10 Most Comfortable and Cheapest Country to LIVE in !

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/AutoModerator ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 03 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Here you go kind sir https://youtu.be/__CRWE-L45k

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Scarlett771 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 03 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
travel or save money it's a hard decision but why should you have to choose between them at all when you can both travel and save do you want to live like a king on a thousand dollars a month then it's time to start looking at tickets our top ten includes countries with the lowest prices best climates and distinctive cultures for $200 a month you can enjoy the best food and $300 will get you a comfortable apartment in the city center what should you put the remaining 500 bucks towards having fun of course and in these exotic countries there is plenty of fun to be had let's go Philippines clear blue waters golden sand birds singing and tropical forests does this appeal to you then head for the Philippines you can enjoy the Sun and save money life on these islands is very inexpensive over a whole month you'll spend no more than six hundred dollars and live comfortably don't rely on supermarkets find instead a nice local market the fruits and vegetables fresh fish and shrimp are delicacies in such abundance that they almost tumble from the market stalls buyers can walk from one stall to another choose their purchases and they should not forget to bargain for a lower price do your shopping in the market and you will always spend $150 a month on groceries much of the local cuisine is chicken fish seafood and rice and fruit too of course and the Philippines boasts an unbelievable number of fruits however potatoes are expensive as the locals rarely grow them lunch at a streetside eatery will only cost you two dollars and at a local McDonald's 3 you can rest assured however that the food at the former will be a lot more delicious prices for accommodation are stunningly low a bamboo hut can be rented for just $100 a month but granted it'll not come with any furnishing not even running water but you will have the ocean right outside your window a fully furnished wooden house will cost you around 4 to $500 a month if you want to buy your own home than expect to spend between two and ten thousand dollars for ten thousand you can build a fine two-story cinderblock home that will be strong and sturdy mm we'll get you a small wooden home albeit one that is fully equipped Mauritius Africa is all about the exotic and Mauritius is exotic in spades here you'll find ocean beaches jungles mountains and waterfalls the nature on this island is incredible it is lush and tropical but without the heat summer temperatures only reaching maximum of 30 degrees Celsius Mark Twain claims that when God created heaven he took mauritius as a model he got it just right Mauritius really is a slice of heaven on earth and it is quite inexpensive with the right budgeting you'll spend no more than $500 a month renting a two room apartment not far from the beach is possible for around $200 food will cost another 200 leisure outings might cost another hundred but that is all there is to your expenses incidentally you don't even need to spend money on fruit bananas coconuts guava and mango trees grow here along the streets just like Oaks or maples in other countries on a mango then just reach out and pick one Vietnam is your only image of Vietnam the Rambo films it shouldn't be half a century has passed and now Vietnam is a modern country safe and convenient unspoiled beaches warm water and excellent level of services and an unbelievable range of things to see what more do you need to unwind accommodation can be rented here for around $200 a month for this amount you can get a small apartment with all amenities in a quiet neighborhood if you want comfortable lodgings near the beach you can expect to pay around 300 to $350 shopping for food here is very cheap there's an enormous range of vegetables exotic fruit and seafood if you love to cook then you will spend no more than a dollar per day per person don't like standing by the stove that head for a local restaurant Vietnam cuisine resembles Chinese but is fresher and spicier the main staples are fruits vegetables fish and chicken Vietnamese food is delicious nutritious and if it matters to you not heavy on calories a full meal and a simple Vietnamese eatery will cost you around three to four dollars each day and it'll be healthy eating Street food available in Vietnam includes soups rice seafood and other healthy things even with the local equivalent of the hamburger you'll get an abundance of different vegetables one should be cautious about the water however the water from the tap is only for bathing and washing clothes it would be best to avoid it even for brushing teeth buy bottled water and ensure that the seal is still intact Georgia no not the one in the American southeast Georgia is a small country on the Black Sea coast and it's distinguished by warm summer's and mild but snowy winters in Georgia you can both lounge on the beach and go skiing you will also find ancient churches healing Springs and excellent wines an apartment in Georgia can be rented for $150 a month for this amount you can get small but comfortable lodgings with all the amenities you can cook for yourself but we recommend the local eateries Georgian cuisine is considered one of the best in the former USSR vegetables cheeses herbs and spicy meat and of course line could you really say no to all that lunch and a restaurant will run you ten dollars but be careful the local people really like to eat and therefore the portions are enormous don't order several dishes at once right away because you probably won't be capable of finishing them all if you decide to cook for yourself then a liter of milk costs one dollar a kilo of potatoes 25 cents chicken 250 cheese $4 and peaches 50 cents a bottle of the excellent local wine can be had for eight dollars not bad right Nepal Nepal is at the heart of Asia and a spiritual center for Buddhism and Hinduism when you arrive here you immerse yourself in an ancient culture monks and Yogi's religious renunciants and temples if you're fond of Eastern philosophy then you should book your ticket for Nepal posthaste even for those who are not it is still a must visit country do you want to see Everest the highest mountain in the world is located right here in Nepal an apartment in a modern multi-story building can be rented for around 150 to 200 dollars a month if you need a cheaper option then look to a hostel just $70 a month and a bet is yours along with a shared kitchen bathroom and common area with rather undependable Wi-Fi for food you'll spend approximately $150 a month if you're prepared to cook for yourself believe us when we say that this is the most reasonable option the local cuisine is only for some as the Nepalese dishes are simple and sometimes even primitive they're based on various kinds of rice with chicken and a few vegetables truly only a few because harvests in Nepal are poor fish and other seafood is costly indeed and alcohol more expensive still the local people are very friendly and open they're always keen to help and guide a lost visitor but when it comes to money expect no mercy Nepalese are convinced that every tourist is a walking money bag prices for locals and for foreigners can differ by a magnitude of 2 or 3 consequently be sure to bargain hard oh I almost forgot if you visit Nepal definitely buy a sweater or a scarf made from cashmere the knitwear there is 100% natural and made by hand and unbelievably cheap Peru did you know that both hummingbirds and penguins are found in Peru there are also condors the largest birds in the world or perhaps you don't care so much about birds in that case what about surfing diving skiing trekking traveling through ancient Inca cities in Peru you'll never be bored a comfortable apartment in the capital can be had for around $400 a month but a bed in a hostel double room will cost just $200 if you choose to rent accommodation outside the Central Districts then it's possible to get by on $100 a month the average cost of dining in a simple eatery for locals is around $2 per person in a restaurant for tourists you would already spending $15 but again note that these are prices for the capital in more rural settings you can stuff yourself with food for just one dollar a day and believe us you will love it the local cuisine is incredibly delicious a sort of Spanish indigenous fusion the most popular dish is ceviche ie marinated fish with vegetables if you visit Peru you must try it here guinea pigs are eaten as well though we don't recommend trying that unless you might be the sort of person who seeks out exotic thrills and then you should take the chance Bolivia Bolivia is a close cousin to Peru offering a similar climate culture attractions and prices these two countries are even side-by-side on the map a month in Bolivia will run you the same 400 to 500 dollars the local cuisine is delicious albeit a bit greasy there's a lot of fried meat as well as fried potatoes and even the soup might contain fried vegetables a simple meal at an ordinary eatery will cost around three dollars you can even get a serving of stew for just 30 cents and though it might be heavy and not especially good for you it will still be inexpensive and filling good local wines cost four to five dollars for a bottle rum costs up to ten dollars if it's an ordinary brand while a premium rum aged for twenty years can cost sixty now you know what kind of souvenir you should bring back from Bolivia Romania Count Dracula really existed granted he was not a count but a prince and his real name was Vlad Tepes Dracula was a sort of nickname that he acquired depicted on the Tepes family crest was a dragon Dracula in Romanian do you find this intriguing and want to learn more than head for Romania you can spend here $500 a month max but you will enjoy a myriad of memorable moments why 500 just do the math renting accommodation will cost between 100 and 300 dollars a month for 300 you can get a good studio apartment in a major city it might not be in a posh neighborhood but it will not be down market either and it will be at a solid mid-range level if you want to head for more provincial locales that you won't need to spend more than 100 bucks a month on accommodation food will run you another 100 to 150 dollars the local cuisine is fantastic and resembles Italian Turkish or Greek food many dishes have traditionally been prepared over an open flame the grilled meats cheeses and wines are especially good a bottle of wine can be had for just $5 if you decide to cook for yourself things will get even cheaper for example a liter of milk costs $1 a kilo of boneless chicken 450 a dozen eggs $2 cheese 5 and potatoes 50 cents you must try the local toy this is the local fruit brandy though its alcohol strength can be up to 60% also try the local garlicky sausages meat just in case the myth of Dracula proves to be no myth at all Montenegro Montenegro is like Romania only without the spooky gothic touch though you will find castles here as well people are drawn to Montenegro for other things however namely its beaches on the Adriatic Sea its mountain resorts diving and paragliding opportunities and trekking this country offers leisure opportunities in abundance if you want to settle in at a resort town you will need to spend minimum $20 a day on accommodation in high seasons this figure will be 50 bucks or more however in the rest of the country at a distance from the sea you can rent an apartment for 100 to 150 dollars a month set aside another 200 bucks for food and you can already start booking your ticket Sri Lanka at first we wanted to talk about go ah but then we thought why everyone knows about Goa so let us tell you instead about Sri Lanka moreover this country has the greatest advantage of being comfortable year-round it has less rainfall and higher temperatures especially on the East Coast in addition Sri Lanka is a much cleaner country and the level of services is higher a room right by the sea can be rented for around $200 a month and for that you will get some minimal furnishings and bed linens the kitchen fridge and bathroom will be shared used by both the owner and the tenants note that in such lodgings you are likely to have neighbors ie other tourists you won't find the amenities that any American would expect in cheap rentals either there is no hot water or air conditioning and for a bottle of butane to cook with they'll try to charge you an additional fee a comfortable room with all the amenities will start at $400 a month such a guesthouse will also provide an air-conditioner washing machine and other blessings of modern civilization but the beach will still be just a five-minute walk away the further your accommodation is from the sea however the lower the price food items in Sri Lanka are cheap but there's something to be aware of when locals see a tourist they immediately raise the price several times higher so what can you do about this visit a cheap supermarket and look at the prices write them down in a notebook if you need to this will serve as your guide for prices in the market place will never be higher than in a shop if the seller is demanding more then you're being swindled here are the prices themselves one pineapple goes for a dollar three or four coconuts can be had for one dollar as well potatoes and papaya costs seventy cents per kilo yes in Sri Lanka these all cost about the same boneless chicken costs around three bucks while a kilo of rice costs only 50 cents yogurt made with buffalo milk will cost you around one dollar fifty cents for a leader it is very tasty and nutritious and we highly recommended a kilo of the freshest big shrimp costs $10 and a kilo of mahi-mahi cost 6 bucks as you can see it is entirely possible to live on just 100 bucks a month you can even splurge a little lingo for seafood finally let us point out that the expenses we mentioned our minimal ones that is they refer to the simplest accommodation the simplest dining out and no activities in any of these countries you can always choose to rent high-end lodgings eat at fancy restaurants and go on commercial tours in that case $500 will not be enough at all the luxuries of life must be paid for we hope you enjoyed this video which place would you like to visit let us know in the comments and if you liked the video be sure to subscribe and turn on notifications so you will be the first to know when a new video arrives thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: MAD LAB
Views: 2,597,482
Rating: 4.7147522 out of 5
Keywords: top 10, cheapest countries in the world, budget travel, cheapest countries, cheapest, cheapest places to live, cheapest places to travel, travel, tourism, 10 cheapest countries in the world, exotic countries, countries, cheap, top ten, top10, most amazing top 10, most amazing top ten, top 10 list, 10, facts, mad lab
Id: pApAqfFr_Mw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 04 2019
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