Wendy's BMX Park: FULL COMPETITION | X Games 2021

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toilet [Music] welcome to the heart of southern california we are in the city of riverside to be exact it's x games 2021 and it's pat casey's dream yard that's playing host here to wendy's bmx park hello everyone i'm jimmy coleman standing alongside scotty kramer we got jack matrani out in the field at will scotty as we come into this event nine riders in the field we have a couple of returning park gold medalists but let's start it off talk about daniel sandoval he's got a park gold from 2015 and he comes into this extremely focused and on a tear tons of momentum coming into this event the tricks that he's landing consistently are just blowing every rider's minds it's just unbelievable to see the level of riding right now that he's at and he's got such determination he knows how to bring the heat he's logged a lot of hours here at pat's dream yard not a lot of practice coming into this event however he says he knows exactly what he wants to do here another returning gold medalist dennis anderson got his part gold in 2016. a lot of people in bmx see dennis anderson as the greatest all-around rider to ever do it i think he's going to show up at this course today and make it look like it's his backyard and of course we have to talk about the man hosting the event pat casey were in his backyard he knows this place better than anyone he has two prior park medals in his x-games history if you've seen any of the videos that pat has done here he's got this place locked up they made a couple changes to it but i think it's only going to help the bride and i think it's going to make the flow much better in the backyard it is going to be an all-out battle nine riders in the field who's taking the gold [Music] so there is an overview of wendy's bmx park here at pat casey's dream yard look at this expansive wood that they get to play with out here today scotty as we mentioned nine riders in the field it is a 30 minute jam session and we talked about a couple of standouts who else do you like in this field tonight kevin perazza is always someone who's going to show up and put his personal stamp on this course i've seen him in practice he looks fantastic and he knows how to get a gold medal as well so as we run through this competition you're not going to see scores it's basically the judges are doing a live ranking so you're going to see the names moving around uh quite a bit here on the leaderboard as we work our way towards handing out some gold here at wendy's bmx park taking a look at our first competitor this is ben wallace out of the uk we haven't seen ben in a x games park competition you got to go all the way back to x games la in 2012 we predominantly see him in dirt however this guy is a powerhouse he can put together a run here on a park course and he gets to start the party for us here scotty yeah he's been riding fantastic lately he did a great job at the world championship and i think he is going to ride fantastic on this course today look at that height right there huge 360 backflip straight into a flare that was so high over the top of the spine but that's what the great thing about this backyard is you're going to see these guys rise to their full potential today because this is designed specifically for bmx that's the thing in the past they've had to share the course with the skateboarders and also they've had to use concrete bowls in the past so the guys are pretty stoked to have this back here in an all-wood facility and something that's catered specifically for them it looks like ben is going to wave his run off early right there maybe he's conserving energy but look at the height on this 360 backflip that was about three feet higher than i expected when he was dropping in so he landed still pretty good he went for this flare i know in practice he was setting up another similar line but so that's only promising us that we're going to see even better riding well and again it's the better of your runs that count we should get about three with a 30 minute jam session out here you see the clock there up at the top left of the screen there with the wendy's bmx park graphics so we'll see what ben does in that next round but coming your way right now out of croatia this is maren rantis martin ranches the croatian sensation this guy is a wild man he's got so many technical moves you can see that double bar has been delayed no handler such fast handed such precision look at that that was four tailwinds right there he touched it easily i mean that's just amazing to make the frame spin around like that four times so many uh just think about the level of competition right now so many crazy tricks oh but he slid out at the last second what an amazing run though so far and this is his first time at the x game yeah x games rookie so you'll see two clocks running there in the top left corner so you've got the overall jam session clock the run time is 45 seconds after 45 seconds elapses that's it so that's why you have two time clocks running there in the top left corner of the screen but he was off to a great start there scotty so taking a look at it again overall nine of them in the field 30 minute jam session it's the best run that counts so i think that we'll get about three runs here with a 30 minute time session we'll have to see more of him in round number two but coming your way right now out of corona california just down the road this is larry edgar when you think about larry edgar you think about high flying anyone get the fight right now larry is a local here so he has this place figured out i'll be honest with you though right now larry had an injury in practice he is riding with seven stitches in his shin right now it doesn't look like it's holding him back at all yeah he took the words right out of my mouth he's definitely a little bang that was hobbling around a little bit yesterday but you would not know by the way he's putting together this first run look at that triple tail up over the box jump good flow and that's what he's known for larry's able to find lines but he also just a super high error on everything people just don't understand like just even that line right there he just did a pullback but it was aliub and a 360 to flat what a cool unique way to end your run so again as we mentioned no scoring it's a live ranking so you'll see the names jumping a bit jumping around a bit on the top of the leaderboard as we take a look at some replays here from larry edgar's first attempt yeah triple whip it's a clean run right there you can see he's kicking the bike three times around larry is a breakless rider and be honest with you i haven't seen larry do triple whips in a while i think he pulled this one back out of his bag for this style of competition here on this parkhorse so martin was in that top spot so there you go larry edgar takes over the top spot here in the early round the first round i should say here in wendy's bmx park but watch out we talked about daniel sandoval at the top of the show your 2015 bmx park gold medalist he's meddled in four of the last seven contested x games bmx park events look at him so far he's instead that cork 810 over that hip and coming to the big step up the double deck trick is supposed to be impossible that's a video game trick right there did you see how close he was to that wall it's not he's it's not going to deter him though he's still focused and he's going to get through this run oh look at that still going nice downside tail and that's what's so great about daniel sandoval he might have a situation oh he lost his pedals on that pump right there it was just a full corner ride but man that run up to that point it was unbelievable goodness i haven't seen the replay of that he was so clo i thought he was going to run into the wall right there the back side of the course but then it just stayed to save it yeah so this is the underfoot that started out but look what he does he goes straight into a corked out 810 so 810 degrees spinning over at the top of the hip it's almost like a backflip but it's spinning with a 720 kind of 810 but here's the cash roll which is a 360 from flip kind of cork 720. man what a great run though even though he didn't get the full finish but man we are looking for a amazing competition hey even though he didn't get the finish it puts him in the top spot right now with jeremy malott on course another x games rookie lives in havasu city arizona but he trained a lot in menifee california with daniel sandoval during the pandemic so excited to see jeremy lot out here on the course today he's got such unique tricks look at that 360 double tail up he's the type of guy that likes combining the tails and the bar spins into a single air so nice flare with that height on that big quarter pipe right there keeping the momentum and that's what the judges are looking for they want to see you ride this course so that you have speed it's gotta look like you know what you're doing around here you can't get lost at all and it's so complicated there's so many different ramps here there's so many different lines there's so many different features to choose from out here nice 720 up the big step up he's going back onto the main course now nice flare on that little corner he's known to do something like that it's gonna be time i think that's the first full 45 second run that we've seen in this contest thus far so it's sandoval edgar and rantas you're one two three as of right now again 30 minute jam session the runs are 45 seconds in length it is your better of your run or your best run that counts here in wendy's bmx park well two-time x games gold medalist kevin peraza is up next but first let's see what he's up to while the event world was on hold in this wendy's athlete profile my name is kevin peraza from tucson arizona currently living in san diego california and i'm a professional bmx athlete i went from 2019 jumping on 80 plus flights 2020 march came around and everything stopped no traveling no events no nothing i got to really focus more on myself mental health and actually build a routine for myself i simply just rode my bike there was no like end goal to the session just fun probably did the most riding i have in the last years you know and yeah i'm ready to go again [Music] well fun is the name of the game when it comes to kevin perazzi this guy always looks like he is having the best time when he is on his bike we talked about returning gold medalist in the field he is one of them as well he got his part gold medal in 2017 the first year x games was in minneapolis and just like i was saying in the beginning of the show kevin ferraza has his own signature style and he started off the run amazing using the new add-on to the course doing that 360 downside tale of transfer judges are going to love stuff like that but you see that how he's using the little ramps on the quarters but he's still bringing his speed and his flow around there it barely hunted that flare but that's not going to slow him down at all nice 360 table transfer yeah just traveling some real estate on that transfer there last couple of seconds ticking down here for kevin perez's first run yeah there's his signature style that knows 360 there that's what he's known to do he brings that it's more of a street style trick and uh he brings it to the park was consistently in his x-games run so that was an awesome first visit to the chorus for kevin [Music] so a full 45 seconds in the books for kp so this was a close call right here you can see he kind of was on an angle there he almost slid out a little bit but this is the one i was talking about the street style thing so you can see he's going into a nose manual across the box jump but then he's got to stop his momentum it's not like he has a break or anything he uses his body control and he takes his momentum and shifts it to the front wheel and spins around and he's one of the only people that can do that consistently enough to put it in a run and it's consistent and it puts him in the top spot it's kevin perazzi now then daniel sandoval and jeremy malott you're one two three with about 22 and a half minutes left to go here in the jam session however hold on we've got the guy that built this dream yard pat casey on course right now i've been so excited to see pat ride this course yes i've seen all the dream yard videos and all the amazing tricks he's doing but he's gotta do a consistent run right now he's gonna put it all together in one shot and i was curious to see what style of tricks and so far this is just pack casey at his best everything is just flowing so smooth everything looks so controlled and his style is amazing as well coming up on the final 15 seconds here we mentioned that he has two park medals to his name he got a bronze x games la in 2012 and a silver and foster gwasu brazil in 2013. beautiful first run from that i really like what he did with the opposite 360 over the hill oh can he finish this one nice with the fakey whip and that will count that was a connected trick right there right getting a little buzzer reader in right there home court advantage wow coming fakie over the spine right there let's take another look here scotty yeah but look at just his control right here beautiful truck to tabletop folding the bike in there but right here you can see he carves and does a switch spin so that's an opposite rotation all these guys have a way that they feel comfortable with rotating and that was his opposite way so that's like relearning the trick completely from start so that'll put him in podium contention right now that slides patton to that number two spot so it's kevin perazzi pat casey and daniel sandoval now you're one two three on course right now out of canada this is mike varga x games 2021 will be his fifth appearance such an amazing rider he's got the ability to spin like a top look at that that's the ali 450 truck into the new add-on which is that slanted vert wall there but he's really good at doing tail up tricks barspin tricks look at that flip whip onto that box right there when i say spots that means it's a lip to lip nice front foot chuck no hander as well that's a great run for mike vargas coming up on the 10 second mark here for mike so you always want to put a lasting impression on the judges so it's really important to see if he can bring something uh really big right now nice 540 flare so that's tricky right there because he stalled on that ice pick i was just about to ask after the ice pick with the time going across the flat will that last one count that's a tough one to call i'm glad that i don't have to give the exact word on that one and i'm not the judge but he was kind of stuck in that ice pick for a little bit but look at that technical trick that bars finn flair he landed everything really nice there's a lot of mix of different tricks and uh i think that's a really good situation to be in your first run well x games veteran dennis anderson has seen many x games builds let's hear what he thinks of this backyard setup in this pacifico discover more what's up i'm dennis anderson i am from san diego california and i ride bmx my first x games was 2007. dennis eddison is regarded as one of the best all right pretty cool to have seen so much we've come all the way to being in a backyard ramp i think there's going to be a lot of surprises pat and larry edgar probably my favorite two ramp riders and this is past backyard and it's where larry rides more than anywhere else it's going to be hard to keep up with him that came down to our little jam we threw crown the king in my backyard and then he's gonna have to defend that title the sex games is his own backyard i think it'll be even easier [Music] well i'm excited to see what dennis anderson puts down on this course here he is meddled in six of the last nine x games park contest that he's entered he's another one was guy scotty that just he looks at things differently he's got his own unique way of doing it oh he completely does and it's unbelievable to me that he started his runoff so unique i have no i have nothing to be able to tell you of how dennis is going to be right today because he showed up at the last second because he just became a father for the first time the birth of his son asa he's been spending a lot of time with him and it looks like he is just right back to business right now dennis doing what he does best and that's just riding his bike in such a fluid and perfect manner beautiful flip whip going into the back section here oh nice that is a suicide no-hander double truck driver that means you throw your handlebar straight back very tough trick very technical the judges will reward him for that so much style and even though he wasn't here for practice he's just out here doing what dennis always does at the x games a solid outing for him here to cap out the run order for round number one here at wendy's bmx park lots of sketches he says lots of sketch look pretty smooth to be there scotty yeah but there's so many great things in this run that he should be proud of and this is i'm saying he throws his hands back you see straight back waits for the bars to come around twice but it's gotta be perfectly timed because if you leave your hands back too long you're gonna miss those handlebars so he's been doing those for years he's got those completely dialed in so we have gone through the run order one time this is a 30 minute overall jam session here looking for your best run that counts that is how we do it out here at wendy's bmx park wait to see what happens here again no scoring it's live ranking if you will so the names will move around quite a bit so dennis anderson will go into the number four position just outside of the podium as of right now so as of now it's kevin peraza pat casey and mike varga your one two three with lots of time still left to go we'll have with more of wendy's bmx park when we come back to dreamyard welcome back everyone to x games 2021 here at pat casey's dream yard and wendy's bmx park we have completed one round here in wendy's bmx park and as of right now it's kevin peraza sitting in that number one spot followed by pat casey and mike vargo with lots of riding still to come before we get back into it let's check in with jack matrani thanks crew i'm on top of the deck right now i got a vibe update and i also have a fun fact for you guys starting with the vibe update this is what bmx culture x games culture is all about you got the backyard session paired with the highest level of x games competition every time somebody lands something all the rest of the athletes are cheering them on it's like an amazing session the pool party's going off so it just feels right it's good to be back and then the fun fact you heard scottie mention it 11 days ago dennis anderson instead of training out here for the x games he's welcoming his baby boy into the world so congratulations to dennis check him out on instagram give him a follow he's a fun one for sure to follow and i had a baby girl a year and a half ago i know how it is 11 days post a baby you don't sleep much so extra respect for dennis we're keeping this party alive out here on the course it might be hot but the good times are flowing boys well he looks like he's doing okay in the sleep department right there and pretty calm cool and collected on course he's sitting outside of the top three as of right now with lots of time still to ride and we keep talking about how this is pat casey's backyard we're not kidding you're looking at the house right there you literally walk out the patio and you have this massive expanse of wood that is our course here for wendy's bmx park but let's get back into the action we go back up to the top of the order and bring back in ben wallace here now ben kind of called it off early in his first run let's see what he puts together in round two so there he goes starting it off very similar to the way he did in run number one now i don't know exactly what went wrong why he called it off early but it looks like he's committed to this one he's got great flow great style of tricks and he can also mix in the big tricks as well as he saw that 360 flip over the spine nice 360 look back but his feet slipped off the pedals there he's got to regain this momentum a little bit but that's not going to hurt him too much especially if you're going to go straight into a 360 double downside tail up on your recovery coming down to just under 10 seconds here for ben in the second attempt bmx world knows him for his style and every trick that he does he makes sure he does exactly how it's supposed to be done [Music] so there you go he gets a complete run in the books there again 30 minute jam session the runs are 45 seconds i think you can see them looking a little relieved after that one right there i mean it's hot out here to me maybe fatigue was a little bit of a factor there early on it just wasn't a feeling and sometimes you gotta pump the brakes hit the reset button give yourself a beat i could tell you from experience too especially if things aren't going absolutely perfect in that one run you got to think about it all right i gotta make this energy last me and make sure i can get my best run so maybe that's what he was doing well he was knight at the bottom of the pack there we'll see where that slides him up here on the overall rankings in just a minute however we move on now to our next competitor this is marin rantas x games rookie coming out of croatia no checks bmx at the czech bmx athlete has meddled and x games the most successful check athlete at x games is moto x competitor to libor pod mall who has eight medals and step up [Music] what an amazing run though so far he is flying around this course i love seeing the confidence that he's bringing to this course especially for you know being his first x games that's really hard to dive in on and he's looking awesome let's see if he can get this trick right here that's a 720 tail but pulls it that time that is a huge trick triple tail up on the spine and he rides away from that one it looked like he was hanging up a little nice flip up on the spine front with flare oh he had the bale oh no so we'll hit the pause button here for a second see the rest of the field clapping as well it's everybody hanging out an athlete staging there you can see me sitting up right now and talking with next games medical so that's a good sign so hard in a situation like this when you're trying to do your best run you know this is the biggest event of the year so marin he tries to do the front flip flare and uh he had he tagged up his back wheel when he was leading into that and you want to make sure you have all your momentum and sometimes it's it's it's in your human nature as a rider to try to rush things sometimes so i feel terrible because you know he tried to take full advantage of that opportunity right there and the front foot flare just didn't get the right pop it's a very difficult trick extremely difficult you never like to see that happen but the good news is to see him up and walking away under his own power right there so keep those positive vibes and well wishes going maren's way and uh once we get an update from x games medical we will get you guys an update on his progress but you can see the camaraderie there i mean the minute he went down all the rest of the field those guys are down there in the flat bottom checking on him alongside with the medical staff i always say bmx it's not like we're going against each other it's always us first ourselves we look at each other as friends you know we want everybody to ride their best so it's a it's a beautiful sport it really is so again we will get you any updates that we hear on martin and his status we'll uh get back into competition here as you see they're getting uh reset there in the athlete staging area kevin perazza sitting in that number one spot followed by pat casey and uh marin in that number three spot that's how good that right yeah with even with time on the clock and even with the crash that still was able to put him up into podium contention as of right now so again great to see him getting up and walking away and that moved him up into podium contention as of right now so again on a bit of a comp hold here just have to reset everything but you can see just the expanse of everything that there is out here at pat's dream yard i mean look at the dirt jumps there in the background i mean you have this massive facility he's sitting on over an acre and a quarter out here and he bought this house when he was 19 years old scotty he's been working on this for so long and how about this i mean to host the next games in your backyard so the coursehold is over and we are back in competition so the time clock obviously stopped so here we go for run number two larry edgar on course currently sitting in that number eight spot look at that flare on that quarter pipe right there i mean i talked about this in the first round that larry is known to just go higher than everyone else just somehow he has this ability to get this secret pump out of nowhere nice almost inverted 360 tail of landing with tons of speed flowing around larry has won multiple ball competition oh man just ran out of real estate on the course right now [Applause] can we get a rig to the flat bottom please somebody send pat out there pat's got a whole crew for that i saw tj else running around with a rake out here earlier him and the rest of the crew have been out here helping out quite a bit getting this thing ready coming into x games 20 21. yeah but back to his riding look at how high that flare was but this is where things went wrong he didn't oh he didn't rotate enough and he had to go somewhere and that wall was the only option that could have gotten nasty i mean that could have been a lot worse you're right so there's some parkour stuff there which is which is a really cool trick that's a really cool line but there's not enough rotation you can see he didn't fully rotate he didn't want to go straight that direction he's going he's supposed to come towards the camera angle but he knew he had to go somewhere right into that wall that was a really good save when you look at it again i mean you mentioned that his first run he's riding a little banged up he got stitches uh after a little slip up at practice yesterday so good to see him out here daniel sandoval was sitting in the top three he now finds himself in that number six positions position he owns four x games metal one gold three bronze just such an amazing competitor he is just so focused when he touches the course so a little hang up right there but that's not the end of the world especially if you're going to do a double deck at all man you know we kind of talked about this it's sometimes when the run starts to slip away a little bit in the beginning you know you kind of your adrenaline kind of starts to wear off and sometimes you lose your momentum of moving forward so he's usually got that double decade pretty consistent which is unbelievable that trick shouldn't be as consistent as he does it's a tough break well again here at wendy's bmx park it's the best run that counts so still over 14 minutes left on the clock so i'm sure he's i'm quite certain he's gonna end up getting another run out here so again your top three still peraza casey and rantus as of right now jeremy malott coming your way next he's currently sitting in uh the number seven position another x games rookie he says the pandemic completely transformed his riding and as i mentioned his first run he spent most of that time riding with daniel sandoval out in the menifee california area yeah on both of their instagrams they were both just leveling up trick wise everything just looks a complete perfection beautiful 540 flare to start things off landed so smooth he's carrying momentum on the course look at that 360 triple whip over the box jump is the first time we've seen that one today and like i said earlier the momentum is so key on this course when you're when you're riding a competition like uh in bmx park the judges want to see you look like you know what you're doing like you have a direction and it's so far so good for jeremy [Music] his hub is so loud it's so amazing to see the cameras or the microphones picking up like that 720 tail would barely survive that one i don't think his foot ever dab down and slipped a little bit but i don't think he could ever touch i think you're right that's a good little run right there there is the buzzer and that'll do it he's down in seventh pre-run but that was a good save right there at the very end for jeremy so here's that triple tail right there so there's one there's the second one and the third one comes around you gotta throw the bike kind of away from you to time the tail ups out so when it comes back around when you're ready to catch it you bring it underneath but this is his big safe and this is a crazy trick 720 tail if you gotta do the tail in the beginning look at his feet they weren't even on the pedals i doesn't see that left foot was underneath that pedal at one point and he had to pick that thing up and put it back oh man somehow i do not know how he made that happen but good on him so wendy is sending us tweets right now fun fact from wendy she said we had to land that exact trick before they let us be the official spicy nugs of the x games and it only took them 444 tries well thanks wendy's we could take some spicy nugs up here in the booth we wouldn't complain about it not at all [Music] kevin perazza former x games park gold medalist he got his part gold in 2017. this is his ninth x games appearance home town at tucson arizona kp sitting in that number one spot as of right now your current leader love the start of that run such a smooth flowing style to his beginning of the run just bringing big tricks but bringing unique lines as well 360 double down side tail those tails are actually opposite so he normally spins him the other way but he uses the whole course that's what's so great about kevin he'll use things that other riders won't because somehow he's able to do tricks that are at such a high level that the judges love it wow look at that 360 downside tale of transfer nice 180 in the half cap tail drop in there's that notice the 360 smooth into the flare another near perfect run for kevin perrazzo he is having an awesome day on the course narrow that quarter pipe is and he has to send that flare right there you got a gap on the other side look at this the beginning of the run i love that it's an ally kind of uh transfer downside tail of 270 it's so difficult to do not many people in the world would even attempt that but it's a very here's the same trick but kind of differently so he's doing it in ali he's getting nose dive rotating finding the pedals and once again not many people in the world would want to do that one but somehow uses that speed and does that have cab tail up so again with no scoring he can improve because he's in that top spot as of right now so you can't get any better than first so he's hoping to solidify that spot here as of right now pat casey sits in that number two position and taking that one to fakie on that step up no no one does that that's the stuff you see in the dreamyard video like that's not supposed to happen in a contest right and i gotta mention this not only has he been working so hard prepping his backyard for this event he's competing in five events out here he's competing at four in his backyard and he's also in the moto 110s event at axel hodges compound tomorrow i didn't even know he can ride dirt bikes but i don't want to take away from his run right now we need to talk about this because what he's doing is unbelievable he is on a tear he barely survives that watch out for that railing pad oh wait it's your house you know it's there you know exactly where it is look at that 180 bar spin 360 at the buzzer amazing run for pat did you see the loop mini games you were like yeah i know that wall's there i'm just going to bro i don't care i just painted this yeah i put it there it's my wall brush up against it if i want look at how close he was he's coming down on with the angle to his uh left shoulder but look at that he knows he's like oh i gotta lean i gotta lean but it's only 12 foot long i know i can get passes oh man and he was smiling the whole time that was the best part about that entire replay right there that was awesome so it's still peraza casey and ran this you're one two three as we are just under the nine minute mark left to go here in this wendy's bmx park jam session got mike varga back in mike is just outside of the podium looking in he sits in that number four position as of right now oh he had a fantastic first run very impressed with what he's bringing to this course a lot of flowing a lot of unique tricks i love that all you truck driver into that burnt wall flowing onto the back section here flip with he's got a good pump [Applause] [Music] from no hander just like the first run i like what he's doing here because he can clean up from what he did in the first run cool transfer line nice bars from flair just under 10 seconds left to go here so this is where you got to dig deep you got to get something big for these judges so there's the 540 player but a very similar situation to the first run i don't know if that officially counts well the last time the buzzer went he was still sitting up there in the ice pick this time around at least made it halfway across the flat so i think he'd have a better case this go around but what a great run though here's the 360 double tail whip over the hip so technically it would be at 270 double tail it a lot of you know just so much control in his riding and i think it's evolved so much over the years it's really cool to see so one rider left to go in the run order here as we are just under seven and a half minutes dennis anderson he was in the number four spot he got bumped down one spot by the way mike vargas in the top three now so martin rantas is in fourth so they treat places that bumps dennis down to fifth place but he's on course for 45 seconds really love that first start off to dennis's run with that tail drop in such a unique way to approach the course so stylish and every trick that he does he always does it to the full extent he doesn't hold back especially like that trick right there that was a switch 360 and a switchbar spin very rare and that switch as well that was a canadian nose pick and he's rotating the opposite way not many people would ever want to do that [Music] nice flip would be tanked a little bit but he's still flowing that's okay [Music] there it is the same kind of run that he's doing the first time around letting those bars fly around twice the end of the run here he's got to put an exclamation point on lucky to 270 on that sub box so another solid outing there for dennis henderson it takes forever to get the minute and then run out of time question is will it be enough to crack into that top three piranza casey varga you're one two three dennis was in fourth he got bumped down to fifth so we have two runs in the books one more round left to go who is going to walk away with the gold here in wendy's bmx park we will find out when we come back to pat casey's dream yard [Music] welcome back everyone to riverside california for x games 2021 we are in pat casey's dream yard and it is the conclusion of wendy's bmx park this is where we stand as of right now everyone's got two runs in the books it looks like everyone's gonna get one more round however it's kevin peraza sitting in the number one position scotty let's take a look at some highlights and talk about what put him there yeah like i said earlier i knew kevin was going to be able to ride this park the right way and his runs have been flawless and there's just so much volume of the tricksters bringing but the quality of them as well such a unique setup so many 360 downside tale of transfers and even that street style trick like the half cap tail dropping [Music] it is the best run that counts out here at wendy's bmx park so he is in the lead however it is far from over we get ready to go back up to the top of the order and do this all over again however kevin perazzi no stranger to x games park gold we've mentioned it a couple of times got his gold medal in 2017. however it's still up for grabs the fight is not over here in wendy's bmx park ben wallace had a rough go that first run scotty had to pull out early managed to put it together there in round number two however to start off this third and final run he finds himself down in the bottom of the pack they're sitting in that number nine position yeah i think he's got unfinished business on his run i think there's still stuff that he wants to be able to pull off and uh we'll see how this one goes yeah he's got dirt silver medals from x games austin at 20 2014 and 2016 but this is only the second time we've ever seen a park at the x games so that's what he was looking for right there he did the 360 flip over the spine straight into the 540 flare that's definitely an upgrade and that's the kind of momentum he needs nice bars from the toboggan very technical move super stylish this is a huge upgrade from his previous run [Music] again the runs are 45 seconds in length it's the better of your three runs that is going to count out here today as we are down to the final five seconds for mr wallace so this is it is the exclamation point we're looking for what's he got into the flare that was a switch flare actually so the opposite direction so that's pretty cool definitely an upgrade from his previous runs i think he's definitely feeling pretty good about himself we will see if that gets him out of the bottom of the pack have you talked about kevin ferraza being in the lead you got pat casey and mike varga rounding out the podium look at the height right here yeah that's huge that's just picture perfect right there so high and you see how smooth he landed that's why he was able to go straight into this 540 flare that's what he was missing in those other two runs right there he just did the regular flare he knew he needed to get the right speed to be able to pop up and get that full rotation get it boy so martin rantis is going to be out he had a crash in that second round so again we'll get you an update on his condition as we get it but keep those positive vibes and well wishes headed his way but right now we move on to larry edgar then wallace moved up a couple of spots by the way into sixth place so larry edgar now finds himself in that number nine position here with his third and final run larry putting a different kind of touch on his run from his other ones really cool to see what he's done over his spine goes so high with that 360 table there's that triple tail once again we talked about it earlier he is riding with stitches in his legs so but that's not going to slow him down at all he's still going to go higher than everybody else and he was able to complete that transfer into the spine it's those little things that the judges are going to be noticing beautiful 360 no hands run off look at the height look at the style right there just so smooth and that is gonna do it right there for larry edgar he got 12th and park as the next game's rookie minneapolis in 2017 sixth in minneapolis in 2018 and eighth in minneapolis in 2019 so there's that triple tail up over the box jump i said it earlier it's kind of rare to see larry doing a trick like that went over the box so i really respect the fact that he went and pulled that out of his bag because he knew the style of competition today taking a look at daniel sandoval there he finds himself in that number seven position as of right now just waiting to get the thumbs up here from the comp staff [Music] i mean you're down we're under three minutes so this is gonna be the last run for everybody here so whatever you got left in the gas tank this is where you send it and here we go and what's so good about this is he knows that this is his now or never and he is the perfect person to be in this situation let's see if you can get it oh we switched it up that one right there oh so he's got to do a turnaround that's not the ideal way to keep the run flowing but that was a huge huge trip 360 double tail up to downside tail blade nice 360 whip to late bar spin he's gonna need to bring some heat on this one cash roll he's still got the momentum it's still going in a positive direction but he's got to put an exclamation point on his run right now let's see how fast he went whipping through that bull corner wow amazing set 360 downside to open like i was saying earlier out of anybody to be under a high pressure situation like he's the guy for the job but he also has the ability to fix things on the fly even though things don't go as planned and he reroutes he figures out a way to turn things into a positive he doesn't get lost in the chorus he has an answer when he shows up and he looks at the next ramp he's like okay i know what to do but this is a huge trick right here 360 double tail now watch he stops the bike kicks at the complete opposite direction to the downside tail up and he had he landed a little bit low so his feet bounced off he was able to put them back on the bike even though they did bounce off the bike so here's the cash roll right here like i said earlier it's a mix between a 360 front flip and an off access core 720 but this was a huge trick that is the flare double tail of being upside down holding it waiting to catch the bike pulling that one's huge for his run because he needed a big one at the end yeah he turned he turned on the afterburners and threw a bunch in at the end so wendy's sending us another tweet saying we don't know what they call the move but they should rename it the wendy's spicy notes because it wasn't i'm gonna assume that emoji there's some sort of chef's kiss there scotty i don't know if they're gonna allow you to rename that the wendy's spicy nugs winnie but uh we are a fan of the flare double tail whip as well so he turned it on in the end of that run there and that is not going to improve his placing at all he is going to stay in seventh so now it comes down to jeremy malone for his third and final attempt he finds himself in that number eight spot scotty he can definitely upgrade on that with his style of tricks he's got some big combinations oh there we go at 360 double tail up to late bar space i know he's been one to do that one so looks like things are trending in the right direction for him beautiful flare we've landed so high up keeping the speed keeping the flow the judges are going to love that 720 over the box jump going into the back end of the course he's at the 10-second mark so this is going to be huge for him there's a 1080 oh oh no just man not quite enough he gives it the thumbs up it's the first time we've seen that one today that's a big move three full rotations so close to being pulled but here's that 360 double tail up catching the bike finding the pedals securing everything clearing your legs and then doing that bar spin bmx is so technical right now it's so crazy to see but look at the 1080. spin number one spin number two and then he keeps on looking and at this point he's flattening out but he's landing a little bit low and a little under rotated and flat so he couldn't have the momentum to keep continuing on well that is going to bring us down to our four final competitors and the story now is the next three in the rotation they're all in the top three the only one on the outside looking in at this point is dennis anderson who gets to ride last in the run order this is kevin peraza in for his third and final attempt your current leader kevin's been riding this course so good it's amazing to see him just dropping because i'm so excited to see what he's going to bring this time around such a smooth style of his riding just look at how flawless the tricks are and how carefree he is on this course unless he found the pedals right there his pedals did move a little bit 361 one-handed tabletop oh no he's trying to get real technical with that one to a flare to faking he's going to do a half cap trick in the little hang up the end but the first two runs were silent it's got him in that number one position as of right now by the way he's competing in park street and dirt out here this week the first to compete in all three of those at the same x game so the iron man award we love this trick he just throws his foot off the bike on purpose because he knows all right i gotta get this foot out of the way because i'm gonna crank this thing in a scary pole right now and it was really inverted but this is where things went wrong possibly or this could be the tail whip yeah that's where things went wrong so he just didn't have the right rotation he wanted to get that faking and do a trick into that other side of the box john but not a bad day for him he is in first place i mean for things to go wrong you can't really argue with that one being at the top well you still have three more riders left to go and as i mentioned before the next two also in the top three and then our last rider dennis anderson on the outside looking in but i mean you couldn't ask for a better story maybe we're in his backyard he's been putting in so much work into this competing in five events out here in the span of 27 hours pat casey looking at the silver medal as of right now can he bump up and possibly take the top spot here scotty oh things are looking really good right now so smooth i just love seeing pat ride this because it is his home court he knows these transitions but one thing you got to factor in your mind is these guys all right differently they're going to have a different approach to the course so it doesn't mean he has an unfair advantage i mean you can see kevin ferraza is definitely above him right now these guys are the elite when it comes to bmx and it's just amazing to see all these guys be able to ride this big beautiful course [Applause] oh man what an amazing day of riding this for parkours for him though not only an amazing rider an amazing host he's been taking care of everything here and he's loving having everybody in the backyard i mean this whole layout here at dream yard is insane if you get these canadian boys mike verger currently sitting in that bronze medal position has dual citizenship between canada and the us giving the shout out there for the canadian boys and he's in for his third and final attempt here in wendy's bmx park mike's gonna be feeling pretty good but the pressure is on because he can lose his podium position dennis anderson can ride after him so it's not a comfortable situation he's got to bring his a-game right now yeah he is in that bubble spot as of right now with one rider left to go after him on the outside looking in coming up on the final 20 seconds for this last run all right so he sacrificed the no handler right there but he's gonna have to bring something big in the end part of this run to really solidify his spot in the podium nice barspin flares so such high air and he's landing really smooth and keeping the rhythm going of the run which is what the judges want to see so here we go he's heading over there's that 540 flare again so a very similar run to the previous ones and like i said earlier he did sacrifice the handers so i don't know if it's going to affect the score too much just a little bit of that time management situation there we've seen it fluctuate a little bit on that last spot in the run yeah it's definitely a tough situation because we don't know if it fully counts right there but amazing day no matter what happens but yeah if you want to go off this ice pick just a little faster maybe just to make sure see look at that especially with the slow-mo it feels like it's an eternity but the first run it was he felt like was up there forever and definitely he wasn't even halfway across the flat bottom when the buzzer sounded so you knew that one definitely didn't count but the last two who knows that's for the judges to decide so with one rider left to go again it's peraza casey varga you're one two three but with one rider left to go dennis anderson sits on the outside looking in he is in the number five position he is the last guy that can shake up our standings here at wendy's bmx park we know that kevin peraz is going to get a medal we know that pat casey's going to get a medal the question is what color is it going to be mike vargas still on that bubble spot and he is going to have to nervously watch as this last 45 seconds unfolds for dennis anderson get it dennis asa so here we go dennis anderson the last guy to shake up our standings here in wendy's bmx park he's got the skills to do it he has taken gold in this event before this is the last chance the last shot here this 45 seconds it all comes down to this to cap off our wendy's bmx park event here at pat casey's dream yard so here we go one rider left to go he sits in the number five position it's peraza casey and varga you're one two three dennis anderson a former x games park gold medalist he's the last guy that can shake up the standings can he do it in this final 45 seconds here at wendy's bmx park dennis is on top of the world with the birth of his son he is just having an amazing time on the course and showing through his riding he's just flowing it looks like he's in a good place right now but let me not take that away this guy is definitely the best rider you know in the world arguably so things are looking awesome right now in the run but he's got to keep the momentum going to get on this podium so this is a big trick right here it's a flip whip he's got to get the speed nice pump oh beautiful over the hip there we go nice smooth everything is in control that's what the judges want to see too they don't want to look like you're on the verge of like falling apart they want to make sure you are know exactly what's going on look at that 180 tail over the spine and that is going to do it that's going to cap off dennis's last run and that is going to do it for wendy's bmx part now we get to play the waiting game scotty again seriously you got that one at the buzzer and that's a big trick right there that 180 tail up is a no joke trick over the spine especially to do that at the end when you do not have that much energy but here's that big flip whip dennis has been doing these for years he always does some picture perfect lands so smooth every time look at that toboggan 270 over the hip but here's that last trick this is the 180 tail up so he's going to be landing fakie and when we say fakie that's landing backwards but if you watch his feet he then make sure that his feet are clear because he's doing a fakie so the pedal's gonna be perfect for the free coaster not to engage kawasaki yamalube so you don't see any scores up there it's a live ranking system the judges discuss it and they rank the writers as to how they feel they placed overall versus putting scores up so there you go it's kevin peraz is going to return to the top spot when it comes to x games bmx park he takes the gold pat casey in his own backyard is going to walk out of here with the silver and it's canada's mike varga who's going to walk out here at wendy's bmx park with the bronze scotty amazing day of riding kevin road flawlessly so ex i'm just so happy to see these guys on this wooden course just being able to rise to their full potential today it's been such a treat i don't know what to say [Music] look at this it's just full control on this course it just looks like he knows what he's doing and that's what he does best well let's send it down to jack matrani who's on the course with our winners streaming we're not at pat casey's house all right we're here with kevin perazzi congratulations on your third gold medal i just want to know first off thank you for the infectious smile spread the good vibes for bmx what's it like competing here at one of your best friend's house it's a dream come true man to see the vision that my friend pat casey had from when he first bought the home to how he built the ramp to all the incredible sessions we had here in his backyard to now x games hosting one of the most relaxed and iconic bmx park finals man it's insane i can't believe it man and how special is this your third gold medal out here at pat casey's dream yard how big is this one uh i don't know i got the chills you know thank god i walked away healthy i think just being here and being invited to exams is always winning to me i have my wife my family here that came down from tucson my second family the casey's out here that opened their doors to everyone that came out and bmx in general just for being really fun as always you know and i don't know it's crazy so so special for sure so especially you make it so much fun congratulations kevin perazza keep smiling keep winning much respect yeah so a big finish for him in his second ever x games park gold medal [Music] so it was a lot of firepower on the course out here at wendy's bmx park scotty your final thoughts as we wrap it up i knew this was gonna be a good one the guys definitely put on a show it was amazing to see these guys come up with such amazing runs on this course so mike varga with his first park medal it's pat casey taking his third part medal and kevin peraza returns to bmx park gold [Music] [Music] you
Channel: X Games
Views: 498,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yt:quality=high, x games, x-games, watch x games, x games highlights, x ganes bmx park, x games bmx park 2021, bmx park, x games 2021, x games live stream, x games 2021 bmx, x games 2021 bmx park, kevin peraza, kevin peraza x games, pat casey x games, mike varga x games, daniel sandoval x games, bmx park riding, pat casey backyard, pat casey dreamyard 3, x games gold medal bmx, x games kevin peraza gold medal, kevin peraza edit, trending, x games live, x games mode, bmx
Id: lImY6P8uutM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 47sec (3107 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 14 2021
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