The Tragic Lore of Risk of Rain

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Wow that was amazing! I never really connected all the lore before but that was such a great explanation for what is going on with the planet.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/j_ellena 📅︎︎ Aug 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

Really nice job! Very interesting lore

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Comradeski 📅︎︎ Aug 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

Just, wow. U did a nice work mate.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/alefdeleon 📅︎︎ Aug 30 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] we played this game thinking that we are the main characters the humans who against all odds were able to escape and make it home but that unfortunately isn't quite right i want to tell you a story a story of what was happening when the contact light first crashed on planet petrichor when the crew bumped into an ongoing conflict millennia in the making i want to tell you the story of two brothers one with compassion and one with [Music] ambition it looks like starseed tanning and dirt it smells like hot stone and tall grass it tastes like spiced fruit sweet and hot it feels like solar winds and solar chimes it sounds like two brothers chasing glass frogs in the sun [Music] gravity concentrating falling inward condensing hardening a singularity shrinks to the point your mind inverts reversing reality now return don't the matters of the physical world seem trivial now your tasks in this realm are simple and hastened all in an attempt to get reversed how many times can you make this trip before you are clean without its process do not let it take you take it instead here they knew to stay away from the wells but they were just kids and they wanted to know they threw in dirt stone and kiff root and starseed watching as they collapsed the gravity wells would swallow up anything glass and mud and silver wind heat pulsar radiation and when his brother wasn't watching mithric's would throw in worms for but only when he wasn't watching you see his brother loved worms it would make him sad but mithrix didn't care much about worms he was just curious but one time his brother was watching and his brother loved worms this relic tells a story but it's not a fairy tale it's a tragedy a story of betrayal regret sorrow a story of two i've begun to understand our universe the compounds that drive reality here i've prepared a demonstration come look brother now look here it's got presence and weight ground with no features no orientation it is mass almost everything here is mass mass is boring but required we can take mass and shape it to form features angles and intent look at the planarity of the surfaces this is design i love design now volatile one a lifeline blood sharp yeah radiant blood is heat this is my blood there is plenty of blood in this universe now be gentle look closely here do you see it almost invisible a thin film frail it's not in this reality but an adjacent one i've heard you discuss this something you innately understood what you describe as soul don't you love soul do you understand it's your turn brother i've simply found the compounds it is your hands that must craft value from them mithrix is excitedly speaking with his brother about potentially their newfound powers it seems that they have discovered the ability to create things and the artifact key log confirms this the key is incredibly simple a stone crescent with little discernible detail to the naked eye but if one looks closer with a sight beyond sight they may notice the patterns inscribed on the keys being the patterns tell many things the keys function to unlock a lost trove of abandoned treasure the key's creators two brothers one composed of ambition and the other compassion the keys hopes infused into the key deep within its core is a memory of better times in the hope that one day perhaps things could be better again the key's reality the bitter realization that such a reality exists only in the past [Music] huh what a peculiar piece of the stars that serendipity has brought us i'm sure you can make more the ratios are simple it should be quite fun [Music] soul-driven of course as with all vermin let us begin with fire free axis of movement wonderful design i will highlight that slow acceleration that can be improved speed is work and feeble combat skills treatable those tumblers may be of inspiration your completions of my designs are uneasy brother let me show you their purpose once again we begin with stone silver and fire take note of the ratios high speed speed is war twin cannons twin exhausts we stream their exhausts for volatility quadrupeds are easier and more stable we maintain that and that dear brother is it no dance no song these guardians do not need soul we now start to see that as the brothers get older and are experimenting more mithrix begins to design stranger things engines of war dangerous machines and the seeds of doubt between the brothers begin to grow aurelionites article tells us this brother what is this why is it misshapen and weak was there an error in my design guardian come to me allow me to see your construction so i see these are not the correct ratios this is no minor error brother you have purposefully deviated from the design for what purpose have you done this you cannot leave a construct from such an abundance of soul you know it is too unstable that it is too unpredictable and too frail i have told you this and yet you have wasted the materials i gathered and exhausted your own strength to fabricate this miscreation into what benefit at its best it could be no more than an inferior servant it is deficient in the compounds that were to give fortitude and strength and at worst it will betray us you have created the first being of this world which threatens us we cannot keep it here attempting to destroy risk its retaliation will prepare one of the vaults for it to be sealed away while it is still young and naive what a foolish mistake you have made brother i expect you to return the design to me i cannot allow you to build another construct with so much power and such little control i will build the rest of our guardians by my hand they will be weak but at least they will be loyal go home i will deal with this creature we can discuss a better project for you when i return a gilded cage one of luxury and accommodation the jailer took pity on the prisoner and fashioned an elaborate space for which it may serve its eternal sentence the jailer even allowed the prisoner company smaller constructs a few rowdy lemurians the scraps of creation but a cage of gold no matter how beautiful is still a cage here the seeds of doubt have blossomed and grown into large forests mithrax's brother after constantly being berated and cast aside is now growing concerned with his brother's creations and when their most important invention comes to fruition he can only frown [Music] my brother my brother is done come see come come come look to the moon up there the first beacon shines brightly on the other side there was no gap in its sequence it has traveled instantaneously we can cross the dark sea without succumbing to its sickness if we simply do not travel through it at all is it not a brilliant light of hope only your hands could have realized my design brother i feel truly now that there is no obstacle nor force we cannot overcome together with my designs and your constructions while it pains me to see your heart still torn for the doomed we are not among them there is an entire cosmos for us we can escape this planet or prison if your heart truly earns to save then surely more of our kind awaits amongst the other worlds trapped by the dark sea and to them we can offer the gates ah when she next visits our world i must ask her to take a game with her perhaps doesn't you should be celebrating with me brother and yet i see your somber gays will not lift please take the gate step foot onto another world reap the rewards of your toil prove to the universe you are free i cannot bear to see you in such a pitiable mood on such a joyous occasion if you insist brother i will go first forget about those creatures and do not dawdle i want to see joy on your face behind all of the excitement mithrix's brother could see what was going on and he was horrified at the thought of what mithriks could do with his war machines stepping across planets instantly for a long time now mythrix has been growing more and more obsessed with power and likewise his brother obsessed with life and they naturally had a disagreement both of them could see it coming from miles away the question is who is going to act on it first in the log for commencement we find out [Music] have you forgotten that those gates are my design you would not know because you do not look up you bend knees only for ants and vernon but i have been working on a grander design a greater gate to travel greater seas what if i met you on one of these extinct planets what if i cause the calamities you strive to avoid what if i reeked destruction what would you do then oh i know the planet you trail of water and dirt you fear their stability that they will consume themselves maybe i will go there first [Laughter] [Music] mithriks talking to himself has been pushed into the moon gate and i think here is when he finally went mad eerily calmly mad all of his creative drives turned completely against his brother providence seeking only his despair providence of course has seen this coming from miles away he decided to seal his brother on the moon using his own locks against him and the teleporting technology they both created alongside each other so long ago an unknowable amount of time passes until we find mithrix speaking to a servant some underling underneath of him potentially psychically coerced from very far away it is sealed you do not have the skill to release this it is a lock of my design i design it will not break and it will not yield the alignment of the gate cannot now be changed by one such as you it will persist for as long as my treacherous brother lives i have wasted my time in teaching you to operate it a lock my walk crafted by the hands of my betrayer he has exploited and twisted my treasure designs into mockeries my guardians that he continues to leave with willful volatility my sentinels that he encumbers by its self-indulgent adornments and alterations my gates through which vernon like you ride to our infested home vernon like you oblivious to her sacrifice as you all cowered from the radiant corpse that saved you and now the greatest mockery he could devise he has twice used my own creations to erase me my heart cannot bear this my blood boils anew and i will no longer be able to temper it your final task is rescinded you have served me well you have been my hands or i cannot reach my feet where i cannot stride my eyes where i cannot see and i have seen enough be pleased that i hold loyalty above all less when you so choose the beads of your oath will guide you to my fault reach out to the monolith while clutching them do not let go you will find yourself at peace and more importantly my servant in a realm overlooked by the design of my coming reprisal now our perspective is going to change a couple times in the next log for the beads of fealty that you might have noticed were mentioned previously by mithrix to his servant we have one denizen of petrichor speaking to another or others potentially about the danger that these beads represent master of this world is a benevolent protector our savior despite the natures of its various inhabitants he has made a peaceful place here peace comes at a cost of course some things are strictly forbidden above all there is one item that cannot be tolerated to possess it is to surely perish strange heavy and deeply entrancing set of beads that seem to speak with whomever holds them to discover them among one's community is to create a dark rippling panic it is not long after they are found that providence the mighty protector appears in a thunderous instant to pursue their owner and solemnly take a life he swore to defend it is no physical property of the beads themselves which provoke such a drastic response but instead what they represent they are a symbol and to carry them is a dark promise to undo the world to cast to oblivion all people who find their final place here all in exchange for a doomed return to ruinous way the elusive sinister intelligence with whom these beats represent a pact seem to know only to the bearer and to providence himself one thing however is known to anyone who was born witness to these beats a cruel cackling laughter that erupts as blood and coins of favor are spilled abruptly silenced as the beads are destroyed where they come from isn't known but should you encounter these beads you must leave them far far behind never look back the denizens of petrichor have created fairy tales and stories and myths about these beads the beads of fealty fealty to mythricks this must be how he's communicating with his servant from one of the previous logs and providence will have none of it killing the denizens that he loves so much just to keep mithrics locked on the moon and to keep a secret [Music] i am safe my creators have scored me and imprisoned me in this realm for i am beautiful my followers have created shrines in my name they love me they donate rare battles to me i am sending out this message in all possible formats known to me if you receive this message know the following know that i am [Music] and to my alive should you intercept this message know the following know that i am alive know that i am free know that i am coming for you [Music] a wretched carnival they were doomed for good reason doomed people of ophelia lost in fanatic worship of parasitic influences lemurians destined to a dead planet picked clean kite beasts automations of death why do you bring them home they were not meant to survive i have watched you for ages from my dead rock and every century you disgust me with vanity you invite vermin into your home wretches rats monsters creatures without restraint each and every one planet killers and yet you entertain them as guests like children requiring saving and protection she should have died from me her gift was wasted on you and when we opened discussion dear brother of all of your thin lies why do you forbid your guests to leave to pilot why do you fashion great walls and gates why do you weave constructs of destruction if your role is protection they are entries for your collection you slaver gatekeeper hoarder your death is faded when you die and you will die i will be ready i have been patient for millennia that planet is mine from his musings we can gather that mythrix has not only developed a raw evil hatred for his brother and the planet but has been watching it happen for millennia what we have next are a few tales from the brother himself during his alone time fostering new life on the planet or hoarding as mithrik says saved by the hero our paradise was one of sprawling tunnels and rich caves making our home in the depths of paradise we began constructing a great civilization the elders constructed elaborate living quarters decorated with tetrafoil and glass bobbles and our little ones began charting paths through the tunnels the hero was honored for his kindness and we constructed a great temple on paradise's surface in his honor song and dance rang out through the tunnels for weeks to come in celebration for our salvation and upon a great serpent the hero did ride majesty and respect were his command and so too his steed a mighty creature born of lightning and flame bathing all in its presence in a magnificent blue glow the beast stretched from one horizon to the next and belt storms that reminded of all the hero's promise that this land and those who live here would never suffer again the saturnian bison commonly referred to as the bighorn bison of redemia is a mystery among zoologists due to their sudden and mysterious disappearance from their native habitat while poaching is considered the current and most likely explanation strict hunting laws on saturn debunk this theory the bighorn bison's incredible strength and insulating coat make it a key predator among the rademian ecosystem and their strange metallic growths make it a popular trophy for hunters to this day the vanishing of the saturnian bison remains as one of zoology's greatest mysteries [Music] so there you have it providence has been cultivating petrichor for millennia with his compassion for life all the while his brother mithrix looks down from the moon planning his attack burning with revenge for his brother's betrayal the contact light was a threat to providence's collection and the safe travels just as much before we finish there are five interconnected lore entries that i just adore so much i couldn't find a place to fit them into the chronology so i put them here at the end if you've made it this far thank you so much it's taken well over 20 hours to make this essay from the logbook completion to designing the vocal effects much like the grove tender you're about to hear from i love you all so much [Music] day three i've encountered a strange alien compound several platforms supported by large stone pillars there are various tiers and floors dedicated with plants and elaborate structures the masonry of these ruins is incredible although they appear recently polished it also seems uninhabited lucky me i was getting tired and needed some rest i was setting up camp on a nearby cliffside under the shade of one of the platforms one mask small hole mass quality is acceptable i pull it from the kiln let us begin a coil of tinker rope this is for strength a strip of vader would work this is for curiosity a handful of powder this is for spirit ah hello little one welcome to life oh you're a funny little one aren't you yes i am quite big but fear not my size little one instead see how my size helps me tend over garden observe see there are all sorts of creatures in life some big and some small it looks like you have new friends who want to meet you well don't keep them waiting little one go and enjoy life this is my gift to you day four i haven't encountered anything yet but i heard strange sounds throughout the night animal calls the low groaning of stone as it stretches whispers on the wind that last part might just be my imagination i taken to exploring the compound in my free time trying to scrounge for resources there's an excess of food plucked from the exotic plants that appear to have been grown and cultivated yet again the compound is empty apart from me there is a storm beyond our garden i start with a mask large orange baked twice over solid like metal i give it one scoop of powdered lightning this is her power i give it a coat of dragon foil this is for heat i give it two arms these are for dexterity i give it five scoops of powder this is for spirit the process is done welcome to life observe our garden your duty is to this garden you know you must do this good go go protect our garden day five i ran out of rations earlier i started using the planters located around the compound to grow myself some food strange fruit to the taste of well i can't really describe the taste i'm only just noticing the strange aromatic smell that permeates this compound smells sweet but spicy at the same time hello little one how was your adventure today oh you formed this broken little one what trickeries have you gotten yourself into oh do you tire an adventure would you like to help me tend to the card in my little one i understand oh you're formed do not worry come closer here two coils of tinker those are for strength here four cards of obsidian those are for self-confidence i give you nothing for spirit oh do not worry we will still go on adventures they will be quiet adventures come closer closer now closer now watch watch how i tend to our garden day seven i discovered some strange artifacts today masks how novel for some reason i felt compelled to try a few on as expected they don't fit at all probably not meant for human use gather little ones all have done an excellent job standing in our garden i cannot be more proud now we shall take a break i believe a story would satisfy your curiosities now which store can recount the story of our garden of course very well i shall be him this planet is a paradise gifted to us by our hero our hero saved my ancestors and many others from death giving us a new place to call home out of gratitude my ancestors constructed an elaborate garden for our hero decorated with fruit trees mercury blossoms and other exotic plants favored by our hero sadly our hero never seems to notice our efforts so we toil to make our garden the most beautiful garden amongst the stars so we may repay our hero for his compassion do you understand he loves soul he loves you that's why we made you to this day my kind and you little ones work to perfect our home now i believe it is time to return to work come little ones let us tend to our garden
Channel: Wandering Astronaut
Views: 300,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gxuYHDcHO3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 29sec (1649 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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