How to Setup PlayStation Remote Play on Steam Deck ( Updated ) - Easier & Fully Functional!!

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what's up guys welcome back to the channel  we're doing an updated guide here for setting   up PlayStation 5 remote play on your steam deck  this would work for PS4 as well this is a bit   easier and a lot better than what the previous  guide was that we made last year based off of   chiaki app this will be with chiaki 4 deck and  it's fully functional with all the swipes and   everything that you need from the touchpad uh from  the PS5 so it's fully functional and able to play   all the games which is great now I have links in  the description for you for the GitHub page though   we're not installing it from there there's plenty  of great information and go dive into and also the   chiak 4 pages over here I'll have links to as well  there's things that you can go in there there's a   lot of information that you can go through if  you're interested in getting farther into the   chiak 4 setup there's things you can do with the  automatic launching and that type of stuff that   uh could be helpful there's other explanations in  here as well that could be helpful to you so this   guide just really going to be getting you started  basically streaming and having full functionality   but if you want to go deeper than that there's  plenty of information here all right so over on   the steam deck we're in game mode here and we're  going to need to actually be on desktop modee so   we go into a power we'll go down to switch to  desktop and then that'll get this switched over   once on desktop mode I'm going to open up the  browser and I got a couple of things I want to   do now PSN account ID from flip screen games  here this will be in the description as well   for you you're going to use your PlayStation  username to get the encoder ID that you need   for chiak you can also get your PS play ID that  you need from this method as well if you're using   Android now if this is for at home network if you  want to be able to do this away from home there's   a great guide from Overkill gaming if you want  to go check him out give that video some love   he explains how to set up away from home this is  focused on inhome network now we're going to go   to the Discover store because it's time to grab  chiaki 4 so go to discover I'm going to search   for chiaki and it should bring up both versions  the original version and the chiaki 4 deck here   so there we go now my previous video was based  off of Regular chiak which worked but it was a   bit more cumbersome and wasn't fully functional  uh chak 4 deck will be more fully functional and   it's a lot easier so I'll click on this we'll  do install and that it'll get us ready to go   that's a really quick process once the install  is all done we can launch this and go into the   settings but I don't want to stream my PS5 just  yet so it's going to be sitting here unregistered   um I'm not going to bother with it just yet it's  showing up because we're on the same network I'm   going to go over here to settings and you'll see  there's a few options in here and if you're using   a dual sense controller there's some experimental  features in here for you as well some other stuff   here with audio uh Speech processing all that for  mic support uh over there on the right we have our   key setup for keyboard which of course will be  emulated through controller on the steam deck   for handheld mode and then we have our resolution  down here 720p which you can run great here on   the deck or 1080p I'm going to start with 1080p  here I think it looks nice even on the deck's 800   piece screen and then our bit rate defaults to  15,000 you can experiment with that I'm going to   put 12,000 for now um you know see what works  best for your network and what you need to do   for audio I'm doing 15,000 helps with some of the  audio snap and crackles and things that you might   get or that you got prior with the other version  of chiak All right so once we have that all done   and ready to go just a basic setup uh just to get  things going we'll do register new and this is   going to get us to register our PS5 here and the  only two things we need is that encoder ID that   we had gotten from that website for chiak and our  pin from our PS5 so that's the first thing is I'm   going to go copy that real quick uh the ID that  we had gotten for chiaki in there now I'm going   to go on my PlayStation 5 and grab the pin I need  for remote play there so over on the PlayStation 5   we're going to go over to settings we're going to  come down here and go to system then we're going   to go to remote play I already have everything  enabled if you haven't enabled that previously   you want to make sure you've done that go to link  device and you'll get a temporary pin that's good   for a little while to go put into that pin slot  over there and register on shiak so once you do   that you click register and then that'll get your  PS5 connected you only have to do that one time   here for the setup now that we're all connected  and good to go we're going to close out of these   settings but again before we actually start  streaming to PS there's a few other things I   do want to get into so we're going to close this  and we're going to go over here and add this to   steam so we can use it in game mode right so that  makes it easier so we'll go into steam here we're   going to go to add a game and then we're going to  go over to add a non- steam game chiaki 4 should   show up right in the list here just check that  off add selected programs and that's going to   add it to steam so we can close out of that now  the next thing is artwork for me is a big deal on   the steam deck so I use decky loader for that  for steam grid DB so if you want to skip this   that's fine but for me I like to use this for  the artwork so I'm going to do a quick install   here I'm going to download Dey loader here I'll  also have a link in the description for this site   all kinds of information here if you want to look  into installation uninstall and all that a lot of   great apps for the steam deck uh but anyway I'm  going to install this and just use steam grid DB   real quick for my artwork so I'm going to go to  my downloads folder double click we're going to   do execute then we're going to do continue and  it's going to ask for your admin password if you   haven't already set one up you can go over into  settings and users you can do change password and   you can set up a password Here uh that you can  then use so we'll set mine up in here real quick   I've recently restored this deck so everything's  pretty fresh here set password and we'll close   out of here and now we can go and put that over  here in the decky installer and this is a really   quick process we're going to click uh on release  version up here click okay and it won't take very   long and it'll also be ready to go here all right  installation complete there we can close out of   all this and I'm going to get ready to uh get us  out of here I'm going to go ahead and shut down   or restart and we're going to go into game mode  and we can do everything else from over there   change our artwork and get into some streaming  all right let's get moved over here and we are   back to Game Mode you can see everything's grayed  out but we have chiak 4 deck in our non steam game   section here of our library and we have Dey loader  installed here at the bottom a lot of great apps   that you can get into with Dey loader if you're  not familiar I have some videos on the channel   probably have some new ones coming up as well but  this speed this up let's come down to steam grid   DB love this on decky loader so easy to change all  the artwork for any of your games or apps and it's   a lot easier than doing everything manually like  we used to do before so we've installed that we're   going to go back and I'll hit start that's going  to bring up the menu here you can click change   artwork now you want to actually search for just  chiaki not chiaki for deck and that'll bring up   all these options for you automatically so I'm  going to go through here and pick my capsule   my wide capsule my hero my logo and my icon once  you do go through all these and make your choices   of what you want it to look like and you get the  icon it's going to ask you to restart your deck   to finish applying everything so I'm going to go  ahead and do that real quick we'll get restarted   now when we come back in you'll see everything  looks nice and clean and we have our artwork   and I just think that's the easiest way to do it  I love using Dey looer and steam grid DB to do   that now you will also need this current uh this  layout for your controller chiaki 4 deck plus mic   from G money 23 if you don't already have this you  can go into the layouts you can go to community   layouts come down here till you find the glion 23  chiaki 4 deck this is from the Creator chiaki 4   deck it makes everything work properly there for  you all right so once all that's done we can go   ahead and actually get launched in so I'm going  to switch over to a different view here where   I'm actually uh filming everything it's not a  great setup with the camera but you'll get the   point you'll be able to see everything here so  we launched chaki for deck and turn down this   brightness a little bit to just uh help us out a  little bit here and we'll double tap and that's   going to get us in you can set up to where you  can do an automatic connect like I was talking   about it's all the information is on their site  uh but if I just double click here it won't take   very long uh we'll take a look at me for a sec  and then we will get into streaming our PS5 and   there you go now we're connected and this works  a lot better than it did for me last year using   the original chiak uh setup and situation and I  still am tweaking things to get my input latency   where I want and also my PS5 isn't hardwired  right now I had to make some changes in it   on Wi-Fi and that always adds a little bit if I  go hardwired there's basically no difference on   for my inhome network but there's a little bit  of latency when it comes to my Wi-Fi here now   you'll see gyro is working which is really cool  I'm not a person who uses the gyro controls but   I did want to show them off here a little bit so  I'm going to disable them but uh that is working   automatically here for me with that layout so  I've disabled gyro and everything is now just   running normally here and I'll just use the sticks  to move around and all of this looks really nice   on the steam deck screen again you could do 720p  or 1080p here adjust the bit rate as you need to   and there's a lot of things that you can really  do and even to your home network to help this   run better and definitely hardwire your PS5 if  you can for the upload me being on Wi-Fi here   always adds a little bit if you go to hardwired  definitely makes a difference and I'll probably   run another cable to do that since I'm going to  be remote playing a good bit here for a while now   as far as those swipes your touchpad here will  work swipe up for camera swipe down to disable   that swipe left for your app and uh click it for  your map or your menu and that's a big deal to be   able to have all it there's a lot of games uh  on the PlayStation where you need those swipes   now those back shortcuts if I hit the bottom one  I get my mic turned on and off automatically if I   hit the other uh button on the back I get to bring  up the uh put the console to sleep leave the game   whatever here super convenient really easy nice  shortcuts here so it makes it a fully functional   way to stream your PlayStation 5 over to your  steam deck and that just makes a big difference it   doesn't so much limit the games like what Last of  Us you have some guitar suming you need to do you   can pull that off um in Ghost of sushima there's  like some areas you got to do the wind thing you   got to swipe you're able to do that so that makes  a big difference where you don't get stuck and   held up because of not having full functionality  so between shiak 4 deck and the controller setup   and layout here and getting things adjusted on  your home network and on your app and your steam   deck and all that you can really get yourself a  good experience when it comes to streaming your   PlayStation 5 it's definitely something I'll be  doing a lot more here with Spider-Man 2 out and   stuff I'll be putting in some time so I really  want to get into trying this again but anyways   guys thanks a lot for coming to check out the  video as always I really appreciate it hit me   up in the comments with any questions let me know  how this is working for you all the link should be   in the description for you thanks again for coming  to check it out and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: GameTechPlanet
Views: 88,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steam deck, steam deck gameplay, steam deck review, valve steam deck, ps5, playstation 5, steam deck playstation remote play, chiaki setup steam deck, ps5 remote play, steam deck games, chiaki4deck setup, How to Setup PlayStation Remote Play on Steam Deck
Id: U8dcu3YFW5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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