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konnichiwa friends it's me and today we are in Japan what's typically Akihabara and we just walked over 40 minutes to get to what they call the vending machine alleyway so I'm already been here a few days and I've been to a lot of vending machines we've been to so many I've been using them a lot they're like literally on every single corner here so we just landed in the first vending machine that we've came across there are crinkles KitKat's is on just a snack walk but they have calorie mix I didn't know this was a real food because it was from metal gear but you would eat everything fancy Welch's grape juice you can get fancy you know these aren't even what the drinks are there just like a plastic ones they're not real drink it's like a half a drink look at the plastic mold the part of the drink you can get milk tea bouncing coffee right now first vending machine purchase so everything lights up and then you get to pick okay I'll get you the sprite the most pristine sprite I've ever seen so good though healthy sprite about hairspray so we are just walking into some neighborhood and then we see this really weird vending machine that's all graffiti and it's just that vegan diet I'm like whoa you saw vegan food and a vending machine what is the earrings the in Zoey earrings ate grass everybody knows that so I'm actually buying several things from vending machines every single day just because they're so convenient like every single street corner has so many vending machines and all of our different lemon strawberry melt oh is it really look at this you haven't had the strawberry is it milk it looks like milk or a whiny latte or a Welch's green I have a plain old boring water through this little strawberry drink okay a little strawberry strawberry soda it's milk oh no sorry enough but it's not very sweet Yes No maybe so doesn't it's time to shoot a 7-eleven so let's still strawberry milk yeah this has been my favorite drink since coming in Japan strawberry milk yeah yeah we found the big amount of like really weird special vending machines I guess we're just gonna like go through it right now and I wanted to show you so these are some of the most unique crazy vending machines in Japan we get them points out I got a whole entire coin section of my bag look at all that Monday these are a collector of wait whoa you get like a meatball soup it's not meatball to like I don't know what is that 390 n that looks very interesting it's got noodles in it too and maybe you need so every vending machine here is different like I feel like depending on the area oh my god so the vending machine even though it's in the same vending machine you can get some of the things warm and some of the things cold which I feel like I should try because it sounds disgusting but it's such a thing I'm gonna try the corn you're right there maybe it's just that popular that's literally the one thing I wanted and they're out of it like in games when you buy something and then you sell it back to them for half let's go in here whoa sounds the mummy machine I wonder if I could just stick my hands in here get me some flame shouter or not realistic I don't know what this is look at this one I have no idea what's in here it's hard to see with the glare wow that's one shiny reflective vending machine that I want you recording me you could got a pot of gold right out of the leprechaun booty hole yeah there's a lot of them in there those leprechauns got this dirty what is this thing hot eel I want to know what that is so I might get that it's almost $5 you could get a thing of marbles let's seem so random and then a big kahuna thing I want to know what these boxes are are they food are they like surprise boxes $15 for something in a vending machine okay what's up everything like there's bear juice you got a can of lychee whoa is that like in the lionsault wrong is that what it is nectar juice I really want to know what this is this dude is eating in front of the dog gym with the dog he's starving look at him he's so hungry so badly dry we gotta maybe use your lemonade extreme blend of coffee I like the shape of these coffee cans I really want to know what that bear juice is more money for this just coming back out well not work it only wants the big 100 weight working don't work why am I having such a hard time with this just take my money literally one job and you ain't doing it right man the vending machines so maybe if I give it a quarter like an actual quarter yeah did it come out delicious of merchants money it's really thinking about my coins so I think we're just gonna get the good the box if you can get the monster the monster I get 27 or 29 or there's a cheaper box too should I get the most expensive but for the cheaper but the most expensive the most expensive and give it to me it's taking it give me my mystery box give it to me it's cold baby food it's like a present all these are mystery oh my god I got Wow like a horse stack of KitKat is that what it is just a four stack of cake I can't even eat is it has three it's mine Wow all that hoopla for some cake pad okay I still have some money I can't afford anything else here you can get that you can get the dog juice thing I get 13 lucky 13 dogs juice fooders of a drink Oh finally find out it's cold so this is the dog juice is it dog food Wow what if it's dog food they brought the fight it's not like you haven't eaten it before this is dog food no it's not is it really dog food try it I guarantee dog food in Japan is better than what we get in America I'll try it that's really nice fancy dog in a can that's very fancy the day is ruined if any way you want it you can get mousse next coconut milk you get fireball two spirits most that stuff is milk chocolate but it's got a cow on it so there moon snacks you can get for prawns you can get chips there little jams and marbles these are like kids toys these things are really popular beetles I thought they might look this up online and I thought they were real beetles they're fake beetles it's a lot you can even buy a charger battery charger grapefruit juice you so basically there's a ton of stuff that you can get so there's a handful in here it's kind of I don't think you guys understand how small this is this is my boy only one person will fit in here I know stuff like a duck do it's too crowded in here please leave you're too big for this place okay this one is like cookies milk and kids toys at the bottom we got some kids toys up top there's like a rundown popcorn machine we got some more gold that's stolen from the leprechauns doggy food well now we know that's dog food mystery box mystery box see bucket I want to try the popcorn I'm not thinking about it once he eating there yeah everybody just leaves their trash here IRA Landy trash cans in Japan so there's penalty trash cans around some of the vending machines weather-wise there's not really any trash here so you have to like hold on to your trash mostly coffee you can get can't escargot snails and have ham it's like snakes on a plane but snails on it man now that's what we call snail mail you know this one's just chillin in the corner we got more - oh my god are those white potato chips or is this just a really old can I have to buy this there's beetles I don't know what this is this is a mystery meat canned carrots how convenient ginger ale and mixing grapefruit okay I didn't know what it even says it's just literally discolored just think of potato chips I've ever seen I need a refund this is what I thought I was gonna get this is what I got it's like somebody took the top off and just sealed it back together what that's sketchy I don't know if it's supposed to be like that I wanted white potato chips I got regular potato chip I feel scared they open from the bottom they're gonna wait for you do they look old and stale true [Music] it just dropped the cup it put my cup in the microwave now it's going I hate the reflection you can't like really see it but basically it's in there it's microwave in my pop I hear the pups smells like butter I think I've got the buttery flavor Oh lights up well it's done boo can you give it to me please please give it to me what is this I don't want to eat this and you get a nice cute little cup of popcorn it's very hot salty that's disappointing several days later does this whole door there's nobody here but it's just a bunch of vending machines so they're all just pins so we're at the train station we go across the glorious ice cream vending machine again they're 17 ice cream must be at least 17 years old to eat this ice cream which one yes yeah this really what is it that looks like a skin is really this one oh there's a soda I hope it's cream soda that's mint chocolate and the mint chocolate chip here is blue it's like a teal and like this one this rubber and then we'll get that one too let's get both of our games okay so you use your train card and you can get it let's get this long so binary I cannot push it out oh you unwrap it it said lemon it's like sprite if sprite was an iceberg that's delicious they're so hard to rip open this job here is so good this job a part it's like a strawberry white chocolate this feels like something from my childhood mmm so much oh my god we just stumbled upon this walking in Akihabara there are vending machines with anime figures yeah we got ones I cannot show 24 hour figures but also just you can buy girls phone numbers in here y'all want her phone number y'all better pay up but would it actually be her real number well I guess we'll never know oh my god we got you yo cards and pokemon cards what is this one we care what kind of vending machine is this is just the row of them this video it will be uploading all over Japan videos on this channel and my second channel it'll be out so make sure you check bailed out notifications today
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Views: 5,421,990
Rating: 4.9075503 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, tokyo, japan, vending machines, vending machine, japanese vending machine, unique vending machine, mystery, vending, machine, japanese, vending machines tokyo, asian vending machines, travel, only in japan
Id: pQ1vvwpsBys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 08 2019
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