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hey everybody it's lavender town and today I'm going to be doing a bit of a send off to art school by talking about it again I'm gonna be discussing the five types of art students that I either met or was back in art school so without further ado the first type of art student I'm going to talk about is the most common one the walking dead basically they have dark circles that raccoons would be envious of their diet is 80% junk food coffee energy drinks and paint water if you're looking for this type of art student in the wild you will find them sleeping on couches in the middle of the day or looking dead-eyed long into the distance on crit day I may or may not have been this type of student in second year second semester when I had a job where I had to be up until 4:00 a.m. and I had six classes it was brutal I don't I barely remember that time in my life and yeah I wouldn't recommend it to anyone because the no piece of artwork is worth your health and I know I always say that but it's really true so if you find yourself becoming this type of art student I would say take a nap and take a seat if you have to it's not gonna destroy your career and it's gonna make you feel a lot better to take that nap than to get a slightly better grade and if you want proof of that just look around in your next critique at the dead eyes of the all-nighter kids now The Walking Dead type is pretty common but there's another common type that's the exact opposite this is the kid who always comes in to critique when something is due and they say that their computer crashed and they lost everything week's worth of content just down the drain because they had an unfortunate technological accident or something to that effect and the first couple of times you just feel super bad for them because you're like you know you believe them and it seems like that would be really sad and disappointing to lose all that work but then around the fourth or fifth or ninth or tenth time that they come in with this story both you and the teachers are starting to wonder if perhaps they're just not doing their work which is usually it ironically both of these stark opposites happen to have the same core problem which is usually perfectionism not always but sometimes perfectionism can either make you run yourself into the ground like with you walking dead or it can make you avoid things all together I knew a few different students who just I knew they had the time because I could see them playing video games on Steam first of all because I was our team friend and I knew that they were doing other stuff but also because I knew that they had actually put in a lot of work and they were refusing to show it during critique because I think they were nervous to put up something that they didn't think was perfect so instead they turned in nothing another type of art student that I might have been especially when I was first starting out is the anime kid so you might be surprised to know that when you go to art school you find a huge amount of anime fans and it actually makes a lot of sense when you think about it a lot of us got into trying when we were little kids because we watched anime so it makes sense that there's gonna be some pretty hardcore and passionate anime fans showing up in your art school classes much to the chagrin of many classically trained art teachers as a result if you are trying to find this type of art student in the wild you will find them in a deathmatch with their teacher trying to explain to them why anime is not a terrible art form there are some teachers who have no problem with it and others who are so adamantly against it that they will immediately fail you if they see anything anime related in your work in fact I even had problems with that a little bit in my own classes even though my style is more Western cartoon than it is anime if they saw too much anime influence I would definitely get it talking to there's a lot of reasons why I think that's wrong but that's a video for another day because of this clash between the teachers and the students about whether or not anime is good there's actually two types of this kind of art student the first and the one I'm actually drawing right now is the hardcore open out of the closet weeaboo they just love anime and they're not afraid to show it in their art and in their address they will cosplay on Halloween right to school and they have no fear which is kind of admirable in a weird way and they are the ones who will have these big debates with the teachers about the merits of anime the other type is the secret anime fan they hide their love of the medium from their teachers and even from other students sometimes and every once in a while they'll make a reference or something and look around and you'll meet their eyes and you'll give them the secret anime fan nod and you'll be bonded for life you may think I'm kidding until you get there it's a real thing the next type of this student is one that actually wants to have an argument with the teacher but they rarely do it's the edgy shock artist they're usually dressed in mostly black or if they have a shirt on from something some popular adult swim show like Rick and Morty or something and the sole point of their art is to surprise you or shock you that's why they call them shock artists they usually are trying to provoke some kind of reaction though ironically the anime kids are the ones who really have to argue their case and defend themselves whereas the shock artists rarely get much of a rise out of the teachers probably because the teachers have seen it all before they love three things mainly blood nudity or some horrifying combination of the two that would get me in trouble with the YouTube Terms of Service we are on to the final type of art student that I met at art school so this last type I didn't inter interact with too much because I got separated into the design half of this school but at my school there were two halves there was the fine art side and the design side and basically we were separated by the fact that the design side was to prepare you to work in the industry for clients and the fine arts side was preparing you to basically submit your art to galleries and do your own self-directed stuff and for some reason there was a huge feud between the design and the Fine Arts side and a lot of the fine artist students were really nice actually but there were a few that were we're super stuck-up and they would say terrible things about the designers and this is our final type basically the stuck-up artist who has a super specific idea of what art is and isn't and isn't afraid to tell you that they don't think your art is real art and now I'm gonna tell you a quick story about an actual person I saw doing that basically she made this big post about how artists really need to think beyond paintbrushes and stuff and use outside the box thinking instead of being so predictable and it was the super long paragraph and I remember thinking like wow I'm surprised that this was like on an introduce yourself kind of thing for the college and I was surprised that she was so cocky and you know telling people what to do and that kind of thing and then I scrolled down to see the picture the work that she had attached to this big paragraph about using unusual tools and all that and it took me a moment to figure out what it was but it was it looked like two big blobs of paint on a white sheet of paper and then I realized this girl who had been saying basically that all our art was really predictable what she had done was just paint well she took her shirt off and she put paint on her chest and she's laid down on top of her piece of paper and they were imprints of her chest so yeah there's a story to wrap things up on so yeah to wrap things up art school is a crazy place full of weirdos and I think that's what makes it so special which one did you identify with most obviously I framed it as art students but actually the most of these could apply to just artists in general if you have an idea for my next video please leave it in the comments because I often look in the comments when I'm stumped and I can't think of anything so that would help me out a lot and otherwise I'll just see you next video and have a great day big thank you to my patrons including Hart sprinkle not since Mickey Payne Amal Adrian delporte violet Wilkes char type den Brock why novelist the blahblahblah Adrian Morales at lives likes to draw and keep Meekins thank you so much for your support [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 2,261,006
Rating: 4.9355149 out of 5
Keywords: weird, artist, art student, art school
Id: sZiceT5jmzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 11sec (551 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2017
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