stories or if you want some viby music to put on in the background check out easy mode if you like am I the genius give am I the jerk a shot everything Linked In the description
Channel: Am I the Genius?
Views: 11,467
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Id: 5wGq--KzHpA
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Length: 21min 56sec (1316 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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