115 volt Flux Core Welding Job

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[Music] hey Jody here several weeks ago I did a favor for a friend and I welded some brackets on his garage doors it's a super nice house with super nice tongue-and-groove wood garage doors custom-made with a metal frame but the metal frame is a little bit light duty you can see the gap in the middle so what I'm going to do is I'm going to take you back and show you some really brief clips from the beginning fabricating those brackets taking them on-site doing a little stick welding 6011 putting turnbuckles in to keep the doors from sagging and then coming back with the Hobart machine and welding those stripping on with 115 volt MIG oh 3 v 2 NR 211 which is really good for galvanized little sidenote enough talk let's get right to it I'm using the Hobart 210 MVP today the MV P stands for multi voltage plug so I can run this off 230 volt or 115 volt today I'm running it off 115 and a drop cord and I'm going to be using oh three five self shielded flux core wire a very simple little welder good welder not an inverter though so it's pretty heavy about 80 pounds all right you see the gap there in between the door that's that's the final trim piece that we're going to put on today but again I'm going to take you back and show you the whole project and talk about some techniques and some tips for using self shielded 115 volt flux core it's a good idea to carry an extra passive helmet if you're depending on an auto darkening when you're on site like this and so that mainly for me it's just because I forget to change batteries out but there's what I carried on the site so before we talk a little bit about 115 volt flux core let's go back to the beginning of the job see first off I use the the 210 MP here it's an inverter this weighs about half of what the Hobart does and it also does stick and scratch our lift art TIG so I made these brackets fabricated the brackets real quickly in my shop and mainly the reason I took welded this stuff is just cuz I was inside in my shop and I've got smoke alarms in there it's a basement shop and just you know I don't want to set smoke alarms so that's really only reason for vertigo and this MIG welding would have been much quicker and just fine but that allows me to mix things up a little bit I stick welding them on site with 6011 rod and that worked out really well because it burned right through the paint 6011 is a really good rod for burning through paint you can also go downhill with it no problem and this this stuff's pretty thin doesn't require a ton of penetration and so that was the first part of the job putting that turnbuckle on to keep the doors from sagging but now we still got this gap to contend with in the middle and so doesn't doesn't look good and also just lets a cold air in and that's what we're doing today all along with some other sample joints on 115-volt gas or self shielded flux-cored does a pretty good job of burning through paint but I found that just grinding a little bit of the paint off just to get an arc started really helped a lot and it's just a matter of getting about an inch weld about every foot or so because really this is just a trim piece I don't want to cook his tongue and groove wood there either previously I used the piece of sheet metal shoved up behind there for a heat guard today I'm just not welding very far I'm going uphill at this point I hadn't really tested out the flux core to see how well it would do so I want to make sure it penetrates later on I did some sample joints that's kind of bump in there and I could take a adjustable wrench and tweak that strap just a little bit and make it and make it work but instead of doing that I decided to knock the corner off with a flap disc that's a Walther cordless grinder there and it's really been surprising me on how long a charge will last on a full charge but that's that's really the job this was a lap joint and again I went uphill so let's talk about that let's show some Ark shots on that I use a little sort of a little circular motion come find out that's probably not that great of an idea doesn't look as good but it's just kind of like a habit for me so after I got back home I decided to set up some mock-up joints on the eighth inch material to do that same little technique here just a very slight movement trying to keep a short stick out and I'm going to take that piece and cool it off and just bend it and see just get an idea of what I was up against just to get some confidence that the going forward anytime I use this on another job for portable jobs like this that no one put them up against simple down-and-dirty test nothing scientific here I have used some self shielded flux core wires like this that are kind of brittle and on a joint like this would just snap this one seems to be holding up just fine so I'm pretty sure the garage-door job would be there for years I did a little bit more welding and I took the took the nozzle off a little same little technique and that kind of makes it look a little choppy so I'm going to experiment a little bit with with not moving around on a lap joint just a straight pull and that looks a lot better so I'm of the opinion now that on this on this gas shielded flux core just a straight pull straight drags probably the best way to go all right again I was using nr2 1103 five wire these are the settings on the Hobart number three on voltage and 30 on wire feed speed I was able to correlate the actual wire feed speed because I've done some homework previously and identified the inches per minute on each one of these clicks here are some quick tips for 115 volt gasless flux core typically it requires dcen polarity now the bare wire with gas with like 75 25 or even a hundred percent CO 2 requires dcep that's electrode negative vs electrode positive here's a diagram showing you that to try to keep you from getting in trouble on the inside of the machine says right there dcen floor or flux core wire now this is super important I promise you there's been many many 115-volt mig welders sold on Craigslist because someone thought they just wouldn't weld good and all it was was they neglected to swap the polarity for using the flux cord so it's a little bit of trouble on this Hobart basically some some nuts and you got to swap the leads one lead goes to the power block at that little aluminum casting there next to the drive rollers that's the power block and that's the that's the one you want to hookup for your power important it just won't run right without swapping the polarity like that so you can see the little diagram there guiding you through it the little bolt bolted connection the terminal with the negative on it goes the wire goes to the power block another tip is use the correct size knurled rollers and the right drive tension flux core wire is hollow it's even though even it comes as small as o3o but it's Hollow it's got flux inside granular flux and so it can be crushed so you use too much drive roller tension you're going to crush it and just not not going to feed well it's not going to run as good all right keep the stick out short you'll see a lot of documents especially Lincoln on Lincoln's website referring to see TWD and that stands for contact tip to work distance as the distance between the arc and the contact tip and you want to keep that thing fairly short you can experiment with it you'll notice a difference when you get it too long all right also I want to mention again very little to known manipulation of the arc is required that's going to be a personal thing but you did see the difference in when I move to arc it a little bit as far as just dragging it like this just a straight drag turned out a whole lot better as far as appearance goes now flux core self shielded flux core can be done without the nozzle on there but you're going to get spatter on your threads a lot of times or spatter on the diffuser holes do I decided to order one of these a little flux core nozzle from Hobart off Amazon it cost about twelve bucks I don't know why it's even twelve bucks it's not much to it but it fits several different Hobart and Miller MIG guns and it's just a little high heat nozzle that works pretty good let's you see the tip really easily another really important thing is you really need a 20 amp breaker and if you're going to use a drop Court needs to be the heaviest one you can get I popped a breaker I don't know probably close to four times three or four times during this job and I was on a 20 amp breaker a 15 amp breaker really a lot of times I have machines that will pop up 15 amp breaker II when I turn the switch on these things just need a little bit of wire brushing and paint and they will look nice I'm going to cycle them a few times here that I'm speeding this up they don't move that quickly don't want any surprises they seem to be working out just fine let me give you a quick look at his house here he's been saving up as long as I've known this fellow and that's been a good long while you've been talking about building this house on a piece of property and it is awesome and it's awesome to be able to have some portable equipment you can go do a favor for somebody or make a quick buck here and there I'm going to be doing several more videos on 115 volt flux core doing all kinds of different joints different positions and pushing the limits so if you want to click that subscribe button you won't miss them see you next time
Channel: weldingtipsandtricks
Views: 239,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mig welder, flux core welder, hobart 210mvp, flux core welding, flux cored welding, 115 volt flux core, nr 211, flux cored welding wire, portable welder, portable flux core, flux core techniques, hobart welder, 115 volt welder, 115 volt mig welder
Id: g9e39bG260s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 10 2016
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