We're TRAPPED In The BACKROOMS Of Minecraft!

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on this server one player stumbles upon the secret back rooms of minecraft now lost and alone she has to find a way out if there is one all right got some of this here and zayn how's it going going all right so far just about got everything i need to get my new build going how you doing half mal you're doing good doing good um gotta grab that there and okay just grab this uh and maybe clear a little bit of the leaves here yeah what not now aphmau just give me a second i almost got a full stack here what what what are you talking about i don't know where the issue is here no no no [Music] yeah well i would focus on something and it was ian's fault yeah yeah don't just seen how you ran you were so scared you're not scared how about another tnt i can handle what you put down [Laughter] you know what i appreciate that i really do appreciate that bro let's come down here and i'll show you how much i appreciate it oh no i'm not falling for that again you did you you got me the first three times you pulled me one shame on you pulled me huh uh what guys guys hey where'd they go where am i hello hello [Music] anyone here yeah this is so weird like hello sir sir hey hey where'd he go excuse me excuse me what the um okay uh that was really weird that looked like someone who might be able to help me but uh i don't want to go down that hall i'm gonna i think i can fit down there let's see something like this and uh oh i gotta hurry it's too small okay all right that's fine that's fine i got some potatoes i should be good this is just so weird huh look at you you're so cute i just want to take you home with me oh you just got a little bow tie and everything oh you're the cutest that's a weird noise for teddy bear to make huh oh hello very tall person [Music] oh okay all right i'm gonna get out of here okay i gotta get here i'm going this way no um don't see her over here either keep looking affo listen it's probably just a prank she's pulling calm down you ding that i wasn't distracted by your dumb pranks i would have seen where she went hey leave me alone something caught her out there i don't think what wait how about wow there she is i was so worried are you okay do you need something food water no no no no no no no there was a first place i went to and there were there were like yellow walls and and i couldn't find my way out and the lights were buzzing and the carpet was wet like remember that time we flooded ian's house as a prank and the carpet got wet and it's still wet yeah but besides that you know there was that went through this tree where we were over there and then wait hold on hold on hold on there was these yellow walls yeah yeah do you know it no i know nothing of it uh yeah i think i'm just gonna go home guys i'll just talk to you later that was really weird especially for zayn he walked away so stiff too like his arms didn't even move wait a minute i think he knows something about that place wait what place i'm gonna find out exactly what he knows there he is he's making some potions and stuff like that [Music] i'm watching you zayn got you all figured out [Music] why did you scare me like that you scared me oh my gosh she saw you behind you know i was just like i didn't even know what that wasn't that i was again you know i saw you in your burglar outfit and i was like oh i want in zayn's got lots of gold so yeah i want to steal that's not what i'm after i'm not here to steal him after whatever you're after okay earlier i fell into this like weird place and i can't describe it you mean the place you ran away to no like i i lagged into that place i'm not sure if that's the right word for it but but it really just has been acting weird whatever i like i just like breaking into stuff just do it if you're gonna help me you better be smart okay yeah yeah don't worry i'll be super smart be super smart yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah all right if you're gonna help me be quiet and be smart ian okay you can i can't do come on let's go let's go be careful very sneaky i know don't worry i'm a professional you're not i catch you every time yeah but i still break in that that counts for something right i guess but come on this way this way let's go through here all right oh yeah now you know please tell him all right i gotta put on his secret passcode okay just cover your ears right wait what okay come on come on come on come on come you told me to cover my ears all right let's see wait a minute this look look look the back rooms look the yellow that's the yellow stuff that i saw with the carpet that's like your house would it would have flooded remember i i guess it's still wet by the way but do it right zayn knows something zane knows what dad i'm not wearing a i'm not wearing a mask i'm i'm good ian i expect this from but half mouth sneaking in my place in the middle of the night i am so disappointed in you i'm sorry it's just you acted the weirdest i've ever seen you act okay and look i i saw this place and it was just like it just never seen that place before okay and it's really cool this whole thing is just a theory okay no more no less oh yeah well if it's just a theory then why did you make this smart doodleboard out about nothing is right why did you make a smart doodly board okay well lots of doodles okay first off this is not a doodly board or whatever you want to call it it's look it's time for you both to get out i'm tired of both of you just get out of here right now come on come on let's go move it hey yeah get out ha ha your outfit got taken go home get some sleep i'm fine fine okay go go go go um zayn what's this always here uh wha wait wait no no no no no no no zane we're actually here um no no no no no no no this is bad this is bad this is bad we can't be here oh so weird huh your guess is as good as mine but we really need to find a way out of here and fast uh so so so so if we just keep walking because this place is like endless it seems yeah i've done a little bit of studying about this place so i might have an idea of where we need to go but we just need to stick together all right okay okay i think i'm gonna go here yeah you know i think this is gonna be fine there's no way i'm gonna get lost in here i don't know that's a good idea maybe we should just stay still until it's uh uh you know zayn knows what he's doing i'm gonna go a different way wait wait wait we should have split apart ian no come on i i think i could figure my way around here pretty well just gotta gotta go around here go around here ian ian ian ian okay zayn zayn zane come on where are you i don't know what direction to go in any of these places [Music] huh oh it's it's a teddy bear again hello mr teddy bear you're really sorry about that it's just uh i want to make sure i saw this thing earlier and i think we need to leave this thing alone okay guys hey guys wait noy what are you doing here really uh i i i don't know i just ended up here in um okay that's great no but we need to get out of here there's a monster in here this is so like a creeper or something no something else look if you have a game over in the back rooms you can't use your account on any other minecraft server ever you walked in the back rooms of minecraft and you'll never be able to play again uh let's just get out of here come on come on come on over here wait this is there's a thing that i don't know what kind of thing that's a something i don't know what that is uh saying maybe we should swap i think you blend into the darkness better no i don't know i'm behind where it's nice and safe back here you just stay right there okay it's still there i think it's gone hold on let me check be careful i'm out it's going in that direction all right i think we can cut around it yeah if if we go if you go that way come on this way shh okay okay i'm gonna eat something okay so whoa whoa oh look at all this that's interesting mushrooms yeah this is really interesting it's probably because the carpet is wet noi and it's like weird you know look at these tvs do you see what's going on just here i think beautiful static beautiful it's okay it's just normal you know what really you guys don't see never mind keep going let's give it a look over here over this way yeah yeah over here oh this is really man i i guess i mean it's endless and it's kind of it's fun to explore with friends just not by myself or anything but uh yeah you know of course with friends and stuff i think i'm ready to get out of here uh how do we get back to the server why would you want to go back to the server this is everything we need it it's it's scary to hear zayn this is our home yeah and don't you want to go see casey again uh who uh zayn what's my name well you're the purple one right and what's my name your name zane she keeps saying it right no um something's not right no something's not right at all what are you guys talking about we're friends right insane stay away yeah i think we're good stay away and i think we're good [Applause] oh what's happening what's happening uh oh that is not good um okay maybe i can just wait here though okay i can't bye [Music] that's there okay okay i'm safe i need to [Music] see what oh f hi welcome back step four no what no no um you a monster that's really tall not as tall as me but tall i mean i'm kind of tall but i mean i don't like the name monster that's not very nice okay but look zayn you were a monster and it was like you chased us through the annoying and um like noise here yes huh zane look yeah um what's my name uh it's aphmau yeah that's obvious uh who wha what kind of food do i like huh oh you know broccoli [Music] celery not no i was kidding it's potatoes it's potatoes i know it's potatoes yeah if you want anything else i mean i know you like aaron you hit your diary into your bed and then there's also okay okay you're convinced i get it all right fine all right i need to get working to get out of here all right um let's see let's uh i guess let's keep moving yeah it's like only one way to go at the moment just don't go back there there was a monster and noi is gone and ian is gone and huh wait a minute you see something through the wall there i do i think is that the hub one way to find out let's go let's go huh we're back [Music] now i'm up here yeah i'm not sure how that happened looks we're back in the server we're back in the hub oh yay that's so great never again okay now zayn we gotta go back there again but what why ian and noah are still in there and that monster and the thing and the thing that you the monster we gotta go back okay that's true we need to save noy and ian fine ian too i'm gonna go back and make sure that they're both safe no matter what casey hey all right fine what oh hola i see i hope you're having a good day today yeah what's going on where'd she go what happened to her casey where are you at now oh boy here we go again i have got to stop coming here what keeps happening oh no we just looked in case he was gone and then hold on there's no more hallways this is it um what are we doing here you know what let's let's pull some of the levers maybe that'll do something open a door or something like that i mean okay fine there's nothing else to do uh go ahead go ahead okay let's see yeah eeny meeny miny this one oh good good good um okay is nothing i mean that's that's good i mean this one better than bad things uh is that getting closer or is the hallway just getting smaller it's getting closer getting closer keep trying something else come on just keep going keep there's got to be some kind of combo here maybe it's a combo yeah then we have to hit them all at the same time come on come on no i can't it's through no no no no no no wait wait laughs look what oh okay don't push any more buttons just just don't touch anything else we finally stuffed the wallet what maybe this will take us back to the hot car okay let's go uh insane at least we're not in that thing anymore okay at least you're here all right um let's see um let's just keep looking around okay come on this way okay um we gotta find them see where they're at huh he could be anywhere uh ian yeah oh great we found ian you're getting yourself a little cooked there bud yeah yeah well you know i'm trying to find a way out of here yeah uh okay uh it has something to do with these buttons he's doing a good job wait a minute wait a minute are you the real ian what what are you talking about look i went to a monster before and it wasn't saying and it was okay whatever just go away i don't need your help zane you're a smelly dude ahead and i found one two sometimes but i prank you so she's cool but then when she wins she has one anyway and i'll just do it myself yeah that that's the end he's a duty head he always is let's see um all right so uh maybe these buttons have something to do with that let me see i'm standing on one but it's not it's not letting me out uh i don't think i'm doing anything anymore oh hey that's what happened there's a third button yeah throw your gold on it gold is heavy um uh i don't have any gold no not at all well if you don't have any gold then obviously you're not the real ian that's there that's it there you go oh oh we didn't even have to use your gold fantastic one i'm sorry oh well that's our bad okay all right let's keep looking for the other two um uh i'm gonna try okay can we get out of here now this i'd love to but first we gotta find casey annoy what are they doing here but we gotta figure it out guys guys guys there's a door perfect let's leave through it all right let's just hang on hang on this could be trapped we gotta be careful about this all right just don't rush in all at once okay okay oh there you are hey guys casey casey you're all right the door open what oh no sorry um i was excited let me out of here stuck in here for so long we don't know how to get out [Music] what do we do [Music] wait a minute this wall looks different maybe it's made out of wood wood behind us yeah wait a minute guys look i have i have some of this i'm so silly man it sure would be nice if i could make a golden axe right now i know right here [Music] all right look look i have some more stuff for you guys look here here here all right let's see what's in here um just open this oh do you see something back there there we go ah just keep just keep ah keep using it all right all right perfect yeah yeah yeah we can just make some tools again let's break through this [Music] a wooden sword too back off i just keep coming huh just keep digging we'll take care of them yeah please i got a wood sword just keep going don't worry i'll save the day actually come on there we go what you got to say how about can can we mine this gold monster comes back zayn what's my name why oh good okay moving on see let's go come on this way there's gotta be a way out of this place at some point right are we home yet just gotta keep going i'm sure we'll find a way yeah all that matters that we're together and when you're in this place by yourself it's really really creepy oh that's um different speaking of really creepy no i was just thinking about how i was tired of all the yellow but i don't know about this at least the yellow reminded me of gold the red is just a lot more ominous yeah there's some redstone here i'm gonna grab this real quick yeah i mean it could come in handy maybe i don't know what to do here the monster come back dark just just careful yeah just keep an eye out for everything okay at least i can light up the way a little bit better don't worry yeah don't worry i got it yeah guys whatever plan you got you better get working on it [Music] guys what noise how could what possibly be any worse i'm going to try and block it off what's happening guys watch it's hitting the red stone what that scrape put more down it's a distraction what about what if there were monsters coming after us something like this like this put this here put it there put this in here give me all that put this here put this at the top and see if it doesn't like the redstone maybe maybe i can do something like like this more monsters whatever you're gonna do do it quick okay you work on that we'll take care of this okay okay all right [Music] there's too many of them oh thank goodness but how is that the forest behind zayn's house um it's gotta go zayn yeah let's just blow it up seal it up i don't care what we gotta do we just get rid of the whole thing yeah yeah yeah let's just oh just put it away from my house all right we'll plant some other trees somewhere else okay not in my house not next to my house away from the house
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 10,539,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: wgZN8CWaZ4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 25sec (1345 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 31 2022
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