What are your UNFORGETTABLY CREEPY Moments? - Reddit Podcast

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what are your unforgettably creepy moments I saw the aftermath of what happens when a 350 lb man jumps out of a 20-story window it does not look like what they show on TV when I was 12 years old my friends and I were riding our bikes through some Woods down an old dirt road that wasn't much used anymore I decided it would be cool for me to go off-road and rode off into the forest I got about 50 ft before I got disorientated and started going towards the creek which was in a Dell down a steep hill from there something else I didn't know so I crashed down the hill and hit this huge ball of collection before coming to AR rest off toward the road I could hear my friends calling to me so I knew which way to go I started over towards their voices and saw a super old rusted out car now I was a huge license plate collector back then and finding rusted out cards in the woods was not that odd of An Occurrence so I went to see if I could harvest the license plate when I got there I saw there were bones in the front seat and a pile of Rags it was full on Raiders of the Lost Ark with a skeleton on a pike kind kind of thing I screamed like a little girl and got the hell out of there and told my parents later who called the police and after some investigation determined that the man had disappeared during a blizzard in the late 50s and was never heard from again I met his widow and children and won an award from the town I'll never forget that feeling creepy as hell this occurred in 1981 he had been missing for 20 plus years at that point and I am now a 43-year-old man I have no long-term effects from this event I remember remember it I remember being scared at the time and then completely puzzled as to why finding something by accident and then telling my parents about it was such a big deal I went in the basement and looked in the box where I thought that certificate might have been but it wasn't there my mom might have had it I'll ask my sister if she's seen it no I didn't get the license plate my friends and I went back after all the dust had died down and they had pulled the car out I've not been back there in decades the amount of time the body was there is kind of crazy to me but it's also kind of nice only kind of nice that the family must have gotten at least a little bit of closure from knowing exactly what happened to him more traumatic than creepy but saw the immediate aftermath of an adolescent run over by the school bus next to the one I was on it was a cold morning and there was steam coming off the body I remember that in the spilled lunchbox this is why they have sweeper bars on the front of the buses now to make sure adolescents walk far enough in front of the bus that the driver can see them I have a young daughter now and these are the things that keep me up at night saw a dead guy pulled out of a creek on my parents' property when I was 16 he flipped his truck while high and drunk and trespassing he decided to leave when the cops were called on him he didn't make the turn onto the bridge and it flipped his truck into the creek he broke his neck upon impact a bunch of guys tried to get him out but the mud was suctioning him down when the EMTs and police showed up they got him out and he was bloated and white by that time they put him on the rescue sled to pull him up the bank his bloated white head was bobbing because of his broken neck that image is burned into my brain I used to live in a funeral home literally in a funeral home my parents owned it but we didn't have enough income to really support a home for ourselves so we took part of the building and kind of converted it into an apartment due to some pretty bad planning on my parents part we had the living room like right next to the area where we kept the bodies which was right next to the embalming room basically every day I'd see a random naked dead guy or to sitting on a table right outside where I was playing sometimes my dad would be working in the embalming room you know what I mean by working and since there were pretty big windows on the door God knows why I would get to see almost everything from a guy getting stabbed and having his blood let out to the egregious stitching that would have to be done to guys coming from the mor But as time goes on you just get used to it and all of it isn't really that scary you don't really know any of the people that you see dead so there's no real psychological impact on you the only scary thing is when friends of the family get sent to the funeral home that could put a man in the Mental Clinic growing up in the funeral home now now boys stop playing with the embalming fluid when I was learning to drive my father would accompany me there was a football game in town that the rest of my family was at but I was not going for some reason on my way home and into my neighborhood a fairly large neighborhood we went past a van a plain white van that was off until it turned on and followed us all all the way to the road that my house is on it went to the culdesac my father took the truck to the game leaving no vehicles in the parking area and myself alone at home that why van decided to pull into my driveway so I ran into my father's closet and grabbed a shooty shooty bang bang and walked out in my front porch with it drawn at the van that van went into reverse and backed out of my driveway faster than it came in it was a very strange experience and I sat on my porch for a good 30 minutes before going back inside for the night my neighbor didn't pick up his kids from school one day so I had had to break into his house I found him on the basement floor with no clothes on I could tell he was still alive but obviously there was brain damage as he couldn't form words or even move and later found out he had a brain aneurysm and he had no clothes on cuz it happened while he was having some alone time man can't even be alone in naked in his house without being worried about a brain aneurysm godamn well I won't lie I can be a bit of a hypochondria act it's like you know you feel that pain in your chest off like oh God is it over I was working in an ice cream shop when I was in high school and at night in the winter it would only be me and another manager it was in a pretty nice area and behind the store there was a giant Park that got really creepy at night that night the manager was a girl like myself not too much older than me and when we are closing we have to do trash we were both pretty small but we could easily do it by ourselves I decided to take the trash out that night because she was counting money so I get all the bags out and I walk outside and in the parking lot next to the trash there is a man standing there he was wearing sweats and there was just this look of hatred on his face that I've never seen in anybody before I ran back in locked the doors to be safe and did some dishes thinking that I could do the trash later I walked into the main room of the store where there are all the windows and he was standing there in the window just looking in and I will never forget the smile that came on his face when he saw me again it was the worst mix of evil and complete Joy I can't even describe how his eyes were they were filled with hate a hate that I've never seen on anybody before I ran into the back room with my manager and we hid there for what felt like 2 hours until the police came by then he was gone of course however he was arrested a few weeks later for the brutal assault and killing of a girl my stature and hair color obviously I don't know anything about this and I'm so sorry you went through that I'm sorry for a lot of the people that go through some of the stuff that they do on this but that sounds absolutely terrifying I was just saying the other day how crazy and and just downright Petty some of the motives that people have for doing certain heinous and brutal things to other people are I was flying to India and we had just stopped in Germany I was 14 and sitting next to this old guy who I thought was asleep the whole time I shake him because we landed because he was kind of laying on me no response I was an unaccompanied minor so when the stus came to get me she looked at him checked his pulse and then everyone was ordered to stay where they were including me the paramedics came and declared him dead I never knew for how long I had never seen a dead guy up close before and was surprised at the time I thought he would smell of something rotten when he died or would make a noise or something beforehand to this day I always think if I had noticed earlier I could have helped him I also had a dead guy lay on my shoulder for 8 hours and I fell asleep during that flight as well so there was a good chance I used his head as a pillow while I slept creepy but that's life once when I was like 10 years old my dad was unemployed and we were struggling for a few months financially and some kid in school called me a broke bum over something I don't even remember and he told me to buy some decent cloves and that I looked like a hobo it wasn't that bad he was just saying stuff to hurt me that really struck a nerve so after school I walked up to him while he was sitting on his bike and I punched him so hard into the one side of his head that blood started coming out of his nose and his left eye turned red he screamed oh my God I can't see I just felt sick to my stomach and felt like a monster I just wanted to disappear that moment but he was fine after a few minutes it's good that you felt bad is it an excuse no but you felt bad and that's a good thing because it means that you have empathy but you know what on the other hand that kid probably never grew up to talk so much unnecessary smack ever again I say unnecessary you said yourself you don't know why you arguing you might you might have been the one at fault you sir are an unreliable narrator but that's okay I am too you seen these comments out here they're killing me when I was young one of my friends was killed just outside of school in the woods a week or so later my friends and I were walking through them like dumb little idiots and we found the knife still covered in blood one of the guys picked it up and took it back to the school luckily it was a simple case and the guy was already arrested or we could have messed up the evidence for the case but needless to say that was what put it in my mind that the murder had actually happened and that I needed to be more careful when I was younger I used to have really intense visual hallucinations some normal stuff glowing orbs floating hands that kind of thing but the creepiest thing that I ever saw was my own dead body on the floor in front of me wearing the exact same clothes I was wearing at the time you know I literally just heard this the other day but apparently if you drink more than six cups of green tea a day or something you can start having hallucinations apparently I don't know if that's true and I do not endorse anyone testing it out or whatever because why the hell would you want to drink six or more cups of green tea anyway this might not be the caliber of the other stories here but this freaked me out when I first saw it so like four years ago when I was in high school I used to exercise in the basement of my house which is connected to the garage because my house is built into the side of a hill anyway I'm exercising when I hear this loud clicking noise coming from the garage I had no idea what it was it was like 10: p.m. and everyone else was either asleep or in their bedroom on the other side of the house I opened the door to the garage and I can't even comprehend what I was looking at a bat had gotten its wings stuck to some fly tape and the clicking was its teeth against its bone it was trying to bite off its arm the clicking was so loud I'm picturing it the imagery the darkness it sounds creepy as hell hell I remember one time I walked into my kitchen got this weird colored LED light thing in it and I turn it on pitch black room turns to Pure red scared the crap out of me but this is way creepier the bat the imagery the darkness the lateness it's it's all perfect it's way scarier than my thing back in college junkie broke a window to get into my apartment stole some stuff a camera some of my roommates girlfriend's jewelry whatever call P the police boarded up the window and started to go to bed until my roommate pulled back his covers and found a blood soaked rag hidden under his sheets the guy had cut himself on the window and hid in the rag still no idea why he bothered I want to say it was his attempt at hiding DNA evidence but obviously it was a very bad attempt when I was 13 me and my friends were hanging around town like usual we went to the park first in the morning we saw a man who looked to be in his 40s he was wearing a hood and he had a long long beard he had a can of beer and got up and started walking toward us so we ran later on we were taking a shortcut through the library's car park to go to McDonald's and we saw the same guy standing by some bushes staring directly at us two of my friends girls started dancing for some reason they hadn't seen him it was only me that saw him I told my best friend Walter and we tried to get everyone else to hurry up Walter turned around to check everyone and saw the guy in the bushes now his fly was undone and his his dangly bits were hanging out we ran as fast as we could and we didn't see him any more times after that I should certainly hope not so this was pretty weird for me my mom used to take me and my brother to the beach every summer for a week well one year we're walking along the beach and we get pretty far I was probably around 8 or 10 years old so it felt pretty far to me for whatever that's worth to where the beach got kind of desolate there we saw something lying in the sand my mom just said it was a sea slug or some kind of worm from the ocean and I bought it well a few years later I have the distinct memory of having a sudden Clarity Clarance moment and thinking to myself that was no worm that was a man's dangly bits yes someone had cut off a man's dangly bits and it somehow ended up on a beach on the East Coast a likely story but it might also be something that is known as a geoduck which does very much look like a oneeyed wiggly worm bus ride on vacation in Greece windy Mountain Road suddenly a load of bees then really lots of bees then all the bees ran out a corner to see a truck on its side broken beehives all over the place as our driver sped up to get away from the bees I'm pretty sure I saw a flash of the driver of the crash truck falling to the ground covered from head to toe in bees always assumed he was not getting up from that death by bees is not a way I would like to go nor is it something I would like to witness I was on an international flight and upon Landing the flight attendant was unable to wake the lady in the seat directly behind me they called the paramedic upon Landing but it was obvious that she was dead I heard them say she's dead and they made us all get off the plane so they could remove the body perhaps not creepy but moreover did that really just happen type of moment for me also when I was 16 I saw a guy get capped it was on Thanksgiving and that's about all I remember about it in comparing the two plane stories that we have where people died on them I can't help but think how is it on one side you had people be like it's okay young man just stay there while this corpse is on top of you and the the other one where reasonably okay everyone just get off the plane while we get the paramedics in here it's just different mindsets I guess or company process either way I prefer one to the other not really nearly as creepy as most of these stories but a few years ago I was kaying in Western North Carolina beautiful day pretty calm River but the water was low and rocks were out in force I kept having to push them off at one point I was coming up to a mediumsized brownish Rock and preemptively tried to push off it and moved it thinking that's weird I continued to push it only to turn around and realize that it was a dead dog the face looked kind of mutilated and now that I dislodged it from whatever kept it in place it rode the white water and followed me down for a while the worst part was that I kept finding them four dead dogs all seemingly killed violently floating down the river with me bumping against my kayak that legitimately sounds like the worst kayaking trip ever my friend and I had permission to go over to this abandoned house to basically loot what's left of the the house and keep what we picked out the house was empty except for junk and empty pill bows and medication the garage however was filled by the Mounds of crap the previous tenants had left over as we're rumaging through the crap and books I found a bag filled with gun pots and triggers lower receiver barrel and firing pins and a banana mag and another gun that was just missing the stock and firing pins gold mine I quickly pocket that crap in my backpack and continue searching after finding this amazing Loot and I can continue up into the attic I find a small journal and a bunch of meds and needles and a bunch of government files and folders with red tape all over the documents had redacted black lines and stuff so all I could make out was that they had an operation initiated for deploying weapons or something so after that I read the journal the journal belonged to the wife of the man who lived there first it started off very dark stuff like he would start coming home late at night without announcing himself and would mutter and get angry later he was being treated with meds for which I don't know and don't remember what meds was left in the attic and apparently was a paranoid schizophrenic and was extremely abusive and would hurt the wife and not remember doing that a few seconds afterwards she spiraled into depression and talked about self- deletion and stuff then one of her friends took her to church and it seems to make her feel better the last time she saw him alive was when she went to get his meds refilled and later came home to find him dead by self deltion he had a lot of firearms and the police confiscated most of the guns shocked after reading it I found another diary or book written by the husband and it was filled with poems about his wife Life Death Etc his poems were nice but I always keep wondering what really happened to the guy I don't have the diary anymore nor a photographic memory or evidence you'll just have to take my word for it well that just made me sad I left my pillow in the car at a hotel parking lot outside of Atlanta as a kid I of course went back to go get it at night turned to Corner only to be met with a hobo touching himself scared me for life I haven't had anything too creepy happen to me but my dad has seen a lot of stuff he used to be an accident investigator vehicle accidents in Iran he's had two accidents that have burned into the back of his skull the first was a bus that had some sort of metal pole sorry for the lack of a BAL word go through the front and skewer passengers he explained how when they opened the bus door there was blood spilling down the steps the other was when he was at the police station where he worked before I start let me say that it was a tradition to turn your trucks light off when you pass a police station at this station they had a sign saying not to because it caused a lot of car accidents so what happened was that there was this 18-wheeler driving down and he decided to turn his lights off at the same time on the other side of the street there were three young guys ages somewhere from 18 to 21 in a car that would resemble a Mini Cooper they had the stereo on full blast and pretty much having a good time as the young guys were driving they didn't see the 18 wheeler coming their way I guess what happened was they didn't see it and pretty much drove on the wrong side of the road you can guess what happened I remember my dad saying how the music on the small car stereo went completely silent right when they crashed the three guys died on impact worst part the truck driver came in with his food pretty much saying hey where can I go eat emotionless and not caring that he just killed three people my dad and the other guys working there they were friends took the guy into a room and beat the crap out of him I was a 13-year-old kid sliding down the side of a gravel pit in an Old Quarry the pit was located close to a private graveyard dating to the 17th and 18th centuries on what would be my last slide down the side of the pit a skull rolled down after me Landing with a dry rattle against the small of my back I ran home and told my mother I was panicking ultimately the police were called a high school teacher of mine a man with an anthropology degree was called in when it apparently became quite obvious that this was nothing recent it turns out that the skull belonged to a person who had died of tuberculosis as was not uncommon during colonial times of being a possible victim of a vampire attack they had been buried outside of the graveyard face down at some point after they had been buried for a number of years they were dug up and some of their bones were rearranged the rattle I heard from the skull was due to the individual's canines having been removed and they were found inside the skull I had no idea about people from the 17th or 18th century being like Oh tuberculosis no vampire attack and stuff like that but there's also something really entertaining to me it's so like you know TV showes I guess obviously you know fiction imitates reality but like the whole call the teacher from the high school the anthropology degree I don't know that's just fun to me when you subscribe make sure to hit the Bell 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Channel: Am I the Genius?
Views: 6,981
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Id: 2u0Y5yNUjiU
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Length: 20min 6sec (1206 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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