Whacky SPLIT Head effect / Davinci Resolve Tutorial / Fusion

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hey guys William Justice here on DaVinci Resolve infusion and today we're going to experiments with Fusion a little bit of masking and see what we can do and take a look at and see what's inside my head wanting to make for a while um I did it I did it a while back but I wanted to make it a little bit better I thought there was more I could do with it some experimentation and we're going to dive into fusion and see if we can make something interesting now to get this effect to work we're going to be masking out my head my body and we're going to be placing that on the background and we're going to take the head and shift it up like that and we're going to want to be able to see what's behind my head and since I'm blocking it out we need to get a clean plate of what's behind me to start out you need to make sure that you have the camera and manual focus so you can see when I get closer it's going to be a little bit blurrier I don't use manual focus a lot but hopefully I got it pretty close um well I guess we'll actually want to load up the video so what I'm going to do is I'm going to step out of frame and we're going to get the Clean Plate behind me so that when we take my head and shift it around we'll be able to see the background if you're enjoying this video and you want to learn how to do these effects for other effects um please like And subscribe I really I really appreciate everyone's support if you have any comments or questions please let me know I'd love to hear from you let's dive in we're going to start slicing up my head and see how we can create this kind of an effect to set up the split head effect I have two clips here I have the clip of I have a clip where I'm looking around and you'll notice my head is moving a little bit unfortunately it's really hard to move your eyes around and not move your head try it sometime it's not so easy anyway so we're going to do some we're going to do some stabilization to fix that so the Clipper I'm looking around is on top and I'm going to disable that and then we have a clean plate underneath so we'll be able to move my head around and see what's behind my head all right let's get into Fusion we're going to right click on the top clip and say new Fusion clip and get into Fusion all right you'll see my head is moving around so the first thing we're going to do is stabilize that okay we'll click off the nodes and hit control space and type in planar tracker take the output of media in one and put it into the planar tracker two so we can see the planer tracker in the viewer let's make sure we're on the first frame and we're just going to draw a shape around my head and this is the it's going to track everything inside of this shape in the inspector let's set it to hybrid Point area the motion type is translation rotation and scale and then we're gonna hit the track forward button and select the planer tracker and we're going to hit create planar transform and we're going to move that off to the side so we're going to use this in just a second so in the planer tracker we're going to set the operation type to steady and you'll notice that once we do that you'll see the the image shifts around you can see we have a border on the left it kind of moves around and it's keeping my head steady and it's moving everything else around it so what this means is we can apply the effect right where my head is and we're not going to have to do any animations or keyframing on the effects they're just going to stay right where we want them let's take the output of the planer tracker and put it into the planar transform and then we're going to take that and put it into the media out so we're basically bypassing what we had before this one is going to stabilize and steady the image and this one's going to reapply the motion so that the media out is going to look like the original but we're going to apply the effects inside of this area right here so that they're going to be stabilized next let's use the magic mask to mask out my head and body so we're going to go to the first frame with the planar tracker selected hit control space and type in Magic mask now you could use regular masking to do this but I have the studio version which does have magic mask so I'm going to go ahead and use it it's a little bit easier saves a touch of time but you can also do this with regular masking and we're just going to draw a line right on my body there put the magic mask in the viewer and you'll see it kind of selected it and we're going to hit track forward and it's going to go through each of the frames and pick out where my head and body are all right now that we have that tracked we're going to split it right across my head using a couple of Mac control nodes so hit control space and type in matte control and we'll add that in and let's add one more okay so we have both of these we're going to take let's move this down a little bit I'm going to take the output of the magic mask and put it into each of the Mac control nodes and we just need to do some masking on those so outside of the mat control we're going to add a transform node on each of them and this is going to allow us to move everything okay let's do a little bit of masking we're going to create a bitmap mask to cut out the top and bottom portions of this image click in the node area and type in bitmap and then into the bitmap we're going to add a rectangle mask and put it into the yellow input we're going to put that in viewer one so we've got that black and white area there's quite a few different ways to do this but we're just going to use a real quick garbage mat let's take the output of the bitmap and put it into the gray garbage mat input of the mat control and you'll see it kind of cut out that area so let's go to the bitmap and we're just going to invert it by clicking the invert and we've selected that part of the image so look with the rectangle now move this out and move that down and this is going to be the bottom part now I what I did was I made it a little bit bigger stretched it out cut it right through where my forehead is adjusted the angle a little bit to kind of get it to line up a little bit better we'll move it down okay right in there so that's where we're going to split the head now the next thing we're going to all we need to do is the top part now so let's use another bitmap and we're going to take the rectangle into this bitmap take the top bitmap and put it into the gray input on the mat control for the garbage mat and let's put that in viewer two and there you go so we have the top of my head isolated and the bottom isolated we're going to do a little bit more in there but this is just kind of getting started the we're going to add a couple of merge nodes in here move this over a bit so we're going to disconnect this right here and we're just going to put in a background node and we're going to merge those two we're going to merge the top and the bottom on top of this background put it into the planer tracker and we're going to add a couple of merge nodes the bottom half which is right here we're going to put it into the first merge node and the top half we're going to put it into the second and let's take a look at the output and with the background we're going to go ahead and take the alpha all the way down so now we can independently move the top and bottom halves we've got this half right here so now we're going to do we're going to use an ellipse to kind of put the cut out where my head is so let's move this down a little bit and that's going to sit right on top here so to do this we're going to add another merge right in between here I'm going to take a background node and just kind of put a color on it for now so we can see where it is let's take an ellipse mask and put that into the blue input and then we're going to take the background to and put it into this merge node and it's going to be sitting on top right there so now we just need to adjust the lips ellipse mask let's adjust the angle a little bit to kind of match up with what we had with the rectangle next I just put a border around it to give it a little bit of depth let's move this over we got one more merge coming in here this is we're going to put the border into this so we're going to take the ellipse and copy it and we're going to paste an instance which is Ctrl shift V we're going to take another background node we're going to de-instance the solid check box and we're going to de-instance the Border width and we'll put that into the background and put it into viewer one I'm going to select background and viewer one now we're going to adjust the Border width and uncheck solid bring the Border down a bit and then we're going to take this background and merge it right on top and let's take a look so there we go we kind of have a border where the cutout is let's make it a little bit thinner and we're going to adjust the color click this eyedropper and pick one of the colors off my from my skin to kind of make it match a little bit let's make it a little bit thinner move the Border width down a bit and the last thing I did is I actually added a shadow on it so you select background three and type in drop shadow and we're going to adjust the strength and there's the angle take the blur down so you can kind of see it let's adjust the angle so it's kind of right in here move the distance down and we've got a little Shadow there add some blur it kind of gives it gives it a little bit of depth there's different ways to play with this but this is kind of just a real quick way to do it so you notice that the drop shadow kind of goes outside of my outside of this line on top of my head so we just need to mask that off so all we're going to do is let's take the original ellipse mask and put it into the mask input of the drop shadow and it's only going to have the effect apply inside of this mask right here and once this is set up we can adjust this as much as we want sometimes you need to adjust the height to get the correct perspective height width and angle you want it to kind of go to the we're pretty much where the edge of your head is so bring it down a little bit and widen it out it's close enough and let's make this background we're going to make this kind of a white the next part is we need to add that curve of that mask right back into the top of my head so that it fits you'll notice that when let's bring it good and bring that down and we'll go to our transform nodes and we'll reset this one and we'll reset this transform to and you notice it doesn't fit so what we need to do is take the original ellipse and just kind of bring it back up right where we want it in between that Gap so let's uh I'm going to move the top half up again and we're going to put that ellipse right right up in there and all we got to do is select the ellipse and adjust the Y position take the top part and reset it and you'll see that we have that that part right there so we need to add this ellipse mask into the top mask so it includes the bottom part of my forehead right above my eyes okay so to put that little curve in there let's uh take a look at the big picture here what we're going to do is we're going to go to the ellipse copy it and we're going to bring it right up in here hit Ctrl shift V to paste an instance and we just need to stick it right in between here in between the rectangle and the bitmap at the top so let's take a look at what the rectangle mask looks like right there take this ellipse I'm going to drag it right in between here and the bitmap so you can see we have that little bump in the bitmap right there in this case we wanted to actually cut out so with the garbage mat the black part is actually what's being included so let's take a look at the matte control the Mac control is here and we'll put the bitmap right there so we need to do is take this ellipse and we're going to say we're just going to subtract it you'll see it just cut out right where the ellipse is and when we look at our mask over here the matte control you can see it has the curve where the top part of my head fits into the bottom so let's take a look at the end result here and all we need to do is take the transform node and we can just kind of drop it down right on top and there we go so to do the effect all I did was I animated this popping up and you can shift it over and do whatever you want now when I did the other one where it split the head into two pieces that got really crazy complicated I'm not really a very organized person um so it ended up looking like this let me show you okay there you go it's kind of crazy it took me a little bit to get it figured out hurt my brain Just a Touch um but I was able to get everything wired up and work the way I wanted to okay let's go back to one uh one viewer we're gonna put my head inside my head I'll just show you how I did that real quick really you can put anything you want to in there all you need to do is put it right in here with a merge node so we can take a merge this in here and which let's add a shape real quick so you can kind of see how this works we had a star and a render we'll put that right into the merge it sits right on top of there so um once this is set up this is where the overlays are going to go to get the stuff inside my head to look like it's coming out we just need to add a quick mask we'll put it right around the edge of my head part here and then it can be however big you want and we'll close it up we'll take the output of this mask and put it into the merge and we'll adjust this transform here so now it looks like the star if we move it it's coming out of my head now this is set up we can really put whatever we want to inside there so we'll take the top part of my head and we'll move it out of the way a little bit so I did some animations here where you can kind of I move this around you could adjust it to change the angle um do lots of things here but let's get rid of this star here and take the output of the magic mask which is basically my head and we're going to put it right into this transform here and adjust the size and angle bring the size down a little bit and move it over and then we can bring it oh use the transform to bring it up and down and we have my head inside my head so you can really put whatever you want to in here there's a lot of things you can do with the the shadowing and shading to make it look a little bit better but these are just the basics some basic masking where you use the bitmap nodes with the Mac control nodes to mask stuff out and let's go back to the timeline and you can see it's overlaying on top of the Clean Plate so when we so everything that is not my body is actually The Clean Plate from behind so we're able to see through where my head is thanks so much for watching if you're enjoying my videos make sure that you like and subscribe any questions comments or feedback leave them down in the comments I would love to hear from you talk to you soon
Channel: William Justice
Views: 2,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Video Effects, Davinci, Davinci Resolve, Davinci Resolve 16, Fusion, Davinci Fusion, Tutorial, Filmmaking, Effects, tips, tricks, davinci resovle tips, william justice
Id: mdTdBfrPGs8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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