WeMod Steam Deck Tutorial UPDATED - Now Install Once Play Many Games #steamdeck #wemod

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[Music] okay let's install we mod on the steam deck so get some cheating starting so first thing you need to do uh in Steam deck desktop mode go to disk discover software Center all right and then search for proton and there's two programs you need proton up QT and proton tricks so install these both I've already got them installed all right so let's fire up proton up QT first thing we need to do is we need to here make sure it's on Steam there's a few options like nutrients and heroic make sure it's on Steam and then add version here make sure it's on GE proton then search for 6.19 ge2 this is the one we need I already have it so let me show you you just click install here I already have it so I'm not going to install it so once that's installed I think you need to reset your restart restart your steam in order to for it to show up okay and then you need to download two files uh let's see we install so I've got these two files we mod this is the installer and this is the.net framework 4.8 this is the offline installer that we need so I'll leave a link in the description make sure you download these two go into your steam add a game add a non-steam game browse okay and then go to your installer so we're going to install we mod first so we Mark 8.11.1 okay add this and then on the left hand side you should see it pop up here okay go into its properties compatibility we're going to change it to proton 6.19 ge2 the one that we just installed okay and then we're gonna run it because uh we mod only the installer only works on this one the other versions They Don't Really Work it's kind of weird this installer it needs to be run on normal user mode you can't run as administrator so the other other versions you're always running an administrator you can't change it but on 6.19 ge2 you can actually change the the is that priority the right of the user so that's why we can install v-mod Okay so there's nothing to press that's already done all right it's done so what we do we need to locate where we installed it so how do we do that go to your home then make sure the three lines here is clicked and then you the show hidden files is checked we need to go to the hidden folder dot steam then Steam steam apps compact data and then if you just sort by modified just now so this is just created so I know it's this one if you didn't do it just now and you got messed up maybe you can go to um Photon tricks oh sorry go to proton tricks the program we installed at the start and then you look for here remod this this number this is the number for the folder so see it matches here so have you got messed up somehow okay so go into the prefix folder Drive C uses steam user app data local we mod this is where our remodel was installed so copy this location we need it back onto our theme the Wii mod we go to its properties I'm going to change the name to just remod and then Target okay so here I'm just going to paste that location then click the tick mark select the wemod.exe okay then add the quotations at the start of it and at the end of it we add the quotations and then here start in we just paste the location we don't need the exe so just paste that location is fine no need for quotation marks then compatibility I'm going to change it back to proto-experimental because uh this one is only used to install remod so we're going to use the latest one proton experimental all right so let's run it don't think it works because we haven't installed NET Framework 4.8 but we've got to run it first just to make sure that it's kicked in all right yeah we don't have the right.net okay so we can close it okay go back into our proton tricks and then the remod double click it wait for it don't panic takes a little bit of time okay here it is okay select the D5 okay first thing we do run Wine config because we're going to change it to Windows 10 to Windows 7. so here Windows version change it to Windows 7 apply because.net framework doesn't work on Windows 10. so run uninstaller and then here install locate the install directory and then select the dotnet framework installer the offline installer okay and then just wait for it to install this is going to take a bit not too long but yeah so I've been messing around with v-mod on some of the games it's quite fun on the steam tag yeah I think you'll have a blast so if you're enjoying the video so far and this is helpful please like And subscribe alright so.net okay we're just going to continue and then I've read and accept license terms installed just wait for it so I have another video for how to install v-mod on the steam deck but that one was um like you need to do this procedure every single game that you want to uh use B mod with so I've just found another way is like I'm going to use I'm going to install v-mod as like a game so every time I just boot up vmod and then inside we mod I can launch whatever game I want so that's just easier so I don't have to install.net framework and then we mod login yeah we skip all that so this is a much better way in my opinion so okay done finish okay then quit out of it okay and then let's run the remodel game this should work because we've installed the dependency in needed the.net framework 4.8 yeah you can see it's checking for updates installing updates so we got past that already so we're loaded in let's maximize this okay so first time you've got to log in go log into your account oh I think I'll yeah just wasted time typing my email address so login okay and then I think it's easier to do all your configurations in desktop mode and then you can play it on game mode okay so it recognizes your games and your Steam games for non-steam games so this is where the tricky part is all right so let's say I know some games work so let's say I know armored chord works so Ahmed called I have it installed on my steam deck so I'm just going to search for it and then here install game and then you go to add custom at custom so and then you have to look at your game so here you can see C drive is um my this my dependency folder so C drive if you if you know a little bit of your your prefix okay so C drive is actually my compact data and then this this is the contained Windows environment that it created when I added a non-steam game and then drive C so this is where exactly this is this all right so that's one thing you need to know and then so it depends on where you install the game so where I go can I mess up I think I'm kind of lost okay here it is okay so it depends you need to know where you installed your game and then see uh day job I know this is my SD card so if you install some games on SD card you might locate it here and then Z Drive is my uh my SSD Okay so but you'll notice that I can't locate because most of the games they're located in compact data or maybe steam apps and common so here are all my Steam games they look they're installed here if you know they're installed into this hidden folder.steam and here I can't locate my my hidden folders see I can go into home and then back and then there's no dot Steam but a user told me you just here you type dot Steam and then you can go into it so dot Steam and I mean my DOT Steam and then Steam steam apps and common so I can I can locate my games here so that's pretty cool that's pretty cool so that's one way to do it so now I need to locate where my armored call is I can't remember where I installed it so let's go back to my steam Library Ahmed cold okay so I'm just gonna check where my target exe is okay so it's here games armored chord uh okay so yeah I know it's here so I go to my SD my SSD okay yeah and then SSD so I know it's in home deck games armored call 5c games I'm gonna call okay so here it is game yeah here it is I'm with chord six okay and then yeah I could this is where it is so that's done and then let's say another game I know it works dragon ball Dragon Ball Kakarot I know this works so same thing install game add custom and then okay let's take a look where it is in my steam Library Dragon Ball okay um okay properties it's in my downloads whoppinator okay so this is definitely a non-steam game so I go to my computer Zed that's my SD card home deck oh my bad deck downloads uh wapinator Dragon Ball Z Kakarot at.exe okay do I need to run it one time first or does it save okay let's see if it saves if I don't don't run it okay so I've created those shortcuts so let's go let's exit out of this exit okay exit exit okay let's go to gaming mode and see if it works if it doesn't I think we need to run the game at least once before it saves that's what just what I'm worried about so if I go to gaming mode and then I did all that I linked all my exe files to the games and they don't save because I didn't run it so let's try let's find out together I'm pretty new to this as well so I'm building up my steam there okay so what's the first one we do when we go into game mode yeah we change the artwork read mod has flat work so yeah change the artwork make it look good I don't wanna ugly gray piece of whatever it is okay looks so much better okay let's run it [Music] your game your rules okay it's loading all right so so since I'm in gamer you have to press the steam button and then use your um what's it called touchpad touchpad oh maybe it didn't maybe it didn't okay maybe I didn't save because I didn't play it oh yeah I didn't that's a bummer that's a bummer all right and it's very hard to see here gosh rank it a bit uh not really yeah it's not as friendly on the on the game mode so I think yeah the best way to do it is run it first and then it's saved like it's saved in your games so let's go back to desktop mode and we're going to run it yeah so don't don't be an idiot like me and you know create all the create all the shortcuts to your exe and then not run the game and then thinking going to Game Mode you can just select the game yeah that's a stupid way okay so yeah just link those two games again and I'm gonna okay what was it Kakarot kakarots Okay add custom it was in my my computer my SSD home deck downloads what Bonita Dragon Ball okay so yeah let's just launch it first I think that's the best way launch it first make sure it works because if it doesn't work it's no use so the game's loading okay let's go and check if some games don't work okay if it like here it's still loading if it works it says it's like playing in game or something like that so let's just watch it if it doesn't connect it will tell you um it can't find the game maybe the game has anti-cheat or something it just doesn't work that's it here it says playing that means it works all right so since it works yeah let's just quit that's what we know that's all we need to know okay this is pretty annoying every single time okay let's do the other one Ahmed call okay install game add custom okay where was it um I forgot I think it was in my home deck games yeah got a good memory so I've seen games armored chord yeah just locate your game all right let's play let's try this one so what you're looking for I'm pressing alternate tab on my keyboard to switch between the windows okay so just make sure that it's connected to the game right it loads the game doesn't mean it connects it could be you know messed up yeah this one's playing so it's good that's good yeah I've tried it so I know okay I'll turn it F4 I'm just gonna quit the game and then you want to see something that doesn't work yeah I've tried Elden ring a lot of times it didn't work I think it's got an anti-cheat or something or maybe the version the game version is not working for me I I don't know what's wrong yeah everything's fine here hold on ring okay I forgot to see where the location was that's what I wanted to do oh it's in my compact data oh no no no this is I directed to my all right that is weird okay let me find my Olden ring game I think it's in wapinator downloads walkmanator Belden ring uh uh is the game here yeah uh elderly yep it's here okay I know where it is cool see you want to see something that doesn't work okay let's find Elden ring I'm still trying to get it to work I want to use it on Eldon ring okay so my computer Z Drive Z or Z then this depends where you are I guess uh home deck downloads Elden ring Southern ring.exe okay play okay so yeah it tells you that like it has anti-cheat you might need to do this I've done it I've done it didn't work it didn't work so yeah okay so play anyway Okay so so it tells you that you need to create a steam underscore app id.tax and put one to this number in it I've tried it so here let me see Elden ring you see here I've got the status I created this theme app id.txt and then I put the one two four five six two zero in it and save yeah I've done that it didn't work see uh the game is loading okay okay so the game's loaded but see here it's still loading well it's still like loading mods can't connect It's gotta bounce out soon let's tell you see here we're having trouble starting or finding your open game yeah I've retried it like many times I've even done it like in-game so like I go into the game playing not just on the menu I've done that it didn't work so if you like found a way to do it please let me know in the comments all right that's that'll be That'll be amazing I think a lot of people would thank you for it because this is a popular game because it's hard and people want cheats I guess like me yeah still not no it doesn't work okay okay let's skip it so I'm in game yes okay okay so I'm in game now and then let's try it again let's try try see if it connects like it'll be a miracle if it does it'll be amazing you'll probably see my live reaction go crazy yeah I don't think it works because I've tried that many times I've tried it many times all right in the meantime yeah you can just watch me Hack and Slash all right let's just wait for it I think it's because maybe like like I said it's either the game version that's not supported that I'm using the game version I'm using or either the game has anti-cheat that um hasn't we haven't got past yeah see okay doesn't work all right let's just quit and then okay let's check my games make sure that the games are there yeah the games are there oh something happened okay it's fine yeah okay so let's quit let's quit and go into game mode so I'll show you how things are done in game mode so um yeah so in this way I've just installed uh v-mod once and then you can see I've loaded three games already uploaded Eldon ring I've loaded Kakarot and I've loaded Ahmed core so you don't have to do it for every single game which is a little bit different from the method I used previously because previously I had to install it every single time okay let's run remod [Music] so like I said uh on the steam deck the like you probably can't see all of the the screen that's just how it is I guess or or steam deck the resolution gets messed up I guess so the window size so the window size you know this is pretty good okay so here okay let's go Kakarot oh this time the window size is great okay so it works okay so what should I do okay I play what's that um all right let's just take some of these so you know that I'm that I'm using a cheat Max combo Max oxygen yeah something like that okay I think yeah that's enough okay let's run the game I haven't played this for a while I'm not sure if I still remember how to play so you can see here if I press the steam button yeah I've got two the Wii mod and catwalk is working together that's important because that the mods need to run okay continue okay okay so where am I now okay I need to go to probably his weak point we have to find Reddit now go faster how do I go faster my God I can't even like what is this the fastest I Can Fly but I think you can see that I've already got the mod on you see I'm level three and at the bottom at the bottom you can see my um I don't know look my HP and energy is like already maxed out at level three so yeah I think I think it's pretty pretty sure that the body is working the cheat I don't even call these mods these are like cheats okay let's see let's let's follow through punches and see yeah you can see that my combo is Max like 999 yeah and I'm not taking damage yeah all right so yeah you know it works all right that's all we needed to know all we needed to know so let's quit uh how do I quit do I have to quit the Wii mod as well exit game oh yeah so once we quit we quit everything all right that's okay so let me just demonstrate another game and then we call it quits okay okay so let's run let's run Ahmed call okay so this time you can see the screen is messed up again I don't know it's random but yeah okay just turn on some of these like infinite ammo no reload Max Energy yeah stuff like this all right let's just turn the ball on okay play so yeah make sure you do your settings like map the games on your desktop mode because it'll be really hard to do it on on gaming mode so do all that and then you're good to go did I crash no I didn't crash it was loading okay okay so offline mode new game okay okay I need to enter a name hey did I delete my saved or maybe oh there's a new so the saves the like new it's like saved here yeah I think so it's saved in this contained environment so yeah it might be a little bit messy to locate your save yeah off we'll figure that out we'll figure that out all right let's see if the mods work yeah you can see at the bottom my ammo 900 no 999 and it doesn't drop and I don't need to reload so yeah and when I'm flying my energy is maximal so I can just fly anywhere if you've played this game you know this is not normal yep all right so it works that's great it's a good thing we know it works so I hope this video helped you out if it did please leave a like And subscribe if you have any inquiries uh please let me know in the comments and I'll try to help you out so thanks for watching and I'll see you guys in the next one later
Channel: Grown Up Gaming
Views: 18,713
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steam deck, wemod, cheats, cheat, gaming cheats, gaming cheat, gaming mods, mod, mods, game modding, game trainers, game trainer, trainer, trainers
Id: nlDhFYT5oEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 29sec (1769 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 12 2023
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