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today I'm going to show you guys what a 400h hour Grand blue fantasy account looks like let's get into it so to be clear this is 434 hours now granted not all of these hours are active sometimes they're AFK sometimes it's me like going up to go get food and stuff like that but generally speaking in basically every single waking hour that I've been playing this game I've been afking something not AFK as an I'm not fighting something but literally AFK in a fight or AFK farming a material by beating a boss etc etc if you're curious about how I do that and how I get a lot of the resources that you'll see in today's video you can literally just go find any of the past two or three Maybe videos at this point that discuss a lot of the things that I think if you want to minmax your experience or optimize your play time with this game that's what you should be looking for let's move on though so if we start off pretty simply everything from the master tree is Max I've got everything from the collections and honestly my Mastery is not that good I've got 12 damage cap and I've also got 20 crit rate alongside 20 normal attack but I've got 2,000 HP which does literally nothing now when it comes to masteries for my Lance slot I've got literally everything maxed out Max defensive tree collection is maxed everything is pretty much maxed and then for my overmy I have a decent overmy bonus I would say it's got 20% normal attack damage cap it's got 20% crit rate and it's got 12 skill damage cap up which is something that I wish I would have had honestly 20% I think is what's getting me uh from reaching the upper upper peak of stuff like score attack and stuff like that but that's neither here nor there it's kind of just for flexing or if you want to kind of test your metal in terms of how much damage you do let's move along from that though while completing all of your Mastery or filling out all of your Mastery notes is definitely a sign of completing the story what's really more of an indicator for the end game or when you're starting to hit the end end game when it comes to ramble fantasy is what your sigils and what your weapon looks like so at the top you can see I have the Damascus knife the Unseen it's got plus 99 which is the Mirage Munitions it's got the max Awakenings there's six red stars and then you have the sigil build now I have several builds to kind of take a look at and each of them are for different pieces of content whether that be for a score attack whether it's for my more general you know beating up the mobs or something sometimes it's just a build that doesn't have to rely on glass Cannon But ultimately I'll show you each of the builds or which build I like running with each fight but for the build that I have right now this is the build that I run whenever I'm trying to I guess see how much damage or what the potential of Lancelot is specifically against the target dummies and as you can see I have Max quick coold down I have Cascade I've got Nimble Onslaught and there is not a single defensive sigil in sight you will notice that I'm actually a little bit overcapped on crit and the honest to God truth is that and even though I was also able to get damage cap on both of my class sigils this wasn't enough and it didn't really work out well enough with the build that I had to run in order to receive 100 crit and get the max damage possible for my test dmy build so this is what I have right now featured within the build as well is stuff like tyranny stamina and life on the line ultimately you don't want to double dip in stuff like stamina or tyranny when you also have access to again a flat attack increase and again if you just do the math I believe life on the line is I believe 30% yeah it's 36% uh whereas if I decided to go double into tyranny it only would have been 50% when I already had received 36% prior so receiving or having three separate instances of damage increases in this case would have just been better and that's why I have three separate damage increases now supplementary damage is self-explanatory it does a bunch of damage it exceeds the damage cap and more Elemental is also really nice just because wow bonus damage very nice I do have two critical hit rates here and that's not very common and the reason for that is because of the right Zone that I have unfortunately the right Zone that I had actually ended up having uh nine stun power and a total of 7 and four damage cap which made it 11 but I need this specific build cuz I'm trying to make a build where I only need one damage cap and therefore would have more opportunity or have more flexibility when it comes to Rolling gear but unfortunately even after 400 hours of trying to find a right Zone that had you know 10 crit or at least nine crit and in addition also had seven damage cap and five damage cap for a total of 12 so I get 65 damage cap unfortunately that wasn't possible so what I have here is 64 damage cap I don't know it kind of felt bad it is what it is so hopefully although I do only have 64 damage cap long story short it saved me a slot and therefore I should have a little bit more flexibility or I should have an additional slot that should open a slot for either more damage or more utility I don't know it is what it is now if we move on to the second build you'll notice a few things actually that are prominent in my build the first is that I've kind of decided to see if Nimble Onslaught was actually worth it or if I could actually get away with taking something like flat attack flat attack is traditionally seen as really bad and I agree it is definitely really bad but actually although like level 15 and earlier stages only give you like 40 or like maybe like 100 attack once you start hitting like over 40 or 45 you actually get a significant amount of attack now this is a little bit of an untested build I'm trying to see if I can actually hit the max damage cap alongside having flight overflight and the reason why this is so important is because if you read what this trait does it reads that attack power is lowered but Dodges are always perfect Dodges now again I know that this would make sense to kind of pair alongside Nimble Onslaught and honestly if I could I would want like I don't know like a supplementary damage five that also has nibble onslot but side games whenever you want to drop me a sub five plus I'm more than happy to take it but until then I basically basically been trying to see if a little bit more damage or a little bit more flat attack in this case would do any justice to my build but for everything else the build is pretty standard I have white Dragon's Oath to increase the utility and also the damage of my heavy attack I do have Glory because I don't actually have a combo booster or a linked attack or any of these things or you know any of these you know life on the line with crit and I still want to hit 100% crit Chance in This build but now is where you get to actually see where all the Demonic building or all the really like difficult to find Pieces come into play it's a critical hit rate with damage cap it's a white dragon Glory with damage cap it's a white dragon's Oaths with critical hit rate which is again not that uncommon but until I can get a double damage cap that doesn't include stun power this is kind of what I'm dealing with I also have glass Cannon because I want to do the most damage and I also have an attack power that also has damage cap pretty difficult to find as well in my opinion but but long story short all these things are here to increase my damage and maybe increase the damage cap that I have so that I could use flight or fight without doing like literally onet of the damage but I do understand that this is a little bit Niche and ultimately I haven't quite found a build that makes flight over fight really really good so if you do find a build that has flight over fight though uh that Max is out attack please feel free to let me know as far as I know it's really difficult and super super mid Max to get it let's move on though now before we get into a lot of the damage checks and stuff like that I did kind of also just want to go down and kind of show you basically what I've acred over again farming and afking etc etc uh just very quickly you can see I've got like a decent amount of rainbow prisms and I've got Max refa coins but that means nothing uh I've got a number of prisms I'm pretty much Max on refin them uh anytime that I end up afking a lot of these resources go to Max I'm definitely still missing a lot of fortitude crystals cuz I'm trying to max out stuff right now including characters like peral because he's really good as AI uh I have basically no shortage of any of the elemental orbs shards Etc my Abyss orbs or abyssum orbs are pretty much Max as well dark orbs Max Dark Shard pretty much Max as well or I I just recently sold them the thing that I'm probably missing the most of is like the low-l materials stuff like the frost beak claws or the frost beak plates these uh flame Beast claws are also something that I end up having to farm Farm quite often because it's very rare for me to farm them at all I'm definitely like I mentioned am missing a lot of low tier materials but for chilling demon eyes this is basically my go-to in order to uh sell this for knickknacks or on occasion I guess like sometimes I'll trade it in for silver [ __ ] but as you'll see with the silver [ __ ] later I don't really need that many uh just because I'm kind of bottlenecked more by the fortitude crystals than I am as opposed to the silver Centrum but bizarre Wings a lot of these things uh are kind of high in resources or they're decently high or I've just recently used them uh I am definitely capped out on the Searing War axes or pretty much both War axes whenever I end up farming patory armguards have a lot of these patory bones also maxed uh some of these could definitely be 999 and some of these you know you may need more of but just from the farming that I have been doing uh again pretty much never never need to farm out any of these things I haven't shown it as well but my stock again of sigils and the amount of uh trans marbles that I have stocked up also kind of reflects just how many like pities or how many Treasures I been basically sold in order to get to the pity but I've got a few things like the Vulcan Bas that I've been farming more recently but I've been trying to find out or figure out a build that can Farm it more easily or I've just discovered like the best way to to farm it which is again do the lower levels but for some of these like the Vulcan baola I've definitely had to do a little bit more research as for uh the best way to farm these things because some of these I need to literally just be doing the lower stage otherwise I get the Omega version instead of Thea but a lot of these characters again I've been using for gear or to level up some of the characters recently and then we have the silver Centrum and as you can see I've got 187 which is nothing super super insane by any means however it is kind of just an indicator because I remember when I was first starting playing the game and I wanted to upgrade or awaken a weapon I would kind of dance between 30 to 40 and now I'm at 187 and I haven't traded in literally anything for silver [ __ ] and maybe like a week at this point which is again pretty crazy for crew mate cards of course I've got every single character and this was just a really you know quick brief overview but if we talk about the transmute sigils it is unfortunate because I wish there was literally just a way for me to like see my entire history of how many trans Marvels I've ran down how many I've used but I have at this point definitely gone well over maybe like five or 6,000 trans Marvel it is insane how annoying it is to do it on mouse and keyboard to be honest so that's literally why today I got myself a controller I highly recommend you do this because again it takes a lot of effort to literally not do this uh and it's really really not worth it uh to be left clicking and breaking my mouse as much as I am and I'd rather just click a which is again much more you know peaceful I can kind of just leave this in my lap look at something else or like watch a TV show and do this at the same time but that's pretty much how many trans Marvels I've got now in terms of how many sigils I've collected total obviously these are only the ones that I've you know kept in my inventory and as it is right now I just haven't cleared out a lot of them so I'm probably closer to like the 12 to 1300 range at the moment uh a lot of these are just me being a hoarder and pretty much things that you get from again drops or from clearing stuff like Bahamut probably at this point maybe like 30 40 maybe even 50 damage C pluses or something to that extent uh if you are someone that has tried to farm out all the weapons in the game you know how annoying it is to try and you know pity a character's weapon or you know get a weapon that isn't yours so then you're sitting there and you're farming it out more and then by the time I realized that I figured I might as well just get all the weapons and and I was definitely unluckier rather than luckier so then I ended up getting a lot of things like damage cap tyan you stamina and I still uh am really annoyed because I haven't gotten a crit rate on some of the damage cap which you know if you think about it if you get crit rate and damage cap then you don't need damage cap and crate whatever in any case the point is that uh I've got a lot of sigils and if we take a look at the right Stones I've als so only got about like 400 to 500 I believe uh these are I'm a little bit more hesitant to keep cuz you know unlike with sigils where you're going to need upwards of like 10 or maybe like even 11 12 13 for like the flexibility of a build you pretty much only have one MB or one right Stone so a lot of this is just hoarder mentality but in totality I definitely at least have 400 maybe 500 saved up actual right stones that I would save up or use which is cool it's pretty enjoyable I'm usually sorting through gear and I have to find the best one which makes it not so cool and again I I kind of hate my hoarder Tendencies but that's just what I've gotten so far the final thing that I do want to talk about are the different Awakenings that I've gotten and in all honesty uh the main issue that I have with a lot of the Awakenings is that some of these resources are just absolutely terrible to farm which is why for a lot of these characters I've kind of put them at the end of the line I'm not really focused too hard on them but if you're curious I have Lance slots weapon Max awaken obvious because he's my main I have Naya because Naya is waifu my oan also has his Awakening Max because I like using him as one of the stun Bots for one of my uh you know one of my AFK methods basara's weapon is not maxed and honestly uh doesn't matter but I like using him with his hp1 because that's pretty much all I use with him uh the last couple characters that I have in terms of upgrades towards their weapons I've been trying to upgrade ROMs a little bit because I like using him when I have to farm slime peed and I believe is it oh yes peral's weapon is currently in progress for being upgraded uh which is honestly oh wait actually sorry ID's weapon is also completed cuz I did the guide but io's weapon and I believe person weapons were the ones that I was going to upgrade next just because they're really decent or they're really good both as Ai and both as characters that I am kind of interested in playing but ultimately guys I don't have that many Awakenings it does take a lot to upgrade these weapons but more so than the silver Centrum what I'm actually lacking is just the little raw material or the raw resource that I haven't farmed out yet and since there isn't something like an azerite Splender or a Damascus Ingot to upgrade this it's kind of on the back burner it is what it is and finally for the inventory section if you're curious you can look up there I have got a total of I believe 33 million gold which pretty much means nothing to me if you've done any slime peed you probably have a similar amount of gold I personally haven't struggled with anything relating to gold in a long time so it is what it is the final thing that I do want to kind of go over very briefly is kind of the characters and again not all of their gear is good or anything like that and sometimes the power rating is a bit biased so I just want to go through kind of quickly and show you the different characters that I have or what characters are kind of semi- upgraded we have Lancelot we have Nora oan uh pretty much if they have over or if they have at or over 20,000 it means that they're decently built if they're like just under or like between that 18 to like 20,000 range they probably have their Awakening but no sigils again I have a 87,000 HP uh vaseraga but he could have more HP if I actually maxed out his weapon and got some other stuff upgraded uh I also don't have his boost notes uh the MC is not leveled at all Catalina is upgraded a little bit but she's on kind of budget gear I was seeing if you could double glaci or if you could you know use this character better to stun uh some of the characters like garine and stuff didn't end up working it's still fine though uh Raam also has a decent amount of gear on him just because I want to use him for fighting slime peeds IO is kind of ungeared I think I just did her fate episode or something which is why I have that extra slot I definitely haven't played her in a little bit Rosetta not geared charlot not geared uh gandza not geared fery not geared vain not geared personal is really good uh because he does a lot of damage and he has solid Buffs But ultimately I am just trying to replace on Naya because he doesn't really provide nearly as much as personal does in terms of damage and overall Buffs and stuff like that as well Sig freed I don't really have him upgraded calostro I do have her on somewhat of a I guess she has like a little bit of damage but I was trying to run her on a quick charge and like a bit of like a cooldown build primarily just because I wanted her to save me if I ended up being in trouble and she has to revive uh Yoda is not is not geared at all zet is not geared and then finally ID was formerly geared and you saw him in the you know in the Showcase or the I guess the class guide for this character pretty much nothing came of this character though he's kind of weak uh the more and more I tried him out and saw how he was especially on the target dummy he's not that strong and then ultimately even in normal combat it feels like if you want you know more CC you could use someone like Lancelot or Catalina it feels like if you want more damage you could probably use someone like Raam or you could use someone like I don't know persal it is what it is though maybe some of these characters will get balanced in the future who knows now if you've made it this far into the video thank you I appreciate you thank you so much love you however uh I do know you guys are probably interested in the damage so I am going to include a few runs here these were runs that I did with some of my Discord members so if you want to join and join in on some of these runs feel free to join or like you know comment or anything like that but ultimately the goal of these runs were to see basically what a Lancelot would look like uh at the top end and also at the bottom end you know if I'm trying to play really greedy or if I'm just trying to play on average and I don't know if I'm going to be able to you know get all my damage off so some runs had you know glass Cannon without fighter flight some of them had fighter flight it is what it is though [Music] enjoy [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] pap [Music] and so those were my runs and if you're curious just about how much damage I can do on the dummy this is actually currently my personal best even though I'm technically missing a little bit of damage cap and also my masteries aren't that good in any case I don't have the best gear I don't have the best masteries I don't have the best of anything quite yet but in terms of my personal best for the score attack this is my 6C [Music] run [Music] [Music] and so at the end of it all guys this is my 400 hour account obviously there are probably accounts that are better than mine or luckier than mine anything in between unluckier it is what it is guys this is just kind of how my account played out if you guys enjoyed or if you learned something from today's video make sure to like comment turn on the notification Bell subscribe let me know what you think about Gran blue if you think it's worth it if you think it's been enjoyable if you think I should have played 400 hours if you think I should have refunded after two anything in between I appreciate all the comments and all the feedback guys sincerely uh in any case though that's going to be it for this video hope you enjoyed make sure to tune in on stream I am definitely going to be playing more with viewers or if you guys need help feel free to ask me either on Discord or even on stream and I'll be more than happy to do runs with you guys or or do any or answer any questions that you have in any case guys that's it thank you so much again for watching see you on the next one adios
Channel: canna
Views: 5,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canna, cannaaaa, cannaa, gacha, guide, help, granblue, fantasy, relink, granblue fantasy relink, granblue fantasy relink id
Id: cnxiPsMOKGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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