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hey guys it's me your favorite French youtuber back out of today for another video people happen the worst day ever I always feel like my claps are really loud so loud that you just hear the clapping not what I'm saying you just minding your own business walking through your house going to the bathroom you fought through the ceiling I was legitimately scared of this when I was a child what if I'm just walking up stairs and the ceiling great and I fall through it especially in my old house growing up we had the bathroom with a toilet that always overflowed over the dining room and the ceiling kind of got so messed up from the toilet constantly overflowing and filling up the room you see the ceiling was tender very tender that if we didn't get it fixed this what happened to you don't you just hate when you order a pizza as I you slip and fall either the pizza slips and falls and now you got a boo-boo and you got floor pizza what are you doing pick it up you have two point nine eight seconds what are you doing okay too late type F in the chat pay respect oh you do fit through a secret tunnel bear a freaking bear brown bear those are the vicious kinds that kill just comes charging at you oh I don't think this person's having a bad day I think their day is done life over I'll see how you get out of this one until you like use some magic to create a force field like right in front of you that can deflect the Bears attacks so the mailman saw an open window and was like okay I'm gonna put this package through the open window and then it falls in the toilet okay first of all a mailman delivers through a window I'm just supposed to like leave it in front of the house I put it through the window and then they realize it fell in the toilet like oh no I'm really sorry I think your personal may have fallen in the toilet left a note nice it might have fallen I I'm not sure I did hear a splash and some got on my face yeah that's toilet water you step out of your car you go off for a little bit what have you came back to your car and a cat it's just chillin on it oh look the perfect place to take a nap on the hood of a BMW yes only the finest for me move move move like what you do like kick it off hide it on the head excuse me ma'am oh maybe then it all understand can't be like what you got a move okay yeah no problem I he'll get up and go cow hacks so this girl was at a zoo and dropped her phone in the alligator water alligator crocodile I don't live on Florida I don't know the difference I don't even think I've really seen one but this boy took her phone I look like nah that's mine now there's my ticket out go call all my homies after this make sure they're okay gotta check up on my family and we finally got a phone we thought who took this picture it's like what you do is this bone now there's no getting that back when your man's has no idea what your ring sizes just gets you a random ring like here you go baby I want to know how that went on in the first place how did they possibly get that on I'm like suffocating just looking at this suddenly I want to take off all my rings in case mm that's on there good a loose you know is never coming off should probably go to the ER they got ring cutters so like it's like a device that just like clips on the side of the ring and there's like slices it off and then you'll be Gucci no more pain and suffering you ever wonder why people don't use their laptops outside I can only imagine sitting outside checking your YouTube analytics I got a bird takes a big fat all over there and there's absolutely nothing you can do they got wings they can fly I talked about that in my other videos it's like birds they could do whatever the heck they want they can poop on you they can swoop down take a bite of your sandwich and fly right back up there too fast humans don't even stand a chance this was you what would you do comment below speaking of laptop don't use your laptop next to a candle I didn't know this was an actual thing but seriously the who's gonna sit like that close to a candle and like do your work like you ain't scared is gonna like set it on fire or something but that's a weird you could like see the screen on the other side it's like actually burned a hole through the laptop does it like still work you know sometimes you just pick up your laptop and years like wherever you're sitting it's like the person that noticed that the laptop was on fire you smell the smoke mmm smells like apple pie oh no bad you forget parking in a parking spot and then you come back your car's swallowed up by a sinkhole I've heard about these things I've never seen then there's a real thing I think they have them in LA I don't want cost so much to live in LA y'all got routes sinkholes earthquakes tsunamis I think that friggin sucks imagine buying like a brand new car and then it just gets swallowed up by the earth gusting you gotta open your door and this happens half the door what now put it in rice maybe that'll work I would slam the door and now I would pull it again or he's like keep trying to close it open it and hopes that the two pieces of life stick back together and then oh this is the disaster yeah I feel like that's what needs to happen or just like hot glue that bad boy and then close it wait like five seconds and then wham bam thank you ma'am they have stuck together well separate them in the first place finally after a long day at work goes to unlock door and the key breaks in the freaking lock you know after seeing these pictures every time I use my like mail key or house key like sometimes I guess jammed right and just like you twist it a little too hard and it feels like it's gonna break cuz it actually will freakin break you would think like hey that's metal it's supposed to be able to withstand even the toughest turn but now like you a little too hard then you have to break into your own house I've tried to do that before and failed keep all my windows locked these two guys we're transporting a truck full of brick this is scary so the bricks I'm not they braked a little too hard but they outweigh the whole freakin truck and now the trip is like this and then the bricks is like this that's like a whole house worth of bricks just let some of them fall out just like scoop them up or like put them in a pile we're gonna have to rearrange is gonna take some time but we will get out of this situation imagine the big fat booth when that truck comes down onto the ground you better jump out while you can don't you just hate when the eff falls off of your flame is just lame not a real car flame a Toyota flame dodge flame I don't even know there's a lot of things you should never do letting a gallon of paint sit on a seat is one of them yeah that's not coming out this sucks so much because there's nothing you can do about it like your car your back seat right wing lesson learned haters down dawn hotel trip on go you know when your house is on fire cars on fire you see a fire you call the fire department they bring a fire truck they will not help you if your life is on fire but what happens with a fire truck is on fire you're supposed to be the anti fire what happened I don't know I feel like in this situation they would get another fire truck and it would put out that fire truck fire first thing came back to their car and lo and behold completely and utterly infested with bees and wasps so I mean if everybody has like their sting around and they stung the tire would it like pop the tire or are their stings not powerful enough yeah okay this is your car now y'all can go every you want just make sure you pay for insurance you put in premium gas take it to the car wash once a week it's yours what do you do do you just like literally get a hose and like hose them off what was on your car that they want so bad you like slather some honey on it or something oh I wonder if you slather honey on your worst enemies car would this happen the guns grandma Gertrude over here been walking too long wanted to take a break on a freshly painted bench we got the wet paint signs on the ground like this got wet paint don't sit on it I mean it's a good thing she's already wearing red poor grandma she probably won't even notice until she gets home you see grandma with paint all over her booty and back you gonna tell her no comment below no after a hard day of work I like to use my bath and Bodyworks stress relief lotion all over my aching body and then this happens you drop it now you won't get your stress relief and you have to clean the mess Oh more distress at least your floor will have some stress relief or I'll just be sticky don't you just hate when you're sitting under a tree and a porcupine releases its needles onto your scalp big yikes man you got to be careful you gotta watch out for everything you can't trust nature it's all what happened to the last guy who trusted nature so what do they do they have to like pluck each one of those individually Oh No see I have gotten like a cactus ball stuck to my arm not a good time tell me why this looks like pasta though I'm so hungry you order a burger no onion please they still give me onion relatable because I don't like onion I don't like red onion I don't want you one is raw I said no onions spelled with every single onion you use you love passive-aggressive food notes I hope they got the message though scar was just chillin parked in a ring our car parking spot not even a handicap spot or anything they didn't do anything wrong and then this street light decides to collapse just in the windshield and that freakishly huge guy wearing a satchel looks over like what just happened what was it like loose or something what was the final straw that it decided to attack an innocent car one day like did a gust of wind just like swoosh over it I was like okay dude got into his car after a snowstorm and accidentally pressed his moonroof button and then the moonroof slid open and all the snow that was on top of the car fell on him on his face like okay you know what I'm okay with this now I can be Santa in real life I live in a town where I have been waiting for this to happen for almost 24 years today it finally happened Wow you know every time I walk through that tunnel I'm Lego cars gonna get stuck there one day it shall happen waits patiently for 24 years oh yes oh we got a u-haul in the trap nice snug as a bug in a rug I feel like if you accelerate hard enough you might be able to like push through get out of there we'll see you all doing in a tunnel anyway it look like y'all deliver and furniture for like sewer dwellers Mutant Ninja Turtles move in Oh No somebody left their passport in the airport bathroom and it's got their boarding pass and everything on it do me a favor if you ever see somebody's passport it's somebody left in a bathroom leave it there or turn it in to like lost-and-found or something like what if it ends up in the wrong hands you know I forgotten my phone in a public bathroom multiple multiple times I always lose my phone and somehow I always get it back I've just been quite lucky anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video comment below which one of these would have been the worst I think the bear and for good luck so you don't have a bad day today make sure you the like and subscribe to on the wolfpack I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 6,361,836
Rating: 4.9240828 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, people, having, worse, day, than, you, people having a worse day than you, worse day
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2019
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