Steam Deck: The Ultimate EmuDeck Beginner's Guide (No, Really) - DEPRECATED (see Description)

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[Music] hello everybody this is Shane Arman row and today we will be installing muck and setting up ROMs and bios files all that good stuff right here on this freshly re-imaged steam deck let's get started we're going to go over to First and we are going to download the muud installer we'll be choosing the Steam OS version and make sure that you save it on your desktop and that your browser respects the desktop extension everything looks good there we'll hit save now we're done in the browser for now and now on your desktop you should have an install mudac icon double click it make sure you say execute or continue and it will download uh the beginnings of the [Music] install all right had to move it over from the other screen we're going to use custom mode because we want to have complete input on how we do this install so go ahead and hit continue and if you're going to install it on your internal storage you'll select internal storage your micro SD card of course select SD card note emulators their support files and some of your saves will all be stored internally regardless of what you choose steam deck of course is what we're looking for here and I'm going to turn on everything other than the second Nintendo switch emulator I don't even know how to pronounce that but I'm going to grab everything else and install it and we'll hit continue and we want all of the configuration set up and again I don't need the second emulator so we'll remove that one but everything else is good to [Music] go autosave so when you leave a game in one of these systems here it will automatically save your progress and it'll restart by itself I'm not a fan of that I'll make my own save files and I'll reload it retro achievements check the upper right hand corner if you don't know what retro achievements are I'll post a video there that you will very much enjoy using retro achievements if you're not clear on what they are and I've logged in successfully with my account and we'll continue do you want bezels now yes or no it's a personal choice I like the bezels I like to fill in the dark spots but if you got an OLED you might want to leave them black okay so I'm a big original aspect ratio I don't want anything stretched cropped pan and scanned I want everything pretty much the way that it was so as we go through here I'm going to be looking for original aspect ratio there you go that's the real SNES resolution so I'm going to take it I don't want any of my classic 3D games stretched out like that nope but again this is all personal preference you do what you like and again I'm going to stay 4x3 LCD shaders people like them I'm not a fan I mean it's supposed to make it look like old games but same with the CRT shaders I know that there's a group of people that love it but I know I'm not on a CRT so it's it's okay again whatever you like this is all up to you uh your theme of course you can choose whatever you like and I have plenty of videos out there showing you how to get more themes different themes in emulation station so here it is this is the whole kitten Kaboodle now I'm going to leave this running because I want you to see exactly how long it takes I've thrown a countdown clock in the upper right so if you do want to skip ahead you can do that I warn you with peace and love peace and love you probably want to hang out here we're going to talk a little bit about muud deck itself and some of the you know pros and cons and things you might want to consider so I keep the this other window open this is sort of the console window if there's a problem or an error it will show up here so I like to have it front and center just in case something shows up that I might miss it's very important to understand a few things about muud deck you'll be a lot smarter siging when you come to Reddit asking for help Reddit we get every question Under the Sun every single one and the first thing you should probably know about muck is muud deck is not an emulator it is not even a program not really it's more like a script it helps set all of these things up now a lot of people ask the question why should I use muud deck why shouldn't I just go and install the emulators I want and configure them all by hand you can do that if you're a bit of a masochist because frankly if even if you've done them on Windows this would not be something that I would wish on anyone everything just works with muud the emulators already have controls set up for them they already have links to the right bios folders ROM's folders everything is as it should be if you go out and do these on your own it is a lot more difficult to get running and muud deck while it is a script and it does install a whole bunch of stuff there are a few things that it does do and we're going to go over some of those but things like um giving you a game store where you can download legal free home brew games that you don't have to go out and hunt for or Google for it also gives you things like uh image compressors and bios Checkers these are all things that you don't get when you go out on your own some people ask what should I be using UDC retro arge batera most of it is all pretty much personal right what do you want now I'm not saying there's anything wrong with any of these packages or there's you should swear Your Allegiance to one or the other what I will tell you though is muud has the biggest support group the biggest support base there's more people using UDC which means if and when you need help there's more people to help you if you are an old school emulation person maybe you don't need anybody's help and you could choose other things retro deck apparently is a lot more clean the way that it installs everything in the same place in the proper place um muud deck's a little more scattered uh so like I was saying earlier even if you do install muud on the SD card most of it outside of your own personal files and metadata most of them are saved to the internal storage anyway so it doesn't matter batera is a completely different process where the entire operating system games bios emulators are all on a bootable SD card so shut your system down take out your SD card plug in the bosera drive boot up from it and you're not touching steam at all there are some people that really find that that appealing so that's sort of the difference between the three major systems as well as doing it yourself and I do warn you doing it yourself is a real pain in the butt I mean listen if you're only going to have one emulator let's say duck station that's all you're going to do maybe you'd save some time but I'm telling you muud deck is I I am very pleased with the product overall that's why I'm doing these videos that's why I promote it that's why I do support videos for it and do support on Reddit so we're starting to wind down here and as you can see there's a lot going on it's installing every emulator creating steam deck ready configurations for it it's setting up uh Sim links across the uh drives it's doing all sorts of stuff and it's adding extra stuff some of these things that we talked about and some that you're going to see here in just a minute now at the end of this whole thing there's two ways to access your games one is through the injection of the game directly into steam I'm not a fan of this but I know a lot of people are and you have emulation station which is its own dedicated Hub and we're going to look at both of them I prefer emulation station it's cleaner I like everything in its own Hub I don't like things installed into Steam OS okay so now we are done and the installation is complete so you can see it did everything that we told it to and here at the bottom we could go ahead and add games um let's see what that looks like but we're not going to actually add games this way so there are ways that you can actually put your games and bios files onto a USB drive and you can then add them subsequently from here again not a big fan of that I you know I've got sshfs set up and if you don't I beg you to set that up on your steam deck then from the comfort of your Windows desktop you can mount your steam deck drives the SD card the internal storage you can mount those as drives right on windows so imagine having a z drive that's your SD card why would you not want that right so then you could copy all your ROMs and your bios files and everything else uh over that way so anyway so there's a couple ways of doing it here you go you could use the USB drive but in all honesty it's it's just sort of a it's like an x copy thing right it's not it's not really doing anything super special here but you know some people like that as an option but we're not going to use this option right now so we're going to skip so here is muud in Toto right so there's all sorts of things here um the the uh managing your emulators updates uh USB transfer Wizards Quick Settings if something goes wrong you can go in and set your things back managing your emulators so you can go in and update individual emulators reset configurations for individual emulators or do them all sort of unmas right so if you update your emulators there are two types of emulators that could be in here flat packs and app Images we won't go deep deep deep into this but uh you'll have to do both or you'll be able to update some of these using the Discover store uh so these are the ones that are flat packs so these can all be updated from here we're not going to do that because I just installed them and the same thing with app images you can see these are the ones that are using App images and binaries so that's how you update those guys okay let's see what do we got next so we go back and here we have uh let's see custom reset this is how you get out of a bind if everything goes wrong power tools bios Checker huge hugely amazing thing it'll tell you right now which systems you're missing bios files for so you can go get them we're going to do this later you're going to go get them put them in and then you're going to check again and you'll know whether you're not you've got bios files or not and if you don't the games aren't going to run so what else do we have here uh um Meed compressor this is a great tool you have a bunch of isos you have bin Q's this will crunch them down automatically for you into CHD save you a ton of space I got a video on it check the link in the description below all right uh retro achievements migrate your installation here's your uninstall you want to get rid of it all Lock Stock and Barrel out the door you can do that really neat things in here the muex store I told you about this earlier you can go in and grab a ton of games then they're all ready to play you just drop into emulation station and they're ready to go tons of stuff in here a little something for everyone I actually have a video on my favorite 10 games from this store so you can check that video out okay so steam ROM manager this is how you inject things into steam so it's going to tell you that it has to kill steam in order to do this right because steam can't be running what we're going to do is inject one thing right now and that is emulation station because there's no way to run emulation station other than injecting it into steam I mean there's other ways of doing it but it's not very easy so the parsers here are available we're going to shut them all off and we're going to turn on just emulation station then we're going to hit preview and it's going to parse all the systems you asked it to in this case emulation station is the only one we chose and there it is so this is everything available right so as soon as we have everything selected in the artwork that we want we can go ahead and hit save to steam that will inject that and launch it from Steam this is the only thing that I use steam raw manager for uh other people will use it to inject their GameCube games or whatever into steam deck and we're going to do we're going to do one of those just so you can see what it looks like um but we're going to go into steam now and let's see what we did what have we accomplished here right and you'll find out quickly the only thing we really accomplished here is well outside of installing all of UDC right we uh we uh have actually now got emulation station in our library and if you go down to installed locally there it is right there so it did successfully install we got artwork and all that good stuff so now we can run it and let's see what emulation station looks like shall we and here we go all right well there's no games right obviously there's we haven't put any games in there so you can relocate your ROM's directory which you don't need to do or you can do the creation of the directories or quit yeah we don't have any games in there so what did you expect right so now it's time for us to think about doing that so we're going to open up the dolphin file manager we're going to split it into two and we're going to look at our removable media this is where we installed emulation station so there's an emulation folder and there's a bios folder where your bios files go and there is a ROMs folder there's some other stuff in here that you probably will care about but we'll look at that later I'm going to go ahead and change these to list views more comfortable with with that so what we need to do now is move some bios files over here and we need to move some ROMs over there so let's get started with that we'll start off with bios files so this is the part of the video where I have to become a little bit cryptic and I have to become a little obtuse because unfortunately bios files and ROM files are protected content they're copyrighted technically speaking they're borderline illegal right so right here I just want to show you real quick we're going to jump in the saves here you see the saves there are save folders if you you think that you could just back up the saves and all your saves are save but a lot of these are linked somewhere else some of them are linked to the internal storage so you don't want I mean you want that but you just need to be cognizant that all of your saves aren't safe on the SD card if if you were to take your SD card out put it in a brand new steam deck and install Amud deck you would be missing I think about eight different system save files and then you be like what's going on how come it didn't work Amun has its own dedicated Import and Export tool so you'll want to use that and again yes of course I do have a video on that as well here so let's talk about those pesky bios files a little bit closer I'm going to send you to lib retr FAQ lib retro is essentially the core of retro Arch right retro Arch is basically lib retro and this is uh this will actually be your emulator unless you change it pretty much all the way up to an including PS1 so if you go to their bios information Hub they're going to give you some really Keen stuff specifically the exact name and md5 check some of the BIOS files that you need I assure you it is almost impossible to just blindly get some of these bios files without knowing exactly what to name them and that they're the right ones absolutely ridiculous how complicated it can be so these are the BIOS files that you actually need to run PlayStation 1 games for example um and so they'll tell you uh the name of it they'll give you the check sum they'll talk about the extensions that can be used with the emulator this is all really good stuff so I'm going to do is I'm going to go and hunt those down now I can't show you how to do it sorry but I I can tell you that Google is your friend right a couple of decent searches on uh on Google will probably give you some places to go check out right if you uh want to find rom files you can probably find those a little bit harder to find the ROM files but you can do that with a very simple Google search don't come and ask on Reddit because we're not going to tell you um but listen um God helps those who help themselves right so what I'm going to do is I'm going to copy over a handful of BIOS files and a game for PS1 I stuck them onto a USB drive on my main PC you can do this all on board right I'm just doing this because I already have all this crap on my PC so I mounted this and this has a whole bunch of BIOS files these are all ones for PlayStation PlayStation 1 PlayStation 2 so I'm going to grab all of those and I'm going to copy I'm going to move them technically over to the root of BIOS don't put them in a folder unless somebody tells you specifically to put them in a folder they all should be on the rout then in ROMs I'm going to go to my PSX which is PS1 and I'm going to copy this Ein Hond CHD over that's a game in a compressed format for einhander einhander now we're going to run muud deck again remember remember the BIOS Checker that we checked out this is going to tell us which ones we just closed the gap on so let's go to bios Checker hey look at that we now have PS1 and PS2 bios files installed ready to go wash rinse and repeat for the rest of them now we go to steam ROM manager right maybe we want to inject Ein Hond into our steam Library so now in the parsers we're going to shut them all off and we're going to turn on just the one for the emulator and platform that we're going to use which is PlayStation one and in this case we'll just we're going to use one of the built-in ones uh that came with at Duck station for example right and then we're going to parse now you'll notice look at there there's good old einhander right there now I don't like that artwork that's better I like that artwork so we're going to go ahead and leave that artwork and we're going to save it to steam it's done and we're done so let's pop into steam take a peek here patience patience now we go look at our library home hey look at that installed locally in Honda and emulation station so now now I want you to think for a minute let's say you've got like 10,000 arcade games and 1,000 NES games you really want those all shoved into your steam deck your Steam OS I don't think so all right so now we go over to emulation station emulation station now has something under PlayStation it's einhander but look at that it's so boring let's use the scraper and say we want to scrape the media the multimedia the data yeah you got to select something so you want to scrape which systems I want to scrape PlayStation hit back and hit start it's going to reach out to some place called uh screens scraper dfr to grab all of this metadata now the free leeching account which is what I am on right now has a limit of a certain number that you can download every day so if you have thousands and thousands of ROMs you will run out and you'll be having to do it over the course of a couple of days now this guy ask for like $150 a month in a Tippy uh solution and in that respect you can then have like 50,000 a day so you'd be much better look at that look how clean that is it's beautiful it's beautiful it's well laid out it's well organized there's dozens of themes for emulation station good stuff so there you have it so you have two ways of running einhander Ein Honda one of them would be through your steam library or of course you could go through emulation station and if we're back in gaming mode now just to sort of take a look there and see what we can see we go back to our library things are a little different over here things have been installed into special tabs so you'll notice if I go to collections I have an emulation set I have a PlayStation set gets a little unwieldy I'm not again I'm not a fan I'm really not a fan of collections I know a lot of people are bless you um but I prefer to have one launcher to get to all of my emulation and that's emulation station and that's it so now if we go into the emulation folder back in desktop mode you see it says downloaded media under Tools this is where all of that stuff was downloaded to your box are your videos your uh all of the stuff for einander is now in here so if you ever want to move these or back these up so you don't have to scrape again that's right you can back up that folder pretty simple stuff listen I hope you like what you saw here if you did you guys know the drill please like this video please subscribe and of course hit the Bell get notified blah blah blah I'm Shane arroe thanks so much for watching we'll see you next time take care
Channel: MonroeWorld
Views: 118,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 56sec (1316 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2023
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