BMX Park: FULL BROADCAST | Road to X Games: Boise Park Qualifier 2018

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downtown Boise Idaho the perfect backdrop as we welcome you into the road to X Games qualifier live from the Idaho State Capitol we come to you from Rhode skate park in downtown Boise what's up and welcome everybody I am Brandon Graham join alongside X Games a legend at Scottie Cramer and it's all about BMX park we've got 12 guys competing for just six spots to get in the X Games Minneapolis five of the 12 scottie have X Games gold medals it just shows just how stacked this BMX park competition is today we have the best of the best and we also have some other guys that are just as hungry trying to get medals of their own yeah talk to us about a rider that may be off the radar that we should have our eyes on today a run that I believe you guys should know about is Jose Torres this is the first time I'm actually watching him ride in person so I'm coming into this as a fan as well he goes extremely high he's got the tons of tricks so much bike control and I just met for the first time and it was a really cool experience I'm excited to see how he steps up to the plate today well let's kick it off men's BMX park final here we go [Music] we've gotten insane crowd out here on Hanah road skate park Scottie they're ready to watch six of these 12 make it in to the finals at Minneapolis and we introduced our lineup for the day [Applause] throwdown today yeah Pat Casey it's got two X Games medals to his name one silver one bronze still and search that gold speaking of gold how about the gold medal he earned in front of his hometown crowd at X Games Austin in 2014 chase [Applause] here's a guy we're excited to see making his X Games debut out of Russia Eirik risen so here is a technical rider he's got some of the biggest tricks out there but dude he does today and someone who's no stranger to the X Games stage owner of six Park battles five of the gold Daniel Dhers Jana Daris he is the best and he's a master when it comes to getting a gold medal in BMX park it's unbelievable that he was able to get five of them he was a wild card in Minneapolis last summer ended up competing malaria this guy can go higher than anybody on the course let's see what he does over the hip underneath the bridge 35 years old is the crafty veteran of this group trying to add to his for X Games medals and 18 appearances Gary Young Gary on such a unique rider he turns riding into such an art when he's on the course he's gonna have the best lines guaranteed and this was a fun guy to watch out here at the Boise Qualifier last year we saw him at dirt we saw my best trick we saw him at park Nick Bruce Nick Bruce is strongest for hunter on the course right now he's going to be blessing some of the biggest tricks guaranteed a superb X Games debut at Minneapolis last summer he took fourth in park but one dirt gold in his X Games debut Colt Walker Colt Walker is so dialed at such a young age you know the fact that he is here competing for another chance to get another gold medal this could be cool to watch and one with the biggest metal collection out here today trying to find his tenth X Games medal in Minneapolis this summer can he get into Park though Dennis Anderson Dennis is one of the most well rounded BMX riders to ever do it Masuda does and this one's such a fan favorite a terrific story he's got one bronze medal to his name he's been competing at X Games since 2012 McHale Aaron's Mike hell's got a heart of gold and what I saw interacted see he is gonna be bringing it today and a guy off the top you said you were excited to see for the first time in person the fans are in for a treat Jose Torres I just met him before you know I had a little conversation with him and he was such a nice guy and I'm so excited to see him go on the course and this is our top ranked qualifier from eliminations yesterday we saw him compete at dirt at last summer in Minneapolis trying to get into Park Brandon Lupo's Brandon and Lucas is one of the most talented riders to come out of Australia does the amount of tricks of this guy's able to squeeze into his run and the consistency of pulling these big tricks was completely mind-blowing the thing I love about this qualifier and it got introduced last summer at Boise is we completely open up the path into how you get to X Games and how you do it you come out here to this road to X Games qualifier and you compete in this format as we said 12 riders 3 runs each 45-second runs the single best score counts with just the top six qualifying to meet our podium who's pre-qualified from last summer so today this is going to be the best chance for some of you who might not have their name out there being able to get their shot to be riding now for me looking at this condition like the situation knows the amount of people that are competing right now and the only six make it in to the big show for me I'd be terrified going into this event this is like a playoff throw when it comes to being back said that this is something I've never really experienced before so these guys have their work cut out for them yeah the thing that's guaranteed with 12 guys out there this is 12 athletes who absolutely have the chops to be competing at X Games which means there's going to be at least full of big-name guys some household names who will not make it you're right but you know what there's always a time when that's got a flip events page you know it's sometimes the guys that are on the top they have to take a step down it makes it real for the guys that have been coming up you know the copy Jose Torres a guy who is from South America riding today this is such an awesome opportunity for you right and you would otherwise not get that chance when it just comes to the usual invites you see from other contests making it completely transparent but we're kicking off our final with Pat Casey so batcave see this guy have so much style and he has the ability to do so many big tricks and you even see him use the free coaster that gives them the ability to ride backwards on his flight but so far so good huge ollie up to 70 over the head kid's gonna be flowing around in the deep and that's gonna be a lot of riders Wow beautiful 270 TT air force for the bars would fly out and he's on the slower hair here this is where the smaller EPS are you know a lot of guys who could be doing the big trick down in the people what a beautiful tale with pocket air right there transferring in that corner is and also a strong run for the X Games that you speak to after your countless years of competing certainly at X Games and contest to be the first guy in to drop into a final especially with the field this stacked no one wants to do it's never fun it's honestly it's the worst thing you know you go from zero to 60 just like that you know as soon as they say your name so for me personally in this 3 run format you got a really good situation of being able to kind of get the butterflies out in the first run and maybe the second one you can start upping it and then the third run is your chance to really iron out everything so even be in the first rider it's a better situation to have three runs and have the best run counts or total battles combined for these vitalists here out here today I just got that no two road skateboard just incredible 80 point six six for Pat Casey at the bar is officially set so we move on now to chase Hawk this is a kind we haven't seen at X Games 6 2016 and Austin got a chance to spend a little bit of tonight with him last week and he was psyched to be out here he missed the qualifier last year said he had a bit of an injury bug but he's excited to get out here and get back to the big show Wow look at that beautiful tabletop transfers chases don't have this blowing style and here's a guy that's been known to go to any speed market makes it look like he's been ridden before because he just has the ability to actually look at these transitions to figure out the pencil lines are out the skate park I've always been so jealous of the fact that she looks right there using the pegs doing an ice pick grind across that channel and going into a manual and the difficulty about that cheap chick song is embrace Franklin's riders so not having to break to be able to feather your front wheel down seconds for Chase hock Wow big to accept he pulled out right there good first line it tasted a really good first you go run out there by no tapes all could be open and I know it's so hungry it's so motivating to get into X Games again after this game last year Pro BMX earned runs X keeps our common room Brian honey always likes to say about chase everyone's taking a certain type of line at a park and then there's chase Hawk who does something so unique and does something so unconventional to what you'll see for us the field it's completely true I mean I've seen it countless times over and over again I've been on so many trips with chase and he's such a good friend of mine and it's so awesome to see him out here writing and speaking yeah and that to me going back to Austin and 2014 had not yet earned an X Games medal to win gold in front of his hometown I look back at those three years we had in Austin and that might be the highlight that rises above the rest of his reverse that course right there was this absolutely perfect for chase you know in his style he did some things in that bold and I didn't think it'd be possible you know chase was able to step above but first score coming in seventy seven point six six to a strong run number one for chase Hawk to get each of the riders any three attempts on this course but the pace being set move our attention now to Eirik Riza so here it got just met for the first time this year he's a Russian rider this guy has such an ability to crimp in so many tricks in one air so absolutely do that multiple tail parts for combinations so far so good he's got a really good solid line there we go this is awesome right Holly whoo Portsmouth the down side tail and that tail was opposite direction Horseman the tuck no-hander so he's so much real estate still with 20 seconds to ride with yes oh here he goes he's on the slower part of the course I see how he reacts against what's going against tuck no-hander back into the deep end pocket Erica's only doing a little tabletop going over to the hip we're seeing such great variety variety is crucial doing the same tricks over and over again but he's crammed in so much here we go with the triple tail up over the hip streets he'll whoops over one hip right there and a concrete skatepark absolutely amazing three six down side tail with right there and that's a regular 360 at meaning that's his normal rotation but the tail was opposite you know we talked about Pat Casey being the first one to drop in and that's an unenviable position how about Eric as an X Games rookie amongst all of these superstar names I mean that's a tough one to to drop it you know what I'll never forget my first Pro competition I was so scared I didn't even want to enter it my parents ended up like sign me up for it because they knew that I was fully key I know my friends like we're you know they were in on this as well but I dropped in I've never so scared in my life qualifying first but I was terrified so I can speak from experience it's not fun parents know best I think they knew what you were doing there so here's Daniel Dhers by the way recept score coming in at at 83 taken over the top spot early but here's a team they're trying to add to his six X Games medals so Daniel's been rotting for a really long time and he's been riding in such a top level as well I've competed together for years I was just gonna say you've had some great battles with him I've been on both sides of being ahead and behind him and it's been a it's been a pleasure really had so looking so far so good classic Daniel jurors tons of flow and give it that classic 360 towel over the hip Daniels notes you kick the bike away that's a very unique song there goes a flare table top finish there but he had to tweak at the bars behind his leg to flip over the hip really solid and this is first run so I know these guys are got so much left in the bag you know they want to get a score on the board so they can know where they're at 360 talk no hander head back Aiden Seward the deep entry that will do it for Daniel Dhers we're seeing clean runs across the board early in Rock number one Scotty you know what that's that's the thing about run number one especially when there's a three run four minutes these guys want to get up run on the board they don't want to go out there and do their best trick because it's really hard to be going out there and getting your best run in the first thing and then hoping that's it you know the best you've got you got to play your cards right but here's some replays of Daniel I'll your 360 Te'o up over the hip and here's that flare variation as you can see he twists the bars behind it the leg right there he's the only one I know that does that variation so five some old medals to his name but the last time yeah and I was I was sitting the second place on that one and like I could tell you what I was I was having a really good day so Daniel must have know really really good day solid five years for dares at 80 point six six and ties it with Casey for second place you know what you got to get the first ones out there that you're gonna see a lot ago this is kind of going in there and getting in that a th I'm think until the second to third runs so we'll see what the rest of the guys so here's Larry edgar you've been riding a lot in practice went down yeah I watched the crash it wasn't pretty at all but Larry it's one that's toughest guys I've ever seen on a BMX bike his strength I mean clearly you could enter like strongman competition I need an amplitude we might have to get somebody out here to race the bridge in a little bit Gudrun than so far massive flare right there Larry is known for going higher than everybody else out there I mean like I'm saying he's one is throwing these guys and he has that ability to show up at the bottom of rent and does something about him he just goes three feet higher than everyone else even though it might look like they're going to save speed he's that strong so Larry into the maybe the bulk water right there ending it with the 350 baekje bow stepping offering the bugs of their love Larry Edgar's story out of Corona California actually worked as a valet at Angel Stadium in Anaheim until 2012 we started making enough money riding family how cool is that let me talk you're living the dream so here's some replays look how high he is look at the front wheel compared to the bridge repair that's unbelievable so crazy but that's Larry ographers but the power that he rides with allows him to get that height the truth and you know when you go to high you got to be prepared to land that hard you know and handle it no problem double tailor from Larry he's capable of so many different tricks not only does it go really high and do tabletops and hold them for you know if it's run but you can go out there you double tailors perfect we have a new leader Larry Edgar with an eighty four point six six takes over the top spot yeah you know you got to respect the height on that one if you go high like that you're gonna get a huge score we move on to carry on for X Games battles the gold is silver and a pair of bronzes his last metal coming in 2013 he won gold back in Barcelona yeah Gary wrote amazing of course some naturally flows so easily Wow you see that right there those bump over that hit break during good use of course the new ones - is right I totally agree with that so Gary on music he's that kind of guy I've always been you know such a fan of just watching show up to the skate park at the scene happy for you since you're on the course but good solid run right there from Gary Oh so a nice way to kick off this Boise qualifier final for Gary young wait to see how the judges score the San Diego and ask for a better start Gary so here's that one-handed tabletop over the hip plastic right there I mean that's just picture-perfect and uh let's see here's the nose ball this is the one I was talking about see he hits his nose on the front of that thing purposely which is amazing a good use of course from Gary and then this trick right here is so difficult like you won't see any of the guys that are currently in this competition doing that because that is such a high level trick right there to be doing especially a lot like an eternity bold colors right around the pocket you know it's amazing it's called the downside the old peg so we're waiting on this score from the judges really taking their time with this one usually that means they liked what they saw and Larry Edgar in the lead we're still early here on rut number one in our three rut final and it's also about Gary he's always got a smile on his face you know he's such a positive person and it's so cool to see he's got two kids he's such a great dad and it's amazing to see him you know just evolving not only as a BMX rider but as a person I love area and he's at that age where and maybe some other disciplines at X Games they have to start thinking about potentially that next chapter but Gary's writing is still so elevated there's no reason to think about shutting it down yeah I mean you got to keep that ball completely out of your head of your Gary young because he's nowhere near him in 83.3 three for young very strong score putting him into second place he's gotta feel good after that first run get second place but you don't want we got a lot more guys coming we move along to make Bruce but we enjoyed seeing make his debut at Boise last summer we're just getting started putty see I was thinking that the guys are gonna play it safe for the first run and the big Bruce comes out here Flair opposite downside Taylor on the banquette right there but you know fish it out looks like smart move though at the same time that's what I was going to ask you and speak to when you do go down on your first hit on your first run that's kind of suck the wind out of your sails a little bit especially if you know you got two more attempts do you get back on and just try to block it out or do you know this is already a three well it takes it it takes to win that your scales more than just a little bit of tighten that there's times where I've fallen out just like I just don't even what he were now you know I just want to go with this restart in the tent somewhere and wait till they call my name and they go out there try my best shot but you know what in situations like this there's vibration sistex like that you've got to get on your bike you got to get a score out there because you know in the situation like right now that's a really good point yeah Nick Bruce really took Road skatepark by storm last year he came in first place in this event yes when he says the crash right here you can see him rotating but he did not pull away from the quarter pipe enough and you can see his back wheel was tagging the top part and he couldn't rotate that as much as he needed to so tough break for Nick Cruise but you know what maybe that's what he needed to get the butterflies out after run number one still got two more runs and when it comes to riding the events in a competition format like this is a gift to have three runs and best run count see Colt Walker who had about as good of a debut as you can ask for at X Games Minneapolis last year earning his way in the park also 20 gold in X Games dirt let's hear from Cole a big dream of mine in like an aspiration I had was just the get back game so to get invited was a dream come true but actually podium and win gold medal my first year going was just Heights gonna kick it was crazy I love it this is a 6k part you don't have to pedal whatsoever you can do an entire run and not off the pedal it's pretty rare but it's so smooth and even blast Aires it's it's sick I love it coming back this year I was super pumped just to be in Boise and obviously to be able to ride a qualifier for X Games it's it's sick I love it here so both had a top-five finished last year here at this event that got hit in the park that should be noted was born in Minneapolis this family whoo-hoo Wisconsin woody was seven years old but he had a large cheering section --usb classroom look at that beautiful double today was the horseman right there calling that contest was unreal to see that energy [Music] so far so good on this run he's got the ability screaming so he turns in one air oh wow that was a freak accident right there he lets go pedal to get speed but his feet weren't on the pedals right so as he pedaled around through his shoe right there but we'll see where wrong again so multi-talented hoping to get back into park this summer in Minneapolis and it should be noted it first X Games rookie six Stephen Murray to win dirt gold back to 2001 that's amazing in this that's dirt jump royalty right right oh there's his feet blowing off and so I think it was I think his feet were on the crank arms so he went to go pedal and as the crank spun around there was no pedal there when his foot was looking for it but you see that score the judges liked what they saw to that point if he could build on that be interesting to see where he gets scored if you're just joining us it's a 12 man final here at the road to X Games qualifier Boise Idaho Road skate park the top six will be moving on to Minneapolis will that include Dennis Anderson who drops it now Dennis Anderson is one of the most well rounded bike riders on the planet look at that infer defense plant on the skinny part of the column we went for the double tire ride back bumper right there that was a really good start to the run yeah but he has such an ability to recover like he's so mentally strong when it comes to you riding the exit competitions he can go out there and figure out [Music] taking up space in San Diego Dennis it's such an awesome opportunity to give younger otters a platform to showcase their audience you see a lot more of that you know I'd love to see that pop in every Rose City big time throw is like chase Tennyson because you know kids into BMX try to give back but look at Mike Hill there and this guy right here this is a style used to cool it on the head but we the smile says hi what's up to everybody does it guy anybody just wants to shake her the best times every time truth straight over it to throttle you can see is so upbeat when he rides his ability to because he's a different footing [Applause] small hit right there Oh Vikki to the first time we saw a rider go for 80 which is riding backwards he'll see my can learn so much from look at its - positive that's the loudest they've been all day awesome to see for Michael and it should be noted we know him from birth at big hair at X Games it's cool to see him trying to earn his way in and park as well oh you know I'm gonna go out there and say this has been a long time in the making because he came to my skate park once and I rode with him and he approached that skate park differently than any other rider I've ever seen show up there and he rode it like a professional his first time riding it so I'm glad to see him out here getting a chance to show kids and spark skills and it's paying off right now check him out [Music] right behind it the top six are you be gone at eighty seven point three three Mike Ehlert jumps up in the first place amazing right there I'm so glad to see by Kelly just represent his first BMX for the world to see and that was such a great run it's just now it's got me like excited for what he's got on a tough number two because you know he's gonna come out completely shake that out for sure you know all these guys are so here's a guy you've had your eyes on you just met before this contest there's a lot of energy around Jose Torres I'm so excited to watch it ride today he just goes so everything he does look at that beautiful all you downside sail and he's catching perfect transition and everything is landing and that means you want to land really high up on the transition land by the coping you know and pain control huge double tail whip over that hip knee barspin took my hand it's a smaller part of the area usually this is where God slow down and you can still see he's bringing huge a tear of it dinner Wow very did you say use of course you know that's the smaller part up there and he decides he put in the wrong but he's got a good flow still to it so this is the first time we've seen the 23 year old out here with a runt like that he's got Minneapolis on the find it's well deserved I mean his you know ability you know to be showing up in these contexts get his name out there you know over and over again like it's been awesome to watch and I'm so glad we get to see him in person cuz look at he's delivering huge bars from flair on that right there he was a good six feet down seven feet out if anything but as you said this is a prime example of if we didn't have this qualifying series the odds would be against him to get to X Games event which I appreciate DMX it's a universal language my friend it really is when it comes to the tricks got tricks called foof news in Abu Bakr I don't know any language is that big said he said singer and then there was one our final rider of the field our group of 12 he was our top ranked qualifier get ready for Brandon Lupo's how to Sydney Australia and oh by the way X Games Sydney coming in October Brandon Lupo's has so many big jigs and he has the ability to do these tricks and back-to-back with City does triple you're right there you hit a little bit deeper [Music] I look back there but you got a little caught up in the bike first right now wow that's amazing that you caught that because I think to the untrained eye they wouldn't have even seen that he didn't get what he was going for there's times when it comes to be the max where we can kind of like ooh flare will protect all of this down put this out to be a mix you can see just how they're setting off to be able to do the truth you know what the body places I'm pretty sure that that's what I mean he ended it off with a flare whipper there and opposite flare as well which means I see rotated the spin of the flare the opposite direction but there's the 360 downside tail up over the hip Lupo's joining that growing contingent of talented aussie riders like kyle baldock and logan mark call Sydney home our top-ranked qualifier taking his X Games debut so there's the flair taalib right there he's got those so perfect to every try it's absolutely amazing to see so we await his run one score Mykel Aaron setting the pace with that eighty-seven point three three and eighty five point three three so good enough for third place putting him into that top six group you know what after that and you see that score come in he's got to feel great about this absolute he definitely had some issues there and you know his first run and you were currently sitting in a you know a spot where you're pretty comfortable at this point so with that run one is officially in the books here at Road skate park and it's Michael Aaron leading the way without eighty seven point three three the position you're gonna want to keep your eyes on those throughout this broadcast that six spot RIS F currently has that the Russian rider with that 83 as the top six will be moving on to X Games Minneapolis and we're ready to set it off with run number two its Pat Casey sitting in that seventh spot just outside of the top six we'll see if you can shake that up right now we're gonna be talking about that six and seven spot a lot today because that is that's the make-or-break you know the goal is to get in sixth us so you can make it to the big event you know it's gonna be a point where these guys gonna be so competitive to get into the these runs go on today so let's see how we're number two goes oh nice tuck no-hander transfer has a deep it into the hip bars food flavors going on the corner heading back over towards the hip with a double Talent all right let's see if the pad steps it up right here beautiful toboggan you know that is the ability to do big tricks but he also has to build it to you know do tricks with style as well as you can see what that's a bargain when you point the handlebars down final 15 seconds for Pat he's heading back into the deep end this is the point where you know you bring in your speed if you want to go into these events and and with a big just like that beautiful double tail with pocket airy there that's such a difficult trick so I was talking to the judges today one thing that they mentioned to me was always you know you want to finish with a bang you want to be able to put an exclamation point on v1 and these guys gonna really keep that you know into consideration when they're planning out their their runs the importance of kicking off your run with a trick that stays with the judges and then the Ender obviously you want to have that filling in between but it seems like they have a memory that scans what have you done for me lately and that last trick sometimes on a mediocre or mid-level run can be all the difference if you've got a banger to finish you're totally right about that but you know I'm Pat Casey as you can see right before that that clip he did the double tail whip in the pocket right there and nobody's done that so it's a really good way to breathe you bring it to the end so an eighty one point six six better than his run one score but just a testament to the riding out here today that's not even top six territory this is gonna be it's gonna be a long day for these guys and they're looking at that six or seven mark over and over again here's chase hawk apparently on the outside looking in as well ninth place out of Austin Texas we call austin chases town i happen to live there he's kind of a big deal trust me on that he's got his own day in August chase well you know everybody loves chase on I've known chase off for a really long time its impact on BMX over the years is gonna last forever so his runs looking really good so far he's got a lot of flow a lot of speed he's going back for that ice pick grind that one is well into the manual with that wave to the crowd he realizes it's not the looking for so he'll have to clean things up on his third final attempt yeah so on that mess up right there you just lost a little bit of balance over that manual the 180 and that's the risk when you take tricks like that put them into your run when there's there's a level of difficulty that that's common sit on that when you have like a one-trick you know enter it's a little bit different you know because it happened so fast but that's a trick that lasts you know over you know a four or five seconds span but beautiful 360 tabletop over the hip classic chase hawk right there and there's the ice pick grind one of the only guys using the peg so far today so that run to score for him and a sixty nine point six six he'll hold on to his run one score but ninth place is where he will stay we move on to era Chris F our lone Russian in the field although we did have two additional Russian writers in qualifiers yesterday what's up with the Russian BMX see it's amazing fell like it came out of nowhere but these guys are clearly doing world's first tricks all the time it's almost like it's get becoming doable two of them [Music] and you didn't have the ability to command the bike around the bull corner like you wanted to send me actually have a flyout so that's a shame that was his first big trick with the wrong that was tough to see especially after the triple tail whip yeah so there's the Ollie bar spinner and the next hit was the triple tail and you'll see right here he lands a little low and like it's almost like you didn't have enough air enough control so when he landed low his body kind of glued down like that there I brought the weight forward he didn't have the ability to command the bike to where he needed to go so he'll hold on to that run one score and he's holding on to that six spot in that bobble spot it's gonna be a good feeling to look up there and know that you are in a six spot but knowing you have so much talent that's about to be dropping in right that's going to really I have no probably being in the sixth spot when the whistle blows and it's the end of the contest I don't like it early in run number two here's Daniel Dhers who's gonna try and bump him out he sit in a neat place who don't tell Barry there nice blow that's control so [Music] mr. Daniels got ability to bind really good solid lines you know especially yes it's older as a BMX rider I feel like she's so maturing on this bike the ability to cooperate the big tricks like the hobby of double tail right there but he also has ability now to find the relatives low around dares made his X Games debut that was like a it was like a 450 double tailor but the way he took off it look like a 540 that makes it even good trick dares making his debut in 2006 and LA when he earned a bronze so Dan they'll definitely up the ante and afters first run you know and we talked about that these guys gonna be doing that for the next two runs here it's crucial you have to do that in a situation like that's a guy who may know this format better than anyone upping the ante knowing exactly where he is right after rod number one a clean first attempt now I start climbing the ladder by adding just a little here and a little there that's what veterans do right there so look at this so many doubles helps these run family its ability to fire back and forth all these things amazing there's that flare where you're talking about you twist the bars be invited leg right there here that had to be pretty in shock so it's like a 450 TT oh it but it's a the way he took off turn it in like a 540 awesome and that's the last trick is run which was the flare no hander so definitely gonna see better better scoring yeah no doubt that will replace the 80 point six six but how high will it get it he's looking at eighty two hundred and eighty two point six six so he moves up one spot into seventh but still out of that top six but if his strategy holds true that we can expect a little bit of an increase there on his third and final round yeah I'm excited to see what he corporates after this because you know one thing that might come back to vitamins he did multiple double tail bulbs in that run and the judges do want to see Brian if you're doing the same trick over and over again that's when you're actually gonna you know hurt said you know a double tail over the 450 Hotel was amazing but look at that tailed transfer from Larry Edgerton start run Larry Edgar was in the lead early on run number one and he's been bumped down to fourth place still in the top six though [Music] the higher composition and the pins multiple years it's insane it's insane to see it really is you had a first place finish in a move the band's broke up yeah so right there Larry on he's gonna do with the hotel with the way he pumped fall for that transition and it was like the pike was getting away from him he decided to stop it at one to be saved could have been or he might have just pumped a little bit too hard but he did a lot of big things look at this huge hair oh wow look at that I thought he was gonna hit the overpass close I swear to you he's right there it's amazing Wow follow you it's like you can hit the light up there yeah so here we go with that massive flare on that smaller quarter pipe and it's he doesn't like have any segregation on which ramps he rides either built huge on the tolerance and he can go fast on the smaller too but yeah there's the best of it I think you're supposed to be double tail yeah so Edgar will hold on to his rock want scoreboard place is wearing this day you know that play around with yeah the produce hey we're not giving out medals today we're giving out six spots and right now he's got one of them as does Gary Young is right behind him in fifth place picking up the bass those down yeah the speed was a pace around that point that's quite a scary oh look at that except the tabletop good good follow you back right there over the head right to my hugs bargain you see always tricky everything like everything he approaches he has an answer for there's the dumbest bonk on the pillar again it's get really solid right now I like twins runs one these fruit drop it oh it's exactly table on the head they keep back he messed up on the first one so it's good to give it to you time and there's more could be one of the hardest tricks in the competition downside don't think around that Boulder the danger level we're seeing on some of these tricks that he's making look so easy it's really scary it's a look at Gary he was good after that doesn't waver people that let you watch it used to be back for the first time warner where gary's there's where carries double tail apart but in the MX you know it's not just the flashy tricks that are difficult there's tricks so fortune Riley can't tell the difference but feedbacks riders we can tell it's amazing I think that's what we're getting right here so as you can see he's pumping up and he's locking in the pegs on the top right there oh it's really hard and to pull that bike back in off the pegs his face so he he settles for an 83 hold on to his first from score bed she sets sometimes his fans we just see a spin it to win it and that's the most impressive visually but sometimes the toughest tricks are the ones that it seems so simple in nature of course you know and I understand there's so many tricks out there they're definitely cool I can compare to announce that they'll peg ride but you know we need to make sure that everybody knows it respects that level of difficulty so guys I carry on respect they deserve so here's Nick Bruce he won this event last year to earn a spot to X Games Minneapolis right now he's just trying to get in the top six he's in 12 all right well he's stepping up from the first round he landed the trick that took him in and he's looking pretty solid right now juice ebony doubled snail immeditely do the other flip does that granted lubos dude looks like he's got dancing to every river here so let's see how the rest of this run pans out heading over to the big part of the course this is where you see all the big most nice flare transfer haven't seen anybody had that [Music] that's big Bruce dropping the hammer on his final trick on rock / - it's got to feel really good to get back on the saddle you know after best dumped on her first trick I'm number one it was so cool to see Nick Bruce make his debut here at Road skatepark last summer and he took this course by storm and really picking up where he left off in 2017 yeah you know Nick verse is rotting you know it's been in the making for a little while now we've been waiting for that point where he was going to get there you know all the big tricks and all the consistency together clearly look at him right now brother number two was picture-perfect and he did all the biggest tricks you know the 540 flairies my favorite is definitely probably flare down it's because I know how difficult that is keeping the bike opposite direction I'm doing it so I kill Randy with the trick off that's a big go in set foot out doing a flare monopoly on cetera and eighty five point six six for Nick Bruce catapulting him all the way up in the third place Wow so here's Colton Walker he's sitting in 11th place trying to replace that 58 he's got the run to do it it just went arrived at tricks so with Nik Bruce's last run that bump mishap out of the top six and put Gary young into the bubble spot keep your eye on that sixth spot cleared outside wave just like true said right there you know that's gonna hit this erotic so thank you a really good situation here when it comes to his best chance to get into the top six to make it on the big show so we'll see how the judges rewarded right now eighty three point three three is that six spot score he would need the best that to get into the finals group a couple replays right here beautiful talk to a hand you know sometimes you know this most simple move just can be the classic ones and stand out and then look the best and this is the part where he messed up in the first run you can see his feet are on the pedal and drive the lane and there's a flare downside to it just like Nick Bruce it's same spot right there opposite and whip-it will find the bike get your back up he's pretty amazing so much better than runt one and eighty three point six six that puts cold Walker into that sixth and final spot and bumps out Gary Young I think we see that happen yeah musical chairs is far from over out here today at Boise especially with runt three still right around the corner but some of the heavy hitters yet to drop it for their second attempt including that man there Dennis Anderson trying to release that forty six point six six from hunt number one yes adenosine oh he had a little mess-up on the tie rod right there I saw doing a couple of practices in between no I nothing up they could shoot they go [Applause] excellent really really stylish haven't seen that and Dennis has the ability like I said earlier than to be able to deliver such big tricks and you have so much speeds so much control everything he rides like just like right there that little touch of the never there's a tire ride he landed that one perfect this time so let's see what he's got the rest of his front paws of a slingshot around already much better than what we saw in rut number one yeah can'tcan't tire grip all over the hip 270 we're coming to the end of the run double bars with over that big hit right there at the buzzer wara to old now I ask you the buzzer goes before he takes off on that would they have counted that and consequently not landing at does that hurt him so I'm not the judge all right but it depends on how the judges want to I mean how they proceed like that leading up to the trick like if the buzzer is going off like in there on the transition that's going to count you know but sometimes the buzzer will go off and there might be a little bit ways away it's me that's poor run planning you know like and it's a tough one whether it should be counted against them or counted you know form if it does go wrong right because you know technically time is over Claude like how far are you away from that gentleman from that brand it's a little subjective amongst the jokes it could be but that ward the tale of that he actually crashed on that was a really difficult one he came from a weird angle and up the coast led to him but you know maybe the second time around when he gets the complete run trying it will have more time maybe sucking check the bump on the first run that didn't go right so that was amazing eighty point three three of them he pokes him up one spot out to 11th place but now next to drop in our current leader Michael Aaron put that eighty-seven point three three if you saw us on one that you know no one else is approaching this park like mikkel look at the Grizz they're nobodies shows average right there it's such a rare trick to see to Mike Hill that's always a signature move to this point English look back on that corner right there Double Down side yeah that's a big up right there it's got the pocket air hanging on there Polly 272 because of our final five seconds for mikkel baekje again you've done it so it the same way you did the first time around again I just can't harp on this enough it seems like he's having more fun than anybody else Scotty and I cannot believe that we haven't seen him compete in Park and X games before you know look this new format gives guys like Mike he'll be able to come back here and show the world just how good he is on a bike and it feels like it's transition skills from Bert are being put on display in this event definitely need to see him going over to that big quarter pipe when he did that look back like his control is amazing but he's got these boobs right here like that under flip over that hip you know it's a small ramp and if he does stuff like this I mean that's a first style quarter pipe but you don't see anybody doing this on average every it's not gonna happen anytime soon any up CET and 88.3 three for Michael Aaron he stays in first place amazing it's so great to see Michael is being able to showcase his riding and look at him going over there say what something everybody he's that kind of guy Jose Torres he's in second place how's that eighty six point six six Michael Aaron just added to his score can Jose tourists do the same thing and potentially catch Lehren here on run to mass of course we tuck them hand her over the head speed is controlled it's so awesome guy from South America and a lot of people you know here the United States would never have the chance to see ride if it wasn't for a competition like this can they come out here in showcase his riding but so far so good he's looking really solid gotten really unique lines to tell he'll down side tail over the hip pitting it to the slow part but he's still got speed look at him pumping around that right there like that's difficult to do because that's such a small transition and it's really interesting to see to incorporate that part into enthroned as well see how he's gonna finish out there let's see if you get up this squirrel I'll you ten with a solid in there's just no let-up in his riding Scottie the pace from brick want to his closer as as quick as anybody else feel it definitely is that's been really important to be a medic you need to be able to start offense and invest as well you gotta be strong and ready for this but huge double tail bear on that Bank quarter here we go it's going to be the all you chuck them hander and look at the height the height is Manson and he's landing at the top of the transition beautifully carrying the speed so well I'll you tail up over the hip it's so cool to see the South American rider out here divorce and he increases his score at eighty seven point six six which would have been good enough for first place had not Mikkel increased his score on the last run so second place is where Torres this thing Wow watch the scores coming up and see who is getting rewarded these judges are definitely rewarding the guys that are carrying tons of speed around the whole town of course the whole time being able to trace so here's Brandon lupus our top rates qualifier he is currently in fourth place okay Britton start things off on the lower part which is smarter because now you get to bring this view it's Noah rolled the hip again here's guess I was right the first time double channel with lot of big news there's a reason why he was our top ranked qualifier Scotty we're seeing it right here right now he's a really strong rider he's really tall so he has capability to carry you that really helps you go out of control yourself the take your energy and be able to pump with it a strong run to for Lupo's who's just really been at home here at road skate park all week yeah he definitely left his first run trick walks there's a faculty player on that one ramp and look at right here he's doing the wall slab on the pillar and for me I think it's a good start to the run because that's starting at the top and coming towards me deep in beautiful triple toe him over the hip they ended a little bit lower he's everybody's still carried speed I think his ability of being strong uses the factor to that there's the under flip going up that transition such a small transition it's not even as long as a bike and he's even looked at his bike in there pretty smooth and there's the flare up towards the head to the right there so we think he improved upon his run one he did just that at eighty seven point three three jumping him up a spot in the third place I think it's it's safe to say that the judges are awarding these guys that are green speed around the whole entire course so let's see if the guys sorry it was my mouth where two runs in and it's still Michael Aaron leading the way with that eighty eight point three three super top-heavy though as you see the top six are the ones you got to keep your eyes on as we get ready for third and final runs it's cold Walker sitting in that elimination spot with that eighty three point six six everyone out here though chasing Michael Aaron will he take the top spot heading an X Games mini [Music] [Music] soda welcome back to the road to X Games it's our PMX Park final and what a show we've seen so far Scottie Cramer Michael Aaron is the story of this contest just upping the ante as he stays in first place oh it's amazing to see Mike hell out here just representing BMX it's such a positive way huge air huge tricks and just a smile on his face the whole time such you send me such a good example out there it's crazy to think that only six guys are getting into this thing because of the 12 riders we've got 11 who have scored into the 80s or higher yeah it's this third run is going to be huge right here you know and this is the playoffs you know to getting into the X Games right now and this could be more stressful than the actual big show itself yes it all comes down to these next runs yeah absolutely we will see if anyone can catch Michael McDowell Aaron Dennis Anderson on the outside looking in right now but is no stranger to X Games stages to X Games podiums let's learn a little bit more about em I've been going to X Games I think the first one I might have been 16 or 17 so it's going on 10 or 11 years of going to every single one just a good contest I always build cool different courses it's nice at that Street Park and dirt for me I've just always like legit enjoyed riding everything I know all these people who just ride park or just ride street or just write dirt like I could never do that I enjoy it all but I can't just do the same thing over and over and I think that's kind of why I've turned into like an all-around rider over the years this parks really cool it's kind of like a flowy your course and there's a lot of big trick guys here so it'll be interesting to see like where the judges are putting people because it can kind of go either way I think so I mean I'm always grateful first just being invited to X Games but all the silver medals I've had I'm stoked on those two but the day the two years ago when I won I don't know I just woke up really really feeling like just felt good really wants to ride that day and everything worked out and just it was just like pulling everything I want to pull but this year I feel like I've been riding a bunch and just trying to stay on it as much as possible so this year I feel even better than last year well he says he feels good hopefully he brings it on his third and final run because he's got some work to do sitting in 11th place there as you see all eyes on that sixth spot we've been saying it all day Scotty Colton Walker currently clinging to that final spot to get in the X Games Minneapolis but it all shakes out here on third five yeah this is what's going to coming down to these guys are gonna be bringing their a-game this is their last chance to be able to get their you know ticket to go to Minneapolis this is gonna be huge right here I think we're gonna be seeing the guys up the ante but the seriousness of this event you know it's gonna change drastically because it comes down to this moment [Music] six-six on run number one then added a point to that number two as you saw a cold Walker sitting in that six spot you would need to fest an eighty three point six six third and final run starts right now all right so here we go Pat Casey is bringing some air to the course he did a massive tabletop let's see what he's gonna do how it's gonna up to Annie I'm so curious to see him I'm wondering if he's gonna use his free coaster and do one of his crazy you know never-before-seen free coaster movies is capable of because you just double tail I'll loop over the hip it's got a good flow going though you know things are working out for him okay on to the paler he's gonna be heading back down to the big section and that's where we're gonna see all the big moves nice flip over the head and over to the bowl corner there's that double toilet that we were talking about earlier nobody's doing that one that's amazing flare whip oh and pulling that one at the buzzer right there so you know what if you're gonna up the ante you gotta bring your big tricks like that and that's doing so was this enough to crash that party well he's got some big news he's got the 270 double taalib right there and he's bringing the flip over the hip heading back in yeah I think he definitely upped the ante but let's see what the judges think here's the moment right there you're just waiting you you're just trying to see if it's gonna happen in a t14 move on to his run to it's just how come this group is BMX park out of all the BMX displays it's the most competitive one for sure there's always a podium changing there's always a new rider that's coming in and taking a gold medal this is just we're seeing it live right now prime example chase Hawk he's got a gold medal in this event from 2014 but he's currently into place Park for it really in its but you know what a chase is gonna up the ante right now let's see if he's got what it takes to push himself above you know he had a little mess up on that manual 180 you know you gotta risk it for these kind of situations so we'll see he goes back to that one his best score of the day of seventy-seven point six six trying to get into that top six here it is oh he put the front wheel down but you know what it's not over yet though you know he's still able to continue on you know it's definitely not gonna get you know the credit that he wanted to get but you know what he's waving it off right there see it's hard to watch that because me I want to sit there in the yellow chips and shakin at the shoulders and say drop in keep on going you know but sometimes Rogers you know they're so such big critics on their own riding that they're like yeah I'm not good enough this you're gonna happen I'm just gonna call it right now the run is movement it's the truth you know all he did was put his front wheel down on amazing Eirik RZA he's sitting in eighth place right now into that top six honey berry was actually leading the contest outright early on run number one now he's on the outside looking in so here's got some big moves he's got ability to squeeze in so many tails and bar spins in one air and I think he's gonna be going that route with this next round there's the enforcement over the hip horsemen on the big quarter and he says we're going to see some tricks terrific chance oh we didn't get the pedals man here agrees that may cause motion sickness and that's where he had trouble on the first run but he you know when he had even worse trouble on the third run he couldn't find the pedals on that triple tail if that triple tail whip and he lands it but then it's the after that was really giving him trouble in two of his three runs today as we take another look at his third and final run yes so you see that the rotation looks good but as he catches that the bike gets away from him and he's a brakeless rider so he catches it with his front foot and when you have no brakes on your bike and your foots already on that pedal your pedals are gonna tend to move so like the goal is to grab the bike and you put both feet on at the same time so it's rough the same heartbreaker for Eric as he will not be moving on Daniel Dhers in ninth place right now a steadily improved through from run one to run two what can he do here on that third and final run if he is if he does what he did from run one tune-up run to meet would be in the finals with the two-point in Greece we'll see if he can do it yeah I mean I think that the one thing that might have been bothering his score was the fact that too many double tail ups but I don't know if he's gonna change the route at all we'll see he's a smart rod you know he's a better so if anybody's gonna you know be able to catch on to the differences it's gonna be him but so far so good he's mixing up a little bit didn't see that downside tail over the first one and now we're heading over towards that hit where he did that 450 double down so I'm curious to see if he's gonna change that maybe switch it up with something different oh there's a flare variation we're talking about the player table crosses the buddy-cop so that was changed out compared to the first one and that could be the variety he needs we'll see what the judges think so we're going towards the end of the run right now flare no-hander and that was a better extension that he did the second that's for sure so we've cleaned some things up he showed a little bit of variety the future it's midway through the wrong as you said maybe no one more veteran in this format than he knows exactly what he needs to do now the question is was that enough to put him into the top six so here's the replays right here there's the ollie you've double tail we've seen that one in the other run and it's amazing that he's able to pull that one over and over him there's a flare tail with you know we've seen a couple of those today and that's like almost a requirement if you're gonna be doing players variations you need to have the flare tail and when it comes to BMX park trying to replace that 82.6 six again Colt Walker holding onto that slick spot with an eighty three point six six he made the best that to get into the finals group there you see colt we'll be stay in the finals group so here we go just waiting on that score to come it I could see I can only imagine what's going to respond right now that was his last chance to be able to make it to x8 you know through this ballpark so let's see what if something comes up split-screen did he do enough at eighty three point six six Wow yes so is this a tiebreaker situation right here we'll get official wording on that so that's the same score as Colton Walker Wow and I think what it boils down to at this point is his second highest score is higher than Colton Walker's second highest score but again Colt Walker still has a third and final attempt to drop in I mean the ball is in his court we're going to see how he responds to that one but man Daniel Dhers got to feel really good after that you know he's worked too hard considering he's been you know riding X team since 2006 that really was his first one just think about that was 12 years of this competition over and over again and he's got five gold medals Larry Edgar he's sitting in the five spot he's got to be feeling good but there's still a couple of guys bumped out that could shake things up he'd love to give himself a little bit more breathing course who would this kind of situation Larry he's been bothering you battling a shoulder injury a little bit but that's the same piece alone of them huge tail transfer to start things off their unique setup right there so right now dears is the bubble boy sitting in that six spot bumping out Walker huge he's looking really good compared to it's on the run so and see how he ends this one head over to smaller quarter play just wish right now and put it on that it's noteworthy to be rotting away but no one any situation you want to be in this is not a bad situation at all that girl of course made his X Games debut last summer came in 12th place at US Bank Stadium in this same event now he's just trying to get back there oh man look at that hair for the head so cool the same so much power so much style as well just classic tabletop flicking it holding it for feels like an eternity huge player and that's smaller quarter planet and here's where things went wrong he did that double tail of but his feet didn't get on the pedals the way they need to be the pedals move and you can't secure it right away and sometimes nothing more intoxicating during a run than amplitude Larry Edgar's got that over the rest of the crowd of course that's why he's winning you know these advance his height so we move on to carry young he's sitting in 8th place trying to get into that top six Daniel Dhers holding on to that final spot right now with the 83 point six six Gary just like my canal just such a unique line out there I guess a question for you how do these unique lines separate a guy like Gary amongst the judging panel yeah it's a good question and I think that Gary needs to kind of just maybe a little bit just put a little bit more difficulty into a couple of over you know the hips and that might separate a little bit but everything besides that I think he's got the best runs you know quality of direction of the day and the level of difficulty on certain tricks like it's like we were talking about that crying around the corner here we go is transferring eight right there 272 on the top over the hip like that that line is more unique than anybody on the course so I mean I think he'd get rewarded heavily if he keeps his run going so look at that value 270 look back the hip perfect is able to stay on his pedals so again an eighty three point three three that's his high score good enough for eight as we take another look at the replays is this enough to jump him into the top six in my opinion I think he definitely helped everything look at he's landing perfect years he's got that landing going on to the next one he's doing you know when I say it's the hardest part in the whole competition that the outside the old peg grind and it's he had an answer for everything that he approached on this run and you know he even ended on this on the edge of our seats right here on that rollout which he started leaving to side so I would not be surprised if he gets a good good score on this one there you see Daniel Dhers sitting in that bubble position the very young bumped him out of the top six and remember Daniel Dhers day is done if he gets bumped out he does not have another attempt so the judges are taking some time so that could be a good thing I mean most people see it that way you know they're going over the run that makes sure that you know everything is deserving him an eighty four point three three four Gary Young jumping him up in the sixth spot and bumping out Daniel Dhers yeah I had a feeling that that road was gonna get awarded on that because he had a good solid run I think have all the runs it was pretty clear that that was his best part so now the question becomes will Gary hold on to that spot the top four have officially clinched Mykel Jose Brandon and Nick no one can touch them they might shuffle a little bit when it's all said and done with positioning but they're moving on to Minneapolis five and six still up for grabs here's Nick Bruce he's already qualified in 2x Ames Minneapolis he's in that four spot he's safe this one is effectively for the fans here a road skateboard but I don't know if he knows that right now he may not he might not know that because all he's focused on is doing his best run I don't think he has anybody to see her doing the man that figure that all out just like we are and you may not want to make the craziest trick of the competition so far Flair yes oh he didn't get the memo what you can't when you're gonna do something like that oh my goodness so he's gonna die are picking our jaws up on the floor here in the boob the double tail whip over that hip huge I'd like that flare transfer that's a really unique line off of that hip part let's stick it down into the corner someone needs to tell Nick Nick we're not giving out a gold medal here today if somebody needs to tell him right now that he's already qualified because that run was he does not know yet and that run was going insane leading up to minutes oh man that was huge right out this double tail with it a flare off of that Bank thing so much power that takes so much control to do that mode here's another double tail in a 270 variety over the hip and this is that flare transfer that I like a lot look at he's these carving off of that mellow bar into the seat quarter but right here he didn't pull out enough and he wasn't away from the transition enough to think his bike onto it with his field tracing down so Nick Bruce is coming back to x-games we're all excited to see that and if that's a precursor of what's to come podium from last year look out of course I got swatch because he brings the biggest tricks every competition Iran it's whether it be dirt whether be bark he's got the moves and he's got the confidence to be trying new tricks an 80 1.66 so he'll hold on to his run to score Colton Walker he's sitting in 8th place he was in the top six he got bumped by dares who then got bumped by Kerry Young Colton Walker is one of two guys left who can crash that top six party he's got to do it right now so Colton's got the way to pull down the world on his shoulders right now you know this is good flow good control so far he's got the right track to do what he needs to do there's the down side tail over the head keep missed the bars fit but that's okay he's upped it already so I think it's a good trade-off you know sending the double tail tomorrow trading it off with that okay GUP low good speed and there's that downside so up Flair pulling even better than the last row which is really good the same we know Colton Walker will be competing in X teams Minneapolis as he tries to defend his goal in BMX dirt but will he be adding Park into the mix was that enough to get him in to the top six so in my opinion watching them he definitely able to Marvin on that big corner but now we for being you don't want to stand that trick so it's good that he landed that one I wouldn't say that stuff but like I know what I think he was gonna be going for that three down side tailed the Morrison and that big mark out but here's that my favorite regular on don't tell up too late bar has been on that quarter pipe and he had so much speed the whole time as well there's because the part that he was missing the bars baton but I don't think it's gonna really hurt and score that much because I would treat the one with the other easily if you landed good transitionary young is sitting in that six play spot no longer an eighty five point three three woods Walker into fit and that box out carry young and with that Walker clinches a spot he'll be competing in Park in Minneapolis look at this and it's coming down to this right now oh my goodness so Kerry Young gets bumped out which puts Larry Edgar amazingly enough into the bubble spot this is amazing we can we have somebody who has you know a big run coming up ahead to be able to get these guys back one spot of these there we see Dennis Anderson he is the final rider that's the outside looking in that can shake things up Larry Edgar's got a kung fu grip on that sixth and final spot really hold on to it I mean this is Dennis Anderson this guy is no stranger to being able to step up in situations like this huge he'll transfer a really good start to as Ron the flow is there that is definitely a key point to this with the judges seem to be rewarded got to have good flow so far so good double tie ride successful this time which is false Missy help me around the bull corner look at the speed ease carry nice tabletop one hander of the hip can't can't time for spit two bars for transfer final five seconds for Dennis this is him what's he going to end this with oh he's going for the tail right there at the ball the transition he pulls it he pulls it out to the buzzer which begs the same question I asked you on run number two he doesn't land it we wondered if he would be punished for it now he does land it does he get the points in my opinion see how the judges scored his other run I think that they are going to count it because I felt like that weighed against him you know the best upon his second the buzzer went off on his way to that ramp I don't know how what the distance is I don't know if there is a distance or because you know you never know a skatepark is gonna be different than any other place but I mean it was a really great run not only does he have the ability to get to the top six he could even move up even higher than that with that kind of run so that magic number 85 to get into the top six he seems to be feeling pretty good about that one do you think it's enough to get him in there and things useful a capable of it but we're hanging on this one right now but the moment of truth you heard from heard us talking will the judges think that that is enough from Dennis Anderson one of those moments that you just always seen that happen at every X Games even in a qualifying event like this one here at Boise a spot on the line to X Games Minneapolis did Dennis Anderson do enough [Music] [Music] and the score comes in at an 85 3 3 he does on his final attempt and he gets into the sixth place from that one you called it Dennis Anderson did just enough to squeak into the top six he takes over the fifth spot and with that Larry Edgar officially eliminated [Music] what a moment here he saved his best for last Dennis Anderson climbing up the ladder and getting into that Finance Group so our seats are set we've still got three riders left to drop but they're our top three so far Mykel jose and brandon that one's just for bragging rights but a heartbreaker for Larry Edgar as he gets bumped out on that final run from Dennis Wow but look at Mike Heller and he's gotta be feeling like a billion bucks man in the X Games Minneapolis for BMX park he's gonna be so proud of that one and he's still gonna be delivering you know he's gonna don't let up right now he's gonna put a show-off at this boys a crowd for sure well said partner so far sitting in first place he was in first place after run number one first place after run number two what's he got for the fans here in Boise on his final attempt so starting off just like the other on tons of speed chunks of energy and there's where the vert preventers payoff is huge you look back on that big quarter pipe carrying it over to the double downside say Oh as well nice don't hit her in there chief he might you've been up in other school we'll see how this will cut us good line so that's what I got to say about my cow so important you vmx mark you have to be able to bring the momentum and carry it through and have you know the speed to answer you know what it's only right that he had at least one that stuff for today I love that it happened right next to the judges and he looked over and gave him a chuckle and they responded with the same yeah what an awesome day for Mike hell so happy for my I'm so proud we're proud of is rotting and look at this beautiful textbook look back twisting that bike off and just and here's the double downside sail with huge air I need it when you're doing a bigger event on the on the mega ramp and you get that kind of air you're used to that so it's only right that he that goes over the hip at the double downside tonight oh my cow will be making these X Games appearance month but his first debut and BMX park in Minneapolis at US Bank Stadium a long time coming and after watching today all I could say is what took them so long I wondered the same thing like an opportunity to showcase his riding through the world so Mike l33 from his run to score sitting in first place here's Jose Torres who's just written so that's just how well my kid he potentially try to leapfrog mike/ellen take the top spot judging by this guy's style I think so I don't think he's gonna be okay which is making it into X Games I think he wants to put an exclamation point out there you know what let me MX know that he's here and he's ready to try and that was unbelievable huge right there that can hammer angle did that so much justice as well the AMA you tailwhip over the hip such a treat to watch down so hard to see a guy fall like he did in midair good to see him popping up though right away seems to be grabbing at his arm or wrist we don't want to speculate with medical attending to him [Music] right here it looks like he went to go kick the downside tail whip but the bike wasn't there to kick and look at this he's falling backwards and he lands on the left it's always terrible to see you know a rider with so much momentum you know go down like that that was in a way a victory run so to speak because he's already qualified right now but you know what in BMX you have that kind of energy you know running from this kind of crowd and it's hard to hold yourself back you know you want to go put on a show for everybody that's in the audience as well so I mean different kind of sports whether it be you know NFL has a victory formation the go out there it's finding that balance of you know you're already in now you're doing something for the fans and there's no doubt that that risk he's feeling it but to see him out there walking it off boy you just hope he's opening it and be able to see him next month the minion yeah this guy he's got so much heart you can tell just by his riding style you don't go that high and get that good from from holding back you know you've experienced situations like that our final rider to drop in he was our top ranked qualifier he's sitting in third place Brandon Lupo's heading I don't know if it's going to hold back either you've got all these tricks so consistent and I seen Duman practice all the time so I think he's gonna put a show on for the crowd let's see if he can up the ante and you know sometimes you don't have to be a mex rider you want to be able to do that for yourself because BMX as much as we are competing against other people Emirati you gotta beat yourself first you need to conquer you know what's going on in your mind to be able to get those tricks done so that's how it's more about going against yourself rather than going against your fellow riders but it's just goes to show you see everybody hugging each other a hotpocket each other after the run and you'll respect each other it's great to hear this road skate park audience come alive especially after the massive fall that holds a tourist just took and lucullus is putting on a show here right bring the glucose didn't flare up or the Boise crowd you know that's gotta be a vex riders around you wasn't so much heart these guys wanna ride their bikes so Brandon Lu posts of course moving on to X Games Minneapolis and I just can't say enough about this contest in in particular the third and final run skier Scotty to see all the moving all the shaking the leap frogging on that sixth spot Colt Walker who ended up qualifying six was in and then out and then backed in and had to hold for dear life and he moves on as that yeah we both do that that was going to happen you know like when we were leading into this event because that's a situation you know these guys are going to be battling to bring their best tricks out here today and our final standings from the road to BMX park final it's Mike he'll Lehren with that 88.3 3 set in the pace and that top six and gold are moving on to Minneapolis I'm so excited to see the Vinny Appice event is it's going to be amazing and just judging by these top six guys just alone look at these names this is a who's who of BMX right now and as we set off the top there were gonna be some big names that wouldn't be moving on chase hakka former gold MELAS Gary Young Daniel Dhers Harry Edgar it just goes to show where Park riding is in 2018 there's three gold medalists three part gold medalists right there that didn't qualify that's unbelievable but quietly we've assured in a new era when you look at guys like Brandon Lupo's and Jose Torres who you met for the first time today qualifying second overall it's it's an awesome opportunity that the X Games has given these guys this qualifier and you just can't say enough about Michael Aaron's day just really extraordinary it was a guy that we knew had the talent to move on to Minneapolis and that got actualized out here let's send it down to the third member of our team Diana Dalton solid runs and showing he's having so much fun all day long putting down some I mean amazing tricks got the crowd going how does it feel Mike hell I'm just stoked man there's so much fun being out here and hanging with everybody and everybody wrote great and I can't say much more than that it's really stoked this is your first Park event what was it like going up against athletes like these you know what's fun is they're like I'll ride with most these guys regularly which is fun and so competition was kind of more of a session you know what I mean and so I just you know again super stoked to be out here and it was just fun being able to kick it with everybody and just smile the whole time you know well he has the bragging rights we're gonna see him at Minneapolis my cat-lair and top qualifier rose to X Games we're gonna be seeing you in Minneapolis congratulations and you heard him say it there Scotty the camaraderie of this Park field cannot be overstated now of course these guys all respect each other and you know when that contest isn't happening we're gonna be showing up at skate park so we're gonna be riding together and motivating each other to be doing you know with the best that we possibly can and again maybe the story of the day was Dennis Anderson starting off really low in 11th place of being able to walk his way up all the way in to the top six that was really special but so many memorable moments Nick Bruce certainly putting on a show and all of the top six in this field just so well deserving study that's completely you can't argue that you know no matter who you are BMX you were going to be watching this event and you're gonna be knowing these are the best guys out there so our top six are set let's send it back down to Dianna who's with our final group it was pretty much the X teams before the X Games we have Jack Mitanni coming in here handing out the official six tickets and first off is Dennis Anderson coming in with a solid run Colton Walker fourth qualifier here Nick Bruce [Applause] [Music] and we're heading to your podium third top qualifier here Brandon Lupe's [Applause] finishing up here second today invoicing some amazing tricks thank god he's okay Jose Torres and nothing but smiles you're top qualifier Boise Mike your winner big round of applause Brandon Scott Ian back to you I look at this group Scotty and I just someone's gotta warn our podium from last year these guys are coming in hot they're coming in ready and any of those guys can medal in Minneapolis no that's completely right you know I'm so excited to see what the course looks like in Minneapolis and see you know what style of riding they might cater to the most because any of these guys like you're saying it has the ability to get on that podium Wow just a special moment and what a qualifier we had out here at rode skate park the BMX park final was one for the ages so much and shaking on that third and final run but at the end of the day it was Michael Aaron setting the pace for Diana Dahlgren and Jack met Ronnie along with Scottie Kramer I'm Brandon grams and thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: X Games
Views: 232,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yt:quality=high, X Games, XGames, X-Games, action sports, extreme sports, BMX, park, final, road, to, x games, livestream, BMX park final livestream, boise park qualifier 2018, x games qualifier boise, road to x games boise park qualifier 2018, x games BMX qualifier, boise qualifier BMX park live stream, x games boise qualifier BMX park live stream, boise qualifier 2018, x games boise qualifier 2018, BMX park qualifier x games, BMX park boise qualifier 2018
Id: _hZug6i3TPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 23sec (5603 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 17 2018
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