DIY Flux Core welding Exhaust Pipe " Tricks and tips I have learned "

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well hello there everybody Tyler here again today and we're doing some more welding I'm gonna revisit the cheap welder exhaust welding techniques that I did in past videos because I ever find those so I'm not just horrible now I'm just slightly Harper now so let's get started [Music] [Music] not bad not bad alright so here is my first pass right here now I want to point out to this for y'all you guys when you have pipe still kind of little hot we have pipe that overlaps it is way way easier to weld something like this then pipe that's just butting up together so let's clean this off and we'll check out this wheel if we wonder while my gloves always come off is because it's really hard to grip the camera hit buttons with the gloves on let's cut off enough now that I can touch it so let's talk about this and I don't know about you guys but I am very happy with that looks for being a cheap flux core wire cheap welder not in these settings up here is where I versus getting it going because I had the settings different for something else I was doing and then right here you can see this is where I got the neck of it so I'm going to show you guys kind of what I do right here to get this to work there's a lot of little things I learned that some of you guys helped me online and some of you guys didn't with your rude comments but I'm gonna help the DIY community by showing you guys how to get your will to look like that on this first weld which is the pipe that is overlapping yeah we got the Sun coming in from here so it's gonna be a harsh contrast I'll show you guys this real quick that I'm wait for the Sun to come all the way over so we can see what's going on right here but the way I do this you know about that is about the distance you want your wire to be from the tip and it doesn't really doesn't matter what angle on this flux core you're doing I've tried this I tried pulling up pulling down pulling down like this is definitely the easiest for flux core in my opinion at least it works on my water that way so what I do is I kind of stick it right here in the edge with this pipe that pipe overlaps now I'm going to hit it then I go down and up down and up down and up I don't do any of this anymore that doesn't work or try to do stuff like this that doesn't work the best way I do is go down and pull it up get it back in that puddle and pull it down back in that puddle pull it down down and down and I'll work my way down to right here in one pass you see you got that nice little fingernail or stacking dimes we're gonna call it effect going on there and that is definitely the trick that I've learned with flux core is this you just go down and up down and up down and up and it works really good doing that on thin stuff Express when you start to but it up like this because if you stay in one spot too long we're gonna burn right through so down and up down on up technique works on this you get move a little bit faster on this stuff though oh yes I think it's probably best to practice when they're overlapping so there's not like a edges to blow through and that really helps on stuff like this I would definitely start getting this technique down you know setting so it looks like that on your welds on a overlapping joint first before you tackle something like this because that's going to be a lot harder to do and this guy right here now the settings your machine are going to be relative I'm gonna say that right now they're all different and you can see this is a very inexpensive welder all it has a speed high one high to low one low to that's all you got am I'm I'm on low one and forth in stuff like this exhaust pipe just put it on the lowest setting and then you got to go adjust your wire speed accordingly well use this as an example of wire speed you can see right here when I first started see how there's not much weld right there and I was going back and forth it was really slow and also but it was striking if a goat it wasn't a good solid like you know man when you're hitting it up with a welder so you can see right here I slowly increased the wire speed so they increased it until we got it to where we wanted it to be right here so I got a good strike and if your wire speed is too fast then your welds are really aren't stacking up really high and that just means your wire speed is too fast that's kind of an enough shell about wire speed on these guys I mean they're all different and this is something you're gonna have to learn with experience it's really hard to explain but once you see it you see me laying down bees like this you kind of get it it's like boob oh I got it so now we're gonna move to something that's thinner this is even thinner than this pipe right here so this is the cheap autozone stuff right here and I'll show you a couple of tricks that I did with this that really helped I'm gonna start off at first and you'll see I'm probably at the mixed adjustments hopefully not but we'll see what happens check out this technique take yourself some flowers yes they do make a tool for this but if you don't have one to make it easier it's gonna have a lip look at that same thing is this you just getting this in all the way around when you put it together now to make it way easier to weld all right so first things first we're gonna need to tack this up and getting no gaps is key when you're attacking this up if you have a gap you're gonna be in trouble so I'm just gonna tack it right here [Music] [Music] look at that almost burnt through right there we're good this thin pipe is definitely tricky you can't stay home one spot too long it definitely takes a little getting used to nice thin pipe when you cover something thicker to thinner this stuff is definitely thicker a lot easier so let's see how I can do this and that is sucking try us again I'm losing my my area on my pipe let me adjust my mass a little bit it's kind of hard because the angle I'm working out and trying to go like this I don't block easy I'm kind of just like this I'm going on so let me just try it like that [Music] [Music] okay that was definitely better let's clean it up all right so I'm looking at here I'm pretty sure the water speed is definitely still too fast I need to turn it down even more and go slower but it's like I said this thinner stuff is really super easy to pop through and there's always more spatter on this dinner stuff because the edges heat up more so all the spatter will stick to the edges of the world a lot easier than the thicker stuff so I'm going to pop this over and I'll turn the wire speed down again and I can't believe show you what I'm doing like I get really close to it really concentrate so I'm gonna try it from here to here and do it again with the wire speeds slower to see how good I can get this part to look we're gonna get us another shot I start with the fresh clean section here and I'm gonna have to get in your way a little bit so I'm gonna be just like this I'm gonna really concentrate and go slower so I turned the wire speed down and what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna go this shorter distances and work my way down and see if that produces a better result [Music] [Music] and I would say that is definitely producing a better result and if you're curious where the wireless settings are changed before I had it on the six and you can see now that it's in between the five and the six and what that does is it slows all that does is just slow the wire speed down so when you're slowing the wire speed down it does kind of affect the heat because you're not filling as much material at it so the burns not going to be the same so be a little slow in the burn but your movements have to be way more precise very small very controlled movements and here's what it looks like on the pipe doesn't look as pretty as the big stuff could the big stuff you can throw a lot more heat and control the puddle a little more bind this stuff if you throw more heat at it it's just gonna really pop right through our start to a puddle out but that's I would say that's probably pretty good penetration if we were to pull it over and look at it which you can't because the pipes really long then we can look at it but I guarantee you that that's gonna hold really well and we also have the pipe slightly overlapping so I'm going to do it as one spot right here and then I'm going to see if I can't control my movements a little better to get a slightly better results on this section right here [Music] all right there we go we finished her up I think that looks pretty good all right well as a last section I wouldn't say if it's any better or worse than the other one and that is just a quick pass to clean up if you would do a little more clean-up on this it would actually look not too bad then when you paint it you would never know that you use flux core unless you knew what you're looking at and it's also gonna be underneath the vehicle so for our next spot we're gonna talk about butting up ends and butting up pins with thicker stuff is definitely about as hard as doing it with the thin stuff when you overlap it whenever you can overlap it it's gonna make your life a lot easier so now we're gonna do the butting up ends technique which I said before it just can be like this we're gonna try the same wire speed we have before and then we'll go from there like I said before you have to always before you start doing something make sure you get your settings right where you have one section of pipe that looks like craft like this until you get to where your settings are right and then you can actually really get busy with it and just get it done this is where stuff gets tricky because when your button up ends the better you'd get them but it up when you tack weld it the better it's going to come out in the end because look at this look at that gap right there that's a pretty big gap but you got to fill so if you get it just right kind of like that before you start welding it's gonna make your life a lot easier in the end so let me see if I can't if I Nagel this into position and get it just right I'm gonna try it just like that and hopefully we're good [Music] that's a horrible tack I don't trust it guarantee the moment I move that it's gonna break that's a moving it broke [Music] [Music] that's a little better enough to grind that down later on look good look at this and see how it starting to go in right here you know when you start cutting in angles and there's all types of crazy stuff like that but the flow of air was for an exhaust whatever going in this way you want to have it going like this so that way you don't have a in if you're going this way then it has a step so you probably want to go this way so keep all that in mind we're doing your exhaust that you want the flow that have no walls up in there so I'm gonna go to the side we're gonna tack that up right there and the way to do this you want to work your way on that lip and then go down right here so let me try that [Music] all right so before I start I sprayed this stuff on there and let it sit for a while and I I cleaned off this section from here all the way to there that way we don't have any spatter on any section that we're trying to wall it that might impede the welding quality you know this stuff right here Stephanie a little tricky you just sometimes you can get a really good bead and sometimes you can't it's all about how skilled you are like I said I'm not super skilled I wouldn't call myself a pro by any any stretch of the word but I call myself a DIY guy and that's what I'm helping you guys right here helping the DIY community make your exhaust route cheap I have to have stability right here when I'm doing this so keeping your hand nice and steady in a spot that you can really control is definitely key [Music] [Music] it's gonna work my way around right here now working on that lip so either we're gonna hit the lip first and bring it down [Music] all right just working our way around all you got to do [Music] all right sometimes just get the strike off is a pain in the ass all about keeping it clean little hot there Hot Tamale right there see we can't get a strike off [Music] doing it and that's pretty much the process all right so I went ahead and finished her up she's hot some do this all right what I was gonna show you before I realized my camera battery died was how good the poly carbide abrasive will works for getting rid of the spatter and then of course you can use a little sanding roll on your Dremel and then your typical wire brush on here to get it to a point where if this is going to be like a turbo setup and you had something that everyone was going to look at and be like what the eff is going on with that you can least get to look good so now I'm going to paint this and we'll see how it looks after I paint it before I paint it I figured I'll show you guys the penetration and then you see it does a pretty darn good job at penetrating through the metal so you get a really good seal on this guy and really that's all you want if you're a DIY guy like me you're less concerned about how it looks and more concerned about the functionality and saving money because guys like me have a lot more time than money grill paint all right so we have given it time to dry and wallah that doesn't look too shabby for old budget DIY work and you could actually do your whole turbo system like that or do your exhaust and this is definitely not stainless steel or anything like that so it's a aluminized mild steel when you weld right here it's gonna rush really bad so you probably want to put some high tip paint on it regardless if you want to last a long time I know some people are gonna be like hey just invest in some gas you know it'll be a lot better-looking and to be better but when your space in your garage like mine is at a premium you really don't want to put bottles or anything else you okay really I don't have space for anything else in this garage so a small inexpensive flux core well door really works well for me another fun thing about you know this inexpensive welder is just the tools you can make this is a multi-faceted tool right here let me show you what it does yes they do sell a distributor wrench tool but I made this was sitting around the garage and it gets over all this crap right here and boom there we go and that is how I adjust my timing gives you a lot of torque it's simple it's easy and that is just one of the things you can make with an inexpensive flux core welder there's another tool I made this is to get into my spark plugs in the hard-to-reach spots you just kind of slide it on and you get your spark plugs out nice and easy and again cheap China tools turn to American tools with your inexpensive luck score welder well that's pretty much it that is the end of the video hope you guys have enjoyed it and now I'm gonna go back inside and drink some more of my handset or what I mean hand sanitizer that would be Everclear because I cannot find any hand sanitizer anywhere so safe thought I used to sanitize my hands in ask Ovid 19 pandemic I also drink it that's a deadly combination keep on wrenching guys don't forget subscribe hit those notifications and until next time peace [Music]
Channel: TPV Productions
Views: 145,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY, turbo piping fabrication, turbo pip fabrication, Flux Core, DIY Exhaust, Y Pipe for a T6 Turbo, cheap welder exhaust, how to weld exhaust,, Tyler's Photo Video, Cast Iron Welding Repair, flux core welding basics, TPV Productions, DC based inverter welder, 25 DC Amps
Id: 62moqa9dICw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 12sec (1332 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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