Steam Deck - New EASY Way to Install ALL Your Non-Steam Launchers & Artwork

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what's up guys welcome back to the channel we're  about to take a look at the easiest way to install   your third party launchers like Battlenet epic  and others to your steam deck it's very easy now   with some really cool software from GitHub that  we're going to take a look at and huge shout   out to steam deck gaming the sdd channel over on  YouTube we work together often behind the scenes   talking about a lot of different things and  these really helped keep me in the loop with   what's been happening with this software so  anyways guys let's go ahead and get into it   we need to do this starting from desktop mode so  let's go ahead and get switched over to there now   all right now that you're in desktop mode you're  going to want to go ahead and use your favorite   browser whatever works for you here you're going  to want to go to the non-steam launchers on Steam   deck GitHub here huge shout out to them for some  great work on this as it has worked flawlessly for   me for these launchers on my steam deck so make  sure you support them in any way that you can now   I'll have the link for this in the description  as well you're going to want to click releases   over there on the right and you'll see the top  latest release right here we're going to click   to download the source code once we download  that we'll be pretty much done in here until   we come back to the browser and I'll show you  some stuff later for your artwork so once I've   downloaded that I'm going to go into my Dolphin  explorer files here go into downloads and you'll   see I have my non-steam launchers download right  here I'm going to right click on that and I'm   going to click extract archive here click here all  right once we do that it'll very quickly make us   a folder here for our non-steam launcher software  we're going to open that up and then we have our   file right here that we want to run I'm going  to go ahead and double click that and execute   we're going to run this and it'll open up pretty  quickly for us now here's our list of launchers   you have a load of them your most popular ones up  top and then towards the bottom here and you've   got Rockstar humble Amazon EA Gog and all those  I'm gonna go ahead and just select the four main   ones I need to grab for right now with um Uplay  which is Ubisoft EA app origin's been discontinued   epic games and Battlenet the other ones I'm  going to uncheck for now and we'll just start   with these four here now if you look at the bottom  you'll see you have a start fresh Tab and if you   wanted to delete these the software will do that  for you as well so you can click start fresh and   it would take those out you can also move to SD  card so some other useful features that I won't   necessarily show in the video but that you can get  to and start fresh for deleting those is really   handy I would recommend uninstalling any games  first that you have installed and then running   that though all right so it's going to go ahead  and deal with proton for me here because it does   need to use a version of GE proton to install  these but we're not going to use that on down   the road so I'm going to fast forward here  you're going to see it installing everything   automatically it did G proton it's doing Battlenet  epic all of that you'll see stuff open up I'm fast   forwarding here like 10 times just to get through  this quickly so you guys can see this happen but   this took quite a few minutes for me to actually  get through now once I did get to the end and   everything was installed you get your little okay  question uh right here you're gonna have to click   on now before I clicked it though EA tried to  open which we don't want that yet we don't want   to log in here yet with this so I closed that out  and then I just clicked OK and then we're good to   go this is going to go ahead and restart Steam  for us so that everything will then be applied   now that steam is restarted you can see we now  have Battlenet over here we're gonna have our   EA app over here we're gonna have epic and of  course we're going to have the Ubisoft Connect   app so it's automatically installed all of those  for us and it's automatically added those to steam   for us which is awesome but what I'm going to  do is finish everything else here from desktop   mode as well it's just easier for me so I'm going  to go into properties compatibility and I'm going   to force experimental for all four launchers that  I've installed experimental I believe has eight   wrapped into it and it's the only one that works  for the EA app and it works well for the others   as well so I'm going to go ahead and again do this  for all four of the launchers that I have in here   I'm going to change their compatibility and force  that to experimental for all of them now after   I go through and do that for all those I'm also  going to launch them and log into them and that   type of thing but let me go ahead and finish this  up real quick I'm going to go ahead and Skip past   the rest of them but I want you guys to see the  process here so now that I've done that I'm going   to go ahead and actually open all four of these  one at a time let them update do whatever they   need to do now that they're running the proper  compatibility and log into each one that way by   the time I get back over to Game Mode I've already  done this harder process of going through getting   logged in getting Verification codes all that kind  of stuff and then putting them and I have a mouse   and keyboard here so it's easier now once I have  all those ready to go there is something else I   like to do in each app as well and that's going  to the settings and make it to where it's not   going to automatically try to launch when the  computer starts and that if I close the app it   doesn't just try to minimize somewhere it actually  closes that's just something I like to do to each   one usually these apps have those options in them  usually the launchers will have those options and   make sure anything for cloud saves is turned on  as well just in case and now that I've done that   to all four of my launchers they're all on Force  compatibility experimental I've opened each one   and logged in I've checked my settings and they're  all good to go we're almost ready to go back to   Game Mode but if you want to add custom artwork  and you don't have decky loader already I'll put   a link to this as well in the description and I  have a full tutorial video or a couple of them on   the channel as well but we're going to go through  this here really quickly also for those of you   that just want to know now how to do this you go  over to this website and just click download right   here for decky loader it's very quick and easy and  we're going to go ahead and close the browser once   that's done I'm going to go ahead and close steam  here or minimize I'm going to open up my dolphin   folder again here I'm going to go to my downloads  folder and that's where ducky loader is going to   be at and we're going to go ahead and open up  decky loader and run it now I'm going to let   it run into an issue here so that I can show you  how to fix it so I'm going to click execute and   continue and then it's going to ask for a password  that I've not set up yet I haven't set up my sudo   or my scandex user password on the steam deck yet  so I'm going to click no if you already have a   password set up that's where you'll be prompted  to enter it I'm going to go here to my settings   and to users and you'll see here as for our steam  deck user right here change password I click that   and it's going to let me make my password so  I'm going to go ahead and use something I use   on all my steam decks so I never forget it click  set password and we're done now I'm going to go   back in and run decky loader installer again  and this time it'll just ask for that password   now we'll be good to go we'll go ahead and  stick the password in here click OK deculators   gonna ask you for release or pre-release just  click release click OK and it's a very quick   process for it to install and then you'll  be able to tweak everything from game mode   alright so that install is finished up we'll  click ok we'll close out of this and now all   of our desktop mode stuff is done everything else  we want to do can be done from game mode so that's   what we're going to do now we're going to go ahead  and get switched back over to Game Mode where   we can finish up and make things look nice over  there with our artwork and make sure everything's   running just fine so now that we're back in  game mode you can see here there's all four   launchers we installed of course they don't have  any artwork or anything like that yet but they   are four non-steam games here that'll show up and  ready to run now you could of course use them like   this and you don't have to have decky loader but  I like ducky loader for a lot of different things   we're going to concentrate more specifically here  on just the um the the grid for the artwork but uh   in decky loader there's a lot of different plugins  that you can grab that make your deck experience a   lot better and I have other videos on that on the  channel but let's concentrate on going in here to   the store and going all the way down to steam grid  DB this is what allows us to change artwork for   all of our shortcuts and games so we'll install  that really quickly it doesn't take very long   and there aren't really any options you need to  worry about here there's a little tutorial you   can look at some tab settings and stuff like that  but now that we have that installed I can go over   to these non-steam games and hit the start button  and you'll see change artwork now you're going   to be able to go in and easily change the artwork  for these pick your capsule pick your wide capsule   your hero your logo and your icon you'll be able  to manage all these at any time change them at any   time when you do your icon you'll be prompted to  restart your steam deck now I'm not going to do   that right away because I'm going to go ahead and  do all four launchers and then I'm gonna restart   one time and have them all applied so I'll go  through here and finish up Battlenet you can   see just go through each one pick whichever one  you like whatever looks nice that you want to go   with now there's that restart problem I'm going  to click later go finish my other three and then   we'll do a restart all right now that we've done  that I've restarted all four have their artwork   that I've chosen in here and are good to go I've  had them all logged in of course from desktop mode   I know they work you can see in properties  now we have our little icons and uh it's   nice and neat and tidy so we've got all of our  launchers this is a super easy way to get set up   um get them installed and get your artwork in now  I'm going to open up Battlenet really quickly here   I do want to talk about the controller setup  just a little bit as well but going into to   Battlenet I'm going to go ahead and check out the  server slam so I'm going to install Diablo again   here it's been running really well on the deck  so I think I'll take a look at it again but no   problems here installing I'm doing everything on  the SSD there are other ways to get around and do   things on the SD cards as well but for me on this  everything's just running off of the internal uh   one gig SSD I have so that's installing there and  everything is going to be good to go but I want to   jump over to the EA app real quick here because  this one I didn't have control set up for so I   only have touch screen I can't use my trackpad I  can't click anything and I can't browse through   anything so I'm going over to controller settings  you'll see Gamepad with joystick trackpad I'm   going to go in here and change that over to  Gamepad with mouse trackpad that'll allow me   to move the mouse around with my right track pad  once I do that I'm then going to go over into edit   layout and then I'm going to go down to track pads  because now I want to change my right trackpad to   be a left Mouse click so that I can scroll around  with my thumb on the right track pad and click   once to select things it makes it really easy  when I'm navigating these launchers so you can see   there that's been chosen now I can use my trackpad  I can move my mouse around and I can just click   it and it'll be like a left Mouse click easy to  navigate you'll probably need to do this for all   the launchers you install but if you run into any  trouble usually you can go in there and just tweak   those settings so that you can browse around and  then your controller will work as normal in game   but that's pretty much it guys a super easy  way now with that software to install all of   your launchers and with decky loader get  all your artwork set up and just kind of   manage things a little bit easier alright  guys thanks a lot for coming to check out   the video as always I really appreciate  it and I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: GameTechPlanet
Views: 534,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steam deck, steam deck gameplay, steam deck games, steam deck gaming, how to install on steam deck, how to install epic games on steam deck, uplay on steam deck, how to install ubisoft connect on steam deck, amazon games on steam deck, how to install rockstar launcher on steam deck, how to install launchers on steam deck, steam deck, steam deck epic games, epic games on steam deck, ubisoft connect steam deck, valve steam deck
Id: jE1qD3yzrks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2023
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