CheatDeck Plugin for Decky Loader Steam Deck is GAME CHANGING! Not WeMod Trainer #steamdeck

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[Music] hello everybody Welcome to the channel today let's talk about cheats how you can use cheats on your games if you're playing on your steam deck Steam OS right now I've got Marvel's Spider-Man remastered on and I've got cheats on as well so if I press my steam button you can see here switch windows I can switch to this trainer this isn't we mod I've talked about cheats in the past like wear cheat happens Aura this is just a standalone trainer but it's really easy to install and I'll show you how to install this later I'll show you how it's like how it works first so this is the trainer program and let's say I turn on God mode like this okay and then I'll go back to my game and now I can just you know do do anything because they can't kill me like I'm Invincible now yeah you can see like I'm pretty crazy like this um yeah let's try some other mods what mods can I get um stealth mode okay let's see stealth mode so they can't see [Music] me so I think since they're already like attacking me stealth mode doesn't work is that the reason is that the reason why maybe all right let's let's uh restart last checkpoint and see if I'm if I can use stealth mode and hope they can't see me yeah I think they can't see me now yeah see that they can't even see me because I'm on stealth mode yeah so the cheats work and it's really really easy to install so let me show you how to get this installed um let's go back to my theme de desktop mode talking about and I'll see you there so see you in desktop mode okay so before we go any further I'd like to introduce you to the sponsor of today's video which is Me growing up cooking growing up cooking is a secondary channel of mine it's dedicated to easy to make cooking recipes so if you like gaming you like cooking and you want to sponsor me go over there and subscribe to the channel I'll give you a sneak preview right now all right we're going to kill it you ready oh my God [Applause] oh my God all right oh God just put the sauce in W so did you enjoy that if you want to watch the full video go over to grownup cooking links in the description and subscribe to that channel welcome back to my my steam Dex desktop modee the first thing you need to install is Dey loader if you don't have it already install Dey loader so go to Dey loader on your website just type Dey loader and you should get this GitHub page I'll leave the link in the description and just click this download just click this download and you should be able to download Dey loader go to your downloads go to your downloads and then you got this sty installer desktop just double click it execute continue you might need a pseudo password okay you need a pseudo password so enter your pseudo password if you don't have one go here to your start button go to all applications select the k k for console this one the terminal okay open up a terminal and type P asss swd and you can you enter your password and and you have to enter it twice to confirm I already have mine so I'm not going to do it okay if you don't have it set up your password and then type your password here and then I already have it installed that's why it's asking me to update or anything like that so I'm just going to update it okay so let it update and then it'll it'll do its thing and then you need to download a standard loan um trainer for your game so let's say my game just before Marvel's Spider-Man remastered and then you just type trainer and you should see like you've got different options all right my one was the fling trainer this one you see is really it's the same one so I downloaded this so don't get the auto updating version get the Standalone version all right and you know some of them might not work for your game it could be several reasons it might be because um your game version isn't matching or maybe the trainer is just you know it's not a real trainer maybe it's fake I don't know so you know but you've got a lot of options you don't have to download this one you've got like see I've got fling trainer I've got this one from game pressure another one this is another one you know try them out try try to see which one which trainers works for you you know I've got one from G trainers so yeah just try if they don't work try them out they free so just download them just download different trainers um yeah and you should be able to get all so this is installed so after you've downloaded it it should be something like this uh on my downloads I've got see here it's an exe so Marvel Spider-Man remastered this is the trainer. exe should be an exe file okay and yeah basically you're done here so let's go back to gaming mode welcome back to gaming mode first thing you need to do click the steam button go to settings go to system and make sure you have this toggled on enable developer mode because you need to switch between your game and the trainer the windows and if you don't have this on you can't switch so make sure you have this toggled on and now if you press the three dot button three dot button you can see this you've got this all right let me move my uh camera it's kind of in the way okay so when you press the three dot button on you can see this power plug this is the decky loader okay and I've got this thing called cheat deck so you shouldn't have it at the start so you click this one see this shop this shop icon go to this shop icon and then here type you can search for it or you just type cheat [Music] okay it's kind of in the way so let me use a keyboard so I just type cheat and you can see here cheat deck all right click install installing okay so once you've got cheat deck there's nothing else to do here it's installed then just go out of go back into your home menu and select your game and you see here it's not activated yet you should see something called cheat deck around here so you might have to try it a few times okay now it's activated say cheat Tech okay and then you just toggle cheat Tech on and the cheat path you just select I put it in my downloads so I'm just going to go in my downloads folder and and then here I'm just going to locate my exe this is the trainer exe okay and then save settings and that's it guys that's all you have to do remove back my camera I like it here okay now let's turn on the game so now when I run the game it runs the trainer with it okay see the trainer just popped up yep so I have to switch windows I have to go back to my game okay and I've got these warning messages okay so the game's loaded the trainer is right here I can toggle on my cheats whenever I want oh yeah it's a lot easier now so if you can't get VOD installed I'm getting a lot of messages people can't install WOD yeah it's hard to install yeah this is another option you can use this as a substitute it's easy to use so yeah I hope this video helped you out if it did please leave a like And subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and I'll see you guys in the next one later
Channel: Grown Up Gaming
Views: 15,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steam deck, trainers, cheat happens, cheat happens aurora, aurora steam deck tool, steam deck tool, wemod, decky loader, cheat deck, cheatdeck
Id: 4PJnL0Z9Y84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2024
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