Extreme WAVE of LAVA Floods Minecraft!

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the floor is lava and so is our entire minecraft server every house every where there's gushing lava now we have to escape to safety and try to fight the love witch who might be dangerous will we save our server why is everything on fire good question oh wait a minute everything's on fire which means everything is destroyed okay the floor is lava okay yeah I can see it's lava must be very careful all right the unicorn get to the unicorns down and it's stable where I have it I got this I got this watch watch watch watch the top okay Bam and then BAM dance I know right [Music] are you back yeah sorry about that it's okay it's okay alright so we ought to get you gotta get my unicorn to safety all right a safe place alright so I'm just gonna I'm just gonna ride around um you know what I'll take point I'll make sure that we get up safely so um be careful alright you got it I have a good solution I don't know this will work I'm gonna give this strong uh alright here you can take these I got this I know what I'm gonna do yeah I know I know right so smart but just hate burnin lava look look we don't we don't question alright we just just do it alright come on horse okay come on horse let's go alright I think I got her makes you say the corns going up oh all right finally alright she's here she's here I'm gonna I'm gonna do what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna get right here oh my god gunfire I'm sure here to safety because I don't want to drag her along in this lava okay Oh imma leave you here well I'm gonna do here imma leave me right here okay alright babe there we go there we go you stay here you stay here with Zames big dummy up are you okay yes are you okay are you dead [Laughter] what baby have you destroyed today okay alright okay alright where are you I hear your voice I don't see you oh oh okay alright we're gonna go to your house just make sure piers you're not on fire are you I mean my wife and then I died and then I spot back in my bed surrounded by more death last time that I built a house out of out of wood you know what from now on it's all copper okay alright a stranded Pierce yeah exactly and you know what I'm glad that all my valuables are at least safe over there got all the most we're gonna need to use these valuables in order to save him alright yeah yeah that's fine just just make a block plus a lot of my life savings out of here okay so you care more about your life savings or your life this is minecraft you can do anything hey can I use my arrow oh you know thirty thousand dollars with the gold wow you can't worry about golden Christa's impression you're good at jumping on things no oh no it's okay I've always been hot so which what are you pranked by house to do this huh I'm good I'm good I think I'm good okay I think you're right you got one of them tempur-pedic's oh my god yeah with the put the flame resistant covers great you know what I'm gonna help you I am so good at jumping on things I'm going to give you the hot oh there's no way this is gonna end well but I will give it my best you go you can shoot it over my noise you will tell the fort over there okay if not yeah Park for the other way okay oh okay all right mister alright mr. Park or maybe I'll just throw one almost worked okay if you're safe you're fine all right okay I got on fire hold on I'll give you one more walk here we go right yeah no that was gonna be okay guys the video and it's not just hot in here be sure to leave a like and maybe subscribe that would be awesome thanks I'll get out of here don't worry I think come on you guys take forever but you got this please put out the fire I don't like it anymore good okay hey mostly there almost every you guys make it in no time I was made - yeah I know how are you doing down there I'm coming looks a little spicy it's a little spicy don't worry alright guys we're all together all of us are together oh wait so this is happening everywhere usually your sale just goes this is white house just catches fire and then everybody laughs so I know that we're always in even the flowers pretty but say my head oh my god what do you say you said come join them so we got I guess okay why would he do something like this this this is a huge thing no he told you this why you named Ian okay are you blaming all Ian's that what I'm hearing huh I'm doing all eyez survivors this is uh quite the predicament we found our world and huh indeed indeed but not to worry I knew something like this would happen someday how he knew you hear he listened to me okay what's up why he did this you didn't usually probably did this okay either that or he's just Ober paranoid cuz all sorts of bad fine what was your point he probably did this keep an eye out from him all right don't trust him totally back step okay all right just any of you ever all right what do you want them us so yes this definitely fits into a back-up plan number 476 but not to worry I have prepared for this day I got I got supplies for us all I got tools I got food you know you want some bread I baked so many bright attacks you took to me the other day we have to go somewhere safe okay you're right app now I do you have some more safe I - I've been preparing for this since day one I paid one you prepared for nothing oh well it's just it's lava everywhere remember that's for situation 282 calm down and yes I know you've seen this bunker before but not this bunker follow me of course so situation 282 in the entire world whoa guys oh my god that was bouncing welcome to my completely stoned in lava proof underground bunker yes here lies it you are welcome for the bread and the tools and the everything you see all these furnaces these ovens I baked so much bread I need some stone does nothing in here or like little like cobble blocks by coming oh oh yes I gave you some supplies already but sure here here's a few you know I think your bunker might be the safest place actually on the server right now you didn't trust him I mean it's kind of look but I ask you it's really that you're not sure it's really even though he can hear us right now we're just talking about how awesome this bunker is and we're all very appreciative right yeah I guess now I didn't get the chance to put in any electricity for like TV or games or anything but the big screen okay fine do we have to build in Minecraft you got two solenoids go faster all right don't join us in the love become stable okay okay yeah all right everything landing over a tools what do I have left I have a one loaf of bread that's all I have left you have a cool new seal that that was a waste of money right so what's our plan what are we gonna do once we get it get to the highest oh wait on the server all right the High Desert's and you make sure we have all our eggs huh guys [Music] just try to get it ass up out of all my plans are useless tell me to not break up oh my god you guys oh my goodness are you going take a look at your are the borrowed thanks guys we're wait a minute noise on your house I haven't seen that house before oh yeah over there I've been working on that one recently I'm like the amount of natural light also is your dog on fire there we use that we use ok landbridge there we go ok ok so far so good watch the front Barney's better I'll save you mr. puffers Oh mr. pumpers you're safe ok ok hi these are the basic yeah he's awesome like a good boy we just busted the glass like what should we do maybe yes ok one come on mr. Popper's let's go you gotta say I'm gonna pull him I'm gonna pull him this way tell me mutton to feed him [Applause] [Music] I stopped the evil oh my god okay all right no it's okay don't worry don't worry we vote our valuables everyone is satisfied let's get out of here let's go get our like wait wow you're not we are not satisfied you know why why well this is my fortress of solitude that's my home over there I can't leave my princess behind yeah I'll start trying to scope out where we're gonna go next I gotta I gotta get in there and save her oh the floor is literally lava I'm moving the block worse yet worse yeah she is in the kitchen she's in the kitchen okay all right so here here I'm coming precious I'm gonna get rid of this house your house is already gone I messed up on your fine dishes in China it's gone don't worry all right just like everything else that I planned for oh there she is my princess oh my god do we really like rifice ourselves for that there's a dog there's another dog why it's common in Kauai trance how so I have to go save it hold on oh we can get there here but you go here goes I'm gonna go see the dog look out my window oh my god you brought all the dog gotta say we don't heal it - dog stylist said not today not today where you guys left where is this dog it's on the corner of the house look at the roof I mean look at roof no I'm not time for stupid dog buns oh my god oh yeah I know it's really scary up here isn't it boy yeah I think I think very attractive my mutton I think we're okay everyone's plans went up in flames all right everything is dying all right I need a new pair of shoes oh my god magical creatures look how beautiful and scary and dangerous that is all the love that is terrifying it is incredibly terrifying from the edge like how do we move on from this okay this is the end of this hang on you said you had you had one unicorn right oh my god [Applause] I think you agree yeah bad news unicorns are not long proof well they stick up my baby you know I don't fly oh my god your cord then it's just a weird horde horse didn't wanted a baby unicorn all right come on baby you know quanto start a new life somewhere else okay
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 4,508,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft the floor is lava, the floor is hot lava Aphmau, Lava filled my minecraft world aphmau, aphmau minecraft, minecraft, aphmau, escaping from lava in minecraft, how to survive lava in minecraft, minecraft parkour challenge, parkour map, minecraft mods, minecraft challenges, minecraft lava, minecraft floor is lava aphmau, escaping hot lava aphmau, minecraft funny moments, minecraft no swears, minecraft lava challenge, lava world minecraft
Id: hqmlVVT7buY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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