Jake Paul Vs. The World - IMPAULSIVE EP. 238

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i want to prove to all the younger brothers out there that you can beat up your older brother like my house is bigger than logan's my cars are faster than logan's i got bigger companies than logan what are you gonna say next check your dick is bigger it is you're gonna see your girlfriend's hotter no no no i'm just kidding i don't know you jake i don't have a girlfriend or no no no stop everyone please stop taking let's be professionals about this cj we rolling fantastic sorry about all that welcome back to impulsive the number one podcast in the world mike and i just looked apparently also the number one grossing podcast in the world we make who make it these demands that makes a great amount of money the ad rev from uh youtube only august october 36.2 million dollars insane yeah i've seen none of it no i'm kidding it's really not yeah we're all going broke yeah one person that's not going broke is today's guest who's already sitting on the set yeah today's co-host you're the number one most recurring guest that we've ever had i'm the record recorded guest yeah yeah how do you feel you bro it feels so good to be the number one recurring guest on impulsive like there's i've done a lot of [ __ ] in my life but that's the [ __ ] one i tell people about yeah do you i say hey do you know how many times i've been on impulses yeah yeah so yeah that's my pickup line for girls actually fantastic and it clearly worked because you're back with that julia rose yeah congratulations thank you she last time you were here she wrote a very nice poem for you and i i hope i'm not getting into something i'm assuming you've got a retort for her today yeah no you're not what are you drunk no no no no no no i wish we're acting like you're on molly have a good day he's nice guys he seems happy i'm just ha i've been having a good time too too good of a time calm the [ __ ] down okay sorry i'll shut the [ __ ] up georgie i got a comment on the last podcast from ashley bridges oh she's a tough cookie i don't know who's not ashley i don't know who is watering the chia pet on george's head but stop it [ __ ] yeah you know what you know what it's it's something a little professional someone made a comment on a show the other day too that said 240 episodes in he still cannot find out how to mute his [ __ ] phone it's my mom and my brother's on the podcast hey mom hi there we love you any final any final words before he goes into uh the gladiator ring yeah i'll do that yeah our family's rowdy they're they're definitely on molly all right i'll call you bags everyone's on drugs might be might be a good time maybe he's on drugs yeah you know what logan what if what are you sorry i'm still thinking about the chia pet you got me that one got it i mean bro you look like elmo i do thank you i look like elmo that's not a compliment i received it like it was a compliment i think that's what you gotta do uh what's her name ashley yeah ashley well ashley i got nothing what what what the [ __ ] going on dude i don't know man i like the curls dude i just here's the thing man when you're is uh when you're kind of locked in in a relationship that's like she's way better than you and you can't do wrong you kind of push the limits to see how far you can go you know yeah let the curls go dude we're all doing it it's quarantined experiment with your butt i have a mullet your dog looks homeless dude oh my god my dog does not look good you do have a mullet what's up with that it's just hot it's the way the cookies you look like joe dirt this time around i like him he's funny he's the connor he's conor mcgregor of the pocket home is where you make it home is right to make it how's your hair going my hair is long is it i just caught it actually for the fight really cool yeah you're looking good thanks beard's looking fluffy and blonde i'm kind of jealous your beard is blonde because mine comes in red mine's a little ginger blonde a little bit yeah can i ask you a personal question mm-hmm are you a fire crotch no are you how do you not know that that's your brother you are yeah i am yeah i knew that he was yeah that's fire you're a fire crotch talk about like a firework show going on but then it's just like really quick you know i mean that's all we got folks it's on no finale no finale it's a big build-up how about a little preface for the episode logan paul host of the show like yeah bro come on fight this week yes it is a big week it's a it's an exciting week uh to be in the paw family i'm reaming my parents are reaming jake you have a massive fight coming up this saturday against nate robinson on the mike tyson vs roy jones jr undercard it's fight week it's fight week and you put in so much hard work i don't think people realize the amount of hard work it takes to turn your body from an average human into an actual machine a living breathing machine machine how are you feeling and are you excited for this weekend man i'm excited like genuinely this is this is i feel like it's one of the best weeks moments of my life um and it's it's perfect timing i'm 23 years old and like i'm the best shape of my life and i've been working three years now what it feels like for this moment to be able to shine on something like this um when we started boxing three years ago in training camp working non-stop uh actually turning in to a legitimate athlete and everything that entails and um it's been an amazing training camp uh we've been training for what feels like a year now literally since like the start of quarantine training the fight got pushed right it originally was set to take place a couple months earlier yeah and then they postponed it yeah so i've been locked in now for so long i've been the cli one of the clearest healthiest mindsets of my life had an amazing practice yesterday which you came to um yeah like with 10 ounce clubs i would have just like taken out that sparring partner multiple times both of them um so man it's it's crazy it's surreal almost i mean it's still like my friends put it in perspective for me but it still doesn't even feel real little wayne's performing the baby's performing yg friends well in the main card itself like how does it feel to be fighting under two of the greatest fighters in the history of the sport that's what i'm saying like it's it's surreal even when i went to go meet mike tyson uh the the other day at first i was a little nervous but then i was just like i was standing there and we were having such a great interaction and enjoying each other's company and i was just like what is my life like this is literally this is literally the guy that you hear about since you know when michael jordan mike tyson you know like the lis elvis like he's up there and i'm literally just sitting there like hanging out with him and just like what is life um and they're saying that the pay-per-view is on track to be one of the biggest boxing events ever so i don't know it's just it's just it's really cool and i i want to be able to put on an amazing show for my team for my for my family and uh man it's surreal honestly you've come a long way from cleveland ohio it's fascinating good for you i'm proud of you yeah i really i really am this is this feels like a moment where uh you could really prove to the world that you're not just the little brother this feels like the final the final step and i don't know where you feel like you're at on that and you probably in your mind i'm sure you already passed it but i think uh i think a lot of people underestimate you you know in in all capacities no for sure i i have the i have this i have a bunch of things like written on my mirror like sayings uh and one of them is like you're the world's biggest underdog no one has ever believed in you and that sounds crazy because like people see like jake paul jake paul jake paul and they think like this huge celebrity that has had everything easy for him but um it's true no one's really ever believed in me um i think my starting with the kids in my high school who you know would talk [ __ ] about my goals and aspirations to go to los angeles along with teachers um to you know even you i think didn't like you were like yeah this is my [ __ ] little brother like sweep them under the rug and i've always just been proving people wrong and i've always been like an underdog in that in that sense and uh i love i love to prove people wrong and this is one of those opportunities to break yeah you can't you just said i love to poop it's what you just said but do you probably love that yeah but you were talking about something so serious i didn't think these pieces of [ __ ] no pun intended you would [ __ ] be like that's what i meant to say i said that i meant to say that wow jokes on you guys i love to poop i think it's underrated it's good people talk about pissing all the time i got you so wait so there's there's been a lot of [ __ ] talk going on uh usually people have a lot of stuff to say about you but i feel like you've been in a quite a mood yourself lately and sending a lot of that stuff back have you been uh you know what's been going on with you later you've been fired off on all cylinders i i don't give a [ __ ] right anymore it's great you're right i ran i ran out of [ __ ] to give in every capacity from controversies to [ __ ] talk to issues to uh the cancel culture like just everything like i don't give a fine [ __ ] why because i realized like they're for every person that like tries to come at you to cancel you or to hate on you there's like the equal and opposite same exact amount of people on the other side that maybe that are rooting for you and supporting you like silently probably some of them vocally and probably more positive exactly and i've realized i got to a point where i was like damn like i've done a lot of things in my career where it wasn't authentic it was just to get people's reaction in a certain way or get people to like me or or you know just to do this because i knew to get views and i'm finally at a point where it's like i don't give a flying [ __ ] i'm going to be exactly who i want to be i'm not going to compromise my integrity and uh whatever [ __ ] happens happens the people if people if more people end up hating me then so [ __ ] be it if more people end up liking me then cool but i'd rather just be fully myself not give a flying [ __ ] say and do and think exactly what i want to think what what my opinions are um and just and just live that way do you think you're a polarizing character by nature yeah 100 100 i think i mean i think that that stems from like who you're raised by like talking about greg yeah very polarizing um but no 100 i think my opinions my thoughts the things i do are polarizing um like like you voted for donald trump or i mean yeah we're going like that yeah i mean we want to get like wherever we want to take it i don't give a [ __ ] anymore that's what i'm saying no but um but yeah i'm just like dude am i gonna really give a [ __ ] about the there's it's the 99 and the one percent right yeah am i gonna give a [ __ ] about what the 99 of the world thinks about me am i really gonna let their opinions change my life or affect me or make me upset or bother me i'm like [ __ ] no like who the [ __ ] are these people that's why there's 99 of people who are failures and there's one percent who are winners that's why because the 99 don't understand that mindset they don't have what it takes to be in the one percent so why being in the one percent am i going to listen to the 99 who aren't where i'm at like if i if someone if someone if someone in that one percent or if that's someone that i that i really respect or someone who's very successful you know like tells me something like or or you know wants to have a debate or disagree with me or has opinion or you know uh has advice for me then cool that's how i've that's how i've always looked at it we go back and forth on this a lot i like to rely on people that are in my set or in my close group to to give me advice or to give me feedback on stuff but not only that is you you're in the audience you've never been in the game of course but you've never been in the game you've never been but you've never been in the game okay so i've been in the audience and in the game does that completely invalidate someone's thoughts or opinions no that's what i'm saying people are free to think it does it does it does if they're coming from a hated point of view yeah that's that's what i'm like no it doesn't yes it does no it doesn't i think it does i don't think so i think so you have to empathize with these people and what they're saying right or wrong because i care i care i care if you're if i hear you if you're coming from a good place you could be disagreeing but don't come at me with some disrespect then you could get there like you could eat my ass like stop i'm not gonna listen to you yeah dude i'm tired i love what you're saying right now because i'm so sick in these [ __ ] people bending over backwards for voices yeah [ __ ] off yep this is my opinion i just [ __ ] dealt with this [ __ ] there's a reason there's a reason why and i want to bring this back so i want it to come off from but there's a reason why there's a coach in the game there's a reason why there's a team of players jake logan all these people and then there's a coach giving them plays because that coach or the players have studied the game all of the aspects all the ins and outs and i've said this before in the show it's hard for the audience to understand all of the impact points when they just watch one piece of content that's eight minutes long a week it's very hard like i i agree and just like here's oh this is my point of it as long as you come at me with respect just put respect on me and i'll put respect on you if you come up and you're like hey listen man like jake i i don't like your songs because this lyric you said blah blah blah like really irritated me and you're like oh i'm like bad this is why i did it okay it's not a bad ask yeah to just be treated with respect that's it that's all i care about okay but what happens jake when that one percent of the successful people and the people who you may or may not respect but a majority of the world does does come after you i mean it's happened it's happened a lot like like example the first one that comes to mind is when gigi hadid uh tweeted at you uh for whatever happened with you and zayn in vegas i was there but yeah she directed it at you so so do you is it completely invalid you no no notes no i think i think i think there's situations where you do have to learn from it i'm not saying like don't learn from situations i think that's like a bad example of a situation where like that's just like being drunk and like going out of line and doing stupid [ __ ] i guess what i'm talking about more so is like my opinion and like what i'm gonna put out into the world um from from a thought standpoint and from a mindset standpoint and from uh like this is the way i want to live my life this is the way this is what i think and if i put this out there and people are mad then i don't care i think it's bad like i'm not talking necessarily about like controversial situations or jumping on news vans or things like that um but you do have to learn from things i'm not saying i'm not saying i'm going to continue to learn i'm not saying that as a 23 year old what i think now is what i'm going to think when i'm your age but i'm just saying like right now i don't give a [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah i also think i also think people need to get in the habit of apologizing when they actually are sorry about stuff you know what i'm saying like like i'm sure you would agree that you've done stuff a number of things over the past half a decade or so that you're actually genuinely sorry but what i'm what i'm fighting against quickly is the idea that you have to say sorry when the internet tells you you have to say sorry exactly [ __ ] that i think all these creators like saying sorry for [ __ ] like they're not [ __ ] sorry and they look even stupid they look more stupid when they go out and make those apology videos because everyone knows they're just doing it just to just to get those likes so just be like authentic and if again if you are sorry for something then maybe it's different um did you see this thing with the demelios and and trisha paytas and and james charles the dinner they had you've been training so i i saw like brief parts of it i know like the chef made them something and they were like we i don't like it and they had some dry humor moment with james charles and you know we we obviously have dealt with a couple chefs over the past couple of years here we shoot launched snails she didn't like the snails yeah people guest car go people should get the [ __ ] over it they're 16 and 18 year olds making a [ __ ] youtube video people this is exactly what i'm talking about there's literally the 99 who are just like waiting for the one percent to fail and they're just gonna hold on to any [ __ ] thing that they can to to try and cancel them or try to get mad at them like imagine like if those same [ __ ] [ __ ] had cameras on them when they were 16 17 18 19 20 had millions of dollars and 100 million followers what the [ __ ] would they do like and then they're trying to trying to act perfect it's like you said don't come for anyone don't try to cancel anyone don't try to hate on anyone unless you're [ __ ] perfect like that's it's so true [ __ ] them something that really helped me when i went through all my [ __ ] was uh i i really placed a lot of weight on the idea that i wasn't gonna let the opinions of strangers people who i do not know and will probably never ever meet in my life infiltrate my thoughts and me thinking and forming an identity of myself as soon as you let the comments get to your brain and then you start to oh i maybe i am a actual [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] no no no yeah you me mike george i'm sure everyone watching would have done some piece of [ __ ] things but one mistake is not who you are two mistakes is not who you are three mistakes four would say five mistakes six mistakes maybe it is seven mistakes but you're not making mistakes i saw in your most recent uh episodic video no more mistakes right that's what you said i don't i don't know if i said that i wouldn't say that by the way it might be a mistake you said something like i'm done doing that stuff i'm done being fake okay that's what i said i'm done being like fake and doing [ __ ] for views that's what i said because like i just don't but you don't really do anything for views anymore and yet somehow there's still some problems like what like i don't know the colby parties were a thing eh yeah you became like the poster of coleman but like [ __ ] off yeah but was was newsome at your party because he's he's going on himself now he's throwing parties this is what i'm saying everyone is a [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] hypocrite the same [ __ ] la influencer who is [ __ ] all over instagram being like don't go to the parties wear a mask you guys are all [ __ ] like that same [ __ ] is at the [ __ ] party bro he's right we [ __ ] hate all this [ __ ] these [ __ ] all these la people [ __ ] suck they'll do anything to get people to like them they'll say anything and then they're just the exact opposite i love this podcast like i'm so happy you know why because everything you guys are saying i'm like yes but i'm over here quietly just like just in case well just in case it burns off i was gonna be like hey i didn't agree no he's right disagree i've mentioned it before on this podcast every uh every a-list or b-list list or whatever who are like hey you know go out all right don't go out don't go out to parties i know a [ __ ] influencer who is on our instagram [ __ ] every [ __ ] day saying like go out and vote go out and vote vote for biden biden's the best buy i didn't buy it and buy vote vote vote didn't [ __ ] vote in history one of the most important moments in american history didn't [ __ ] vote shut the [ __ ] up didn't vote oh i'm going to be i wasn't even registered to vote the whole time didn't vote and then he's like man i can't believe trump you didn't [ __ ] vote little pip what the [ __ ] were you thinking bro when he was on stage talking i was like this is it can't be [ __ ] real no this can't be real like have you guys ever had this my oh man i might get cheap for this have you ever looked around nowadays and just been like what the [ __ ] is happening yeah george there's no thing as rules anymore reality reality check there is none [ __ ] dude i hate this [ __ ] that bro your hair is the equivalent of a you know what i it's getting spicy let's let's keep it real spicy [ __ ] jake paul this is logan paul oh you son of a [ __ ] i was speaking to your brother last week he was saying a lot that uh he would think about beating your ass wait can you expose that did you the way she just lobbed that up is ridiculous i didn't say i would think about it brother last week and long story short he said he was thinking about beating your ass did you say that he's putting words what do you have to say about that would you ever do it would you ever you know do that with family i think i would do it just to prove people wrong i saw something like online and it was like a poll like who do you think would win 80 20. and it was literally 80 logan and 20 me i'm like first of all how are these people so stupid like this is the guy that says he wants to wear a dress oh [ __ ] you can't win a fight in a dress you'll trip you'll trip and fall you'll trip and fall oh my god clip it click this moment here yeah clip it clip this one [ __ ] clip it you push it hey hey i just wanna i'm walking on a dress they're gonna walk out in a dress they're gonna come after you so hard go go go go go go go hey we ain't done it oh good goes it goes on there's more they never want to fight like he's literally the highest paid loser in boxing so like how are people gonna vote for him he's never even [ __ ] won meanwhile i've wiped out half of the uk gib joe weller deji uh like this i i don't get it um so it'd be more to prove people wrong but yeah of course like of course i'll fight him and you know like i want to prove to all the younger brothers out there that you can beat up your older brother like my house is bigger than logan's my cars are faster than logan's i got bigger companies than logan what are you gonna say next jake your dick is bigger it is you're gonna see your girlfriend's hotter than you no no no no no i'm just kidding i don't know you jake i don't have a girlfriend or a dick okay that shot i i don't have a podcast so hey you're doing great the rest of this says like i'm proud of him though like he's i'm not gonna play that part okay it says like he's crushing it he has one of the biggest fighters in the world i'm not saying i got nothing to say i mean this is for me is the oldest i just think this is what i want to say your cars are fast i don't have cars that's why i'm at a festival so but this is what obviously i i and i said on an interview a different interview today i said like when we were both talking [ __ ] to each other last week like you were like i always beat him up when i was like when he was a kid that pissed me off and then i saw the poll and it was like 80 voting for logan to win the fight and i was like [ __ ] um that pissed me off and then so i started talking a lot of [ __ ] but i don't want to talk that much [ __ ] i didn't like that after that came out i was like damn i'm an [ __ ] i feel you yeah my fan pages are messaging me they're like yo what's what's going on with your brother why are you chirping and i was like i don't know i i had that little dig outside of nobu and i was like yeah i've been beating up jake my whole life that's not even true i hit you in the face like once you punched me one time i remember that in the car cause you took my glasses yeah and you punched me with your glasses on oh you broke your own glasses yeah i think so and i started bleeding you're always bleeding not anymore well this one this one seems like a a marketing tool it's never too early to start gift shopping for the holidays guys we got a sponsor today it's raycon today you can save big on a gift they'll use every single day raycon wireless earbuds with seamless bluetooth pairing and a comfortable noise isolating fit you can start listening right away and keep listening for hours the audio quality is amazing comparable to what you get from other premium brands except raycon start at about half the price so this holiday season get them something they can use for calls or music for work or play at home or on the go or pick up a pair for yourself trust me you're going to use them 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jake paul we'll get back to that uh that dm infidelity in a second here but first and foremost it is him so let's just get right into he doesn't even have a collarbone like he's a he's he's a failed nba athlete that wants to fight get in get in the ring bro oh my god i'll i will i will gladly whoop your ass but you're about to do that already with the nba star yeah so why don't you put awesome mcgroom with uh the highest world's highest paid loser which is me technically right he'd have a better chance with me why would he face the better brother in your opinion um i think that you haven't fought in a year and a half and so you're not as active so why would he fight you i think it's a bigger fight for him no chance because i might be the world's highest paid loser but i put on a [ __ ] show regardless of winner winner losing it's not even about that anymore he's saying you got to stop winning you don't think boxing's about winning or losing not for me it's about losing interest no not for me seriously just not the winner seriously and and like we're sitting here laughing like i've only lost one fight yeah right and this next fight but you've had one draw as well i think his next fight he has a look very i basically put my house yeah on it i don't own a house that's why i put it on it oh what what do you mean catherine's in your dms yeah that's cap no she is saying what she's just like what's up oh man this podcast is getting so many views i'm so happy i don't want to like go into detail wait wait recently yeah and then she was like why'd you delete that story what the [ __ ] as soon as i posted it oh you really don't give a [ __ ] anymore why would i give a [ __ ] if my side chicks like dming me oh oh no it just smells a lot of silly juice bro that's you just smelled a lot of silly juice i can't believe that oh lord help us oh god hey this is but that's all i'm comfortable i'm so close to him oh lord that what no i'm just [ __ ] what do you what are there any chances she was hitting you up for like uh to discuss like coveted regulations or something like that yeah all those kids i mean sup is a loaded way i think it gets a lot of yeah everyone knows that means legislation discussion i think it's just like a dm like i don't know i don't know i don't want to like go into did you respond to death yeah yeah of course i'm fl i mean you have the floor side check well it just seems like a weird time you're talking about but i think i think he should fight one of us okay that's what i'm saying well he's definitely going to fight somebody now he should be fighting with his wife about her the enemy that's what you should be worried about instead you have not learned the ace family plus jake paul oh i'm kind of here for that content as [ __ ] up as that sounds imagine the added [ __ ] i do not encourage breaking homes like this but we'll move on we'll move on move on move on move on move on it's not breaking home it's upgrading at home oh my god stop stop giving him alley who really is the nba star here are you all right next up oh bryce paul you want bryce paul does he does he wants him do you say that because he rips all of your guys's stuff no he's the third paul brother we initiate of like a thing why did you that was an insult yeah so why don't you know i like him well guess what him all the time you better like him because you're getting in the ring with him now you just bought yourself a fight with bryce paul no i told him i go you remind me of uh 2017 logan like you watch us so what you're calling economic biter is what you're saying right now in live television uh you [ __ ] we're already yeah [ __ ] bryce all right sway what you had to listen wait what what do you think does he want to smoke with me i don't think so no no no no no oh my god mcgregor yep is he on that list 100 percent he's at the end of the list he's my final victim he's the boss at the end okay but check it out do you think you a youtubing boxer has any chance of getting in the ring with one of the greatest professional fighters on the planet first of all i'm a rapper boxer uh second of all uh yes a hundred percent what would make you think that that's even possible says the guy who was talking [ __ ] to floyd mayweather uh bro he's he's shorter um he weighs like 170 pounds i weigh 210 naturally he's fi he's five nine my reach is longer uh he gets gassed first of all he's out of his prime i'm coming into my prime in the next 36 months of boxing every single day and defeating his butt buddy dylan dennis which i will do defeating ben askren which i will do you're going to fight and and i'm going to fight ben affleck before you finish this point i want to i want to no i'm going to [ __ ] up conor mcgregor mike no no no i want to take your i do a lot of not taking your side on other podcasts i want to take your side on this one although i agree it's it's crazy for him to imagine that he's going to get this fight and potentially beat conor mcgregor i do also want to say it's crazy to say that he can't do it too i'm a never say never kind of guy if he keeps putting numbers on the scoreboard say he's hold on let me finish this say he's 12 fights in and he beats up a bunch of other people conor mcgregor not you know has it also by the way 0-1 boxing ring oh and one boxing guess who's just something to think about listen i'm not saying you're good i'm not saying you're going to be 1-0 with one ko but let's but let's not count them out it was a tko no one one of it's like it was a ko the commission ruled it as a kill um anyways conor mcgregor has had more fights than me he may be more experienced absolutely but you want to know you want to know something yeah all right you want his wife you want to know something yeah yeah his wife didn't you want to know something you just do you want to know something i do google it but here's the thing here's the thing conor mcgregor conor mcgregor yeah is uh more experienced he has more fights but this fight with mike tyson is uh is gonna be one of the biggest pay-per-views ever it's on pace to be the biggest boxing event ever so uh business-wise and selling from selling pay-per-view standpoint uh connor's in second place to me so mike tyson so but being a being a part of being a part of that event this is a business at the end of the day and you know you can't just be in the group project and do nothing and then take credit for the group project but but but he's like who's coming to the jake paul but it's just jake paul it's who's coming to the jake paul fight saturday mike ty's like did i do nothing right but here's the thing you know you're part of it is during that group project do you still get the same grade yeah okay so i shut the [ __ ] up but there's always listen i've been finessing you my whole [ __ ] life but there's always that one person in the group that didn't show up for any of the [ __ ] time to make the project good here let me ask you a question i'm going to [ __ ] up conor mcgregor and it's undeniable it's not it's already undeniable what other fighter is giving is giving him this much press what other fighter has a big of a name as me what other fighter can and talk [ __ ] just as good as he can wow what what other fighter like could i you know i'm just saying there's gotta be something i'm just saying hospital i'm just saying take a list of the bigot the professional boxers got it with instagram followings how does the how does the list go no it goes it goes conor mcgregor floyd mayweather logan paul jake paul ryan garcia ryan garcia come on hey you got some balls for talking [ __ ] to one of the greatest combat sports athletes of all time talking about who are you talking about conor mcgregor or logan paul let's go next bro next up oh i'm going to do is he on the agenda yeah i mean he is but i s like he's he's ducking me he he's he's legitimately ducking me he's dumb he's wanting to make this fight about the money he's like i want more money to offer the half of me [ __ ] and they think they're going to take as much as i took for the logan fight he's not attacked that could be the worst british and he's not italian well he doesn't wait listen on did that were we on that angle did we get george just head butt the mic can we go we got we might have missed it why would you do that george that hair is [ __ ] you up throwing the weight difference i can't see why would you smash your face so what's he's making it about the money he's like i want more money cool like we all want more money i'm gonna ask for more money i'm gonna i'm gonna get the same amount of money that ksi gets this yeah on the price he's number one on the priority list but he's running and he's and he's trying to make it about the money when i'm like yo let's just let's just get the fight done because that's what the fans want to see and it's for the culture and and the hat the fight has to happen yeah but you said that's a couple minutes ago that it's this is a business and so like it is it is but this fight is more personal and more about like i want to [ __ ] kill this [ __ ] [ __ ] check this out this is crazy this is crazy check this out if you win that fight when when you win that fight you're a legend that's incredible you did the thing but if he wins that no this is your mindset that's your mindset a positive so i thought that and i think i don't think you truly believed it though and i i didn't i don't think on the day for some reason that day i woke up just feeling like i saw it [ __ ] i saw it i don't know why well do you end up you had sneezed at least two or three times right three times i think that was why wow no but uh you know that's gonna be an exciting one and and uh last but not least look lobster look dude people have been trying to pit us against each other for ages and no one is in the position that we're in where we're both becoming experts and professionals at a combat sport capable of selling out some of the biggest venues in the world we're both doing it at the same time at the same level fighting different opponents making the same amount of noise and the klitschko brothers never did it they had the chance and they never did it but that's some legendary [ __ ] on some historical epic [ __ ] do you think a fight between you and i could ever happen yeah i think it would be one of the biggest things to ever happen like i think it's bigger than it's bigger than the klitschko brothers culturally because of the diss tracks because of our past my audience because of the audience because of the storyline uh yeah i think it for sure could happen and you think you'd win i know i would win i mean you've been podcasting for a year i've been training me and true geordi has announcers alyssa violet as the ring girl oh my god like think about this [ __ ] george i could see it happening dude i think i'd like to go into that fight as that should just sound like the grudge for like two seconds he does that he goes ah i'd like to go into that fight as the underdog i think you will i think you will because i don't think i would well maybe because like i said the 90 like a lot of the audience stupid i mean i'm not i don't know not our audience i don't think so bro in the poll it said 80 percent logan 20 percent i just think where does the delusional come from because you have bigger biceps like what that doesn't muscle doesn't fight at the end of the day and you never even want to fight what do you mean you move differently you never want to fight and you won one i won three huh joe weller daddy you had in your gib you had in your front yard it's more than you've won yeah but you had it in your front yard i had it in my backyard big difference they didn't you beat the russian guy in the backyard yeah so like why are we counting these random facts i think i think we're counting it because joe weller is a part of like the this whole story ksi beat joe weller to then fight you and ksi beat joe weller in two in three rounds i beat him in a minute and a half in your front yard in my backyard would you consider arm wrestling logan right now on the set of impulsive no i don't know i wouldn't want to go don't [ __ ] your arms no of course um but but how can how can like the pull should at least be like 60 that poll really got to your head huh yeah that poll should be six i'm going to be honest with you the polls should be 60 the poll will never change that's what i'm saying they'll never change it's because they want you to win you'll always be the little brother oh yeah look at you look at you you should [ __ ] hey are you gonna be watching my fight on saturday at the viewers yeah of course okay hey i'm not watching your with fights he's looking around right now for the fight that you're going to be a part of but he can't find it look he's going to look to his left now he's going to look to still can't find it hey do you ever think that when he if he did knock you out on the ring he looks like he's like who the [ __ ] the little brother now [ __ ] he should he should that'd be epic but it would never happen but it would be i'm scared the beef would get real between you guys of course we've seen it happen before [ __ ] inside i've seen it get big over the dumbest [ __ ] jake called me jake called me when we were doing the diss tracks and he goes yo i think we should like maybe take it easy and if you remember we were both we actually kind of hated each other we were yeah we both like really didn't like each other but i remember you which was interesting because you were the younger brother you called me and you're like hey i understand we're not in the best spot right now but uh no one knows more about each other than us yeah and we could take this to a level that would get really [ __ ] up really volatile and i think a fight between you and i will get there i i wouldn't like personally want it to because it's not worth the fight isn't worth dividing our relationship and permanently causing damage if we had that fight like i would want to talk [ __ ] like how we're talking [ __ ] now do you just go in and duke it out and may the best man win but like to to actually make it personal i don't know yeah but i don't know jake come on you're like me and you're even like you in a way wow send it out to the [ __ ] book bookmakers that was one of the most insightful quotes i've ever heard in my existence on the [ __ ] rock holy [ __ ] jake you're like me and you're even like you in a certain type of way is that what it was yo you get triggered and you just say things you say things oh he's a hothead he's gp incarnate he's a he's a rancher in a youtuber's body maybe i saw your thought process on how that made you laugh you're like i don't like that way it is like yeah i do like that but dude you see what i'm saying sometimes these things just but that's like a dog talk [ __ ] look at you said this you said this on twitter it's created a little drama a little stir you said i create the first content house then there's 500 content houses i start boxing now every influencer is a boxer what's next y'all gonna get raided by the fbi on purpose and i thought about it getting rated yeah what'd you what is your conclusion yeah i got i'm not really doing anything illegal man ever i'm pretty good me either by the way which is the beauty of it are you sure yes larry david moment they start getting really close and staring into each other's eyes curving enthusiasm you're not going to prison uh no not yet that would look really good on a resume for your next fight you know that right mike tyson went to prison 100 and that's why he's mike tyson yeah you know that right not because he was born and named mike types boxing record so yeah i mean it would be good it definitely fits the brand you got the tattoos you could get the stick and pokes from the big guy in jail that no one talks to bubba you don't want to get a stick and poke from bubba trust me that's the last thing you want to do or the first what do you mean i start boxing so this is so i like i like how you i like how you skipped the first one because it's a fact so that's so fat one factor that one actually got some pushback too so let's let's go yeah one by one you said i created the first content house in there's 500 content houses i actually don't disagree with you here yeah i technically i see like jason so technically these uh kids are called o2l it was like like i said this on an interview before it's like finding dinosaurs like dinosaurs were there but humans had to discover them right so when they tweeted me when they tweeted at me it was like i discovered dinosaurs i was like wow these people exist um what they had they created they created who is writing your [ __ ] who's writing your [ __ ] because that's hilarious no but it doesn't make any sense listen it does make sense it does make sense they were there the dinosaurs were there no the difference is the humans who found the dinosaurs weren't didn't say oh we were here first after they found that like that's on the internet like you're missing the [ __ ] point i even think you're wrong i think the first round of humans were like we are probably the first no i get that but then once you found the dinosaurs like oh tel tu 2l is it yeah i know exactly what point what the [ __ ] are these guys doing right now hold on okay so they made they made content doesn't matter they made content and lived in a house together okay but no one saw their content at least i didn't at least they were big okay okay under what circumstance like views okay how many but here's more than one seven so so million views seven or eight this is what i've said this is what i said my dad a guy in missouri probably made the first sandwich his name's ken but he didn't create subway i'm saying i'm subway and they're ken in missouri eat fresh [ __ ] that like they lived in a house together and they were friends and they created content that sounds like this isn't a content house i would have taken it at a little different angle and but i do see what you're saying i uh if you go and look at the people who have come out of the team 10 house then i didn't realize how many [ __ ] followers these kids have now yeah bro didn't tessa just hit like she really kept like 10 million she's really fantastic oh lucas and marcus are the biggest out of everyone oh my god and alyssa violet whatever happened now my question is if you're talking about if you're talking about the success of the output i'm not talking about that okay but i'm just saying the first [ __ ] that's maybe the angle that i would have taken but if they want that w if they want that w and they want the credit of being the first i don't give a [ __ ] cool you can be the first w take the w i don't need it just because you weren't you you weren't inspired and motivated by them to start yours doesn't mean it didn't happen that's all but i would have taken this angle if i were you i don't think they were signed by a leader i don't think that there that was a business model i think they were friends right exactly specifically for the business of making content under a group organization which is the first content house and i created it and that's technically a house where everyone makes it unless they want contacts i'd say you created the first social media label whatever whatever whatever but here's the thing here's what i want what happened to the martinez twins they're crushing it too they're crushing it too all right maybe the question was not warranted then i don't know but here's the thing is uh [ __ ] i lost my train of thought martinez twins will do that today she didn't lose a train or a thought the label i lost my training uh uh you start boxing this one perplexes me yeah was this just just this one's just i knew joe weller was going to be all ants and of course he did great well not even those two but you you're claiming here's the start of the sport but i will say here's here's what i will say and which is where this was uh i just had deja vu that's weird um but on the show you probably just thought back to another time you heard the team that's what my dad tried to say is like well you know deja vu isn't real i was like all right has he seen the matrix so if i i believe honestly that if i wouldn't have like kept on pursuing it and kept on boxing then like the influencer boxing space right now like wouldn't be where it is right now because i'm the only influencer that's fought in the past year yeah like i'm the only influencer that's fought in 2020 and the only influencer that's keeping like the jake paul versus ksi narrative alive who's the king of youtube boxing right now i mean after saturday it'll be me no no questions no question hands down top of the food chain i think i think you might be right i think i think uh if you put on a undeniably impeccable unfortunately great performance it it will be tough to to argue it will be and i think you're going to which is which is why like at this point ksi needs to like come to the table he needs he needs to come to the table with something to eat because i own the table and i'm at the table with all the pork and veggies and the side of mashed potatoes so he needs to bring something to the table here's what's crazy do you think he would fight someone else first no he's too lazy and fat for that oh yeah and yes hey by the way i didn't like that i didn't like how you guys were like oh okay i haven't seen him recently yeah i don't know i don't know what it is pleasantly close and thanksgiving is coming up bad for jj for thanksgiving because you can't uh pork out yeah i won't um i won't be eating i'll just i'm in the bubble i'm in the bubble i have to quarantine again dude two years in a row and holidays you gotta you gotta make weight huh yeah what wait it's 189 and what do you weigh now right now literally right now i'm probably like 197. when i did that big drop isn't it you're gonna make it you got to take a [ __ ] it'd be fine you love to poop i know that's why i said it you're releasing a music video on on wednesday uh yeah when does this come out thursday thursday oh yeah i already released it park south freestyle watch go watch the music video great it's great i will say it's great thank you for what i just said now featuring uh mike tyson uh we crashed a rolls royce truck in it stream it on all streaming platforms the link will be in the description of the music video cool will it okay yeah yeah i will i'm going to the museum i said the music video but it will also be impossible okay caleb all right all right fantastic so stream that are you worried you're doing too much cause like tyron woodley came on and we love tyron woodley he released a song i think like the week of or day after or something like that and he he ended up not winning his fight i was wondering if maybe you diversify too much you lose track of them no i uh uh this is honestly the first thing i've done where i like went outside the house okay in the past like week um i'm literally chilling like a villain i recorded this song like two months ago recorded the music video like a month ago um you think nate thinks she's actually gonna win i don't think so you know why i don't think he does i i watch his interviews um and i just watch him and talk about the fight and there's like a bravado that he seems to have lost that he had back in the day when he was doing uh basketball interviews i watched i watched the difference in his demeanor and his attitude when he was talking about boxing you and when he was talking about basketball and it's like uh i don't know i feel like it's like a sad like a fire is lost but it's it's it's crazy too because i really envy his humility and i i like him like i i bet he's a dope ass [ __ ] dude uh is there a actual animosity there are you gonna hug it out after the fight uh like i don't necessarily hate the guy but he has been talking [ __ ] and he he is the one that's that he called me out first you know and initiated this and has continued to say like i'm not from the mud and jake paul doesn't work hard and he has a silver spoon and yo you literally are from the mud like you grew up in the mud in mud yeah that's a different concept greg paul's backyard what are you talking about dog if you're talking about actual muscle yeah i don't think that's what they mean there's there's an urban connotation too well streets or mud because we didn't grow up in the streets but [ __ ] the mud we grew up in a tree yeah let's get to brass tacks how much do you feel comfortable with me betting on this [ __ ] fight jake i swear to god dude please that's your [ __ ] life oh that's worthless how much money how much [ __ ] money i mean i think the max bet people are taking is 100k roughly 100 racks that pays like 160 i think yeah 160. yeah i swear to god dude if i get the money from life i'm like do you want to be honest don't [ __ ] me all right [ __ ] tell them why because you have ptsd essentially no because i don't spend money on anything not a single thing ever ever he'll talk about it he'll talk about it he'll think about it he'll never actually do it i get a a a feeling in my nuts when i look at my balances but not when i look at things that i buy with them like i don't like buying things i like i feel like it feels like a blanket that i can put on when i get cold but you can't put up a lamborghini on as a blanket well it does have a heater now you're saying things that make sense to me j paul so that's seat warmer there was a time where you said to me when we first came out in hollywood and it's funny you said at the beginning like no one really believed in you i didn't not believe in you but i just definitely wasn't sure is that the same [ __ ] thing dude that was that was like you like you missed slapping him in the face and then you're like like just like [ __ ] you came back with the backhand you're like whoa i never said that no but i totally get what he's saying i told you what you're saying and then there there was a time especially when you were doing the team 10 stuff where i was like oh my god this dude is like a serious serious contender in the space like you're going to make some serious waves and then you did and then you you exceeded expectations and um you blew everyone else out of the out of the water but i remember when we were first coming up you wanted to be youtube's first billionaire team 10 10 zeros do you still want to do that yeah i think i think um the the goal is change i feel like i'm not even a youtuber anymore so what are you i don't know humans i would just say i'm an entertainer yeah feel that works our landscaper uh logan's lawns yeah but bro i was 17 when we came out here yeah like isn't it crazy isn't it crazy how your goals change when your life changes no 100 i remember i came out here you you said you know i want to be youtube's first billionaire the young i think the world's youngest billion yeah you said and i said i want to be the biggest entertainer in the world it meant everything to me it's all i wanted that was the thing i would manifest and stand in the mirror and repeat to myself 10 times in the morning and 10 times at night and then i don't know in the last like two years i just stopped trying so hard to do that i feel like i don't know like i i feel like i lost the fire because because maybe in a way it had sort of gotten done not in the way i planned but i started getting fulfillment in in chasing other goals you know i like making history yeah i like i agree with that i like my goal is sort of change just be like die a legend like [ __ ] legendary legends never died exactly but that's what i mean like just to cement that that legacy yeah and i think you're right like being fulfilled in other ways simply with like friends and experiences like some of the things i've gotten to experience and will get to experience that means more to me than the actual dollar amount i think when i was young i just cared so much about money and like that was my goal and that's what drove me and it still drives me for sure uh but like you said it's it's bigger than that now and and making history like what's gonna happen on saturday so cool um and so who's doing it who's done it it's never been done before bro you're paving the way and it's so cool it's so cool to watch from again you just a little runt dude you were the runt i was the root for sure i remember you came out to la and you were so small and then all of a sudden you're towering over everyone like i know jake you remember like you hit a growth spurt at age like 20. yeah where you grew like five inches and all of a sudden you're huge he's beefy right now beefy do you remember do you remember the uh the story about you uh the llc team 10 you started it in your room yeah and uh do you remember we had that app that we were working on yeah i remember remember was called locker room locker room yeah still a dope idea no it wasn't it wasn't right i remember when you guys told me that i was like that's a terrible idea okay that's a dope idea no so check it out it's just it's an app where girls are separated from guys and you you're you're only paired with guys on basically like instagram like you post and your boys see it your boys your friends dude it's like it was basically females it's called locker rooms the boys locker room the girls locker room and uh they have yeah but this is like seven years ago 2013. so i i remember i started to lose interest like like very quickly about three months in like lost all my interest i think i signed over my equity to you guys you forfeited your shares or did it no i think i did in connection with him another deal but i remember you would send uh cold emails out to people to investors dude this dude goes i sent an email to mark cuban about locker room i'm like that's great obviously he's not going to respond right come downstairs next day he's like hey i got a response from mark cuban i'm like no [ __ ] way what does it say and mark keeper responded to uh jake's pitch about this app called locker room that we made and he said uh something like it's a good idea not a great one that one was that was actually about team 10. i emailed him about tv you [ __ ] he told me that was about locker room no he said i was team 10 it was he i remember that because you told me he put it on his wall seven years i thought it was my locker room well [ __ ] that's why he stopped making youtube videos he [ __ ] him up completely you [ __ ] oh you you printed it out put it on your wall yeah but it was about team 10. and then and then okay do then fast forward uh to like about 2018 uh and he said like oh that wasn't a good idea or whatever i'm in texas where he lives and i'm like three houses down from where he lives at one of his neighbor's houses no and he found out about it and was like hey uh my kids are fans like can i come take a picture and you said that would be a good idea but not a great if you said that to mark cuban you'd be a legend right now let just never die did you say it i didn't i didn't texting him you should have he says he said my kids are big jake paul fans yeah i think it'd be a great idea if they come over and take a picture and you go it's a good idea not a great oh my god oh god of course what did you say uh i i took a picture with them oh see you took the high road that's yeah nice job oh it's mark [ __ ] cupid yeah he'll buy you bro don't do that you're not gonna not take a picture in all fairness he he responds to people quite he he's acting he's dead yeah cool we've got we've talked about emails kevin got hired from a cold email who did kevin kevin g yeah caleb too yeah both of them nice wait me too i called emailed you that you did it well there's julia rose over there hey come on on julia rose why don't you don't give a boyfriend a kiss and tell him something sweet in his ear here we go kiss him but not too much because we know you can't have something no no [ __ ] in fight there she is hey julia oh she was in the podcast real nice thank you sweet things into my ears smack you it's my cue oh [ __ ] how are we doing this yeah like that wow so jay alvarez she did this recently oh my god he had a sex tape look at her shirt team paul camp 2020 oh now available.com nice so what are you guys thinking about having children what why is that why you you asked me about kids when i come on it's so sexist i want to be asked i mean i mean if it would have been a little weird if another guy came on and i said you guys thinking about having kids too and i think it probably makes sense for me to ask you and jake that as opposed to yeah tell them tell them what about when we have paw paw yeah shut the [ __ ] up your name your kid paul yeah i was gonna name my runt paul no just a [ __ ] with you and runs grunts the fifth child i was gonna name him paul so he's just i think the first kid needs to be no the last because everyone picks on him to [ __ ] with him paul paul yeah but that's what i thought i said he'd be last picked in dodgeball last picked everyone's paw paul's just a little round no but these kids are gonna need psychiatrists yeah our kids are definitely gonna need help i need you to chill with the children so we can have kids around at the same time so they could be friends well he's gonna work on this so he needs a girlfriend mate first logan paul needs a girlfriend that should be cold emails cold emails dear logan no no no i i i don't need a girlfriend i'm uh i'm sorry i mean you're allowed at the shag my house now i'm zoned in yeah i could go probably anywhere yeah take the sunglasses off and look at the walls yeah yeah yeah this is so exciting oh you could take a jacket uh so yeah uh you uh can't have sex with my brother this week is it frustrating so frustrating she's actually like mad you're angry like she's like i can see it in her face every time this it's called being sexually frustrated though before your fight bro bro be wary i had two wet dreams the week of my fight because i had held off for so long you held off for 21 days 21 days and i was the horniest ever in my life and i i remember waking up to wet dreams you always wake up halfway through the night before one the night but the night before the fight i was like i was there like your legs feel shaky in the fight yeah hold on a second it wasn't just like a random wet dream you're leaving a huge part of the [ __ ] story out what didn't she like who your ex at the time no there was no i was in bed alone i'm talking about the one in manchester when oh i'm not talking about that oh okay i'm not talking about that one because that night you did no no i didn't keep no yeah but i didn't have a no no what do you know hey what's the deal with that by the way i never understood that so like you said more semen you haven't that's your life force that's what fills up this but is this proven because like it's it's no no it's actually disproven completely yeah everyone that doesn't jerk off before the fight loses and everyone that does jerk off before the fight get those numbers don't tell her that she's sexually she's beyond sexually frustrated it's it's cr it's creating a divide in our relationship hard i think i'm more sexually frustrated watching him like train and fight and like how are you supposed to watch that and not want to like jump his boots yeah that's hard like his the hottest he is like with the mouthpiece and just like sweaty oh yeah okay that's my cue okay oh my god all right well it's getting hot in here hot in here that's all we got hey hey thank you thank you jake thank you guys why don't you talk about that fight for another 30 seconds unimpulsive yeah november 28th this saturday tyson on triller.com be there or just on your regular pay-per-view tv uh channels uh man stream park south freestyle here we go yeah you've julia moans and oh cool cool she gets royalties from moans yeah she's listed as wait what is it the letter sound one out what does it sound like that was pretty good nice okay all right
Views: 2,114,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: podcast guest, Jake Paul brother, impaulsive, impaulsive podcast, logan paul podcast, maverick, jake paul, jake paul mike tyson, jake paul song, jake paul south park freestyle, julia rose, jake paul fight, jake paul vs nate robinson, nate robinson, roy jones jr, tyson vs jones jr, boxing, youtube boxing, jake paul twitter, jake paul vs logan paul, austin mcbroom, ace family, ksi, conor mcgregor
Id: mHr2BPFm4gA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 44sec (3944 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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