What Company has LOST your Business FOREVER? - Reddit Podcast

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what companies have lost your business forever Bank of America loyal customer for 10 years insulted time and time again first with their bull crap service fee for monthly autopay transactions then I had to get a replacement debit card which took way too long I called to check on it and a woman on the line said they' never sent one out so very annoyed I got another one this card finally came and I went to ATM to activate it and it didn't work calleded back and apparently this was the first card I'd ordered which was now rendered useless because the second card which was still in the mail was now associated with my account got very IR rate but remained polite with the woman on the line and was basically told there was nothing they could do still stuck with them fast forward to a different state a few months later I got a call and I was told my account had been compromised was given some vague explanation about Mass Data Theft but basically told they had to deactivate my card and send me a new one I tell them how inconvenient this was and they suggest I go to a branch to get a new card I do this and they say since my account was opened in a different state they can't give me a temp card and that I have to wait 5 to seven business days again woman at the branch is nice and enters my new address then calls the branch in Texas to get them to send me a new card 5 to 7 days no card call and find out that the card was sent to my old address in Texas because my address hasn't been updated with which is total bull crap I lose it I don't scream but I do ask her several pointed questions including when is this company going to get its crap together which resulted in the rep acting as though I was the worst person in the world for swearing whilst frustrated and threatening to hang up I apologize for swearing and then ask what they can do again I'm basically told tough crap and that she can send me a new card and I can wait without one for another 5 to 7 days I pause think about it for three solid seconds and say close my account I'm done with your company short story F Bank of America HP when my laptop was having overheating problems the woman on the customer service line freaking lied and said my warranty had expired even though I had multiple pieces of evidence showing that I had about a month left on my warranty they were going to charge me 250 bucks to fix the problem I had to spend hours on the phone with various customer service Associates just to get them to resolve the warranty issue luckily I ended up fixing the overheating without shipping out my laptop but still FHP I really like my laptop but I'm never buying anything from them again after the bull crap treatments I got currently on my HP it can fry an egg because it gets so overheated also it sounds like a vacuum cleaner built for a squirrel because of the fan this story is 11 years old and we don't know if HP have got better but I can testify that my first PC from them was met with a similar level of customer service namely telling me to try the same update that had disabled my PC's audio every prior time I'd installed it to fix my freezing problem PayPal because they almost managed to mess up my overc's vacation long story short at the time still they flagged and locked your account if you tried using their service in a different country than the one your verified address is located in fine banks sometimes do that too if you don't warn them you're traveling in advance where PayPal failed is in their unblocking process you needed to input a secret code sent to either your verified phone or your verified add addess both of which were inaccessible to me because I was halfway around the freaking world priceline.com because 45 minutes away from the airport is not an airport Area Hotel I avoid PayPal whenever possible but it's hard to when a lot of online stores don't take anything else a guy bought my PS2 and kept telling me to tell him when the PS2 was on its way I sent the PS2 and updated the buyer he immediately filed an unauthorized PayPal transaction dispute which basically means he claimed that someone used his Paypal account without his permission so he wanted his money returned I explained what happened I had the email conversation with the scammer saved and I had a postage receipt but PayPal wouldn't have any of it fortunately I never post anything until the money is in my bank account so I didn't lose anything my PayPal account remained locked and they wanted me to repay them for refunding the scammer yeah right now I just use my girlfriend's account when they're the only payment option GameStop they just cannot compete with steam or gog.com for PC games GameStop sucks but for a conso games and Hardware you can get it all early if the manager knows how to work the company and will for you free s days unused games I beat the game in 7 days and then return it though I suppose it isn't giving them great business Best Buy when an object on sale rung up at the wrong price I asked them to change it to what the Shelf said the cashier said she couldn't so I asked asked her to call the manager to change it then the manager came over and said that's the price I said well let's walk over to the shelf and I'll show you the posted price he said no and we don't want your business so I got mad and asked for the senior manager at which point he told the cashier to call the police I was like I've done nothing wrong call them they came and were like yeah he's a complete butthole but he did ask you to leave and if you don't you're trespassing so I asked the cop for his contact info and then contacted best by corporate and explained it provided the manager's name and cops name and they sent me a $200 gift card as an apology but I was done with Best Buy I gave it to a family member for Christmas since this happened a couple of weeks before Christmas a few years ago they were very pleased Burger King almost every time I've gotten food poisoning in my life it's been from BK I've had crap service many times as well but the final straw was that I wanted the spicy chicken sandwich thing with extra sauce on it the last couple of times there was barely any of the spicy orange sauce on it I opened the box it was in and the freaking thing was swimming with the sauce not just extra sauce but the sandwich was a soggy mess of chicken bun and sauce it was completely inedible I complained to the manager and he said well you wanted extra sauce F you Sony not because of stupid hacking because they used to be a great engineering company and then sold out and got into music and movie creation they started to hobble their devices then they put root kits on their CDs they became complete scum AT and T I was told I could have Erse highspeed internet in my apartment they ship me a router I leave everything in the box and wait for the installer to get there because I have a funny feeling which turned out to be correct the installer shows up informs me the lines haven't been updated and I can't get Erse disappointed I take the prepaid UPS sticker out of the box they shipped me slap it on the box tape it back up and ship it back among month later I get a bill in the mail for the router I call and spend a lot of time confirming they indeed got the router and was assured the Billing System just hadn't been caught up yet so I thought it was over nope months later I start getting calls from a collection company AT&T sold my debt to them I spend more time Oodles of time telling them that they have the damn router and to call off their hired goons ended up sending the goons a certified letter to cease and desist everything was quiet I thought it was over nope a few mons later I start getting calls and letters from another collection agency Collection Agency number one sold it to a different collection agency this time I pitch a fit I call at& I tweet A&T reps on Twitter I raise a heck of a stink and finally the calls stop I think it's over nope I start getting collection letters for 14 bucks apparently they took off the $89 to $100 for the router they had been wanting to charge me but still wanted me to pay the fee the collection agency t tax on to make the debt worth their while so I call AT&T and they have the freaking nerve to say they'll have to investigate and see if I owe the fee or not God needless to say I spent many many hours on this over the year and I'll never get that back AT&T go f yourselves forever in the dark with a chainsaw there was a pizza place near my campus the middle-aged owner was always there hitting on drunken girls late at night well that didn't bother me what did was that anytime I tried to order he brushed me off like I was distracting him from his flirting very rude and arrogant his employee was incredibly nice and served me but the fact that it happened more than once and the fact that there are three more pizza places on the same block well screw that guy I mean I'm more annoyed at the implication of a sober dirty old man hitting on inebriated girls but hey you get teed off by what tees you off my dude Canadian here Rogers based on many bad experiences in principle Bell on principle alone Quiznos so had a coupon for a free sub I ordered it and they wouldn't validate the damn thing apparently kellogs or whatever cereal I got the coupon from did it without their permission which I find really hard to believe anyway I was starving and they made me the sandwich and I felt guilty so I paid for the darn thing even though I was broke and it was like 10 freaking dollars it was burnt just a mess of bread and sauce and crap all over and just straight up freaking disgusting I don't know how anyone can stand them I was so mad went back just to meet my sister a few days later though and she had ordered a drink already free refills so he just hung out there shared the drink and refilled it like 20 times Vengeance not really I'll never go back Air France what a shower of rude and incompetent snobby jerks in general I was stuck in Paris 2 years ago at Christmas because of snow they had nobody working the desks anywhere they booked me into a hotel room that didn't exist so I left the warm departure LNG for the freezing entrance a member of Staff told me to f off when I asked when the customer service desk would open and they literally had one checkin desk open to deal with all the rearranged flights in their own frecking airport they then lost my luggage for the whole 3 weeks I was home and refused any compensation claim oh yeah and the morons will speak French to you on a Paris to Tokyo flight and be angry when you need to switch to English so I started replying in Japanese yeah funny boys Ulta two to many snobs God me too I found a great price on an epilator at alter online went to the store and found it was $25 more expensive asked the sales girl about it and she stood there seriously for about 5 minutes scratching her head and being all oh my God that's so weird I can't believe like it's a different price how weird is that like it's so Random oh my God I had to actually walk away and find someone who looked less stupid but couldn't find anyone so left and I bought the epilator at Target instead you can submit your own stories to be featured here on the channel the story submission link is in the description below and if you want to listen to some viby music in the background check out easy mode also linked below and subscribe not exactly relevant anymore since they closed down years ago but before that point Circuit City I've had two horrible experiences with them and after the second time I swore to never go back there again shortly after the GameCube came out I was searching all around town for one I called them up and they said they had a whole bunch in stock we drove over there about a 10-minute drive and not only did they not have any they hadn't had any for days and wouldn't be getting any for several more days the day Zeno Saga episode 3 came out I walked around town to try and find a copy Circuit City said they had a few copies and they'd save one for me we took that same 10-minute drive out there and I find the guy I spoke with and he opens a drawer and pulls out Zeno Saga episode 2 I tell him no I wanted episode three his reply this is three no it's not yeah it is that's two whatever man it's the same thing anyway right so are you going to buy it no I'm looking for three I have two but this is the same thing you're an idiot and so I left never to return Dell 4 years ago I had some expensive Dell XPS laptop that started getting random hot so I call Dell's customer support they tell me nothing is wrong then hang up on me a few weeks later my laptop won't turn on I call customer support again but this time they send someone out to look at the laptop the motherboard was cracked so they just replace it but the laptop was still getting really hot 14-year-old me thinks the fans are broken shocker right but they insist that nothing is wrong long story short they end up replacing my motherboard RAM and hard drive over the next few visits but they still insist the laptop just gets hot at this point it's not the same laptop so I keep asking Dell for a new one since this one just doesn't work they won't replace it but my mom finds out where I live Dell has been sued and lost multiple times for using faulty parts and so on we bring that up and a few weeks later there's a $45,000 Alienware laptop sitting at my door that they sent me for free my friend still wonders why I tell him to never buy from Dell and just offer to help them build their own PCS instead Walmart I don't hate capitalism or large corporations but Walmart represents everything that is wrong with American capitalism and corporate culture y this would be my answer too there are so many things wrong with it that I can't even point out which is most important they treat their workers horribly their customers horribly they do illegal crap overseas and use sweat shops to make their prices so low they put smaller companies out of business and ruin livelihoods in the process and they mess up the economy so that it has to rely on all these horrible facets they're terrible on every level I can't boycott every company that does anything wrong but holy crap if you're going to pick one to boycott it should be this one it doesn't cover the same issues just the symptoms but feel free to enjoy our old video store workers and customers what's your people of Walmart story on this channel to hear what this Mega Corporation turns people into Capital One they kept losing my payments my online payments so I'm not sure how you can lose those 100 times this years ago I had a credit card with them it had a balance of around 600 bucks I called to let them know I was canceling it I planed to pay it off over a few months at $150 a month at the time I was reasonably well off so I paid most of my bills on autopilot after 9 months I realized I was still paying it off and that didn't make sense I checked my balance with no new charges and paying $150 a month my balance was now over 1,000 I called them and went through all kinds of people before I found out what was happening they had literally made up up charges on my account I knew the charges were fake because I'd already canceled the card these fake charges were putting me repeatedly over my limit with a $40 overlimit charge each time this happened once I realized this and threatened legal action they realized it was a computer error and that your account is fine they apologized for the mistake and I thought I was done with it 10 years later I started getting calls trying to collect on $1500 balance whenever I get such a call I simply tell them that account was paid in full and on time and you have been defrauded I generally don't hear anything for about a year at a time now Target Photo Center they hadn't add that when you sign up you got 50 free prints so I made an account and ordered 50 pictures for my 21-year-old cousin's funeral picture board I show up and the Trashy lady tried to charge me for all the prints when I asked to see a manager she just laughs and walks away and it wasn't the first time I had a bad experience there Apple I work in it so I will never understand paying more money for Less functionality less Hardware flexibility and proprietory connectors Nexon as for gaming worst company I've ever bought virtual points for I spent about 600 bucks in 2 years for that game and their customer service was pretty much non-existent you'd send a complaint a ticket and you'd get an immediate response we're busy we may not get to your ticket for a while and 6 months later You' get a response but nothing would be accomplished so you'd send another complaint and it's just a horrible experience 0 out of 10 would never buy from again Nikon I got one of their pohot cameras and I had it for about 8 months I didn't get it wet I didn't drop it basically I kept it in ideal condition but the LCD screen still broke so I sent it to them just to have it fixed keep in mind it was still under warranty so repairs should have been free a few weeks later they sent me an email that basically said yeah we'll fix it for 100 bucks hell no that was almost half the price of the camera switched back to Cannon and haven't looked back after watching food Inc I haven't bought one Tyson product it's been nearly 2 years and I've continued to buy free range and as much organic stuff as I can coming from someone who makes minimum wage it's hard to afford but I refuse to support crap companies like Tyson their plant anti-union bias active recruiting in poverty-stricken countries and pollution have ruined my hometown you can smell my town 15 M away what makes me more mad though is how my hometown bent over backward to accommodate them Lexington Nebraska is run by the money yes idea of government and it leads to a smelly broke corrupt as crap rural Nebraskan Town Lenovo like a month ago I ordered a laptop with them due to finding a better deal online I decided to purchase a different laptop before I spent the money I canceled the order with Lenovo unlike something like Amazon where you can cancel it online I had to call and I had to talk with someone who I could barely understand thick foreign accent 45 minutes later I thought I'd canceled the order the man told me it would take 3 to 5 days and they'd send me an email 7 days later I got the email another 4 days after that and I was charged the $800 for the laptop despite only having 500 bucks in my account overdrafting three pending purchases another 2 hours on the phone with my bank and Lenovo and I was promised a full refund within 24 to 48 hours those passed and nothing happened I called again and they said the order had already shipped it shipped weeks after I canceled the order so I had to wait until it arrived and refus the order today a week or so after that and I've still got nothing in my account despite them continually saying like within three business days and in 24 hours I still don't have any money but Wells Fargo is on my side at least in summary screw Lenovo they charged me for an order since it shipped over a week after I cancelled it and have taken 3 weeks and still haven't given me back the money I desperately need and have incurred about $100 of fees due to overdrafts on well since I've already complained about HP I'll say that in my one instance of complaints to Lenovo they were a lot better about it and refunded but then again their crappy laptop had electrocuted me so maybe they got off easy for that VMware I purchased an academic license of workstation nine from them and I needed another for my other computer it's only a per computer license nowhere on the academic site did it say you could only buy one academic copy their website errored out on purchase telling me that my email address was already registered when I tried to buy the second license for workstation while already logged in I contacted support and after a month of runaround and my pointing out that I had an academic project coming due that required the second license they told me that I could only get one academic license for workstation which was stated nowhere on their site I then requested my support ticket to be escalated due to them giving me the runaround and they suggested using an alternate email to purchase the software you need an edu email to get the academic version and it's kind of hard to get a second edu email I'm not dealing with their bull craap anymore not after that one if they wanted to say you can only buy one copy of workstation on academic license within even the first week of the ticket that's one thing but to mess me around for a month while I have academic work coming du that requires the second license and then give me the bird after a month of messing me around screw them business in Australia called Harvey Normans I'll never shop there because the guy who runs it Jerry Harvey is a huge Wier who always wants the government to tax this or ban that because his business is hard to run in the current economic conditions it's called capitalism mate just because you had some boom times doesn't mean it'll last forever adapt or die Sears while working there for a year and a half I came to the conclusion that they don't care about their customers or their employees those are great examples of how they like to mess over everyone I hated working there and I can't believe the one I worked at is still open we'd have five customers all night and then managers would yell at us for not getting five people to join the rewards program or get a credit card they told us to lie about the rewards program and to sign people up without them knowing they wanted us to ask for their phone numbers and emails and sign them up without telling them why it was so stressful a woman had been working there for 25ish years and was only making nine something an hour I was sick of going home and crying every night and I was sick of being threatened with losing my job before I quit my manager informed me that the store manager did not want me there I worked hard and I was great with customers but I wouldn't lie or sweet talk people into something they really didn't want so they drove me to quit when you subscribe make sure to hit the Bell to turn on notifications put the playlist on in the background to finish listening to all the stories or if you want some viby music to put on in the background check out easy mode if you like am I the genius give am I the jerk a shot everything Linked In the description
Channel: Am I the Genius?
Views: 13,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: h1gnmWuqonI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 53sec (1313 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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