What REALLY OBVIOUS thing have you JUST NOW Realized? - Reddit Podcast

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what really obvious thing have you only just realized that the phrase Mint Condition means like new because it's the condition coins leave the mint in I must have been around 11 or 12 years old when I realized that in order of appearance during the end credits of a movie doesn't list the actors or actresses by who is just the most good-looking I learned a couple of years ago that it's not the mayor of bad news it's actually the bearer of bad news I'm 25 cilantro and coriander are the same plant I only just today realized that the walk the plank plank on a boat is not a special edition that pirates added to their ships as a means of public execution that looked like a little wooden diving board it is in fact the very same plank as the gang plank that you'd normally use to get on and off the ship it is not the presence of the plank that is threatening but the absence of the dock until recently I also thought that despite the obvious name being Keel Hall meant that you were just thrown off the ship and left behind I didn't realize that they tied you to a line threw you off and dragged you under the ship's Keel that you have to add a can of water to Campbell's Soup apparently I've been drinking straight condensed soup this whole time the first time I visited the USA I was on my own and in New York and going to all of the museums I kept seeing signs that said no strollers and thought because we call strollers prams in the UK that you guys were just super strict about the proper amount of attention required to visit a museum I actually pretended to show more interest than I had in order to not be thought of as some dead beat out for a casual stroll it wasn't until about day three that I saw a no strollers sign that included a graphic for idiots like me that calling someone simple is just a nice way of calling someone stupid my wife informed me of this after 28 years of my grandma calling me simple I realized at the age of 26 that Nar whales are real because they were on an Octonauts episode I walked into the room and was like I thought they only do real animals on this show and then the kids dad said you're joking right honestly we can give this author some leeway for not realizing that the Unicorn dolphin was in fact a real creature now we just have to trick him into thinking that the horsey version is actually a living breathing forer as well that when I was a kid and my dad would take me to the video store on Friday nights and he would go into the back room where only adults were allowed that he was looking at naughty adult films I kept seeing the same Chinese characters on restaurants signs and I always wanted to know what it meant a week ago I found out they mean restaurant I used to always pour water into our coffee maker one glass at a time it was such a pain in the butt especially to fill the reservoir to the the number of cups I wanted until I realized I could just fill the caraffe with water which has the exact same measurements and pour the water in that way I recently realized I was allergic to carrots I just thought they made everyone's mouth numb you know like almonds I also learned recently that I have an almond allergy same here I thought that raw hazelnuts don't taste good because they give this weird tingle in your mouth then I found out I had a nut allergy when it suddenly turned from tingled to anaphylaxis and I ended up in a hospital for eating Nut Chocolate oh same I asked my husband why carrots made your mouth itchy I'm a 35-year-old woman I always thought you can't have your cake and eat it too was a weird saying because why wouldn't I be able to eat my freaking slice of cake it's my cake nobody was telling me that I can't have my cake it turns out they mean you can't eat the cake while also still retaining it once it's eaten it's gone an idiom I didn't understand until this year I'm 27 the Italian version of this is that you can't have a full bottle and a drunk wife or something along those lines this sounds ridiculous but I recently found out about the term knee-jerk reaction my whole life I'd been saying it how I heard it and just figured it was spelled something like NRI reaction like it was some psychology term English was not my first language so I was mind blown when I realized how Keys kiss he's his this these among other things differed in sound and pronunciation I first noticed this when I told my boyfriend I wanted a keys and he looked very confused now I try my best to pronounce them properly my whole life I thought pay-per-view was actually pay-per-view because I'd only ever heard people say it and only recently saw it written out my boyfriend didn't know that his electric toothbrush has a timer on it that goes off at 1 minute and 2 minutes he actually returned it and got a new one thinking it was broken since the timer is just a brief of pause and reduction in the vibration he'd be like what the freak I literally just charged this freaking thing thinking that the battery was already dying one day I can't remember exactly what the conversation was I bought up how I liked that my toothbrush let me know when I'd brushed long enough and it was like a light bulb went off in his head and suddenly he put it together that that was what his toothbrush was doing the whole time that the big ship's wheel I got to turn as a kid was not actually controlling the cruise ship this jogged my memory of something when I was around 13 I was on a flight with a bunch of other kids I fell asleep during the flight but woke up during some turbulence a couple of kids near me saw me waking up startled and made a big show of saying wow I can't believe the pilot did a barrel roll a few other people I talked to about confirmed it and it took me embarrassingly far into adulthood to realize some people were just messing with me I mean a pilot on a commercial flight wouldn't do that right I was 28 before I realized the meaning to the why is six afraid of seven joke I always just thought it was dumb 789 like you're just counting the electric bill wasn't paid until later in my life I realized that to be in one's birthday suit it means to be without clothes I thought for the longest time it was a specific set of clothes you would wear on your birthday each year I found out when I asked what happens when you don't fit in your birthday suit anymore for the longest time I always thought that Primadonna was pre Madonna principal Belding from Saved by the Bell is named Bell ding the reason the cord on the vacuum spins is so that you can take the whole cord off at once instead of unraveling at one loop at the time like I have been my whole life that parents have children write letters to Santa so they can figure out what to buy them for Christmas I can't believe how I never put that together after 32 years on this Earth I thought it was just a fun little tradition my bedroom door was broke and I finally got around to fixing it I thought the knob was broke cuz it was pushed in towards the door so I pulled it out and realized that was how you locked the door as a small child maybe like age four my family told me the powder room door at my grandparents house didn't lock I had a reputation for accidentally locking myself into places so they didn't want me locking myself in there I guess I was 18 before I accidentally locked the door just like that realized how it worked and emerged from the bathroom mortified and amused so that I'd gone all these years thinking that the door just didn't lock no one even remembered lying to me about the lack of lock it's called men's wear as in we a house and not a Men's Warehouse is in a regular Warehouse it's been a couple of years since I realized this and I think it's just a clever name now what the freck I just looked it up and I still don't believe you consider the narrator are educated about this as well that's a play on words that's completely escaped me for several decades since I learned about the store the villain in Halloween is not played by Mike Meyers it would have been a lot funnier if he was this little piggy didn't go to the market to do any shopping wait wait wait then why are the other pigs eating roast beef I feel like there's at least one of these pigs with its own agenda for a long time I thought that to bust a nut meant that were going to kick a guy in the nuts or beat him up so anytime I was getting worked up or angry talking about some guy I would say I'm going to bust his freaking nuts not really knowing what I was meaning nobody ever said anything but it was always followed by my friends laughing so I assumed it was because I was being dramatic years go by and my cooworker is telling me about some rude person he met and I said you should definitely bust that guy's nut to which he paused and said do you even know what that means suffice it to say I was extremely embarrassed and horrified when he explained it to me similarly I had a friend who didn't know that Friends with Benefits meant well you know she thought it meant like a friend from work who was literally beneficial to your work I had a bass that was under the impression that bust a nut meant to work extremely hard suffice to say our team meeting ended awkwardly when Shawn would tell us to all go and bust a nut after the meeting super embarrassing but in college I would order Roman Cokes because I thought everyone else was ordering the same thing it turns out I misheard everyone and found out it was just rum and coke when teenagers said we're going to teepee a house I always thought it was teepe and it never made sense to me since they just covered a house with toilet paper I recently realized that they didn't mean put up a Native American Tent and that TP was the initials for toilet paper I'm 27 this girl I know has a dog named dooi two years into knowing her and being around dooi I was having a conversation with her sister-in-law and said I love the name dog how did she come up with that her sister-in-law responds dog and I said yeah it's a neat name she started laughing and said no d o g the way you spell dog I'm still mindblown about this we got a chocolate Labrador quite a few years ago my dad has been known to name animals after what species they are this time around my mom wouldn't let him name the dog dog so he named her Kitty he also named his horse no n this is why we don't let him name animals anymore you can submit your own stories to be featured here on the channel the story submission link is in the description below and if you want to listen to some viby music in the background check out easy mode also linked below and subscribe puffer fish suck in water not air okay yeah I saw one get pulled from the ocean and deflated and it spat out water I was shocked to my very core everyone else was like uh yeah of course that they put measurement stickers next to gas station doors so if a robber is running out of the store you can get a better estimate of their height I always thought they were just there for something fun to do on road trip stops more than that they're not actually accurate if you stand against them and measure that way they're supposed to be placed so the camera will show the correct height of the person compensating for the angle of the camera I'm currently in my mid-30s I didn't realize until I was about 28 years old that my mom's name was Betty and her sister 's name was Wilmer Bessie and Wilmer from The Flintstones and yes they were definitely named after the cartoon I asked Flash Forward 2 years later and my aunt Wilmer informed me that they were fraternal twins again another thing for 30 years I hadn't known a few folks have asked for a bit of context on the twin thing my mom died when I was fairly young so I never had her birthday as a thing and I wasn't super close to Wilmer so I wasn't really celebrating hers either I guess it was just known in my family so nobody ever mentioned it until totally randomly she said something about it on the name thing they actually both went by their nicknames their whole lives so I never even thought of them as Betty and Wilmer but just Mom and Aunt Cookie she likes to bake when I was little we had an Australian Shepherd named Sydney I didn't understand why her name was Sydney until 18 years later I saw a place labeled as public house when I moved nearby recently it was at that moment I realized oh that's why they call them pubs it's short for public house in Russian phrase Public House means a wh house and not a pub I wonder when people say that tornadoes sound like trains they don't mean that tornadoes whistle a choo Cho sound my sister asked me about 2 and a half months ago when we were watching John Wick 3 during the Desert scene if they were real and I asked what were real and she said sandlands and I busted out laughing so gosh on hard and said you mean deserts yeah they're real thinking about it right now got me laughing up until last year I thought Nat Gio was a person I then realized it was short for National Geographic Nathaniel giotopoulos actually was a founder of the channel but it's only a coincidence I thought a stigmatism was a stigmatism so I thought you could have two stigmatism honestly in my 30s I've been wondering about this for the better part of a decade now and never bothered to look it up I'm learning so many facts for dummies in this video today my friend realized pipe cleaners were originally for cleaning pipes after I suggested using one to clean a metal straw because it's similar to a pipe oh I had that one about 7 years ago when my high butt was trying to clean out a glass pipe man this is so stupid someone should invent some sort of freaking uh pipe cleaner oh that people who always seem to know what direction it is north south east and West aren't somehow magical magnets but are rather just noticing where the gosh darn sun is in the sky Why did no one tell me the sun is a huge indicator but I know plenty of people who keep track of Direction without the sun without even thinking about it I'm not one of them I regret to inform you all that it just occurred to me the other day that the Sims is called The Sims because they're in a simulation I'm 26 that getting your tires rotated means moving the tires to a different location on the car and not just spinning the wheel I learned that all spice is actually one spice and not a blend of spices containing cinnamon and Nutmeg I also just learned that from your comment personal injury lawyer commercials play more frequently during daytime TV because their clientele is injured stuck at home watching daytime TV the houses and bikini bottom are car Mufflers what the freak and Patrick is dumb and knows nothing because he lives under a rock Bikini Bottom is named after the nuclear bomb testing site at bikini atol and sea life is weird from the radiation also bikinis are named after the radioactive sight as well in Pokémon there is a same type attack bonus where if you use a move that is the same type as the Pokémon itself then the move does 1.5 times the damage people also refer to it as stab damage which I thought was just a colloquial term for 1.5 times damage I only just realized that stab stands for same type attack bonus my mom used to make my sisters and I belly buttons for dinner I was 27 when I realized that they were actually torini but she knew we were dumb kids and would refuse something named so strange even though they were delicious to clarify how dumb we were once she was making fried shrimp for dinner my sisters and I hated fried shrimp but we loved popcorn shrimp from Long John Silvers we complained so my mom said okay go away and I'll make you some popcorn shrimp instead we left and she says she took half the shrimp she was already using and cut it in two and then fried it that way we cleaned the freaking Bowl we were stupid kids and she was a good smart mom Cruella Deville was a cruel devil the word for Explorer in Spanish is explor Dora Dora the Explorer is a Spanish play on words when I was a kid my mom told me my rabbit Rosie went to live on a farm in my early 20s I saw an episode of The Sopranos where everyone makes fun of Tony when he realizes his dog didn't really go to live on a farm that's when I realized Rosie had not gone to a farm either and I would like to officially apologize for the cascading wave of terrible realizations my post has caused truly we sit on a throne of Lies oh man I dated a girl once who started telling me about her old dog who went to live on a farm I didn't even say anything but just the look on my face made her stop and think about it for the first time and go oh oh no and we had a good laugh about that but it was pretty wild to see the realization in real time today the radio taught me Mariah Carey wrote and sang All I want for Christmas is you all this time I thought it was just a cover that she did so well that people loved it more than the original turns out it is the original undergarments and socks are there to cover places that sweat and stink so that you don't sweat and stink on the thing on top of the undergarment and can replace the undergarment more often except for Men's Under shirts which exist so that nobody has to see my movs when I wear a white dress shirt cat toes I knew they existed I've seen them and everything it's an extremely obvious thing a few weeks ago I touched a cat's paw and started laughing like it was the craziest thing ever then proceeded to make my Discovery known you're all welcome also bunnies and a bunch of other animals have their own kind of toe things too Phineas and Ferb are shaped like a p and an F the song it's getting hot in here isn't actually talking about here's temperature I felt very very stupid Dove soap and Dove chocolate are from different companies cigarettes are called cigarettes because they're mini cigars alukard from Castlevania is Dracula backwards I honestly thought that this script was just going to be a home run of me laughing at other dummies who missed self-explanatory expressions and obvious references but this is the ninth or 10th time one of them has blown my mind so what does that say about me actually don't answer that question in the movie Cats vers dogs when the dog goes son of my mom he's actually saying son of a b word remember that the secret agent blue gray kitten with the Russian accent that breed of cat is called a Russian blue that the Houston Astros comes from astronauts and the Baltimore Ravens are because Edgar alen Poe lived and is buried in Baltimore I'm 30 and realized a few months ago that howdy is Cowboy for how do you do tenure is a whole word and not 10 year which is what I thought teachers got as like job security once they had worked for 10 years Say My Name by Destiny's Child is about a girl on the phone to her man and she wants proof that he's not with another girl I realized when I was 16 that reindeer were real I 100% thought they were fake like elves and Santa Claus this is so stupid but I didn't realize my moms Were Gay until I was almost 14 and I literally heard my mom say I'm gay to my Grandma as a joke I knew that lesbians and same sex and gayes were relatively interchangeable but it didn't click as my mom's are lesbians which is another term for being gay and they are gay until that moment I also have a gay mom but I didn't know the word lesbian until sixth grade I got into a massive fight with my best friend cuz she called my mom a lesbian and I didn't know what that was so I thought it was an insult nope turns out if your mom has a girlfriend she's probably a lesbian I'm 25 next week and I still think about it the Grammys are called that because the awards are gramophones that Ecuador is named after the equator yep literally just equator but in Spanish my friend 22 years old only realized last year that dolphins have to swim and live in the water to survive he thought they're land mammals but they just really like to swim for fun that's Michelangelo's David is David from David and Goliath how did I not know this I thought it was just a dude called Dave I love how many comments I'm getting from people learning this today or very recently and who just thought he was some dude called Dave as well we got there in the end guys better late than never bonus I also never knew there was a sling I thought that was his trousers and yes I honestly thought that I never saw the rocks that American Express and aex are the same thing and I've been helpfully telling customers in Australia yep we take both for years okay this was a couple of years ago but it was something I realized way too late in life you're supposed to use the towel to dry yourself after a shower I was just wrapping it around myself and walking around until I air dried I live in a part of Chicago called Greek Town for 8 years and I never realized the blue and white Christmas lights were meant to represent the colors of their flag it just dawned on me today when you subscribe make sure to hit the Bell to turn on notifications put the playlist on in the background to finish listening to all the stories or if you want some viby music to put on in the background check out easy mode if you like am I the genius give am I the jerk a shot everything Linked In the description
Channel: Am I the Genius?
Views: 11,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: C33n_TbU71c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 39sec (1299 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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