IMPOSSIBLE Shape that Saved Massive TECH Company / Davinci Resolve Tutorial / Fusion / Possiblly

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this magic shape may have saved a Tech Giant from complete collapse and going out of business you're probably thinking to yourself how is that possible well after they started using this shape their stock price skyrocketed what is this shape why do so many companies use it and how can you create it in denture resolve let's make something great and talk about squirel hey guys William Justice here that's right this shape is called a squirkle or some people might call it a super ellipse it's not a regular rounded rectangle it's something completely different it's a much more natural organic and modern shape it's a cross between a square and a circle squirkle if you look closely you'll see a gradual change in the corner radius as opposed to your regular rounded rectangle or a rounded square with the corner radius and if you continue the rounding you're going to eventually get a circle the corners on the squirkle can be really subtle or very rounded depending on the shape you're going for so do you have any idea how to create this shape and eventure resolve it's not really easy I've created a new effect that makes it super easy to use squirel in your animations and video projects you can download the squirkle shape effect from my website bujus I recently reorganized the website so hopefully the effects are a lot easier for you to find um they're all available on the homepage categorized by different types so after I show you how to use this new effect that I created um we're going to take a look at some of the different companies and how they're using the squirkle shape and we're going to talk about how the squirkle may have saved a giant tech company from complete collapse I guarantee you know the company very well we're also going to jump into Fusion I'm going to take you a little bit behind the scenes and show you how I created the effect I think there's some really interesting techniques for you to learn um in how the squirkle was set up and how I built it including some options I did to make it really easy to customize and adjust the shape to add a squirkle click the effects tab you can choose to add a squirkle shape or you can apply the squirkle as an effect let's start with the effects open up effects William Justice and click on shapes and you'll see there's a squirkle shape to apply it to a clip all you need to do is take the effect and drag it onto the clip and we've turned the clip into a squirkle let's go through some of the options over here here on the right hand side click the inspector to open up the inspector with the options and make sure that the effects tab is clicked the first setting lets us adjust the shape of the squirkle we can make it more square or more rounded a little bit later in the video when we get into Fusion I'm going to show you how I set this up with the shape it's kind of interesting U what I did here to make this customizable you can adjust the size and blend of the inner part of the squirkle you can move it around so let's make it a little bit smaller maybe we want to put it in the lower right hand side we're going to take it and move it over with the position here let's go ahead and put a background behind this so you can kind of see what what we have okay so I've added a background um behind the squirkle let's do it let's go let's go through a few more customization options make sure the uh make sure the clip is selected and we're in the effects area this was the position we can also adjust the angle and then you can also adjust the image position within the squirkle and you can use the size and position to adjust this as well and last option is is for the Border there's a border blend we can we can adjust the Border size then there's a border position and length and also rotate the border and if you want to adjust the Border color you can use the option down here so if we wanted to set up to a gradient there's also an option for the Border size you can kind of make it a little bit bigger or smaller to create some interesting effects let me zoom in here okay now let's check out the squirkle shapes these are going to be shapes that you can just add on top of things let's go back to the effects area and we're going to open up generators William Justice shapes and you'll see we have a regular squirkle shape so we can drop this on it works similar to the other one we can adjust the roundedness adjust the size add in a border adjust the Border blend you can see we have a border now set the Border color and we can also adjust the shape color within here so we move this one over to the side a little bit let's take a look at this other one this just squirkle extra so what you're going to see is when we get into Fusion you're going to see how these squirel are made and they're made with some curves and we if we stretch those curves a little bit further than the squirkle wants to go we get some really interesting effects let's take this one down here and stretch it out so it looks just like the other one except we can take the shape and move it a little bit further and infusion you're going to see this is pulling out the handles for the curves a little bit further past where the squir goes do the same thing adjust the size and in this one let's bring up the border and we're going to take down the shape blend so all we see is the border and make it uh let's make it white so we can kind of see what's going on here and we got these interesting shapes so this is the just squirkle extra if you're enjoying my videos make sure that you like subscribe and comment below to let me know how I'm doing always enjoy your feedback and questions okay so what company may have been saved by the squirkle it's Up For Debate but on September 13th 2013 Apple computer Corporation released iOS 7 this was a major change in their IOS operating system for their iPhone Apple dramatically changed the design of their home screen including their icons one of the subtle changes to the icons was that they removed the standard Corner radius with hard rigid edges and they replaced it with a little bit of softer rounded squirkle shapes and this gave the iOS 7 icons a slightly more modern organic and natural look so did the squirel have apple honestly who knows they could have tanked and gone out of business if they would have kept the old dull standard rounded rectangles but without a doubt if you take a look at the stock price it's clear that ever since they introduced iOS 7 with the squirkle their stock price has skyrocketed so I'm going to say yes go squirkle it's possible this small little bitty change tricked us all into giving Apple a bunch more money so where else you can to find squirel if you take a look around they're everywhere you see them in graphic design physical products I iPhone Android app icons Android phones SmartWatches all kinds of products for instance check out the Instagram logo okay we know a little bit more about squires now um you can download the effect from my website so you can create them in your projects let's open up fusion and I'm going to show you a a few of the tricks that I did to create this effect okay here we are in Fusion we're going to set up some squircles now stick with me here um this is a little bit different it may seem a little bit complex but I really think there's a lot to learn here um there may be a better way to set it up but this is how I ended up doing it so we're going to start out with a background node and we're going to connect that to the medi out it's a good starting point we got a black background to make the squirel we need curved edges to do that we're going to use a polygon node now we could use the polygon mask node which would work but the shape polygon ends up working a lot better because it's um its aspect ratio is 1: one so it's going to be easier to set up our curves click in the node area hit control space and type S polygon and this is our polygon node with that selected control space and S render and that's our polygon we're going to take that and put it into the background now this is the place where we would we could draw our polygon so if we click on the polygon we can click our points um this just show you how it works and to that's that that would be a basic polygon and we can highlight the points and click this button right here to smooth them all out and we get these handles and this is where we could take it and you could drag these out to create something that looks like a squirkle but it's really difficult to get it exact because there's no way to set the exact distances on these handles um at least that I couldn't find it so we're going to have to do a trick to do that I'll show you that in a second um these points aren't really evenly spaced so let's let's clear this out and we're going to create something that's a better starting point so we're going to get the poly polygon we're going to reset it we'll right click in the viewer and do polygon one polyline and choose create and we're going to create an ellipse and we give it an initial width and height and hit okay and there we go we have an ellipse if we highlight all these points all the handles are the exact same spacing so let's take this click this icon here to select all the points and we're going to drag it so that this thing is pretty close to the center it's going to make it a little bit easier to do what we want to do to do this obviously we would want to take these handles and stretch them out if you hit hold the shift key you can get a vertical Direction here hit shift and it's going to be horizontal you can't bend it the other way so we could do this try to get these all even and spacing right but it's still pretty difficult decent approximation so what we're going to do is we're going to put up some guidelines that are going to help us out um this is just to do with the manual way but there's a better way where we can get the exact stuff I'm going to show you that in just a second so let's do another another shape node we going to do a S rectangle and S render we're going to take the rectangle and bring the width all the way down that so we're going to create some guides that are going to help us out to do it to do it this um this manual way and we're going to take this offset we're going to move it over then outside of this render we're going to add a mirror we have a mirrored line and we're going to take these mirrors take the output of the mirrors and merge it right on top of the output of this merge 2 and we're going to rotate that by 90° and check that out we have a grid that we can use to do this now you see that the um it looks like it's a little bit closer down here than it is up here so that means that our our polygon is not centered so we're going to select the polygon again select all the points and try to get it in here pretty close so that's fairly close now now that we have these guides in place we select the polygon and do this say we can maybe stretch this all the way out to that point right there so I'm just trying to stretch it out to the edge of where those guides are if you wanted it smaller or bigger you could change these guides as well and we'll do this last one down here click this point holding shift and we can stretch grab the handle and stretch it out and we'll disable the let's see let's go take a look and it's not quite right so we we could you could keep messing with this with these guides to try to get it closer if you needed to yeah okay you can see this one right here we didn't stretch that one out enough we missed it so put that in there okay let's make a better squirkle we're going to try to get a little more precise and have a lot more control over the way it looks so what we're going to do is we're going to go to the first frame go to frame zero right click in the node area hit control space and search for S polygon so we're going use another polygon and we're going to add a render node and connect that up we don't need this anymore so let's go ahead and view for so we need to create a polygon and we're going to use the rightclick menu to set up a polygon that's that's the exact proportions so we're going to right click near the center click polygon 2 right click near the center choose the polyline create ellipse and we're going to set the default width and height now we have something that's pretty close and highlight all the points and drag it to where it's close to the center we need it to be centered to get our adjustments the way we want them that's fairly close but we want to make it exact so so what we're going to do is we're going to click on the polygon 2 and copy it now we're going to open up a text editor I'm going to use Windows notepad there's a lot of different text editors you can use but notepad works great and we're going to paste it in now this is the fusion code for this animation you'll see here the key frames on frame zero we have these points here so each one of these X and Y points corresponds to the X and Y points from our polygon so we have four points right there and these are the four points so we're just going to edit this to get them exactly the way we want you'll see here that this x is .12 and the Y is this is this really really small number so this is really effectively zero so this point this point is negative 0.12 and zero so what we're going to do is we're just going to hand edit it to make sure it's right there's other way you can do this if you publish the points but this is a really quick way to do it so we're going to make this everything that's close to 12 I'm going to make it 12 everything that's really small I'm going to make it zero do it for all the points and last one we'll make that .12 so let's play with these handles here this point right here is 0 and .12 so that is going to be it's a 0.6 so let's make this um 2.6 this ends up being a real small number with the E minus 18 so a lot of decimal points down so we're going to hit zero out that we're going to make this one. 26 this is another small number so we're going to make that zero and we're going to leave this one the way it is so let's go take a look at what happened when we took this handle and moved it you can see right here this handle moved way up here so we basically with this file we have control over the exact positioning of these handles there may be another way to do this um from the user interface but I couldn't find it so I just went ahead and handed the files to be able to make these exactly the way I wanted them so we're going to go through and anything I'm going to make this um 07 for all of these like that so I'm just going to go through anything anything that's close to z0 anything that's close to 7 I'm going to make it 7 okay let's copy this and we're going to replace this polygon paste it in and take a look at it so basically this is what we had before so let's start playing with some of these handle values and see see if we can create something interesting I'm just going to do a search for place for 07 and make it 0.57 all right let's uh let's copy this and paste it in get rid of polygon 2 and put in our new polygon 2 with the adjusted points and put it into the render and let's see what we get all right we get this crazy crazy shape here so what's going on here is the handles have been pulled really really far let's go ahead and select all the points you can see these handles have been pulled way out and that's caused us to create this shape so what we really need to do is be able to adjust these handles all at the same time to create the shapes we want now there's not really an easy way to do that but there there's a trick and a workaround so what we're going to do is we're going to use some key frames to do this all right and let's go to like frame U say 160 there and all we got to do is take one of these little points and grab it and what we what we're going to be doing here is it's going to be adding a key frame for us at this Frame so let's copy the polygon 2 and go back to our notepad and paste in the update and look at this at 160 we have a new a new entry all right so we have the key Fram we have the points at frame zero and the points at frame 160 let's just adjust the points at frame 160 to do that all we got to do is copy paste going to copy these four points and we're going to paste them into the points for frame 160 and let's adjust the handle so everywhere it says 057 we're just going to take that down to zero it's going to be transition from the handle 0.57 to zero kind of play with these to figure out what worked copy this we're going to select all and copy it and let's paste it into resolve and see what happens check that out there we go so we it starts out kind of crazy like that and I'm going to go ahead and put these hand show the handle so you can kind of see what happens here so we set up a transition from these big handles to basically no handle so that's going to be a real sharp edge and watch what happens as we play the animation so effectively what we've done is we've set up a composition where we're able to adjust the position of the handle based on time shape the as we play the animation the polygon is changing shape so there we got kind of our squirkle shape and then we get a little bit crazy and this is where we could um select the polygon uncheck the border and give a little border width okay now that we have this how do we control it what we can do is outside of this s render 3 we can use a Time speed node so hit control space and TCH and search search for time speed all we need to do is set the uh let's view merge for four on the time speed we're going to set the speed to zero so basically it's not going to let anything H let anything go and adjust the delay so basically it's holding the first the delayed frame and to adjust this we just can change which frame we want to look at from the animation sequence so this is how I set it up we're able to get those exact curves and control them um like I said there may be there may be another way to do this I couldn't find it so if you if you know of something let me know because I'd be kind of curious if there's a way to set this up and that's an animation so that's basically how I did it um I did I did some hand editing and set up some key frames and use a Time spe not to let you select which frame that you want to view the uh the squirkle on okay guys thanks so much for watching I hope you enjoyed it I hope you're on team squirkle if you download the effect and use it for something interesting in one of your projects uh let me know I'd like to see what you're doing with it thanks so much for watching if you're enjoying my videos make sure that you like subscribe and comment below and I got more is cominging soon I got a bunch of things lined up just got to get them out and I'll talk to you soon
Channel: William Justice
Views: 2,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Video Effects, Davinci, Davinci Resolve, Davinci Resolve 16, Fusion, Davinci Fusion, Tutorial, Filmmaking, Effects, tips, tricks, davinci resovle tips, william justice
Id: qalzt1jnQ2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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