Welding self shielded flux core : how-to

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hey what's up y'all I was going to try to do a quick video explaining of how to use self shield at flux core there's two different kinds of flux core wire there's a shielded a gas shield at flux core and a self shielded flux core the self shielded has no gas it has the properties inside the wire and everything it's made to shield itself similar to a stick electrodes and uh I've been getting asked some questions about it this and that so I figured I'd try to do a video on it I hadn't weld it done and probably for years I ran it for a few years out here because you notice i weld outside ninety-nine percent of time and if you don't have to worry about the winds with it as you will be a gas-filled flux core gas shielded solid wire and so it was always handy for me doing that and then I just kind of went to solid wire I never went back but anyway I got some and I'm going to try to show you a couple tips on how to use it how I use it and how to set it up in your machine so anyway this is what I wouldn't God I just got one of the smaller two-pound rolls that you can read that this is Oh 30 enter sealed the self set is usually called inner sealed the gas shield is usually outer shield this is a cap for your gun you know it's solid wire you have the brass right there and you can use that I mean but it's really you don't need it this a little plastic hard cap it's really better it's kind of eight up on the insulin when I used to use it before but anyway one of the first things I got my roller out right there one of the first things I know this thing will focus in but this groove around here is what they called knurled and you always have to have a knurled roller with flux core the smooth must just don't push it right you know so make sure you have what's called a knurled roller to set it up also with a self shielded flux core you will have to run dc- which basically means with this solid wire the one coming to your lead or in the world coming to your ground is on negative the one coming to your lead is on positive you got to swap those around to where the one running to your lead is on negative and that's going to get you set up right off the jump right there make sure you do that or it's not going to run quite right so I'm gonna get that set up in there and we'll go from there all right I beveled a couple pieces of steel out and uh I got a couple more features over here but we'll do the first time this is just three sixteenth plate so what I do the first time is just run through this groove right here it's kind of a flat position in my opinion any time you especially with three sixteenths are over you should be beveling the steel if you're going in a butt weld like that I think it should be bevel because it's going to get down in there it's going to give the web somewhere to go it's just a better a better process so let's do this one first and uh I go with this on this stuff I go with the recommended machine settings on solid wire I usually don't I kind of tweak it around a little bit but uh I know settings jump a lot for self shielded flux core between different sized metals I don't know why it jumps so much but it does so anyway I'm going to run that one first and typically with this guys it has a slag in it you're going to want to drag that thing so it's pulling it behind you could be pushing that slag back into your wheels so you kind of want to drag it at all times sometimes you just can't you know and but that would be the typical thing held it about a 45 degree angle just pulling it back I go side to side slightly depending on what I'm doing I may just drag a root in there real quick i glue a piece out right there so I may run attack right there first but anyway we'll get going with that right quick all right on that I just kind of went side to side and sort of a weave fashion on it that's the flag on top of it usually it's not too bad for coming off with everything pretty good you know and that's not too bad for it this is a different like I say this is a different process so it's not going to look like solid wire if that's what you're going for you're not going to get there and if you don't have it switched over to dc- you're going to end up with so much spatter around here that it's just going to be crazy it's still got a few pieces there but if you don't swap over you're going to end up with spatter everywhere right there so anyway I'll set up another another weld right quick and we look at that one all right I cooled the plate off and I got it set in an upright position to where you would go uphill if you wanted to go up here if you needed to go uphill the first thing I would do since it's bevel down pretty thin right there I would turn the settings down and drag a route down healed in the center right there because if you just try to go up without a root in there it's going to want to blow out a whole lot so I would turn the settings down to probably the eighth inch settings and just drag a root down clean that up let it cool off and then come back and go uphill [Music] all right that would be the downhill route and you see it's still plenty of room on the sides for the bevel of the catch so you can catch the bevels while you're going up had to restart there cuz I've got to start the camera but uh so now we will use the same settings for eight things because it's already hot the plates pretty hot right now and I'm gonna use the same settings for coming back up and coming back up if I can show you with this screwdriver you'll start on the edge whip across he falls on your edge whip and and kind of like a rainbow fashion pausing on each edge don't pilot across the center just come on across pause on the edges and keep coming up all right that's the one ran uphill go get the slag off I don't have a lot of faith in how it's going to look with Lisi I hadn't done that in a while let's just break the plate down hold on let me set the camera down to clean it all right so that came out pretty good that's how you would run uphill and I know that you can't see what I'm doing this is a really bright process and a really smoky process and I know you can't see what I'm doing when I'm welding it when I start at the bottom down here start on the side whip across pause slip across pause keep going up up across pawn slip across pause I usually count like one Mississippi one Mississippi two sometimes in my head when I'm pausing and just keep going up the same on the flat one it's kind of just the opposite direction I'm pulling pause and closing pausing starting and running root on both of them alright right now this video is getting long in it I'm gonna do a lap joint right there since I got another piece hanging there we just do a lap joint it's pretty much the same process and just to show you that one right quick and I'll go back to the front to the recommended settings on here because it is just a lap joint and it's on the it's all solid metal right there so we'll go back to the recommended machine settings all right on this one being a lap joint I think I blew I think I got some porosity right up in here somewhere but on here on the start I start at the bottom and just a barely side-to-side movement movement while I'm pulling it going to the top edge of this back down to the plate and just pulling it kind of a medium speed you don't want to go too slow you don't want to go too fast I [Music] guess I didn't get any processor there I thought it did so anybody like you see it comes up to the edge if this plate was thicker and you couldn't get all the way to that edge you could just run a root in there and then come back and cap it or mostly passes if you needed to get up to that edge so anyway like I say just to recap I'm something like a butt joint just barely wiggling back and forth and pulling it aside time to the top of your edge right there back to your plate your flat cap around the root in there first a little small downhill root or just a flat root side to side pausing just kind of whipping across the center you don't want to stay in the center too long and just basically the opposite on the uphill run a downhill root in there and then going up will always will add sort of a rainbow kind of fashion so anyway I don't know if this helped anybody I know y'all can't see what I'm doing when I'm welding because it's too smoke is too bright I don't have workshops so so I hope this helps somebody uh like I said make sure you have an oiled roller Noro roller make sure you switch to dc- or it's not going to act right other than that man is just it's just a matter of getting used to it clean your plate it will burn through a lot more stuff than solid water it don't look for what solid water looks like because it's not going to look like that it's a different process it looks different it runs different you just have to get used to it so anyway I hope this helps somebody and uh but catch on the next one here's a sneak peek of the next video coming up a double-barrel with a reinforced bottom I know you can't see that but that's the next one so wondering anyway man I hope this helps y'all come back for the next Manor please like and subscribe
Channel: Allen's welding/woodworking
Views: 107,698
Rating: 4.9500418 out of 5
Keywords: Fcaw, weld, welding, flux core, diy, mig, mig weld, weaveweave, mig weave, multi pass, Lincoln electric
Id: VzDzW0seu3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 21 2017
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