What Movie Hit You The Hardest Emotionally?

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what movie hits you the hardest emotionally speaking Homeward Bound even Roberts cry when they watch it I think never let me go as a film that I loved because it was beautifully done but I would never want to re-watch it again because it was just so sad there's a scene where one of the main characters gets some bad news and he screams and his screams went right through me I haven't read the book but imagine it's a similar beautiful tragedy Hotel Rwanda knowing some of my family members went through a war similar to that and finally being old enough 14 to grasp what that meant fricked me up for weeks my girl he can't see without his glasses The Fox and the Hound when Widow Tweed leaves Todd in the forest to keep him from getting shot by Slade goodbye may seem forever farewell is like the end but in my heart the memory and there you'll always be gets me every time comma the end of a little princess she finds her father and he doesn't remember her gut punch every time it was on Netflix I need to check if it's still there so I can watch it with my daughter that was my favorite movie when I was little I would always tear up when she was trying to get her dad to recognize her the ending is so sweet though Shawshank Redemption get busy living or get busy dying Brooks I cry every time the scene where he gets kicked out of jail plays he's so scared of the outside world and doesn't have anyone to talk to comma zero costaway you're the love of my life Helen Hunt was on screen for what felt like only about 30 minutes in the movie but her portrayal of a woman who lost someone so important but somehow learned to love again then to lose them again was a gut punch I loved everything about Tom Hanks acting in this movie but it was hell in Hunt who made it truly memorable for me Homeward Bound the scene with the old golden never fails to make me feel pain The Fox and the Hand where the owl sings best of friends we all start out so pure innocent and full of love it makes me incredibly sad because of all the hate in the world something about catching this film on a Sunday afternoon wondering what I should do with my life just spoke to me I've always wondered what others felt about it I never saved anything for the swim back The Pianist after I finish the movie it just dawned on me that this could really happen to anyone we take our periods of peaceful granted as one day we might be put in a similar situation where we lose everything and that really flicked with me hard the scene where he plays the piano but actually not playing Just air fingering the keys made me so sad House of sand and fog grave of the fireflies RS tear kicks in the dong I was looking for grave of the fireflies a lot of movies have made me cry not no other movie made me feel so much I was so sad angry and frustrated with that movie The Green Mile please boss don't put that thing over my face don't put me in the dark eyes Afraid of the Dark this line destroyed me I watched atonement having never read the book for me that ending was absolutely gut-wrenching and I just sat there in the dark crying my eyes out when it was over I legit thought there was going to be a happy ending and then no that ending fricked me up for days at one point I was bullying and yelling why the frick would someone make a movie about this I was pretty mad at myself for watching it ten years later in that flooded underground scene still pops into my head and ruins my day What Dreams May Come leaves me a sobbing mess through the whole movie this used to be one of my favorite movies always a great one for a good cry ending with happy sniffles I haven't watched it in 11 years not since my mother's suicide never thought about it until now the DVD sits on the Shelf I just always pass it it might just be time to take it down and give it a watch something to think about at least Pan's Labyrinth the ending was heartbreaking but honestly the whole movie was just sad and violent highly recommend it though Children of Men I watch it once a year with someone who hasn't seen it before because seeing them go through that roller coaster and sit and stun silence afterwards reminds me of what it was like when I saw it when it first came out what a gutlunch of a movie the scene where clybone gets likes five seconds to cry over his dead love behind that tree before he's got to pull it together and move on that freaking hurt no time to mourn brutal and it really brought home the stakes in this world Life is Beautiful the kid's dad gets him to believe the Concentration Camp is just a game and everyone is in on it like it's a special adventure to protect him from the horrors they faced we watched that movie in eighth grade when we had nothing to do in math at the end of the year big fish man when I saw it as a teenager I just thought it was a fun movie but when I watched it as an adult I nearly balled during the scene where he's telling his dad how he dies when I watched Bridge to Terabithia I thought this is not so bad what is everyone talking about pretty wholesome overall and then it happened and I cried like a baby I always refer to it as bridge to tie Emma ficking her tout which I think is the original title Schindler's List the end just keeps on socking you in the gut when they make him that ring oh I'm done grave of the fireflies I watched it with my friend back in the early 90s my sister happened to stop by near the end we were both ugly crying she was like are you okay what's going on it was hard to explain I took my kids to see it during a goodbye fest last year and I could hardly drive home afterwards we were all sobbing The Rugrats Movie the scene where Chucky watches everyone dance with their mother and he realizes that he's the only one without one I remember watching this movie in class in fifth grade my mom passed when I was in second grade and I was crying so much they had to take me out of the classroom dear Zachary the ending of Coco had my wife Ballin like crazy because her grandmother has Alzheimer's Saving Private Ryan it was just so raw I haven't seen that movie in years and I still sometimes think about that scene with Goldberg fighting hand to hand in that house with that German Soldier and Upham is on the other side of the wall too scared to move as the German slowly pushes the knife into Goldberg's stomach and he's just like shushing him as Goldberg starts like shaking that still messes me up arrival if you've never seen it quit reading now when you realize that she knew that her daughter was going to die but she got pregnant anyway and that her husband would find out that she could have chosen to spare him from having to suffer the devastating loss of his child but she had her anyway all while knowing that her husband would leave her and never forgive her because she had the knowledge to prevent the pain but she chose to love the child for the time she could knowing all along that it would cause her to lose everything Gladiator the scene at the end where he is walking through the field towards his family I threw my sunglasses on to hide my crying in the theater poor idea because they fogged up instantly I still tried to keep my cool as a 14 year old Toy Story 3 after re-watching it before entering University when the toys are all on the conveyor belt and run out of ideas to escape so they just hold hands dang I'm crying now just thinking about it Deep Impact the astronauts have all decided to sacrifice themselves to save Earth one of the astronauts was blinded in an accident while on the mission and also his wife gave birth while he was away all the astronauts are saying their final goodbyes to their family and the guy in Mission Control tells the blinded astronaut that with the evacuation the escorts to get her was delayed and wouldn't make it but at the last second the wife and baby run in so the blinded astronaut about to sacrifice himself says goodbye to his wife and baby he's literally never seen while his fellow astronauts are giving him a narrative description of what the baby is doing other astronaut Whispering he is holding a stuffed spaceship blind astronaut to his newborn son that's a powerful rocket you got there it's been 20 years and even thinking about it makes me tear up [Music] Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind has never not hit me hard I only saw it once and never again I watched a test screening before it came out my GF of four years broke up with me a few days before Dead Poets Society I cry every time I watch that movie and especially when I realize Robin Williams is no longer alive Wreck-It Ralph that movie still makes me cry I have high functioning autism and seeing a movie say what you are does not define who you are really really hurt in a good way I saw people criticize the movie for seeming to have the message of just do what you're told by a society and don't try to change but I think that misses the point Ralph is a bad guy that's what he is he wrecks things but he's so much deeper than that Ralph is a very caring and thoughtful person who genuinely just wants people to like him Ralph thinks that being a hero or normal in the real world equivalent will make everyone love him at the end of the film he realizes that it doesn't matter if he is a bad guy if people don't like him because what matter is that someone likes him when I get depressed I like to recite his little bad guy affirmation thing with a slight tweak I'm different and that's good I'll never be normal and that's not bad there's no one I'd rather be than me I know it's cheesy but it really helps me feel better that affirmation is important you want to be the best version of yourself whatever that happens to be rather than trying to fit in but Disney's Brother Bear man when Kenai tells coder about what happened on the cliffs I always feel so heartbroken I miss the Disney Renaissance even if this movie doesn't typically get lumped in Little Miss Sunshine When the brother finds out he is color blind I broke into tears that got me hard too but I love that not a single person in this film realizes their dream indeed they are devastated yet you finish happy it's such a great film Life is Beautiful Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close that first howl completely fools you into believing it truly is this light-hearted hilarious comedy about romance and then the Nazis come in hey I my name is David so the whole plot kind of hit me pretty hard especially the ending scene at the Blue Fairy it was like 20 years after I first saw the movie that I realized the entities at the end were descendants of humanities Roberts not aliens of all things Logan I actually got moved during two Death Scenes which has never happened then again I was kinda fricked at the time I'm a big fan of both Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart and when I like a movie I'll watch it a bunch of times but I don't think I'll ever watch that one again Good Will Hunting hit a little too close to home I cried at Mufasa's death in The Lion King 1990s animated version the first few times I watched it I still tear up a little it's Simba's reaction that gets me it's not that bad and kind of basic but I broke down during Titanic when the mother was telling her children bedtime stories when she realized she couldn't save them when the ship began flooding that scene in the elderly couple clinging to one another [Music] Schindler's List is the most recent one for me there's the scene near the end where Schindler realizes he could have saved more Jews by trading some of his material possessions like his car for their lives such a powerful scene I had to pause the movie for a few minutes before continuing the second How to Train Your Dragon when stoic dies I don't know why but it makes me ball every time Big Hero 6 when the big bro dies I still have no clue why the Tadashi is here scene ruined me Tangled when I saw it I was living with a friend still in high school because my overprotective and stable mother kicked me out not for the first time but then she would play victim and make me come back home I've always been a SAT for Disney movies but that one really hit me with the situation at the time the lantern boat ride scene was so beautiful and hit me the hardest fast forward eight years later to the Disney World fireworks with my then boyfriend who knew how special that scene was for me he waited till they turned the castle scene into a million lanterns and started playing see the lights and then he proposed to me took one of my saddest memories and made it into my happiest I have tears in my eyes just typing this that's incredibly sweet and thoughtful of him you have to appreciate someone who truly knows what something means to you and wants to show that he cares you have been visited by the fashion doggo comment your Envy's friend hands me so you always look beautiful if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people foreign
Channel: UE Stories
Views: 3,518
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Keywords: best movvies, cult movies, movies, best movies ever, emotional movies, thing about it, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, reddit stories 2023
Id: joNMGyxjFVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2023
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