Flux cored welding part 2

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all right welcome back to the garage welding series part 2 for welding so I'm talking about how to actually use a machine here and what I'm showing here is angle drag and here's a good picture of it when I have a 45 degree angle and 10 to 15 degrees of tilt in the direction that you're welding right so just like I'm showing here 45 degree angle if you're doing a pivot weld like this which is a real common well to do so not up here not down there right in the middle 45 degrees half an inch of stick out which is how far away you are from the middle and then you want an angle what are you doing it but weld or groove weld like this this one will be 90 degrees so a little little more straight down than I have it here but you don't want to weld straight down into that groove you're doing it like this but still have that so what I do with my hands you can do anything you want there and songs it's comfortable as long as you can move with with your well - so do want to have three points of contact right so you got your two feet on the floor and you want to have your hand or your elbow or something on the table while you wouldn't want to be able to move with it like I am right there sliding with I'm not rolling my wrist and changing the work angle I'm just sliding with it so it's what it looks like from the front side see I got my my elbow on the table there I got my hand on my gun hand and just moving slow and steady you can see my travel angle I'm tilted 10 or 15 degrees over to the direction that I'm welding it so that's very important because this process one support process makes slag so that covers the well if you don't tilt that the gun in the direction that you're traveling and point the tip back to where you came from and then the arc is not and the gasset is generate it's not gonna help push that slag back up and over your well to protect it it's gonna get trapped in the movie for it's gonna go ahead of you and you're gonna weld over it so you definitely don't want to weld straight down I'm gonna have that tilt you can see that tilt right there as I'm moving along on my web I'm also looking at the puddle to see the shape of my well that's how you know how big your welds coming out you don't look ahead or anywhere else you're looking at the the liquid part of your metal at the time you can use a wire wheel like I have to clean the slag off or you can use the wire brush the file works really well too prints you know depends what you have or how much in the rush you are where you're at having to do a lot of start and stops here because as a duty cycle on this machine and also the I guess to break that circuit I'm working on by well too long it it shuts off even though it's a 20 amp breaker possibly because of other things that are connected to it so I decided to move to the backyard he's like cooler that day and also the ventilation you know this this process flux core makes a lot of smoke and fumes and I want to make sure that it wasn't getting trapped in the garage going inside the house or anything like that that's what looked like see the little light splatter on the piece but that comes off real easy with the granite nothing to nope here is a you might be thinking where my MIG pliers don't need it with flux core really just like I did right there you can just break off the wire it's brittle enough you just break it off if it's bent on the end or something you just snap it at the contact to give the trigger a little push and it'll maybe stick out about half an inch and then you can start running sometimes it gets stuck there at the end so this is a close-up view of what it looks like at the website so you got to see the body position and now you know you can see stick out if you see the rodman through the wire manipulation right here I'm just doing II hasn't know how to write cursive that that's exactly what I'm doing slow and steady I'm watching a puddle and I should have about half an inch of stick out that means how far away is that contact tip from the middle I'm a little short there I am used to a shorter stick out the debts it's still working for me so that's stuck good work but yeah I rot half an inch so you can be pretty far away from the mill that's what it comes out on that I've got the Machine set on eight and a half and the voltage heading in a half on the wire feed speed and that's the way it's coming out for eighth inch steel right there so when you do a stop and start you want to start ahead of where you want to start and then go back to where you left off and then well and then continue well and I'll way that your wells will blend together so again this is the person a method it's just what I'm used to it's kind of my go-to but other other people might have a different favorite manipulation manufacture I mean the instructions recommends that you straight drag don't do anything just pull the trigger and go left to right right slip what are you doing but you can do few other things and the reason why they don't want you to is well one you get a lot better penetration but the grant would be small and if you want to weld the size of what I'm making there for whatever using just one for aesthetics then then you need to manipulate but you can just straight dragon and I'll show that in this name but remember you do got a kilt and to make sure the slag doesn't get trapped under and that's why they don't want that's another reason they don't want you to move the wire because you could trap slag Pakistan so again no one yell when you are doing a rubbing the bleach which could be the recipe could be a c-shape you can go just up and down like zigzag I'll do a flip back and forth also here and there you want to make sure that you're not going too far ahead are doing to dress and go a motion that causes you to traps leg and your wealth because that will cause porosity cracking and weaknesses in your well so we're gonna make sure that take it easy without me too drastic or you could end up making it well weaker then we try to make it funny so not bad this at those settings this machine was making a pretty nice well profile there pretty decent size of me around quarter inch which well I was going for I'll try some I'll feeling downhill here I was kind of out of frame that I'm coming downhill now and I'm going upside down see shape or a Halfmoon and just left to right but with an arch to it that's the way I do pop down all right and then I'll do bottom up which they're about the same uh getting a little more heat better penetration when you're going bottom up but you you can get a decent way of going top down bottom up just the same for me anyway the my down hills my top down ones always look a little cleaner that's just the way the way does for me but you can make decent welds in in both directions so here's the bottom look it's more like a wide shape now it's pretty much the opposite away here you want to bet tilt your contact tips should be tilted up sliding and gravity will take your slag back behind you not know I worry about Trek this later and you're well there so again this isn't wanna show you talk about lot about the machinery and puts the wire this is how do I actually do it don't a stick and actually nothing together so here's my top down bottom up I left little gap in the middle but this is quarter-inch material I put the Machine up on the voltage there's a straight drag not doing anything but just going slow and steady any movement you see is just my breaker tripped right there so that was as far as I could go with straight dragging almost the highest setting on this circuit and my obviously my grinder didn't work in the powers I'm gonna come back and do a flip back and forth motion now just back forth back forth can I go ahead and you lay it a little bit a while down but you come back and you weld over it and it makes a pretty decent well profile so we'll just stop the starts make sure you always clean your slag off where you're gonna start you don't have to clean the whole weld that at least where you're gonna weld over again which is that the fingernail looking section there on the end you know make sure you clean that off a little bit so let's core doesn't right it's not too picky about metal cleanliness but it's always a good idea with wire feet to prep your mail my wire wield all these pieces you can grind them and then like I said make sure between welds that you clean where you're gonna tie in well that was the curse to be again we're done it clean and up for quick I use this file like the way you would use a chipping hammer for flux I like using a file the chicken hammer I have to hear it banging banging on metal all day long from the students like I kind of try not to use it myself head over at all possible so here just a straight drag again and the breaker went on me one last time moving back and forth motion okay this is on quarter-inch steel so parties are thickest know that this machine can handle and then break the one out one more time but I'm done so okay get it cleaned off and that's what it looks like so not bad not bad well profile and and you can tell like they all are kind of look the same it's not that much of difference so again there's a lot you can do this machine practice but that's really what's gonna take grab some scrap metal start laying some wells down before you make whatever you're gonna make and in the next video we'll start actually making something with it but if you have any questions let me know thanks
Channel: Steven Rodriguez
Views: 19,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flux core welding, flux cored welding, welding tight shot, welding close up, garage welding series, welding at home, fc-90, flux cored, flux core
Id: aLQ22OwBL-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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