What's the MOST EMBARRASSING Public Tantrum you've seen a GROWN Adult throw? - Reddit Podcast

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what was the most embarrassing public tantrum you've seen a grown adult throw my first job in high school working at an ice cream paror we had three sizes Two Scoops one scoop and child size why it wasn't just large medium and small don't ask me one day a guy that had to be well into his 80s slowly walks in it was an early afternoon before the typical Rush at night so he was able to walk right up to the counter and stare at our Board of flavors toppings Etc you can see on his face he's get I rate for some reason he's pacing quicker here and there you can see his mouth open to talk but he doesn't and then finally he speaks I want your smallest ice cream but it's absolutely demeaning that I have to order a child size I'm a grown man I have children and grandchildren of my own this goes on and on and I'm unable to get a word in edgewise he keeps going and finally I interrupt how about this I just give you the smallest size we have call it a small and charge you for our cheapest ice cream for some reason this answer wasn't acceptable he goes back into his rant about being a grown man and is now screaming at me about how insulted he was I again reiterate I can just give you a small ice cream but no anything beneath an Institutional change wasn't going to stop this guy he just kept going now other customers are starting to walk in and just watch him rant screaming do I look like a child and things like I have grandchildren older than you meanwhile he's refusing to order something else or just consider the smallest size as small rather than child size which was written on the board and won't leave either the owner now comes in from the back to see what's going on because there's now a long line this has been going on a good 10 minutes as is usual in these situations the owner introduces himself as the owner which prompted the response good your employee insulted me as the man explained how I insulted him the owner pivoted to the same thing I did can we just call it a small and be on with it this this made things worse finally after him screaming at the owner for a few more minutes the owner says you came into my shop don't like the name I used for my ice cream sizes berated one of my employees and berating me please stop using the phrase disrespected because you're are the only one being disrespectful usually in Internet stories this is when the writer puts and everyone claps but no one did the situation was just too awkward for them to acknowledge that they were paying attention the old man went to talk and the owner cut him off and just said let me be frank tell me what will make you happy and I'll do it the old man stood there for a few seconds and just angrily said I'll never come back here again and walked back out the door in conclusion I got screamed at because the ice cream shop I worked at called a small a child size in Food Service I met so many customers who stormed out of a stupid crap claiming they'd never return but sadly most of them did complaining is what makes them happy and people in customer service put up with it longer than most yep is this the same in retail or is it mainly a Hospitality thing because I feel like I encountered enough of these for several lifetimes I helped my cousin out on jobs where he gets in over his head one time our uncle went out for sandwiches and got them for the whole crew my grown 45-year-old cousin had a freaking meltdown on the job site and started throwing crap because his sandwich had pickles on it he broke the windows of his own vehicle and destroyed about $1,000 worth of materials over pickles we're both on the Spectrum but he was was never disciplined as a child and allowed to lash out so he does it frequently this is the biggest one I've ever seen anyway I used to work as a manager at a wings place a lady and a guy got incredibly upset at us when they asked for their order and we didn't have it we've been waiting for 30 minutes how isn't it done we don't have any orders in the last week with that name I don't know what to tell you well we paid for it would it be under a different name perhaps oh yeah our son ordered it try Jack Smith instead not actually his name but you get it okay that's not showing up either how about you show me your receipt and I can look up the confirmation number the girl hands me the receipt the son ordered their food under the name EA Sports It's in the game when I let them know what it was actually under and got the food for them they legit were screaming at me and trying to say it was my fault the GU started throwing chairs at other customers and hit the windows with a large Rock police were called and they left eventually the guy came back 3 hours later to yell at me and my crew more and we called the police a second time I pray for that son and I hope he's okay his parents seemed a little off their rockers I once had someone refused to give me a name for an order not food related the job was expected to take roughly half an hour and they were like can't you just remember us I said I might not be here when they get back just give me any name so they clearly made one up something like John Smith they came back hours later even though they promised to be back in half an hour and gave me their real name instead of the fake one then started getting crappy when I couldn't find it I remember remembered who they were eventually but I thought it might be a good lesson in why you need to remember your damn names I've posted this before but I witnessed some lady having a full-blown tantrum and a Culver's drive-thru I was on the headset that day and when she pulled up to the order screen I asked for her order she snapped back that she wasn't ready so I told her to go ahead and order when she was ready for whatever reason that set her off because again she snapped back and said you know what just for that I will take my time she sat silently in her car for a few minutes and I could hear the cars behind her starting to honk the car directly behind her must have caught onto her just sitting there refusing to order so he pulled around her drove up to my window and asked if he could order directly from me the other cars in line must have noticed as well because when I handed him his receipt they began to pull in front of the lady refusing to order and started a new line at my window ordering directly from me the lady who refused to order went absolutely bananas she laid on her horn grabbing her steering wheel and started thrashing around shaking her car violently screaming at the top of her lungs that people were cutting in front of her she eventually drove around to my drive-through window gave me the finger and did a burnout I think that was the biggest tantum I've seen an adult throw I love imagining these people relaying stories like this to their loved one you won't believe how that B- word at the window told me to checks notes order when I was ready unfortunately my grandma is one of these she of course changes the tone of everything so instead of just let me know when you're ready to order it's K let me know when you're ready IE roll a longtime parishioner entered church on Sunday and saw a new young family sitting in her Pew she told them that they'd have to move as they were sitting in the Pew she had occupied for worship services for many years as I once described when they refused to relocate the lady said in full voice for all to hear that she wouldn't stand for their insubordination and that she was leaving and taking her substantial pledge with her I mean Jesus lost his crap completely at people trying to hustle outside of his dad's Temple and yet 2,000 years later there's a massive sect of Christians that missed the memo I do business with a local at& te store I was getting a phone for our company and this guy was trying to get an iPhone for his teenage daughter I'm not sure what went on but apparently they didn't have the exact phone she wanted and they were going to have to order it that wasn't good enough so he started having a full-blown temper tantrum saying the sales associate was ruining his daughter's birthday gift the manager comes out to see what's going on and there's another customer who's in there and this guy is like 6'5 goatey Baldhead roided up with a full sleeve tattoo and he says Hey calm down and the Angry Dad said who said that the bald giant said I did in a very angry voice and the dad just put his head down and shut up the manager was trying to see what was going on and the dad was like we're going to go now I wish I could say everyone clapped but the sales associate was extremely grateful years ago when I was waitressing A kid threw garbage into our potted plant and I made the kid remove it the then the mom tried to yell at me but a little old Israeli lady got up and told her off this old lady was Tiny But Steely like you could believe she had fired a machine gun during the war the soccer mom skidaddled out of there when I used to work at Best Buy a woman was absolutely teed off and threatening to sue for false advertisement because a Kindle case was $2 cheaper than what was listed in the ads in the Sunday paper okay so my early question about whether this happens as much in retail seems to have been def ly answered by a few other posts now hoso and Retail slaves unite my own mother we were getting food at a food truck they must have pressed the wrong button or something because she got charged for $11 when it should have been $10 my mom immediately blows up about it demanding they give her back her $1 the cashier apologized profusely and said it was a mistake they got the manager or owner or whatever to come over and help refund the money the whole time they're trying to figure the computer out my mom is rans Ing and raving about how they were overcharging her on purpose to pocket the money since she didn't tip she calls them thieves and criminals I straight up told her I'll give you a dollar right now if you stop and of course she says it's all about the principal after they fix it we leave she keeps ranting to me about it so I make up an excuse to leave later in a text she tells me she went to the nearest police station after that and made a report against them I very much wish I could have seen the police officer's reaction I bet they were dying laughing inside and probably threw report away the moment she left this woman is 40 years old what in the actual Frick oh frick you just reminded me of a client I work in an animal hospital that called and left a message for the doctor she just saw stating I found some white fur on me and I know it didn't come from my dog because he has black fur I find this absolutely unacceptable and I will be leaving a message with the hospital manager neither of us heard anything from the hospital manager the last time I was at Heathrow Airport I witnessed a woman in her 30s dressed in business attire literally Kicking and Screaming because they wouldn't let her take an open carton of juice through the security checkpoint you can submit your own stories to be featured here on the channel the story submission link is in the description below and if you want to listen to some viby music in the background check out easy mode also linked below and subscribe my sister had the worst temper of anyone I've ever known we were at the drive-thru at McDonald's she had ordered McNuggets with barbecue sauce when we got to the window she was handed the Nuggets but no sauce she just sat there staring expectantly at the cashier finally she said well are you going to give me my sauce or what the cashier turned to the side away from the window and my sister said excuse me are you deaf where is my sauce the cashier said I'm getting it the cashier handed over fistfuls of sauce packets and didn't do it in a friendly way so my sister threw half of the packets directly at the face of the cashier and called her the b word then she drove out of there like a bat out of hell I absolutely hated going anywhere with my sister because she regularly caused a scene over the dumbest things I have a friend that's similarly embarrassing no matter where we went the hardware store won't cut the eaves shorter the freak is wrong with you don't you know these won't fit in my freaking car the ice cream place didn't have any hot fudge ready what kind of freaking idiots are you people I stopped hanging out with her because of that I was at Friendlies with a group of friends one of them brought their boyfriend with them we all got our treats and sat down this dude comes up to us and says do you think I should complain about the slushie not having enough syrup we all kind of agree that sure it's okay to see if they can do something to fix it he goes up there and talks to the girl at the register I couldn't make out everything but essentially she told them that they made it the way they were told and she couldn't do anything he takes what remains of his slushy and slams it on the counter getting it everywhere he yells at her that she can take the drink back then a manager tells him that he's got to go we were all just in shock I didn't even know where to put my face I was so embarrassed him on the other hand he wasn't ashamed at all my friend defends her boyfriend saying that it wasn't a big deal and they should really have fixed his drink customer service for a doctor's office credit card program spent 45 minutes trying to help a doctor change his password I couldn't actually help them because every time I would tell them to do something specific they would do this stress sigh sobbing kind of thing would remind me every 30 seconds that he went to school for 8 years so he wouldn't have to deal with this mind you he was clearly in his 20s and 30s not an old guy that has an excuse to not know how to do it after the 45 minutes of this rotation he finally passed the phone to his receptionist we shared a laugh over his attitude and we reset the password in 30 seconds as someone else who's worked tech support for doctor's offices I feel this pain so deeply in my soul I honestly have begun to wonder if you can't keep up with technological advancements required for for your job like emrs and password requirements how in the heck am I supposed to believe you can keep up with medical advancements too yikes I've seen a stranger throw a tantum because he didn't know what to order for breakfast asked for input but for some reason got angry when our cashier suggested a breakfast sandwich my uncle threw a tantrum and stormed off to bed because he was the first person out when we were playing Monopoly the following night he again was the first person out but instead of storming off to bed he sat there and sulked because and I quote last night I didn't get any hm I wonder why first out of Monopoly is better than winning actually I sell safety equipment to major companies you have to have paperwork to get discounts for this stuff I've had multiple grown men come in tell me they work for x and they want the company discount I tell them I need their forms and they begin throwing a fit they throw around the hole do you know who I am bits and get even madder when I do not in fact know who they are if you were such a big shot why don't you have the form at The Burning Man entry gate we take special delight in making sure that the privileged jerks follow the rules since we're the ones in control it's more like malicious bureaucracy than malicious compliance but the stories are similar enough most of these morons are no-name DJs and artists no we will not call the boss of Burning Man because you said you're friends with her so we have a saying do you know who I think I am I don't know who thought that trying to heft around your minor Celebrity Status to a bunch of free spirits in the desert would go well but they fully deserved all the saky treatments they received the one I will always remember happened over 20 years ago long story slightly shorter and this was back before September 11th a man and his girlfriend came to the gate at the airport there was some mixup where the girlfriend had given her luggage to the sky cap but hadn't checked in for the flight so she didn't have a boarding pass the flight was oversold and there was no seat available for her it was a flight to Washington DC and it was the last one out of until tomorrow morning when this guy finds out she can't get on the plane he goes ballistic he literally starts screaming at the gate agent in a post September 11th world I'm reasonably certain he would have been arrested or at least kicked out of the airport he's going on and on about how important he is and that he's a member of some Platinum Club how dare his girlfriend not get on the plane people with the Cheap Tickets should be booted to accommodate her he'll reach out to the corporate offices Etc basically he was making a huge public butt out of himself well it wasn't this gate agent's first rodeo either she let him scream himself out and when he took a breath she looked at him and said there is exactly one person who can get your girlfriend onto the plane and that person is me I suggest you take a seat be patient and I'll see what I can do he started going off again and she said louder than him I will see what I can do finally he sat down she made some phone calls typed on her computer and finally came over the loudspeaker saying this flight is overbooked do we have any customers willing to take a later flight for x amount of flight vouchers silence she asked a couple more times raising the eny and again silence now I had nowhere to be until Tuesday so I could have easily taken a flight the next day but I'll be darned if that idiot is going to get his way seems like everyone else there felt the same way no one took the offer eventually she called the two of them over and said I'm sorry I've offered the max amount of vouchers I can and no one's taking it I need to start boarding now if she needs to get out tonight she can try another airline or I can put her on tomorrow's flight right now the guy was like freck you and walked off with his very embarrassed girlfriend in toe as he was muttering under his breath bye-bye if the guy hadn't been such a first class prick to the gate agents who literally had nothing to do with the situation she could have taken my seat and been on her way oh man I've been dying for a question like this does anyone remember the Rick and Morty Sean Source release at McDonald's a few years ago anyways my friend loves the show but couldn't go due to work so I went to try and get some for him there was a line of people who hadd been waiting for a while apparently some of the workers gave them out to people in drive-thru so they were all out and all they had were posters a couple of guys were throwing complete temper tantrums and screaming and cussing out the workers for not properly handing out the source packets after screaming at them for a good 10 to 15 minutes the guy Demands a poster the worker says they have to purchase a meal in order to get the poster and the guy flips out again and orders a meal in a really condescending tone as soon as he gets the meal and his poster he takes his meal and starts throwing it against the walls and then takes his two children with the poster and walks away while cussing at them on the way out the next few guys in the line do the same thing they only had like five to eight posters the vast majority of people towards the front all through baby tantrums and through their food and drinks everywhere making a huge mess luckily I recorded a decent amount of it absolutely insane how childish these grown men were acting over a freaking Source packet most of them had their children with them too it was honestly just so insane I couldn't believe it I worked at McDonald's in high school there were a few but one stands out above all of the others it's lunchtime and we're busy the fileo fish is not a particularly popular sandwich so we only ever had a couple of pieces of fish ready to avoid having to throw them away a guy comes into the drive-thru and orders four I kid you not as his order is popping up on our screen the hold timer for the two fish we had already made was going off we have to fry two regardless so we decided to just make all four fresh the manager apologizes and tells the guy to pull forward and wait he's not happy but he does meanwhile we keep serving people who didn't order fish after the third car or so gets their order and leaves the guy is in the lobby demanding to see the manager he wants to know why he's still waiting since we're clearly serving other people the manager explains that none of these people ordered fish and that the fish will be ready in a few minutes apologizes again for the wait the guy is teed off he starts yelling about how it's ridiculous that we have no fish ready the manager explains how the hold Tim went went off and she wasn't about to serve anyone expired food since we had to make a couple anyway we're making you all four fresh most people would be happy that they weren't served questionable food but not this guy the guy went ballistic he started yelling about how we should have served him the two we had and we shouldn't serve anyone else until his order blah blah blah you get the idea then he threatens my manager with physical violence if he's not served his order right now she tells him he needs to go out to his car right now or she'll be calling the police the guy storms out of the restaurant slamming the door so hard behind him that he broke it a few seconds later we hear screeching tires as he leaves the parking lot without his fish my father probably more to do with the fact that I was related to him and it ruined a day trip but here it is so at the time we mother father teenage brother and preen me lived close to a great Beach and there was a small amusement park next to it a variety of issues meant going there as a family for a day out was a special treat and something that was highly anticipated we hadn't decided if we'd do the Beach doing some Boogie boarding or the amusement park water slide and crazy golf so we took the boards with us but in the end decided not to use them this was very bad my mother was a deficient human being for bringing them with us and committing the crime of bringing unnecessary items on a day trip in the car park in full view of everyone there he was screaming he threw his hat on the ground and was jumping up and down clenching his fists as if he were having a vertical seizure of course we knew not to say anything because he would just become violent and we had to walk on eggshells for the rest of the day I have since gone no contact with him and he was shocked convinced that someone had manipulated me into it because he never did anything that would make someone not want to be in a relationship with him when you subscribe 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Channel: Am I the Genius?
Views: 17,420
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Id: 6U_0wXMOsAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 2sec (1262 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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